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package Template::Plugin::JavaSQL;

=head1 NAME

Template::Plugin::JavaSQL - Help generate Java from database schemas.


Within an XML file processed by the Java plugin:

		query="select foo as f, bar as b from some_table"



Via a template such as:

	[% USE Java %]
	[% Use JavaSQL %]
	String query =
	"select [% JavaSQL.columnNames.join(", ") %] from [% JavaSQL.tables.join(", ") %]";
	[% IF JavaSQL.where %]
	query += " where [% JavaSQL.where %] ";
	[% ELSE %]
	query += " where 0=0 ";
	[% END %]
	[% FOREACH JavaSQL.columns %]
	if (${varName}Set) { query += " and $name = ?"; }
	[% END %]
	[% IF JavaSQL.order %]
	query += "order by [% JavaSQL.order %]";
	[% END %]
	stmt = myConnection.prepareStatement(query);

Just use the DBClass.template from the distribution for fully functional
database classes.


In addition to methods that refer to parts of a SQL query, any columns
resultant from the query or table will be added as java variables to the
variables hash, with close-as-possible mapped types.

=head1 METHODS

=over 8


use strict;
use base qw(Template::Plugin);
use Carp;
use DBI;
use Template::Plugin::Java::Constants qw/:all/;
use Template::Plugin::Java::Utils qw/parseOptions sqlType2JavaType/;

use constant QUERY => qr/
	\s*(.*?)\s*	# $1 = tables
	 	\s*(.*?)\s*	# $2 = condition
		\s*(.*)\s*$	# $3 = order by clause

my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached (
	{RaiseError => 1}

=item B<new>

Constructor. If given one parameter of type Template::Context, will use that as
a context. Then process the contents of "sql:" within the stash. This is what
typically happens inside a template when a [% USE JavaSQL %] directive is

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self  = bless {}, ref $class || $class;

	if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Template::Context')) {
		$self->{context} = shift;
	} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) {
		my $args = shift;
		@$self{ keys %$args } = values %$args;

	if (@_ % 2 == 0) {
		my %more = @_;
		@$self{ keys %more } = values %more;

# Now process the sql context if any.
	my $vars = $self->context->stash->get('variables');
	my $spec = delete $vars->{'sql:'};

	return unless $spec;

	my $query;
	if (exists $spec->{query}) {
		$query = $spec->{query};
	} elsif (exists $spec->{table}) {
		$query = "select * from ".$spec->{table};

	my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query);

	my $columns = $sth->{NAME_lc};

	my $result;
	@$result{ @$columns } =
		map { { 'java:type' => sqlType2JavaType $_ } }
			map { $dbh->type_info($_)->{TYPE_NAME} }
				@{ $sth->{TYPE} };

	$self->{columns} = [sort @$columns];

	$result = parseOptions($result);

	@{$self->{column2var}}{ sort @$columns } = sort keys %$result;
	@{$self->{var2column}}{ sort keys %$result } = sort @$columns;

# Place the variable info from the table back into main variables hash.
	@$vars{ keys %$result } = values %$result;

# If only one table used in query, check whether all columns are used (this
# makes it updatable in the underlying templates). Ideally, we should be
# checking if all the primary keys are being used.
# Also, this can be overridden in the context or constructor, which is not a
# good idea.
	if (!exists $self->{updatable} && $self->tableCount == 1) {
		my $test_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached (
			"select * from ".$self->tables->[0]

		if ($test_sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} == $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) {
			$self->{updatable} = TRUE;
	} elsif (exists $spec->{updatable}) {
		$self->{updatable} = $spec->{updatable};

	return $self;

=item B<context>

Returns Template::Context this instance has, if any.

sub context { $_[0]->{context} }

=item B<query>

The complete query, either supplied at instantiation or inferred from other

sub query   { $_[0]->{query}   }

=item B<where>

The "where" portion of the SQL query, excluding the word "where" itself.

sub where   { $_[0]->{where}   }

=item B<tables>

A list of tables used by the query.

sub tables  { $_[0]->{tables}  }

=item B<tableCount>

Number of tables used by query.

sub tableCount { scalar @{$_[0]->{tables}} }

=item B<updatable>

Whether the query used can be used to update the table.

sub updatable { $_[0]->{updatable} }

=item B<order>

An ORDER BY clause, if one was used.

sub order   { $_[0]->{order}   }

=item B<columnNames>

A list of column names used in the query.

sub columnNames { $_[0]->{columns} }

=item B<isColumn>

Check whether a variable name is a column.

sub isColumn {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;
	$name ||= $self->{context}->stash->get('name');
	scalar grep { $name eq $_ } @{$_[0]->{columns}}
		and return TRUE;
	scalar grep { $self->varToColumn($name) eq $_ }
		and return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

=item B<varToColumn>

Gives the column name mapping of the Java variable name.

sub varToColumn { return $_[0]->{var2column}{$_[1]} }

=item B<columnToVar>

Gives the Java variable name mapping of the column name.

sub columnToVar { return $_[0]->{column2var}{$_[1]} }

=item B<columnCount>

Number of columns returned from query.

sub columnCount { scalar @{$_[0]->{columns}} }

=item B<columns>

Intended to be used as [% FOREACH JavaSQL.columns %] ...

sub columns {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $vars    = $self->context->stash->get('variables');

	my $position= 1;

	return [ map {
		my $key  = $_;
		my $var  = $self->{column2var}{$key};
		my $type = $vars->{$var}{'java:type'};

			name	=> $key,
			varName => $var,
			capName	=> ucfirst $var,
			type	=> $type,
			capType	=> ucfirst $type,
			value   => $vars->{$var},
			initializer =>
			position=> $position++
	} @{ $self->{columns} } ];

=item B<parseQuery>

Used internally to parse a SQL query and set the appropriate state variables.

sub parseQuery {
	my ($self, $query) = @_;

	$query =~ /@{[QUERY]}/;

	$self->{query}  = $query;
	$self->{tables} = [ split /\s*,\s*/, $1 ];
	$self->{where}  = $2;
	$self->{order}  = $3;





=over 8

=item B<DBI_DSN>

DBI Data Source Name, for example, the data source for MySQL and database name
"test" it would be: dbi:mysql:database=test

=item B<DBI_USER>

User name to connect to the database as.

=item B<DBI_PASS>

Password for database, can be blank for no password.


=head1 AUTHOR

Rafael Kitover (
The concept and related templates are based on Andrew Lanthier's dbgen
framework (an unreleased development utility).


This program is Copyright (c) 2000 by Rafael Kitover. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

=head1 BUGS

Probably many.

=head1 TODO

A very great deal.

=head1 SEE ALSO

