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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#   Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Rocky Bernstein <>
use Digest::SHA;

use version; $VERSION = '0.1.1';

package DB;

# FIXME: Figure out where to put this
# *pod
# I<eval_ok($code)> => I<boolean>
# Evaluate I<$code> and return true if there's no error.
# *cut
sub eval_ok ($) 
    my $code = shift;
    no strict; no warnings;
    $DB::namespace_package = 'package main' unless $DB::namespace_package;
    my $wrapped = "$DB::namespace_package; sub { $code }";
    eval $wrapped;
    # print $@, "\n" if $@;
    return !$@;

package DB::LineCache;


=head1 NAME DB::LineCache

DB::LineCache - package to read and cache lines of a Perl program. 


The LineCache package allows one to get any line from any file,
caching lines of the file on first access to the file. Although the 
file may be any file, the common use is when the file is a Perl
script since parsing of the file is done to figure out where the
statement boundaries are.

The routines here may be is useful when a small random sets of lines
are read from a single file, in particular in a debugger to show
source lines.

 use DB::LineCache;
 $lines = DB::LineCache::getlines('/tmp/')

 # The following lines have same effect as the above.
 unshift @INC, '/tmp';
 $lines = DB::LineCache::getlines('');
 shift @INC;
 chdir '/tmp';  
 $lines = DB::LineCache::getlines('')

 $line = DB::LineCache::getline('/tmp/', 6)
 # Note lines[6] == line (if /tmp/ has 6 lines)

 DB::LineCache::update_cache   # Check for modifications of all cached files.


use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use vars qw(%file_cache %script_cache);

use strict; use warnings;
no warnings 'once';
no warnings 'redefine';

use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::stat;

use rlib '../..';
## FIXME:: Make conditional
use Devel::Trepan::DB::Colors;
my $perl_formatter = Devel::Trepan::DB::Colors::setup();

## struct(stat => '$', lines => '%', path => '$', sha1 => '$');

# The file cache. The key is a name as would be given by Perl for
# __FILE__. The value is a LineCacheInfo object.

# Maps a string filename (a String) to a key in %file_cache (a
# String).
# One important use of %file2file_remap is mapping the a full path
# of a file into the name stored in %file_cache or given by Perl's
# __FILE__. Applications such as those that get input from users,
# may want canonicalize a file name before looking it up. This map
# gives a way to do that.
# Another related use is when a template system is used.  Here we'll
# probably want to remap not only the file name but also line
# ranges. Will probably use this for that, but I'm not sure.

my %file2file_remap;
my %file2file_remap_lines;
my %script2file;
my @tempfiles;



I<Note:> in what follows we use I<$file_or_script> to refer to either
a filename which generally should be a Perl file, or a psuedo-file
name that is created in an I<eval()> string. Often, the filename does
not have to be fully qualified. In some cases I<@INC> will be used to
find the file.


sub remove_temps() 
    for my $filename (values %script2file) {
        unlink($filename) if -f $filename;
    for my $filename (@tempfiles) {
        unlink($filename) if -f $filename;

END { 
    $DB::ready = 0;


=head2 clear_file_cache



Clear the file cache of I<$filename>. If I<$filename>
is not given, clear all files in the cache.


sub clear_file_cache(;$)
    if (scalar @_ == 1) {
        my $filename = shift;
        if ($file_cache{$filename}) {
            delete $file_cache{$filename};
    } else {
        %file_cache = {};
        %file2file_remap = {};
        %file2file_remap_lines = {};


=head2 clear_file_format_cache


Remove syntax-formatted lines in the cache. Use this when you change
the L<Syntax::Highlight::Perl> colors and want to redo how files may
have previously been syntax marked.


sub clear_file_format_cache() 
    while (my ($fname, $cache_info) = each %file_cache) {
        while (my($format, $lines) = each %{$cache_info->{lines_href}}) {
            next if 'plain' eq $format;
            my $ref = $file_cache{$fname};
            $ref->{lines_href}->{$format} = undef;


=head2 clear_script_cache


Clear the script cache entirely.


sub clear_script_cache() {
    %script_cache = {};


=head2 cached_files

B<cached_files()> => I<list of files>

Return an array of cached file names


sub cached_files() {
    keys %file_cache;


=head2 checkcache

B<checkcache()> => I<list-of-filenames>

B<checkcache(I<$filename> [, $opts])> => I<list-of-filenames>

Discard cache entries that are out of date. If I<$filename>is I<undef>,
all entries in the file cache are checked.

