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package IDNA::Punycode;

use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.03;

require Exporter;
our @ISA	= qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(encode_punycode decode_punycode idn_prefix);

use integer;

our $DEBUG = 0;
our $PREFIX = 'xn--';

use constant BASE => 36;
use constant TMIN => 1;
use constant TMAX => 26;
use constant SKEW => 38;
use constant DAMP => 700;
use constant INITIAL_BIAS => 72;
use constant INITIAL_N => 128;

my $Delimiter = chr 0x2D;
my $BasicRE   = qr/[\x00-\x7f]/;

sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_); }

sub idn_prefix {
	$PREFIX = shift;

sub digit_value {
	my $code = shift;
	return ord($code) - ord("A") if $code =~ /[A-Z]/;
	return ord($code) - ord("a") if $code =~ /[a-z]/;
	return ord($code) - ord("0") + 26 if $code =~ /[0-9]/;

sub code_point {
	my $digit = shift;
	return $digit + ord('a') if 0 <= $digit && $digit <= 25;
	return $digit + ord('0') - 26 if 26 <= $digit && $digit <= 36;

sub adapt {
	my($delta, $numpoints, $firsttime) = @_;
	$delta = $firsttime ? $delta / DAMP : $delta / 2;
	$delta += $delta / $numpoints;
	my $k = 0;
	while ($delta > ((BASE - TMIN) * TMAX) / 2) {
		$delta /= BASE - TMIN;
		$k += BASE;
	return $k + (((BASE - TMIN + 1) * $delta) / ($delta + SKEW));

sub decode_punycode {
	my $code = shift;

	my $n	  = INITIAL_N;
	my $i	  = 0;
	my $bias   = INITIAL_BIAS;
	my @output;

	if ($PREFIX) {
		if ($code !~ /^$PREFIX/) {
			return $code;
		$code =~ s/^$PREFIX//;

	if ($code =~ s/(.*)$Delimiter//o) {
		push @output, map ord, split //, $1;
		return _croak('non-basic code point') unless $1 =~ /^$BasicRE*$/o;

	while ($code) {
		my $oldi = $i;
		my $w	= 1;
		for (my $k = BASE; 1; $k += BASE) {
			my $cp = substr($code, 0, 1, '');
			my $digit = digit_value($cp);
			defined $digit or return _croak("invalid punycode input");
			$i += $digit * $w;
			my $t = ($k <= $bias) ? TMIN
			: ($k >= $bias + TMAX) ? TMAX : $k - $bias;
			last LOOP if $digit < $t;
			$w *= (BASE - $t);
		$bias = adapt($i - $oldi, @output + 1, $oldi == 0);
		warn "bias becomes $bias" if $DEBUG;
		$n += $i / (@output + 1);
		$i = $i % (@output + 1);
		splice(@output, $i, 0, $n);
		warn join " ", map sprintf('%04x', $_), @output if $DEBUG;
	return join '', map chr, @output;

sub encode_punycode {
	my $input = shift;
	# my @input = split //, $input; # doesn't work in 5.6.x!
	my @input = map substr($input, $_, 1), 0..length($input)-1;

	my $n	 = INITIAL_N;
	my $delta = 0;
	my $bias  = INITIAL_BIAS;

	my @output;
	my @basic = grep /$BasicRE/, @input;
	my $h = my $b = @basic;
	#push @output, @basic, $Delimiter if $b > 0;
	push @output, @basic if $b > 0;
	warn "basic codepoints: (@output)" if $DEBUG;

	if ($h < @input) {
		$PREFIX && unshift(@output, $PREFIX);
		push(@output, $Delimiter);
	} else {
		return join '', @output;

	while ($h < @input) {
		my $m = min(grep { $_ >= $n } map ord, @input);
		warn sprintf "next code point to insert is %04x", $m if $DEBUG;
		$delta += ($m - $n) * ($h + 1);
		$n = $m;
		for my $i (@input) {
			my $c = ord($i);
			$delta++ if $c < $n;
			if ($c == $n) {
				my $q = $delta;
				for (my $k = BASE; 1; $k += BASE) {
					my $t = ($k <= $bias) ? TMIN :
					($k >= $bias + TMAX) ? TMAX : $k - $bias;
					last LOOP if $q < $t;
					my $cp = code_point($t + (($q - $t) % (BASE - $t)));
					push @output, chr($cp);
					$q = ($q - $t) / (BASE - $t);
				push @output, chr(code_point($q));
				$bias = adapt($delta, $h + 1, $h == $b);
				warn "bias becomes $bias" if $DEBUG;
				$delta = 0;
	return join '', @output;

sub min {
	my $min = shift;
	for (@_) { $min = $_ if $_ <= $min }
	return $min;


=head1 NAME

IDNA::Punycode - encodes Unicode string in Punycode


  use IDNA::Punycode;
  $punycode = encode_punycode($unicode);
  $unicode  = decode_punycode($punycode);


IDNA::Punycode is a module to encode / decode Unicode strings into
Punycode, an efficient encoding of Unicode for use with IDNA.

This module requires Perl 5.6.0 or over to handle UTF8 flagged Unicode


This module exports following functions by default.

=over 4

=item encode_punycode

  $punycode = encode_punycode($unicode);

takes Unicode string (UTF8-flagged variable) and returns Punycode
encoding for it.

=item decode_punycode

  $unicode = decode_punycode($punycode)

takes Punycode encoding and returns original Unicode string.

=item idn_prefix


causes encode_punycode() to add $prefix to ACE-string after conversion.
As a side-effect decode_punycode() will only consider strings
beginning with $prefix as punycode representations.

According to RFC 3490 the ACE prefix "xn--" had been chosen as the
standard.  Thus, "xn--" is also the default ACE prefix.  For compatibility
I'm leaving idn_prefix() in the module.  Use C<idn_prefix(undef)> to
get the old behaviour.


These functions throws exceptionsn on failure. You can catch 'em via

=head1 AUTHORS

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa E<lt>miyagawa@bulknews.netE<gt> is the original
author and wrote almost all the code.

Robert Urban E<lt>urban@UNIX-Beratung.deE<gt> added C<idn_prefix()>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

