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#$Id: tkdm,v 1.23 2008-01-21 08:47:34 kiesling Exp $


use Tk;
use Tk::widgets qw(Dialog Canvas Font Balloon Table TextUndo CmdLine);
use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use UnixODBC qw(:all);
use UnixODBC::BridgeServer;
use RPC::PlClient;
use POSIX;

my $loginsfile = $ENV{HOME}.'/.odbclogins';
my $serverpidfile = '/usr/local/var/odbcbridge/';
my %peers;  # Hash of host keys and value of login data from $loginsfile.
my %hostdsns; # Hash of host keys with list of dsns for value.
my $peerport = 9999;

if (! -f $loginsfile) {
    print STDERR "\nCould not open login information file $loginsfile.\n";
    print STDERR "Refer to tkdm(1) (\"man tkdm\") for information.\n";
    exit 255

if (! -f $serverpidfile) {
    print STDERR "\nThe UnixODBC remote server daemon, odbcbridge, seems not to\n";
    print STDERR "be running.  Make sure that it is installed correctly,\n";
    print STDERR "and refer to the odbcbridge man page (\"man odbcbridge\")\n";
    print STDERR "for information about how to configure and start the \n";
    print STDERR "bridge server.\n";
    exit 255;

## Connection Status -
my $HOST_NOT_CONNECTED = 'Not connected';
my $HOST_CONNECTED = 'Connected';
my $DSN_OPEN = 'Open DSN';
my $CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR = 'Client login error.';

my $dsnloginusername = '';
my $dsnloginpassword = '';

# Text of SQL query entered by user.
my $userquerytext = 'Enter your SQL query here.';

my @hostlabels;    # Refs of dsnlabel hashes.
my %tablepanetags; # Canvas Ids and subwidget tags of table pane 
                   # hashes.

my $imagepadding = 3;  # Pixels of padding around images.
my $host_indent = 5;
my $dsn_indent = 10;
my $table_indent = 15;

my $helptext =<<EOHELP;
Usage: tkdm [options]
--background <color>   Set the window background color.
--debug                Print debugging messages.
--displayfont <font>   Font used in labels.
--height               Window height.
--help                 Print this message and exit.
--monofont <font>      Monospaced font for columnar results.
--relief <style>       Change the widget relief highlights to
                       "style": "raised," "sunken," "flat," "ridge," 
                       "solid," "groove," or "none."
--selectedfont <font>  Font for selected labels.
--width                Window width.

Refer to the man page ("man tkdm") for information.

# Command Line Options
my $debug = 0;             # Print debugging messages.
my $background = 'white';  # Background color for widgets.
my $relief = 'groove';     # How to draw the widget reliefs, 
                           # except for entry widgets.
my $borderwidth = 1;       # Width of widget borders.
my $help = 0;              # Print help and exit.
my $balloonwait = 1000;    # 1 second
my $dsnnormalfont = '-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
my $dsnselectedfont = '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
my $resultsfont = '-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
my $mwheight = 400;
my $mwwidth = 600;

Tk::CmdLine::SetResources ("*font: " . $dsnnormalfont, 'widgetDefault');

my $optresult = GetOptions ( "borderwidth=i" => \$borderwidth,
			     "debug" => \$debug,
                             "displayfont=s" => \$dsnnormalfont,
			     "background=s" => \$background,
			     "height=i" => \$mwheight,
			     "width=i" => \$mwwidth,
			     "relief=s" => \$relief,
			     "monofont=s" => \$resultsfont,
			     "selectedfont=s" => \$dsnselectedfont,
			     "help" => \$help

if ($help) {
    print $helptext;
    exit 0;

my ($textbuttonxpmwidth, $textbuttonxpmheight);
no warnings;
my $textbuttonxpm = <<EOTEXTBUTTONXPM;
/* XPM */
static char * textbutton_xpm[] = {
"24 24 10 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #FFFFFF",
"+	c #AAAAAA",
"@	c #C7C7C7",
"#	c #000000",
"$	c #555555",
"%	c #1D1D1D",
"&	c #393939",
"*	c #727272",
"=	c #E3E3E3",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"      ##########        ",
"      ##########        ",
"      ##  ##  ##        ",
"      ##  ##  ##        ",
"          ##            ",
"          ##            ",
"          ##            ",
"          ##            ",
"          ##            ",
"          ##            ",
"       ########         ",
"       ########         ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "};
use warnings;

my ($selectxpmwidth, $selectxpmheight);
no warnings;
my $selectxpm = <<EOSELECTXPM;
/* XPM */
static char * scratch[] = {
"24 24 2 1 XPMEXT",
" 	c None",
".	c black",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"           ......       ",
"         ..........     ",
"        ...      ..     ",
"        .         ..    ",
"        ...       ..    ",
"        . ...   ....    ",
"         .   .....  ..  ",
"          ...   ....  ..",
"             ...  ....  ",
"                    ....",
"                      ..",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"  ........  ........    ",
"          ..            ",
" .........  .........   ",
"          ..            "};
use warnings;

no warnings;
my ($enterxpmwidth, $enterxpmheight);
my $enterxpm = <<EOENTERXPM;
/* XPM */
static char * enter_xpm[] = {
"24 24 2 1",
" 	c None",
"+	c #000000",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"     +         +        ",
"    ++         +        ",
"   +++++++++++++        ",
"    ++                  ",
"     +                  ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "};
use warnings;

my ($tablexpmwidth, $tablexpmheight);
no warnings; # turn off warning messages on image data.
my $tablexpm = <<EOTABLEXPM;
/* XPM */
static char * table_2_xpm[] = {
"11 19 2 1",
" 	c None",
"@	c #000000",
"           ",
"           ",
"@@@@@@@@@@ ",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
"@        @@",
" @@@@@@@@@ ",
"           "

my ($termxpmwidth, $termxpmheight);
no warnings;  # turn off warning messages on image data.
my $termxpm = <<EOTERMXPM;
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"25 22 2 1",
"  c Black",
"C c None",
/* pixels */
"CC                   CCCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CC C                C CCC",
"CCC                  CCCC",
"                         ",
"C                      CC",
use warnings;

my ($notermxpmwidth, $notermxpmheight);
no warnings;
my $notermxpm = <<EONOTERMXPM;
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"25 22 3 1",
"  c Black",
"C c None",
"+ c Red",
/* pixels */
"CC+++               +++CC",
"CC C+++           +++ CCC",
"CC C +++         +++C CCC",
"CC C  +++       +++ C CCC",
"CC C   +++     +++  C CCC",
"CC C    +++   +++   C CCC",
"CC C     +++ +++    C CCC",
"CC C      +++++     C CCC",
"CC C       +++      C CCC",
"CC C      +++++     C CCC",
"CC C     +++ +++    C CCC",
"CC C    +++   +++   C CCC",
"CCC   +++       +++  CCCC",
"    +++           +++    ",
"C+++                 +++C",
use warnings;

my ($dsnxpmwidth, $dsnxpmheight);
no warnings;
my $dsnxpm = <<EODSNXPM;
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"17 19 2 1",
"  c Black",
". c None",
/* pixels */
"..          .....",
".. ........ .....",
".. ........ . ...",
".. ........ . ...",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
".. ........ . . .",
"..          . . .",
"............. . .",
"....          . .",
"............... .",
".......         .",
use warnings;

