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use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);

package App::GitHubPullRequest;
  $App::GitHubPullRequest::VERSION = '0.3.1';

# ABSTRACT: Command-line tool to query GitHub pull requests

use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use Carp qw(croak);
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);

sub DEBUG;

sub new {
    my ($class) = @_;
    return bless {}, $class;

sub run {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    my $cmd = scalar @args ? shift @args : 'list';
    my $method = $self->can($cmd);
    return $self->$method(@args) if $method;
    return $self->help(@args);

sub help {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    print <<"EOM";
$0 [<command> <args> ...]

Where command is one of these:

  help              Show this page
  list [<state>]    Show all pull requests (state: open/closed)
  show <number>     Show details for the specified pull request
  patch <number>    Fetch a properly formatted patch for specified pull request
  checkout <number> Create tracking branch for specified pull request

  login [<user>] [<password>] Login to GitHub and receive an access token
  comment <number> [<text>]   Create a comment on the specified pull request
  close <number>              Close the specified pull request
  open <number>               Reopen the specified pull request

    return 1;

sub list {
    my ($self, $state) = @_;
    my $prs = $self->_fetch_all($state);
    say ucfirst($prs->{'state'}) . " pull requests for '" . $prs->{"repo"} . "':";
    unless ( $prs->{'pull_requests'} and @{ $prs->{'pull_requests'} } ) {
        say "No pull requests found.";
        return 0;
    foreach my $pr ( @{ $prs->{"pull_requests"} } ) {
        my $number = $pr->{"number"};
        my $title = encode_utf8( $pr->{"title"} );
        my $date = $pr->{"updated_at"} || $pr->{'created_at'};
        say join(" ", $number, $date, $title);
    return 0;

sub show {
    my ($self, $number, @args) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $pr = $self->_fetch_one($number);
    die("Unable to fetch pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $pr;
        my $user = $pr->{'user'}->{'login'};
        my $title = encode_utf8( $pr->{"title"} );
        my $body = encode_utf8( $pr->{"body"} );
        my $date = $pr->{"updated_at"} || $pr->{'created_at'};
        say "Date:    $date";
        say "From:    $user";
        say "Subject: $title";
        say "Number:  $number";
        say "\n$body\n" if $body;
    my $comments = $self->_fetch_comments($pr);
    foreach my $comment (@$comments) {
        my $user = $comment->{'user'}->{'login'};
        my $date = $comment->{'updated_at'} || $comment->{'created_at'};
        my $body = encode_utf8( $comment->{'body'} );
        say "-" x 79;
        say "Date: $date";
        say "From: $user";
        say "\n$body\n";
    return 0;

sub patch {
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $patch = $self->_fetch_patch($number);
    die("Unable to fetch patch for pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $patch;
    print $patch;
    return 0;

sub checkout {
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $pr = $self->_fetch_one($number);
    die("Unable to fetch pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $pr;

    # Get required contributor branch info
    my $head_repo   = $pr->{'head'}->{'repo'}->{'git_url'};
    my $head_branch = $pr->{'head'}->{'ref'};
    my $head_user   = $pr->{'head'}->{'user'}->{'login'};

    # Check if the remote already exists in our repo
    my $head_remote;
    foreach my $line ( _qx("git", "remote -v") ) {
        my ($remote, $url, $type) = split /\s+/, $line;
        next unless $type eq '(fetch)'; # only consider fetch remotes
        if ( $url eq $head_repo ) {
            $head_remote = $remote;

    if ( $head_remote ) {
        # Remote already exists, try to update its state
        unless ( _qx(qw(git branch --list -r), qq{"$head_remote/$head_branch"}) ) {
            # Create a new tracking branch, because one doesn't already exist
            my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
                qw(git remote set-branches),
                '--add',        # don't remove any other existing tracking branches
                $head_remote,   # our remote's name/alias
                $head_branch,   # the ref we want to track
            die("git failed with error $rc when trying to add tracking branch"
              . " to existing remote.\n")
                if $rc != 0;