If we did not previously have I<stat()> information about a file, it
will be added. Return a list of invalidated filenames. I<undef> is
returned if a filename was given but not found cached.


sub checkcache(;$$)
    my ($filename, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;

    my $use_perl_d_file = $opts->{use_perl_d_file};

    my @filenames;
    if (defined $filename) {
        @filenames = keys %file_cache;
    } elsif (exists $file_cache{$filename}) {
        @filenames = ($filename);
    } else {
        return undef;

    my @result = ();
    for my $filename (@filenames) {
        next unless exists $file_cache{$filename};
        my $path = $file_cache{$filename}{path};
        if (-f  $path) {
            my $cache_info = $file_cache{$filename}{stat};
            my $stat = File::stat::stat($path);
            if ($cache_info) {
                if ($stat && 
                    ($cache_info->{size} != $stat->size or 
                     $cache_info->{mtime} != $stat->mtime)) {
                    push @result, $filename;
                    update_cache($filename, $opts);
        } else {
            push @result, $filename;
            update_cache($filename, $opts);
    return @result;


=head2 cache_script

B<cache_script(I<$script> [, I<$opts>]) > => I<script>

Cache psuedo eval-string for a pseudo eval-string if it's not already cached.


sub cache_script($;$) 
    my ($script, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;
    update_script_cache($script, $opts) unless 
        (exists $script_cache{$script});


=head2 cache

B<cache(I<$file_or_script> [, I<$reload_on_change>]) > => I<filename>

Cache file name or script object if it's not already cached.

Return the expanded filename for it in the cache if a filename,
or the script, or I<undef> if we can't find the file.


sub cache($;$)
    my ($file_or_script, $reload_on_change) = @_;
    cache_file($file_or_script, $reload_on_change)


=head2 cache_file

B<cache(I<$file_or_script> [, I<$reload_on_change>, $opts]) > => I<filename>

Cache I<$filename_or_script> if it's not already cached.

Return the expanded filename for I<$file_or_script> if it is in the
cache or I<undef> if we can't find it.


sub cache_file($;$$) 
    my ($filename, $reload_on_change, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;
    if (exists $file_cache{$filename}) {
        checkcache($filename) if $reload_on_change;
    } else {
        $opts->{use_perl_d_file} = 1 unless defined $opts->{use_perl_d_file};
        update_cache($filename, $opts);
    if (exists $file_cache{$filename}) {
    } else {
        return undef;


=head2 is_cached

B<cache(I<$file_or_script>)> => I<boolean>

Return I<true> if I<$file_or_script> is cached.


sub is_cached($)
    my $file_or_script = shift;
    return undef unless defined $file_or_script;
    exists $file_cache{map_file($file_or_script)};

sub is_cached_script($)
    my $filename = shift;
    my $name = map_file($filename);
    scalar @{"_<$name"};
sub is_empty($)
    my $filename = shift;
    my $ref = $file_cache{$filename};

sub file_list()
    sort((cached_files(), keys(%file2file_remap)));


=head2 getline

B<getline($file_or_script, $line_number [, $opts])> => I<string>

Get line I<$line_number> from I<$file_script>. Return I<undef> if
there was a problem. If a file named I<$file_or_script> is not found, the
function will look for it in the I<@INC> array.