my $mw = new MainWindow (-title => 'Data Manager', -height => $mwheight,
			 -width => $mwwidth, -background => $background);
my $textbuttonpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('textbutton', -data => $textbuttonxpm);
$textbuttonxpmwidth = $textbuttonpixmap -> width;
$textbuttonxpmheight = $textbuttonpixmap -> height;
my $enterpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('enterbutton', -data => $enterxpm);
$enterxpmwidth = $enterpixmap -> width;
$enterxpmheight = $enterpixmap -> height;
my $termpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('terminal', -data => $termxpm);
$termxpmwidth = $termpixmap -> width;
$termxpmheight = $termpixmap -> height;
my $notermpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('no-term', -data => $notermxpm);
$notermxpmwidth = $notermpixmap -> width;
$notermxpmheight = $notermpixmap -> height;
my $dsnpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('dsn', -data => $dsnxpm);
$dsnxpmwidth = $dsnpixmap -> width;
$dsnxpmheight = $dsnpixmap -> height;
my $tablepixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('table', -data => $tablexpm);
$tablexpmwidth = $tablepixmap -> width;
$tablexpmheight = $tablepixmap -> height;
my $selectpixmap = $mw -> Pixmap ('select', -data => $selectxpm);
$selectxpmwidth = $selectpixmap -> width;
$selectxpmheight = $selectpixmap -> height;

my $dsnpane = $mw -> Scrolled ('Canvas', -background => $background,
			       -scrollbars => 'se',
			       -confine => 1);
$dsnpane -> Subwidget ($_) -> configure (-width => 10) 
    foreach (qw/xscrollbar yscrollbar/);
# scrollregion is re-configured when info is drawn in drawdsnpane();
$dsnpane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
		       [0, 0, $dsnpane -> width, $dsnpane -> height]);

# Direct access to dsn canvas 
$dsncanvas = $dsnpane -> Subwidget ('canvas');

# Font objects for widget size measurement
my ($family, $weight, $slant, $size) = 
    ($dsnnormalfont =~ /-\*-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-\*-\*-(\d\d)/);
my $normalfontmetric = $dsnpane -> Font (-family => $family,
				-size => $size,
				-weight => $weight,
				-slant => $slant,
				-underline => 0,
				-overstrike => 0);
($family, $weight, $slant, $size) = 
    ($dsnselectedfont =~ /-\*-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-\*-\*-(\d\d)/);
my $boldfontmetric = $dsnpane -> Font (-family => $family,
				-size => $size,
				-weight => $weight,
				-slant => $slant,
				-underline => 0,
				-overstrike => 0);

($family, $weight, $slant, $size) = 
    ($resultsfont =~ /-\*-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-(\w*?)-\*-\*-(\d\d)/);
my $resultsfontmetric = $dsnpane -> Font (-family => $family,
				-size => $size,
				-weight => $weight,
				-slant => $slant,
				-underline => 0,
				-overstrike => 0);
my $dsnlastselected = undef ; # Item ID of last selected item on DSN pane

my $tablepane = $mw -> Scrolled ('Canvas', 
				 -background => $background,
				 -scrollbars => 'se',
				 -confine => 1);
$tablepane -> Subwidget ($_) -> configure (-width => 10) 
    foreach (qw/xscrollbar yscrollbar/);
# This is re-configured when pane is filled in.
$tablepane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
			 [0, 0, $tablepane -> width, 
			  $tablepane -> height]);
$tablepane -> place (-relx => 0.40, -y => 0.10, -relwidth => 0.60, 
				 -relheight => 1.0);
# Direct access to canvas for misc methods not in Canvas class...
$tablecanvas = $tablepane -> Subwidget ('canvas');

$tablepane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
		       [0, 0, $tablepane -> width, $tablepane -> height]);

# Create a minimal menu for the canvases.
my $canvasmenu = $mw -> Menu (-type => 'normal', -tearoff => '',
			      Name => 'canvasMenu');

$canvasmenu -> add ('command', -label => 'Help...', 
		    -accelerator => 'F1',
		    -command => [\&self_help, $mw]);
$canvasmenu -> add ('command', -label => 'About...', 
		    -command => [\&about, $mw]);
$canvasmenu -> add ('separator');
$canvasmenu -> add ('command', -label => 'Exit', 
		    -accelerator => 'F10',
	-command => sub {$mw -> WmDeleteWindow});
$dsnpane -> place (-x => 0, -y => 0.10, -relwidth => 0.4, -relheight => 1.0);
$mw -> Tk::bind ($dsncanvas, '<3>',
	[\&postpopupmenu, $canvasmenu, Ev('X'), Ev('Y')]);
$mw -> Tk::bind ($tablecanvas, '<3>',
	[\&postpopupmenu, $canvasmenu, Ev('X'), Ev('Y')]);

$mw -> Tk::bind ($dsncanvas, '<ButtonPress-1>', 
		  [\&dsnclick, $dsnpane, Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);

$mw -> Tk::bind ('<F1>', [\&self_help]);
$mw -> Tk::bind ('<F10>', sub {$mw -> WmDeleteWindow});

# Text widget resizing stuff.
# Postition within the corner of initial mouse click.
my ($x_start, $y_start);

# Used for pixel/char conversion when resizing text widgets 
# in results sets
my $char0pixelwidth =  $resultsfontmetric -> measure ('0');
my $fontlineheight = $resultsfontmetric -> metrics (-linespace);

# Initial text widget geometry.
my $inittextreqwidth = 20;
my $inittextreqheight = 5;

# Per-cell text sizes. Keys match Cell element in text widget.
my %textsizes;

sub about {
    my $mw = $_[0];
    my $abouttext = "Tkdm Version $VERSION\n" .
	"Copyright \xa9 2002-2005, 2008 by Robert Kiesling.\n" .
	"Licensed using the same license as Perl.  Refer to the file " .
	"\"Artistic\" for information.\n";
    my $dialog = $mw -> Dialog (-title => 'About Tkdm',
				-text => $abouttext,
				-bitmap => 'info',
				-buttons => [qw/Dismiss/]);
    $dialog -> Show;

sub postpopupmenu {
    my $w = shift;
    my $menu = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;
    $menu -> Post ($x, $y);

sub unpostpopupmenu {
    my $w = shift;
    my $menu = shift;
    $menu -> unpost;

sub dsnclick {
    my $self = shift;
    my $mw = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;

    my (@column_names);
    $x = $dsncanvas -> canvasx ($x);
    $y = $dsncanvas -> canvasy ($y);

    foreach my $label (@hostlabels) {
	if ((($x >= $label -> {x_org}) && ($y >= $label -> {y_org}))
	    && (($x <= $label -> {x_bound}) && $y <= $label -> {y_bound})){
	    # Check if its a table item first.
	    # Only one table at a time.
	    if (length ($label -> {table}) != 0) {
		if ($dsnlastselected == $label -> {text_id}) {
		# Toggle the selection of a label.
		    $dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($dsnlastselected, 
					       -font => $dsnnormalfont);
			$dsnlastselected = 0;
		} else {
		    $dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($dsnlastselected,
				       -font => $dsnnormalfont);
		    $dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($label -> {text_id}, 
				   -font => $dsnselectedfont);
		    $dsnlastselected = $label -> {text_id};
		    @column_names = describe_table ($label);
		    $label -> {columns} = \@column_names;
		    drawtablepaneselectform ($label);