        # Fetch changes from just added remote
        say "Fetching changes from '$head_remote/$head_branch'";
        my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
            qw(git fetch),
        die("git failed with error $rc when trying to update remote.\n")
            if $rc != 0;
    else {
        # Create and fetch the branch info if it doesn't exist already
        $head_remote = $head_user;
        my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
            qw(git remote add),
            '-f',                    # only fetch specific refs
            '-t', $head_branch,      # add only a ref for this ref, not all
            $head_remote,            # what we'll name our remote
            $head_repo,              # URL to the head repo
        die("git failed with error $rc when trying to add remote.\n")
            if $rc != 0;

    # Actually checkout the ref we just updated as pr/<number>
    my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
        qw(git checkout),
        '-b', "pr/$number",
        '--track', "$head_remote/$head_branch",
    die("git failed with error $rc when trying to check out branch.\n")
        if $rc != 0;

    return 0;

sub close { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $pr = $self->_state($number, 'closed');
    die("Unable to close pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $pr;
    say "Pull request $number now in state: " . $pr->{'state'};
    return 0;

sub open { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $pr = $self->_state($number, 'open');
    die("Unable to open pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $pr;
    say "Pull request $number now in state: " . $pr->{'state'};
    return 0;

sub comment {
    my ($self, $number, $text) = @_;
    die("Please specify a pull request number.\n") unless $number;
    my $remote_repo = _find_github_remote();
    my $filename;
    unless ( $text ) {
        $filename = _tmpfile("$remote_repo-$number");
        # Find and execute editor on temporary file
        my $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'};
        unless ( $editor ) {
            $editor = 'editor';
        system($editor, $filename);
        # Fetch text just edited (if any)
        if ( -r $filename ) {
            CORE::open my $fh, "<", $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
            $text = join "", <$fh>;
            CORE::close $fh;
        # Abort if no text found
        unless ( $text ) {
            unlink $filename;
            die("Your comment is empty. Command aborted.\n");
    my $url = "$remote_repo/issues/$number/comments";
    my $mimetype = 'application/json';
    my $data = encode_json({ "body" => $text });
    my $comment = eval {
        decode_json( _post_url($url, $mimetype, $data) );
    die($@ . ( defined $filename ? "Comment text saved in '$filename'. Please remove it manually." : "" ) ."\n")
        if $@; # most likely network error
    die("Unable to add comment on pull request $number.\n")
        unless defined $comment;
    say "Comment added. You can view it online here: " . $comment->{'html_url'};

    # Remove temporary file if everything went well
    if ( defined $filename and -e $filename ) {
        unlink $filename;
        warn("Unable to remove temporary file $filename: $!\n")
            if $!;

    return 0;

sub login {
    my ($self, $user, $password) = @_;
    $user     ||= _qx('git', "config github.user")     || _prompt('GitHub username');
    $password ||= _qx('git', "config github.password") || _prompt('GitHub password', 'hidden');
    die("Please specify a user name.\n") unless $user;
    die("Please specify a password.\n")  unless $password;
    my $url = "";
    my $mimetype = 'application/json';
    my $data = encode_json({
        "scopes"   => [qw( public_repo repo )],
        "note"     => __PACKAGE__,
        "note_url" => 'https://metacpan/module/' . __PACKAGE__,
    my $auth = decode_json( _post_url($url, $mimetype, $data, $user, $password) );
    die("Unable to authenticate with GitHub.\n")
        unless defined $auth;
    my $token = $auth->{'token'};
    die("Authentication data does not include a token.\n")
        unless $token;
    my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(qw(git config --global, $token);
    die("git config returned message '$content' and code $rc when trying to store your token.\n")
        if $rc != 0;
    say "Access token stored successfully. Go to to revoke access.";
    return 0;

sub _state {
    my ($self, $number, $state) = @_;
    croak("Please specify a pull request number") unless $number;
    croak("Please specify a pull request state") unless $state;
    my $remote_repo = _find_github_remote();
    my $url = "$remote_repo/pulls/$number";
    my $mimetype = 'application/json';
    my $data = encode_json({ "state" => $state });
    my $pr = decode_json( _patch_url($url, $mimetype, $data) );
    return $pr;