sub getline($$;$)
    my ($file_or_script, $line_number, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;
    my $reload_on_change = $opts->{reload_on_change};
    my $filename = map_file($file_or_script);
    ($filename, $line_number) = map_file_line($filename, $line_number);
    my $lines = getlines($filename, $opts);
    # Adjust for 0-origin arrays vs 1 origin line numbers
    my $max_index = scalar(@$lines) - 1;
    my $index = $line_number - 1;
    if (defined $lines && @$lines && $index >= 0 && $index <= $max_index) {
        my $max_continue = $opts->{max_continue} || 1;
        my $line = $lines->[$index];
        return undef unless defined $line;
        if ($max_continue > 1) {
            my $plain_lines = getlines($filename, {output => 'plain'});
            # FIXME: should cache results
            my $sep = ($plain_lines eq $lines) ? '' : "\n";
            my $plain_line = $plain_lines->[$index];
            while (--$max_continue && !DB::eval_ok($plain_line)) {
                $line .= ($sep . $lines->[++$index]);
                $plain_line .= $plain_lines->[$index];
        chomp $line if defined $line;
        return $line;
    } else {
        return undef;


=head2 getlines

B<getlines($filename, [$opts])> => I<string>

Read lines of I<$filename> and cache the results. However
if I<$filename> was previously cached use the results from the
cache. Return I<undef> if we can't get lines.


 $lines = LineCache::getline('/tmp/')
 # Same as above
 push @INC, '/tmp';
 $lines = LineCache.getlines('')


sub getlines($;$);
sub getlines($;$)
    my ($filename, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {use_perl_d_file => 1} unless defined $opts;
    my ($reload_on_change, $use_perl_d_file) = 
        ($opts->{reload_on_change}, $opts->{use_perl_d_file});
    checkcache($filename) if $reload_on_change;
    my $format = $opts->{output} || 'plain';
    if (exists $file_cache{$filename}) {
        my $lines_href = $file_cache{$filename}{lines_href};
        my $lines_aref = $lines_href->{$format};
        if ($opts->{output} && !defined $lines_aref) {
            my @formatted_lines = ();
            my $lines_aref = $lines_href->{plain};
            for my $line (@$lines_aref) {
                push @formatted_lines, highlight_string($line);
                ## print $formatted_text;
            $lines_href->{$format} = \@formatted_lines;
            return \@formatted_lines;
        } else {
            return $lines_aref;
    } elsif (exists $script_cache{$filename}) {
        ### FIXME: combine with above...
        ###  print "+++IS IN SCRIPT CACHE\n";
        my $lines_href = $script_cache{$filename}{lines_href};
        my $lines_aref = $lines_href->{$format};
        if ($opts->{output} && !defined $lines_aref) {
            my @formatted_lines = ();
            my $lines_aref = $lines_href->{plain};
            for my $line (@$lines_aref) {
                push @formatted_lines, highlight_string($line);
                ## print $formatted_text;
            $lines_href->{$format} = \@formatted_lines;
            return \@formatted_lines;
        } else {
            return $lines_aref;
    } else {
        $opts->{use_perl_d_file} = 1;
        update_cache($filename, $opts);
        if (exists $file_cache{$filename}) {
            return getlines($filename, $opts);
        } else {
            return undef;


=head2 highlight_string

B<highlight_string($string)> => I<marked-up-string>

Add syntax-formatting characters via
L<Syntax::Highlight::Pel::Improved> to I<marked-up-string> according to table
given in L<Devel::Trepan::DB::Colors>.


sub highlight_string($)
    my ($string) = shift;
    $string = $perl_formatter->format_string($string);
    chomp $string;


=head2 path

B<path($filename)> => I<string>

Return full filename path for I<$filename>.


sub path($)
    my $filename = shift;
    $filename = map_file($filename);
    return undef unless exists $file_cache{$filename};


=head2 remap_file

B<remap_file($from_file, $to_file)> => $to_file

Set to make any lookups retriving lines from of I<$from_file> refer to



  use Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;
  DB::LineCache::remap_file('another_name', __FILE__);
  print DB::LineCache::getline('another_name', __LINE__), "\n";


  print DB::LineCache::getline('another_name', __LINE__), "\n";


sub remap_file($$)
    my ($from_file, $to_file) = @_;
    $file2file_remap{$from_file} = $to_file;