	    if (length $label -> {connect_status} =~ m"$DSN_OPEN") {
		close_dsn ($label -> {host}, $label -> {dsn});

	    no warnings; # Avoid uninitialized value warnings from undefs.
	    if ($dsnlastselected != $label -> {text_id}) {
		$dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($label -> {text_id}, 
					   -font => $dsnselectedfont);
		$dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($dsnlastselected, 
					   -font => $dsnnormalfont);
		$dsnlastselected = $label -> {text_id};
		open_dsn ($label -> {host}, $label -> {dsn});
	    } else {
		$dsnpane -> itemconfigure ($label -> {text_id}, 
					   -font => $dsnnormalfont);
		$dsnlastselected = 0;
	    use warnings;

sub open_dsn {
    my ($host, $dsn) = @_;
    return if ((! length ($host)) || (! length ($dsn)));
    getdsnlogin ($host, $dsn);

sub close_dsn {
    my ($host, $dsn) = @_;
    return if ((! length ($host)) || (! length ($dsn)));
    my @tmplabels;
    foreach my $d (@hostlabels) {
	if (($d -> {host} =~ m"$host") && ($d -> {dsn} =~ m"$dsn")) {
	# Erase item from the canvas and don't save the table items.
	    if (length ($d -> {table})) {
		$dsnpane -> delete ($d -> {image_id});
		$dsnpane -> delete ($d -> {text_id});
	    } elsif ($d -> {connect_status} =~ m"$DSN_OPEN") {
		$d -> {login_name} = '';
		$d -> {password} = '';
		$d -> {connect_status} = '';
		push @tmplabels, ($d);
	} else {
	    push @tmplabels, ($d);
    $#hostlabels = -1;
    push @hostlabels, @tmplabels;
    drawdsnpane ($dsnpane);

sub getdsnlogin {
    my ($host, $dsn) = @_;
    my $dw = new MainWindow (-title => 'Log In');
    my $userlabel = $dw -> Label (-text => 'User Name: ') 
	-> grid (-row => 1, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2,
		 -padx => 5, -pady => 5);
    my $passwordlabel = $dw -> Label (-text => 'Password: ') 
	-> grid (-row => 2, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2,
		 -padx => 5, -pady => 5);
    my $userentry = $dw -> Entry (-textvariable => \$dsnloginusername)
	-> grid (-row => 1, -column => 3, -columnspan => 5,
		 -padx => 5, -pady => 5); 
    $dw -> Advertise ('userentry' => $userentry);
    my $passwordentry = $dw -> Entry (-textvariable => \$dsnloginpassword,
				      -show => '*')
	-> grid (-row => 2, -column => 3, -columnspan => 5,
		 -padx => 5, -pady => 5); 
    $dw -> Advertise ('passwordentry' => $passwordentry);
    my $loginbutton = 
	$dw -> Button ( -text => 'Log In',
	       -height => 1,
	       -width => 10,
	       -command => sub {tablelogin ($dw, $host, $dsn, 
					    $dsnloginpassword) &&
						$dw -> WmDeleteWindow}) 
	    -> grid (-row => 3, -column => 1, -columnspan => 4,
		     -padx => 5, -pady => 5);
    my $cancelbutton = 
	$dw -> Button (-text => 'Cancel',
		       -height => 1,
		       -width => 10,
		       -command => sub {$dw -> WmDeleteWindow})
	    -> grid (-row => 3, -column => 5, -columnspan => 4,
		     -padx => 5, -pady => 5);

sub tablelogin {
    my ($dw, $peer, $dsn, $username, $password) = @_;
    my ($peerusername, $peerpassword) = split /::/, $peers{$peer};
    my ($evh, $cnh, $sth, $r, $text, $textlen);
    my (@tables, $tableobj, @tmpdsns);
    my $c = peer_client_login ($peer, $peerusername, $peerpassword);
    if ($c =~ m"$CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR") {
	error_dialog ($dw, "Could not log in to remote host $peer.");
	return 1;

    $evh =  $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
    if (defined $evh) { 
	$r = $c -> 
	    sql_set_env_attr ($evh, $SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, $SQL_OV_ODBC2, 0);
    } else {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 'tablelogin',
			    'sql_alloc_handle (evh)');
	return 1;

    $cnh = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $evh);
    if (! defined $cnh) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 'tablelogin',
			    'sql_alloc_handle (cnh)');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_connect ($cnh, $dsn, length($dsn),
			$username, length($username), 
			$password, length($password));
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_connect');
	return 1;

    $sth = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $cnh);
    if (! defined $sth) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_alloc_handle (sth)');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_tables ($sth, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_tables');
	return 1;

    while (1) {
	$r = $c -> sql_fetch ($sth);
	last if $r == $SQL_NO_DATA;
	($r, $text, $textlen) = 
	    $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 3, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
	if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			       'tablelogin', 'sql_get_data');
	    return 1;
	$tableobj = new_dsnlabel();
	$tableobj -> {host} = $peer;
	$tableobj -> {dsn} = $dsn;
	$tableobj -> {table} = $text;
	$tableobj -> {login_name} = $username;
	$tableobj -> {password} = $password;
	push @tables, ($tableobj);

    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_free_handle');
	return 1;

    no warnings; # Turn off warnings for undef return values when
                 # handles no longer exist.
    $r = $c -> sql_disconnect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_disconnect');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_free_connect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_free_connect');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'tablelogin', 'sql_free_handle (evh)');
	return 1;
    use warnings;

    # Split @hostlabels and insert the table names,
    foreach my $h (@hostlabels) {
	if (($h -> {host} =~ m"$peer") && ($h -> {dsn} =~ m"$dsn")) {
	    $h -> {login_name} = $username;
	    $h -> {password} = $password;
	    $h -> {connect_status} = $DSN_OPEN;
	    push @tmpdsns, ($h);
	    foreach my $t (@tables) {
		push @tmpdsns, ($t);
	} else {
	    push @tmpdsns, ($h);
    $#hostlabels = -1;
    push @hostlabels, @tmpdsns;
    drawdsnpane ($dsnpane);
    return 1;

sub error_dialog {
    my ($w, $errortext) = @_;
    require Tk::Dialog;
    my $dialog = $w -> Dialog (-title => 'Error',
				-text => $errortext,
				-bitmap => 'error',
				-buttons => [qw/Dismiss/]);
    $dialog -> Show;

sub getpeerlogins {
    my ($line, $host, $userpwd);
    open LOGINS, $loginsfile or die "Can't open $loginsfile: $!\n";
    while (defined ($line = <LOGINS>)) {
	next if $line =~ /^\#/;
	next if $line !~ /.*?::.*?::/;
	($host, $userpwd) = split /::/, $line, 2;
	$peers{$host} = $userpwd;
    close LOGINS;