sub _fetch_comments {
    my ($self, $pr) = @_;
    croak("Please specify a pull request") unless $pr;
    my $comments_url = $pr->{'comments_url'};
    my $comments = decode_json( _get_url($comments_url) );
    return $comments;

sub _fetch_patch {
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    my $patch_url = $self->_fetch_one($number)->{'patch_url'};
    return _get_url($patch_url);

sub _fetch_one {
    my ($self, $number) = @_;
    my $remote_repo = _find_github_remote();
    my $pr_url = "$remote_repo/pulls/$number";
    my $pr = decode_json( _get_url($pr_url) );
    return $pr;

sub _fetch_all {
    my ($self, $state) = @_;
    $state ||= 'open';
    my $remote_repo = _find_github_remote();
    my $pulls_url = "$remote_repo/pulls?state=$state";
    my $pull_requests = decode_json( _get_url($pulls_url) );
    return {
        "repo"           => $remote_repo,
        "state"          => $state,
        "pull_requests"  => $pull_requests,

sub _find_github_remote {
    # Parse lines from git and use first found github repo
    my $repo;
    foreach my $line ( _qx('git', 'remote -v') ) {
        my ($remote, $url, $type) = split /\s+/, $line;
        next unless $type eq '(fetch)'; # only consider fetch remotes
        next unless $url =~ m/github\.com/; # only consider remotes to github
        if ( $url =~ m{[:/](.+?)(?:\.git)?$} ) {
            $repo = $1;

    # Allow override for testing
    $repo = $ENV{"GITHUB_REPO"} if $ENV{'GITHUB_REPO'};
    die("No valid GitHub remote repo found.\n")
        unless $repo;

    # Fetch repo information
    my $repo_url = "$repo";
    my $repo_info = decode_json( _get_url( $repo_url ) );
    die("Unable to fetch repo information for $repo_url.\n")
        unless $repo_info;

    # Return the parent repo if repo is a fork
    return $repo_info->{'parent'}->{'full_name'}
        if $repo_info->{'fork'};

    # Not a fork, use this repo
    return $repo;

# Ask the user for some information
sub _prompt {
    my ($label, $hide_echo) = @_;
    print "$label: " if defined $label;
    _require_binary('stty') if $hide_echo;
    system("stty -echo") if $hide_echo;
    my $input = scalar <STDIN>;
    system("stty echo") if $hide_echo;
    chomp $input;
    return $input;

# Generate a random temporary filename with the given prefix
sub _tmpfile {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    $prefix = defined $prefix ? "${prefix}-" : '';
    $prefix =~ s{[^A-Za-z0-9_-]}{-}g;
    srand($$ + time);
    my $random = $$;
    $random .= int(rand(10)) for 1..10;
    return "/tmp/git-pr-$prefix$random";

# Return stdout from external program
# If called in list context, each line will be chomped
# In scalar context, only last line will be chomped
sub _qx {
    my ($cmd, @rest) = @_;
    $cmd .= " " . join(" ", @rest) if @rest;
    return map { chomp; $_ } qx{$cmd}
        if wantarray;
    my $content = qx{$cmd};
    chomp $content;
    return $content;

# Run an external command and return STDOUT and exit code
## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking)
sub _run_ext {
    croak("Please specify a command line") unless @_;
    my $cmd = join(" ", @_);
    my $prg = $_[0];
    warn("$cmd\n") if DEBUG;
    CORE::open my $fh, "-|", @_ or die("Can't run command '$cmd': $!");
    my $stdout = join("", <$fh>);
    CORE::close $fh;
    my $rc = $? >> 8; # exit code, see perldoc perlvar for details
    return $stdout, $rc;
## use critic

# Make sure a program is present in path
sub _require_binary {
    my ($bin) = @_;
    croak("Please specify program to require") unless $bin;
    system("which $bin >/dev/null");
    return 1 if $? >> 8 == 0; # exit code is 0
    die("You need the program '$bin' in your path to use this feature.\n");

sub DEBUG {
    return $ENV{'GIT_PR_DEBUG'} || 0;