sub dsntree {
    my $pane = $_[0];
    $#hostlabels = -1;
    my (@dsnlist, $dsnlabelptr);
    foreach my $p (keys %peers) {
	$dsnlabelptr = new_dsnlabel();
	$dsnlabelptr -> {host} = $p;
	push @hostlabels, ($dsnlabelptr);
	@dsnlist = getdsns ($p);
	if ($dsnlist[0] =~ m"$HOST_NOT_CONNECTED")  {
	    $dsnlabelptr -> {host} = $p;
	    $dsnlabelptr -> {connect_status} = $dsnlist[0];
	    next; # next peer
	foreach my $d (@dsnlist) {
	    $dsnlabelptr = new_dsnlabel();
	    $dsnlabelptr -> {host} = $p;
	    $dsnlabelptr -> {dsn} = $d;
	    $dsnlabelptr -> {connect_status} = $HOST_CONNECTED;
	    push @hostlabels, ($dsnlabelptr);
	} # foreach @dsnlist 
    } # foreach keys %peers

sub tablepanecontrolbuttons {
    my ($labelptr) = @_;
    my $buttoncanvas = 
	$tablepane -> Canvas (-background => $background, 
			      -relief => $relief,
			      -height => $textbuttonxpmheight +
			      -width => $textbuttonxpmwidth +
			      $selectxpmwidth + $enterxpmwidth +
    my $frame = $buttoncanvas -> Frame (-borderwidth => $borderwidth, 
			      -height => 26,
			      -background => $background) -> pack;
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('frame' => $frame);
    my $selectbutton = $frame -> Button (-image => $selectpixmap,
					 -relief => $relief,
					 -borderwidth => $borderwidth,
					 -background => $background,
		       -command => sub{execute_select_query($labelptr)})
	-> pack (-side => 'left', -anchor => 'nw');
    my $b1 = $mw -> Balloon (-initwait => $balloonwait);
    $b1 -> attach ($selectbutton, -balloonmsg => 'Execute SELECT query.'); 
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('selectbutton' => $selectbutton);

    my $execbutton = $frame -> Button (-image => $enterpixmap,
			       -relief => $relief,
			       -borderwidth => $borderwidth,
			       -background => $background,
		       -command => sub{execute_insert_query($labelptr)})
	-> pack (-side => 'left');
    my $b2 = $mw -> Balloon (-initwait => $balloonwait);
    $b2 -> attach ($execbutton, -balloonmsg => 'Execute INSERT query.'); 
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('execbutton' => $execbutton);
    my $textbutton = $frame -> Button (-image => $textbuttonpixmap,
				       -relief => $relief,
				       -borderwidth => $borderwidth,
				       -background => $background,
		       -command => sub{execute_text_query ($labelptr)})
	-> pack (-side => 'left');
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('textbutton' => $textbutton);
    my $b3 = $mw -> Balloon (-initwait => $balloonwait);
    $b3 -> attach ($textbutton, -balloonmsg => 'Enter a SQL text query.'); 

    $tablepane -> Advertise ('controlbuttons' => $buttoncanvas);
    $frame -> update;
    $buttoncanvas -> createWindow (0,0, -anchor => 'nw',
				   -window => $frame);
    return $buttoncanvas;

sub columnselectframe {
    my (@columns) = @_;
    my ($b, $e, $labelwidth, $maxwidth);
    my $selectcanvas = 
	$tablepane -> Canvas (-background => $background,
			      -relief => $relief);
    # Find the longest column label width.
    $labelwidth = 0;
    $maxwidth = 0;
    foreach my $c (@columns) {
	$labelwidth = length ($c);
	$maxwidth = $labelwidth if $labelwidth > $maxwidth;

    my $sc_x_org = 0;
    foreach my $c (@columns) {
	$b = $selectcanvas -> 
	    Checkbutton (-text => $c,
			 -relief => $relief,
			 -width => $maxwidth,
			 -borderwidth => 2,
			 -background => $background);
	$selectcanvas -> configure (-width => $sc_x_org + $b -> reqwidth
				    + $imagepadding);
	$tablepane -> Advertise ("cb_$c" => $b);
	$tablepanetags{"cb_$c"} =
	    $selectcanvas -> createWindow ($sc_x_org, 0,
					   -anchor => 'nw',
					   -window => $b);
	$e = $selectcanvas -> 
	    Entry (-width => $maxwidth,
		   -relief => 'sunken',
		   -background => $background);
	$tablepane -> Advertise ("en_$c" => $e);
	$tablepanetags{"en_$c"} = 
	    $selectcanvas -> createWindow ($sc_x_org,
					   $b -> reqheight + $imagepadding,
					   -anchor => 'nw',
					   -window => $e);
	$sc_x_org += $b -> reqwidth + $imagepadding;
    $selectcanvas -> configure (-height => $b -> reqheight + 
				$imagepadding + 
				$e -> reqheight +
    return $selectcanvas;

sub refresh_tablepane {
    $mw -> Busy;
    foreach my $k (keys %tablepanetags) {
	$tablepane -> delete ($tablepanetags{$k});
	print "deleting table canvas element $k\n" if $debug;
	delete $tablepanetags{$k};
    foreach my $s (keys %{$tablepane -> {SubWidget}}) {
	# Don't delete the scrollbars, etc.
	next if $s =~ /scrolled|ysbslice|canvas|xscrollbar|yscrollbar|corner/;
	print "deleting table canvas element $s\n" if $debug;
	delete $tablepane -> {SubWidget}{$s};
    $mw -> Unbusy;

sub drawtablepaneselectform {
    my $label = $_[0];
    my ($x_org, $y_org, $buttons, $columns);
    $x_org = 5;
    $y_org = 5;
    $buttons = tablepanecontrolbuttons ($label);
    $tablepanetags {'controlbuttons'} = 
	$tablepane -> createWindow ($x_org, $y_org, -anchor => 'nw',
				   -window => $buttons);
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('controlbuttons' => $buttons);
    $columns = columnselectframe(@{$label -> {columns}});
    $y_org += ($buttons -> cget(-height)) + ($imagepadding * 3);
    $tablepanetags{'selectframe'} = 
	$tablepane -> createWindow ($x_org, $y_org, -anchor => 'nw',
			       -window => $columns);
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('selectframe' => $columns);
    $tablepane -> update;
    $tablepane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
			      $columns -> width,
			      $y_org + $buttons -> height]);

sub drawdsnpane {
    my $pane = $_[0];

    my $insert_y_org = 5;
    my $label_length;
    my $x_width = 0;

    # First erase the canvas
    foreach my $h (@hostlabels) {
	$pane -> delete ($h -> {image_id}) if $h -> {image_id} != 0;
	$pane -> delete ($h -> {text_id}) if $h -> {text_id} != 0;

    foreach my $label (@hostlabels) {
	if (length ($label -> {table}) ) { # Draw table
	    $label -> {image_id} = 
		$pane -> createImage ($table_indent, 
				      -image => $tablepixmap,
				      -anchor => 'nw');
	    $label -> {text_id} = 
		$pane -> createText ($table_indent + $tablexpmwidth
				     + $imagepadding,
				     -text => $label -> {table},
				     -anchor => 'nw');
	    $label_length = 
		($normalfontmetric -> measure ($label -> {table})) +
					   $tablexpmwidth +
	    $x_width = $label_length if $label_length > $x_width;
	    $label -> {x_org} = $table_indent;
	    $label -> {y_org} = $insert_y_org;
	    $label -> {x_bound} = $table_indent + $label_length;
	    $label -> {y_bound} = $insert_y_org + $tablexpmheight;
	    $insert_y_org += $imagepadding + $tablexpmheight;
	} elsif (length ($label -> {dsn}) ) { # Draw dsn
	    $label -> {image_id} = 
		$pane -> createImage ($dsn_indent, 
				      -image => $dsnpixmap,
				      -anchor => 'nw');
	    $label -> {text_id} = 
		$pane -> 
		    createText ($dsn_indent + $dsnxpmwidth + $imagepadding, 
				-text => $label -> {dsn}, 
				-anchor => 'nw');
	    $label_length = 
		($normalfontmetric -> measure ($label -> {dsn})) +
					   $dsnxpmwidth +
	    $x_width = $label_length if $label_length > $x_width;
	    $label -> {x_org} = $dsn_indent;
	    $label -> {y_org} = $insert_y_org;
	    $label -> {x_bound} = $dsn_indent + $label_length;
	    $label -> {y_bound} = $insert_y_org + $dsnxpmheight;
	    $insert_y_org += $imagepadding + $dsnxpmheight;
	} else { # Draw the host label
	    local $image;
	    if ($label -> {connect_status} =~ m"$HOST_NOT_CONNECTED") {
		$image = $notermpixmap;
	    } else {
		$image = $termpixmap;
	    $label -> {image_id} = 
		$pane -> createImage ($host_indent, 
				      -image => $image,
				      -anchor => 'nw');
	    $label -> {text_id} = $pane -> 
		createText ($host_indent + $termxpmwidth + $imagepadding, 
			    -text => $label -> {host}, 
			    -anchor => 'nw');
	    $label_length = 
		($normalfontmetric -> measure ($label -> {host})) +
					   $termxpmwidth +
	    $x_width = $label_length if $label_length > $x_width;
	    $label -> {x_org} = $host_indent;
	    $label -> {y_org} = $insert_y_org;
	    $label -> {x_bound} = $host_indent + $label_length;
	    $label -> {y_bound} = $insert_y_org + $termxpmheight;
	    $insert_y_org += $imagepadding + $termxpmheight;
    } # foreach my $label (@hostlabels)
    $dsnpane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
			   [0,0, $x_width, $insert_y_org]);

sub execute_text_query {
    my ($labelptr) = @_;
    my $qdialog = 
	new MainWindow ( -title => 'SQL Query');
    my $qtextbox = new_textbox ($qdialog, -height => 15, -width => 60);
    $qtextbox -> grid (-row => 1, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2);
    $qtextbox -> insert ('end', $userquerytext);
    $qdialog -> Advertise ('qtextbox' => $qtextbox);

    my $acceptbutton => $qdialog -> Button (-text => 'Submit',
               -height => 1, -width => 10,
               -command => sub {sql_query ($qdialog, $labelptr)},
               @stdargs) -> 
        grid (-row => 2, -column => 1, -pady => 10);
    my $dismissbutton => $qdialog -> Button (-text => 'Dismiss',
               -height => 1, -width => 10,
               -command => sub {$qdialog -> WmDeleteWindow},
               @stdargs) -> 
       grid (-row => 2, -column => 2, -pady => 10);

sub sql_query {
    my ($w, $labelptr) = @_;
    $mw -> Busy;
    my @col_selectors;
    $userquerytext = 
	$labelptr -> {query} = 
	$w -> Subwidget ('qtextbox') -> get ('0.0', 'end');
    $labelptr -> {query} =~ s/\n/ /gsm;
    print 'sql_query: ' . $labelptr -> {query} . "\n" if $debug;
    for my $k (keys %{$tablepane -> {SubWidget}}) {
	if ($k =~ /cb_/) {
	    push @col_selectors, ($tablepane -> Subwidget ($k));
    push @{$labelptr -> {columns}}, @col_selectors;
    my $resultarrayref = query_db ($labelptr);
    display_result_set ($labelptr, $resultarrayref);
    $w -> WmDeleteWindow;
    $mw -> Unbusy;

sub execute_select_query {
    my ($labelptr) = @_;
    $mw -> Busy;
    my (@col_selectors, @predicates); # Refs of the check button and
                                      # entry widgets at the top of
                                      # the frame.
    # (Re-)initialize some data.
    $#col_selectors = -1;
    $#predicates = -1;
    my ($query, $tmplabel, $resultarrayref);
    for my $k (keys %{$tablepane -> {SubWidget}}) {
	if ($k =~ /cb_/) {
	    push @col_selectors, ($tablepane -> Subwidget ($k));
	    ($tmplabel) = ($k =~ /cb_(.*)/);
	    push @predicates, ($tablepane -> Subwidget ("en_$tmplabel"));
    $labelptr -> {query} = 
	build_select_query ($labelptr, \@col_selectors, \@predicates);
    $resultarrayref = query_db ($labelptr);
    display_result_set ($labelptr, $resultarrayref);
    $mw -> Unbusy;

sub execute_insert_query {
    my ($labelptr) = @_;
    $mw -> Busy;
    my (@col_selectors, @predicates); # Refs of the check button and
                                      # entry widgets at the top of
                                      # the frame.
    my ($query, $tmplabel, $resultarrayref);
    for my $k (keys %{$tablepane -> {SubWidget}}) {
	if ($k =~ /cb_/) {
	    push @col_selectors, ($tablepane -> Subwidget ($k));
	    ($tmplabel) = ($k =~ /cb_(.*)/);
	    push @predicates, ($tablepane -> Subwidget ("en_$tmplabel"));
    $labelptr -> {query} = 
	build_insert_query ($labelptr, \@col_selectors, \@predicates);
    $resultarrayref = query_db ($labelptr);
    display_result_set ($labelptr, $resultarrayref);
    $mw -> Unbusy;

sub display_result_set {
    my $labelptr = $_[0];
    my $resultarrayref = $_[1];
    my ($rref, $ridx, $cidx);
    my ($textwidget, $textheight);
    my $resultslist;
    my $y_org = ($tablepane -> Subwidget ('controlbuttons') -> height) +
	($tablepane -> Subwidget ('selectframe') -> height) + 
	($imagepadding * 3);
    my @textoptions = (-background, $background,
		       -wrap, 'none',
		       -relief, $relief,
		       -font, $resultsfont);

    # Erase the previous results if any
    foreach my $w (qw/setsizelabel resultslist/) {
	$tablepane -> delete ($tablepanetags{$w})
	    if defined $tablepane -> Subwidget ($w);
	delete $tablepanetags{$w};

    my $setsizetext = $labelptr -> {result_rows}  . ' rows, ' . 
	$labelptr -> {result_cols} . ' columns in result set.';

    my $setsizelabel = $tablecanvas -> Label (-text => $setsizetext,
					      -background => $background);
    $tablepane -> Advertise ('setsizelabel' => $setsizelabel);
    $tablepanetags{'setsizelabel'} = 
    $tablepane -> createWindow ( 10, $y_org, -window => $setsizelabel,
				 -anchor => 'nw');

    print 'display_result_set: query '. $labelptr -> {query} . "\n"
      if $debug;

    return if ! $labelptr -> {result_rows} || ! $labelptr -> {result_cols};

    $resultslist = $tablecanvas -> Table ( 
	   -rows => $labelptr -> {result_rows} + 1,
           -columns => $labelptr -> {result_cols} + 1,
           -scrollbars => 'osoe',
           -background => $background,
           -fixedrows => 1);