# Perform HTTP GET
sub _get_url {
    my ($url) = @_;
    croak("Please specify a URL") unless $url;

    # See if we should use credentials
    my @credentials;
    if ( $url =~ m{^} ) {
        my $token = _qx('git', 'config');
        @credentials = ( '-H', "Authorization: token $token" ) if $token;

    # Send request
    my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
        '-s',                            # be silent
        '-w', '%{http_code}',            # include HTTP status code at end of stdout
        @credentials,                    # Logon credentials, if any
        $url,                            # The URL we're GETing
    die("curl failed to fetch $url with code $rc.\n") if $rc != 0;

    my $code = substr($content, -3, 3, '');
    if ( $code >= 400 ) {
        die("Fetching URL $url failed with code $code:\n$content");

    return $content;

# Perform HTTP PATCH
sub _patch_url {
    my ($url, $mimetype, $data) = @_;
    croak("Please specify a URL") unless $url;
    croak("Please specify a mimetype") unless $mimetype;
    croak("Please specify some data") unless $data;

    # See if we should use credentials
    my @credentials;
    if ( $url =~ m{^} ) {
        my $token = _qx('git', 'config');
        die("You must login before you can modify information.\n")
            unless $token;
        @credentials = ( '-H', "Authorization: token $token" );

    # Send request
    my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
        '-s',                            # be silent
        '-w', '%{http_code}',            # include HTTP status code at end of stdout
        '-X', 'PATCH',                   # perform an HTTP PATCH
        '-H', "Content-Type: $mimetype", # What kind of data we're sending
        '-d', $data,                     # Our data
        @credentials,                    # Logon credentials, if any
        $url,                            # The URL we're PATCHing
    die("curl failed to patch $url with code $rc.\n") if $rc != 0;

    my $code = substr($content, -3, 3, '');
    if ( $code >= 400 ) {
        die("If you get 'Validation Failed' error without any reason,"
          . " most likely the pull request has already been merged or closed by the repo owner.\n"
          . "URL: $url\n"
          . "Code: $code\n"
          . $content
        ) if $code == 422;
        die("Patching URL $url failed with code $code:\n$content");

    return $content;

# Perform HTTP POST
sub _post_url {
    my ($url, $mimetype, $data, $user, $password) = @_;
    croak("Please specify a URL") unless $url;
    croak("Please specify a mimetype") unless $mimetype;
    croak("Please specify some data") unless $data;

    # See if we should use credentials
    my @credentials;
    if ( $url =~ m{^} ) {
        my $token = _qx('git', 'config');
        die("You must login before you can modify information.\n")
            unless $token or ( $user and $password );
        if ( $user and $password ) {
            @credentials = ( '-u', "$user:$password" );
        else {
            @credentials = ( '-H', "Authorization: token $token" ) if $token;

    # Send request
    my ($content, $rc) = _run_ext(
        '-s',                            # be silent
        '-w', '%{http_code}',            # include HTTP status code at end of stdout
        '-X', 'POST',                    # perform an HTTP POST
        '-H', "Content-Type: $mimetype", # What kind of data we're sending
        '-d', $data,                     # Our data
        @credentials,                    # Logon credentials, if any
        $url,                            # The URL we're POSTing to
    die("curl failed to post to $url with code $rc.\n") if $rc != 0;

    my $code = substr($content, -3, 3, '');
    if ( $code >= 400 ) {
        die("Posting to URL $url failed with code $code:\n$content");

    return $content;




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

App::GitHubPullRequest - Command-line tool to query GitHub pull requests

=head1 VERSION

version 0.3.1


    $ git pr
    $ git pr list closed # not shown by default
    $ git pr show 7      # also includes comments
    $ git pr patch 7     # can be piped to colordiff if you like colors
    $ git pr checkout 7  # create upstream tracking branch pr/7
    $ git pr help

    $ git pr login       # Get access token for commands below
    $ git pr close 7
    $ git pr open 7
    $ git pr comment 7 'This is good stuff!'