     $cidx = 0; 
     $resultslist -> put (1, $cidx++, $_) 
	 foreach (@{$labelptr -> {result_column_heads}});

     $ridx = 2;
     foreach $rref (@{$resultarrayref}) {
          for ($cidx = 0; $cidx <= $#{$rref}; $cidx++) {
	      if (${$rref}[$cidx] =~ /\n.*\n/) {

	      if (not $textsizes{"$rref.$cidx"}) {
		  $textsizes{"$rref.$cidx"} = 
	      my ($tw, $th) = ($textsizes{"$rref.$cidx"} =~ /(.*)x(.*)/);

	      $textwidget = $resultslist -> 
		  Scrolled ('TextUndo', 
			    -height => $th,
			    -width => $tw,
			    -scrollbars => 'se',
	      $textwidget -> Subwidget ($_) -> configure (-width => 10) 
		  foreach (qw/xscrollbar yscrollbar/);
	      $textwidget -> {Cell} = $rref.'.'.$cidx;
	      $textwidget -> {SubWidget} -> {corner} -> 
		  bind ('<ButtonPress-1>', [\&cornerdown, Ev ('x'), Ev('y')]);
	      $textwidget -> {SubWidget} -> {corner} -> 
		  bind ('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&cornerup, 
					      Ev ('x'), Ev('y')]);
	  } else {
	      $textheight = 1;
	      $textwidget = $resultslist -> Text (-height => $textheight,
						  -width => 20,
	  $textwidget -> insert ('end', ${$rref}[$cidx]);
          $resultslist -> put ($ridx, $cidx, $textwidget);

    $tablepane -> Advertise ('resultslist' => $resultslist);
    $y_org += ($setsizelabel -> height) + ($imagepadding * 6);  
    $tablepanetags{'resultslist'} = 
      $tablepane -> createWindow ( 10, $y_org, -window => $resultslist,
				 -anchor => 'nw');

     $tablepane -> update;
     my $width = $tablepane -> Subwidget ('controlbuttons') -> width;
     $width = $tablepane -> Subwidget ('selectframe') -> width 
     if $tablepane -> Subwidget ('selectframe') -> width > $width;
     $width = $resultslist -> width if $resultslist -> width > $width;
     $tablepane -> configure (-scrollregion =>
               $width + 20, # Left and right padding
		$resultslist -> height + $y_org + 10]);

sub cornerdown {
    my $r = shift;
    $x_start = $_[0];
    $y_start = $_[1];

sub cornerup {
    my $r = shift;
    my $dsnlabelptr = $_[0];
    my $results = $_[1];
    my $x = $_[2];
    my $y = $_[3];

    my $tablecell = $r -> parent -> parent -> {Cell};
    my ($v_width, $v_height, $v_x_org, $v_y_org) = 
	($r -> parent -> parent -> geometry =~ 
    my ($r_width, $r_height, $r_x_org, $r_y_org) = 
	($r -> geometry =~ /^(.*?)x(.*?)\+(.*?)\+(.*?)$/);
    $v_width = ($v_width + $x) - ($r_width + $x_start);
    $v_height = ($v_height + $y) - ($r_height + $y_start);
    my $tw = round ($v_width / $char0pixelwidth);
    my $th = round ($v_height / $fontlineheight);
    $textsizes{$tablecell} = $tw . 'x'. $th;
    foreach my $w (qw/setsizelabel resultslist/) {
	$tablepane -> delete ($tablepanetags{$w})
	    if defined $tablepane -> Subwidget ($w);
    display_result_set($dsnlabelptr, $results);

sub round {
    my $i = $_[0];
    if ($i == int $i) {
	return $i;
    if (($i - int $i) > ($i - ceil ($i))) {
	return ceil ($i);
    return int $i;

sub trimstr { 
    my $s = $_[0];
    $s =~ s/ *$//;
    return $s;

sub build_select_query {
    my ($labelptr, $col_selectors, $predicates) = @_;
    my ($querystring, @selectedfields, %qpreds);
    my ($npreds, $predtext, $predlabel);
    # Re-initialize some data.
    $npreds = 0;
    $querystring = '';
    delete $qpreds{$_} foreach (keys %qpreds);
    # Go through all the headings so that the selectors get listed in
    # the right order....
    foreach my $heading (@{$labelptr -> {columns}}) {
	for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$col_selectors}; $i++) {
	    no warnings;  # in case Value is undef
	    if ( (${$col_selectors}[$i] -> {Value} eq '1') &&
		( ${$col_selectors}[$i] -> cget ('-text') =~ m"$heading") ) {
	            push @selectedfields, 
		        (${$col_selectors}[$i] -> cget ('-text'));
            $predtext = ${$predicates}[$i] -> get;
            $predlabel = ${$col_selectors}[$i] -> cget ('-text');
            if (defined $predtext and length ($predtext)) {
	        $qpreds{$predlabel} = $predtext;
	    use warnings;
    $querystring = 'select ';
    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#selectedfields; $i++) {
	$querystring .= $selectedfields[$i] . ', ' if $i < $#selectedfields;
	$querystring .= $selectedfields[$i] . ' ' if $i == $#selectedfields;

    # No fields selected by user, so select all of them in query.
    if ($#selectedfields == -1) {
	$querystring .= ' * ';

    $querystring .= 'from ' . $labelptr -> {table};
    $querystring .= ' where (' if $npreds;
    foreach my $k (keys %qpreds) {
	$querystring .= "$k " . $qpreds{$k} . ' and ';
    # remove the final 'and'
    $querystring =~ s/ and $// if $npreds;
    $querystring .= ')' if $npreds;
    print "build_select_query: query $querystring\n" if $debug;
    return $querystring;

sub build_insert_query {
    my ($labelptr, $col_selectors, $predicates) = @_;
    my ($querystring, $tmptext);
    my $valuestring = '';
    # Go through all the headings so that the values get concatenated
    # in the right order....
    foreach my $heading (@{$labelptr -> {columns}}) {
	for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$col_selectors}; $i++) {
	    if ( ${$col_selectors}[$i] -> cget ('-text') =~ m"$heading" ) {
	            $tmptext = ${$predicates}[$i] -> get;
                    if (defined $tmptext and length ($tmptext)) {
			$valuestring .= "\'$tmptext\'\,";
		    } else {
			$valuestring .= "\'\'\,";
    # Remove the trailing comma from values
    $valuestring =~ s/\,$//;
    $querystring = 'insert into ' . $labelptr -> {table} . 
    ' values (' . $valuestring . ')';
    print "build_insert_query: query $querystring\n" if $debug;
    return $querystring;

sub query_db {
    my $labelptr = $_[0];
    my ($r, $evh, $cnh, $sth);
    my ($nrows, $ncols, @rowarray, $colarrayref, $colheadingsref);
    my ($result_text, $length_result, $result_num);
    my ($peerusername, $peerpassword) = split /::/, 
        $peers{$labelptr -> {host}};
    my $c = peer_client_login ($labelptr -> {host},
    if ($debug) {
	print "query_db: error $c\n" if $c =~ m"$CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR";

    $evh =  $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
    $r = $c -> 
	sql_set_env_attr ($evh, $SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, $SQL_OV_ODBC2, 0);
    if (defined $evh) { 
	$r = $c -> 
    } else {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'query_db', 'sql_set_env_attr');
	return 1;
    $cnh = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $evh);
    if (! defined $cnh) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'query_db', 'sql_alloc_handle (cnh)');
	return 1;
    $r = $c -> sql_connect ($cnh, $labelptr -> {dsn}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {dsn}),
			    $labelptr -> {login_name}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {login_name}), 
			    $labelptr -> {password}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {password}));
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'query_db', 'sql_connect');
	return 1;

    $sth = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $cnh);
    if (! defined $sth) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'query_db', 'sql_alloc_handle (sth)');
	return 1;
    $r = $c -> sql_prepare ($sth, $labelptr -> {query}, 
			    length ($labelptr -> {query}));
    if ($r != 0) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			   'query_db', 'sql_prepare');

    $r = $c -> sql_execute ($sth);
    if ($r != 0) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			   'query_db', 'sql_execute');
    } else {
	($r, $nrows) = $c -> sql_row_count ($sth);
	$labelptr -> {result_rows} = $nrows;
	if ($r != 0) {
	    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
			       'query_db', 'sql_row_count');
	($r, $ncols) = $c -> sql_num_result_columns ($sth);
	$labelptr -> {result_cols} = $ncols;
	if ($r != 0) {
	    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
			       'query_db', 'sql_num_result_columns');

	print "query_db result: rows $nrows, cols $ncols\n" if $debug;

	if ($labelptr -> {result_rows}) {
	    # Avoid uninitialized value warning message
	    my $rfetch = $SQL_SUCCESS;
	    while (1) {
		$rfetch = $c -> sql_fetch ($sth);
		last unless $rfetch == $SQL_SUCCESS;
		$colarrayref = new_array_ref();
		for ( my $col = 1; $col <= $ncols; $col++) {
		    ($r, $result_text, $length_result) = 
			$c -> sql_get_data ($sth, $col, $SQL_CHAR, 65536);
		    if ($r == $SQL_ERROR) {
			odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
					   'query_db', 'sql_get_data');
		    $$colarrayref[$col - 1] = $result_text;
		} # for 
		push @rowarray, ($colarrayref);
	    } # while

	    # Get the column headings 
	    foreach my $colno (1..$labelptr -> {result_cols}) {
		($r, $result_text, $length_result, $result_num) = 
		    $c -> sql_col_attribute ($sth, $colno, 
					     $SQL_COLUMN_NAME, 255);
		if ($r == $SQL_ERROR) {
		    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
				       'query_db', 'sql_col_attribute (NAME)');
		push @{$colheadingsref}, ($result_text);
	    } # foreach
	    $labelptr -> {result_column_heads} = $colheadingsref;
	} # if ($labelptr -> {result_rows}) 
    } # sql_execute

    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth,
			   'query_db', 'sql_free_handle');
	return 1;

    no warnings;
    $r = $c -> sql_disconnect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'query_db', 'sql_disconnect');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_free_connect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh,
			   'query_db', 'sql_free_connect');
	return 1;
    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh,
			   'query_db', 'sql_free_handle (evh)');
	return 1;
    use warnings;
    return \@rowarray;

sub odbc_diag_message {
    my ($c, $handletype, $handle, $func, $unixodbcfunc) = @_;
    my ($rerror, $sqlstate, $native, $etext, $elength);
    ($rerror, $sqlstate, $native, $etext, $elength) = 
	$c -> sql_get_diag_rec ($handletype, $handle, 1, 255);
    error_dialog ($mw, "[$func][$unixodbcfunc]$etext");

sub new_dsnlabel {
    my $dsnlabel = 
	host => '',
	dsn => '',
	table => '',
	x_org => 0,
	y_org => 0,
	x_bound => 0,
	y_bound => 0,
	text_id => 0,
	image_id => 0,
	connect_status => '',
	# if it's a dsn or tables in dsn
	login_name => '',
	password => '',
	# Array ref of column names in table elements
	columns => undef,
        # Most recent SQL query.
        query => undef,
	# Rows, columns, and column headings in result set.
	result_rows => 0,
	result_cols => 0,
	result_column_heads => undef
    return $dsnlabel;

sub new_array_ref { my @a; return \@a; }

sub peer_client_login {
    my ($peer, $peerusername, $peerpassword) = @_;
    print "peer_client_login: host $peer, user $peerusername\n" if $debug;
    my $client =
	eval { RPC::PlClient->new('peeraddr' => $peer,
                          'peerport' => $peerport,
                          'application' => 'RPC::PlServer',
                          'version' => $UnixODBC::VERSION,
                          'user' => $peerusername,
				  'password' => $peerpassword)};
    if ($@) { 
	print STDERR "Could not create client object: $@\n" if $debug;

    $c = $client -> ClientObject ('BridgeAPI', 'new');
    if (ref $c ne 'RPC::PlClient::Object::BridgeAPI' ) {
    } else {
	return $c;

sub getdsns {
    my ($peer) = $_[0];
    my @dsnarray;
    my ($evh, $cnh);
    my ($r, $dsn, $dsnlength, $driver, $driverlength);
    my ($text, $textlen, $native, $sqlstate);
    return if (! defined $peer or ! length ($peer));
    my ($peerusername, $peerpassword) = split /::/, $peers{$peer};
    my $c = peer_client_login ($peer, $peerusername, $peerpassword);
    if ($c =~ m"$CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR") {
	push @dsnarray, ("$HOST_NOT_CONNECTED");
	return @dsnarray;

    $evh =  $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
    $r = $c -> 
	sql_set_env_attr ($evh, $SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, $SQL_OV_ODBC2, 0);

    ($r, $dsn, $dsnlength, $driver, $driverlength) = 
	$c -> sql_data_sources ($evh, $SQL_FETCH_FIRST, 255, 255);
    push @dsnarray, ($dsn);
    while (1) {
	($r, $dsn, $dsnlength, $driver, $driverlength) = 
	    $c -> sql_data_sources ($evh, $SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 255, 255);
	last unless $r == $SQL_SUCCESS;
	push @dsnarray, ($dsn);

    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh);
    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh);

    return @dsnarray;

sub describe_table {
    my ($labelptr) = @_;
    my ($r, $evh, $cnh, $sth, @columnnames, $text, $textlen);
    my ($peerusername, $peerpassword) = split /::/, 
         $peers{$labelptr -> {host}};
    my $c = peer_client_login ($labelptr -> {host}, 
			       $peerusername, $peerpassword);
    if ($c =~ m"$CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR") {

    $evh =  $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
    if (defined $evh) { 
	$r = $c -> 
    } else {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_set_env_attr');
	return 1;
    $cnh = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $evh);
    if (! defined $cnh) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_alloc_handle (cnh)');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_connect ($cnh, $labelptr -> {dsn}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {dsn}),
			    $labelptr -> {login_name}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {login_name}), 
			    $labelptr -> {password}, 
			    length($labelptr -> {password}));
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_connect');
	return 1;

    $sth = $c -> sql_alloc_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $cnh);
    if (! defined $sth) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_alloc_handle (sth)');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_columns ($sth, '', 0, '', 0, 
			    $labelptr -> {table},
			    length ($labelptr -> {table}),
			    '', 0);
    while (1) {
	$r = $c -> sql_fetch ($sth);
	last if $r == $SQL_NO_DATA;
	if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			       'describe_table', 'sql_fetch');
	    return 1;