Install it by just typing in these few lines in your shell:

    $ curl -L | perl - --self-upgrade
    $ cpanm App::GitHubPullRequest

The following external programs are required:

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *




=head2 help

Displays some help.

=head2 list [<state>]

Shows all pull requests in the given state. State can be either C<open> or
C<closed>.  The default state is C<open>.  This is the default command if
none is specified.

=head2 show <number>

Shows details about the specified pull request number. Also includes

=head2 patch <number>

Shows the patch associated with the specified pull request number.

=head2 checkout <number>

Checks out the specified pull request in a dedicated tracking branch.
If the remote repo is not already specified in your git config, it will be
added and the branch in question will be fetched.

=head2 close <number>

Closes the specified pull request number. Be aware, you can't close a pull
request that has already been merged.  If you try to, you'll get an obscure
C<Validation Failed> error message from the GitHub API.

=head2 open <number>

Reopens the specified pull request number. Be aware, you can't reopen a pull
request that has already been merged or closed by the repo owner.  If you
try to, you'll get an obscure C<Validation Failed> error message from the
GitHub API.

=head2 comment <number> [<text>]

Creates a comment on the specified pull request with the specified text. If
text is not specified, an editor will be opened for you to type in the text.

If your C<EDITOR> environment variable has been set, that editor is used to
edit the text.  If it has not been set, it will try to use the L<editor(1)>
external program.  This is usually a symlink set up by your operating system
to the most recently installed text editor.

=head2 login [<user>] [<password>]

Logs you in to GitHub and creates a new access token used instead of your
password.  If you don't specify either of the options, they are looked up in
your git config github section.  If none of those are found, you'll be
prompted for them.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Constructor. Takes no parameters.

=head2 run(@args)

Calls any of the other listed public methods with specified arguments. This
is usually called automatically when you invoke L<git-pr>.


=head2 DEBUG

Returns true if we're in debug mode.

Set the environment variable GIT_PR_DEBUG to a non-zero value to see more
details, like each API command being executed.


If you want to interact with another GitHub repo than the one in your
current directory, set the environment variable GITHUB_REPO to the name of
the repo in question. Example:

    GITHUB_REPO=robinsmidsrod/App-GitHubPullRequest git pr list

Be aware, that if that repo is a fork, the program will look for its parent.

=head1 CAVEATS

If you don't authenticate with GitHub using the login command, it will use
unauthenticated API requests where possible, which has a rate-limit of 60
requests.  If you login first it should allow 5000 requests before you hit
the limit.

You must be standing in a directory that is a git dir and that directory must
have a remote that points to for the tool to work.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


=item *

L<GitHub Pull Request documentation|>

=item *

L<GitHub Pull Request API documentation|>



This module uses semantic versioning concepts from L<>.

=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Perldoc

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

  perldoc App::GitHubPullRequest

=head2 Websites

The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always,
in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

=over 4

=item *


A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.


=item *

Search CPAN

The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.


=item *

RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker

The RT ( Request Tracker ) website is the default bug/issue tracking system for CPAN.


=item *


The AnnoCPAN is a website that allows community annotations of Perl module documentation.


=item *

CPAN Ratings

The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and reviews of Perl modules.


=item *

CPAN Forum

The CPAN Forum is a web forum for discussing Perl modules.


=item *


The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics ) of a distribution.


=item *

CPAN Testers

The CPAN Testers is a network of smokers who run automated tests on uploaded CPAN distributions.


=item *

CPAN Testers Matrix

The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview of the test results for a distribution on various Perls/platforms.


=item *

CPAN Testers Dependencies

The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the test results of all dependencies for a distribution.



=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to C<bug-app-githubpullrequest at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. You will be automatically notified of any
progress on the request by the system.

=head2 Source Code

The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play
with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull
from your repository :)


  git clone git://

=head1 AUTHOR

Robin Smidsrød <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Robin Smidsrød.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