	($r, $text, $textlen) = 
	    $c -> sql_get_data ($sth, 4, $SQL_C_CHAR, 255);
	last if $r == $SQL_NO_DATA;
	push @columnnames, ($text);
	if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	    odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			       'describe_table', 'sql_get_data');
	    return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_STMT, $sth, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_free_handle (sth)');
	return 1;

    no warnings;
    $r = $c -> sql_disconnect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_disconnect');
	return 1;

    $r = $c -> sql_free_connect ($cnh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_DBC, $cnh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_free_connect');
	return 1;
    $r = $c -> sql_free_handle ($SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh);
    if ($r != $SQL_SUCESS) {
	odbc_diag_message ($c, $SQL_HANDLE_ENV, $evh, 
			   'describe_table', 'sql_free_handle (evh)');
	return 1;
    use warnings;
    return @columnnames;

sub new_textbox {
    my $parent = shift;
    my @args = @_;
    my @stdargs = ('-scrollbars', 'osoe', 
			  '-background', $background);
    my $t = $parent -> Scrolled ('TextUndo', @args, @stdargs);
    $t -> Subwidget ($_) -> configure (-width => 10)
	foreach (qw/xscrollbar yscrollbar/);
    return $t;

sub init {
    $mw -> Busy;
    my $y_org = 10;
    my $textid = $dsnpane -> createText (10, $y_org, 
         -text => 'Logging in to peer hosts....',
	 -anchor => 'nw',
	 -font => $dsnnormalfont);
    $y_org += $normalfontmetric -> actual (-size) + $imagepadding;
    my $textid2 = $dsnpane -> createText (10, $y_org, 
         -text => 'Press F1 for help,',
	 -anchor => 'nw',
	 -font => $dsnnormalfont);
    $y_org += $normalfontmetric -> actual (-size) + $imagepadding;
    my $textid3 = $dsnpane -> createText (10, $y_org, 
         -text => 'right mouse button for menu.',
	 -anchor => 'nw',
         -font => $dsnnormalfont);
    $dsnpane -> update;
    getpeerlogins ();
    getdsns ();
    dsntree ($dsnpane);
    $dsnpane -> delete ($textid);
    $dsnpane -> delete ($textid2);
    $dsnpane -> delete ($textid3);
    $mw -> Unbusy;

sub self_help {
    my $pod2text = `which pod2text`;
    chomp $pod2text;
    my $hw = new MainWindow (-title => 'Tkdm Manual');
    my $ht = $hw -> Scrolled ('TextUndo', -background => $background,
			  -font => $dsnnormalfont,
			      -scrollbars => 'e') 
	-> pack (-expand => 'y', -fill => 'both');
    $ht -> Subwidget ('yscrollbar') -> configure (-width => 10);
    my $hdismiss = $hw -> Button (-text => 'Dismiss',
				  -font => $dsnnormalfont,
				  -command => sub {$hw -> WmDeleteWindow}) 
	-> pack (-pady => 10);

    if (! length ($pod2text)) {
	$ht -> insert ('0.0', "Tkdm can't find the perl program " . 
		       "\"pod2man\" to generate the documentation.");
    my $mantext = `$pod2text $0`;
    $ht -> insert ('0.0', $mantext);
    $ht -> markSet ('insert', '0.0');


=head1 NAME

  tkdm - Multi-host data manager for


  tkdm [options]


Tkdm is a multi-host ODBC data manager that uses Perl/Tk as its user
interface and for peer to peer communications.  Refer to
the man page, the man page, and
the README file in the UnixODBC source code archive for a description
of client and server configuration.

The section, "CONFIGURATION," describes how to configure tkdm
with login and server information.

=head1 USAGE

The Tkdm main window has two panes.  The left-hand pane displays
information about hosts, names of data sources (DSNs), and, when
connected to a data source, the database tables.

The right-hand pane provides forms and buttons to perform queries and
display query results of the DSN and table selected in the left-hand

=head2 DSN Pane

The left-hand pane displays network hosts and data sources that are
available via peer servers on each host system on a
network, as described in the section, "CONFIGURATION."

If tkdm cannot connect to a host, it displays that host's icon
X-ed out.

Clicking on a DSN label with the left mouse button pops up a dialog
for the DSN's login user name and password.  After logging in,
clicking on a table name draws a query form in the right-hand pane, as
described in the next section.

=head2 Table Query Pane

The right hand pane has buttons for the following functions.

- Execute a SELECT query, modified using the field selectors and
predicate inputs in the checkboxes and text entry boxes below.

- Execute an INSERT query, using the data entered in the text entry

- Open a dialog box where the user can enter the text of a SQL query.

The pane displays the result set's number of rows and columns, and, if
the query returns data in the result set, the data in tabular form in
the window.

=head2 Displaying Results

Data that consists of more than one line of text is displayed in a
scrollable window.  The text window is resizable by dragging the lower
right corner of the window.  You can cut and paste highlighted text
into other applications with the X Window clipboard, or with the text
menu options described in, "Text Menu Options."


Clicking the right mouse button opens the program's main menu, or a
text editing menu when the mouse pointer is over the results set.

=head1 Main Menu Options

=head2 Help... 

Open a help window with this document.

=head2 About...

Show version information in a dialog box.

=head2 Exit 

Exit tkdm.

=head1 Text Menu Options

Clicking the right mouse button over a result set window pops up a
menu which has the following options.

=head2 File

Options for multi-line text are, Open, Save, Save As, Include, Clear,
and Exit.

=head2 Edit 

Options are Undo, Redo, Copy, Cut, Paste, Select All, and Unselect All.

=head2 Search 

Options are Find, Find Next, Find Previous, and Replace.

=head2 View

Options are Goto Line, Which Line, and Wrap mode.


=head2 --background <color>

The window background color.

=head2 --debug

Print debugging information on the terminal.

=head2 --displayfont <font>

The font used to display widget text.

=head2 --help

Print the command line options and exit.

=head2 --height <pixels>

Window height.

=head2 --monofont <font>

Monospaced font used to display columnar data.

=head2 --relief <style>

Widget relief style.  The "style" paramater may be one of:
"raised," "sunken," "flat," "ridge," "solid," "groove," or "none."

=head2 --selectedfont <font>

Font used to highlight selected widgets.

=head2 --width <pixels>

Window width.


The file $HOME/.odbclogins contains the information for logging into
each host system on a network that has a  UnixODBC server.

Each line provides login information for one host, including the local
system.  The format of each line is:


To access the data sources on the hosts named "accounting," "sales,"
and "warehouse," for example, the .odbclogins file would look like


Substitute the actual login name and password for each system for
"mylogin" and "mypassword."  

The format of the .odbclogins file is similar to the odbclogins file
used by the CGI data manager.  There is a sample odbclogins file in
the datamanager directory of the UnixODBC package.

WARNING - To prevent other users from reading the login data, remove
the, "group," and, "other," permissions from the file, with:

  # chmod 0600 ~/.odbclogins


$Id: tkdm,v 1.23 2008-01-21 08:47:34 kiesling Exp $

Tkdm is part of the UnixODBC.  

Copyright © 2002-2005, 2008 Robert Kiesling,

Licensed under the same terms as Perl.  Refer to the file, "Artistic,"
for details.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), Tk(1), UnixODBC(3), UnixODBC::BridgeServer(3).