=head2 remap_dbline_to_file


When we run C< -e> ... or C<perl -d:Trepan -e ...> we have
data in internal an "line" array I<@DB::dbline> but no external
file. Here, we will create a temporary file and store the data in


sub remap_dbline_to_file()
    my ($fh, $tempfile) = tempfile('XXXX', SUFFIX=>'.pl',
                                   TMPDIR => 1);
    push @tempfiles, $tempfile;
    no strict;
    my @lines = @DB::dbline;
    shift @lines if $lines[0] eq "use Devel::Trepan;\n";
    my $string = join('', @lines);
    print $fh $string;
    remap_file('-e', $tempfile);
    return $tempfile

sub remap_file_lines($$$$)
    my ($from_file, $to_file, $range_ref, $start) = @_;
    my @range = @$range_ref;
    $to_file = $from_file unless $to_file;
    my $ary_ref = ${$file2file_remap_lines{$to_file}};
    $ary_ref = [] unless defined $ary_ref;
    # FIXME: need to check for overwriting ranges: whether
    # they intersect or one encompasses another.
    push @$ary_ref, [$from_file, @range, $start];


=head2 sha1

I<sha1($filename)> => I<string>

Return SHA1 for I<$filename>.


In file C</tmp/>: 

  use Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;
  printf "SHA1 of %s is:\n%s\n", __FILE__, DB::LineCache::sha1(__FILE__);


  SHA1 of /tmp/ is:


sub DB::LineCache::sha1($)
    my $filename = shift;
    $filename = map_file($filename);
    return undef unless exists $file_cache{$filename};
    my $sha1 = $file_cache{$filename}{sha1};
    return $sha1->hexdigest if exists $file_cache{$filename}{sha1};
    $sha1 = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
    my $line_ary = $file_cache{$filename}{lines_href}{plain};
    for my $line (@$line_ary) {
        next unless defined $line;
    $file_cache{$filename}{sha1} = $sha1;

=head2 size

I<size($filename_or_script)> => I<string>

Return the number of lines in I<$filename_or_script>.


In file C</tmp/>: 

  use Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;
  printf "%s has %d lines\n", __FILE__,  DB::LineCache::size(__FILE__);


  /tmp/ has 3 lines


sub size($)
    my $file_or_script = shift;
    $file_or_script = map_file($file_or_script);
    return undef unless exists $file_cache{$file_or_script};
    my $lines_href = $file_cache{$file_or_script}{lines_href};
    return undef unless defined $lines_href;
    scalar @{$lines_href->{plain}};


=head2 stat

B<stat(I<$filename>)> => I<stat-info>

Return file I<stat()> info in the cache for I<$filename>.


In file C</tmp/>: 

  use Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;
  printf("stat() info for %s is:
  dev    ino      mode nlink  uid  gid rdev size atime      ctime ...
  %4d  %8d %7o %3d %4d %4d %4d %4d %d %d",


  stat() info for /tmp/ is:
  dev    ino      mode nlink  uid  gid rdev size atime      ctime ...
  2056   5242974  100664   1 1000 1000    0  266 1347890102 1347890101


sub DB::LineCache::stat($)
    my $filename = shift;
    return undef unless exists $file_cache{$filename};


=head2 trace_line_numbers

B<trace_line_numbers($filename [, $reload_on_change])> => I<list-of-numbers>

Return an array of line numbers in (control opcodes) COP in
$I<filename>.  These line numbers are the places where a breakpoint
might be set in a debugger.

We get this information from the Perl run-time, so that should have
been set up for this to take effect. See L<B::CodeLines> for a way to
get this information, basically by running an Perl invocation that has
this set up.


sub trace_line_numbers($;$)
    my ($filename, $reload_on_change) = @_;
    my $fullname = cache($filename, $reload_on_change);
    return undef unless $fullname;
    return sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$file_cache{$filename}{trace_nums}};

=head2 is_trace_line

B<is_trace_line($filename, $line_num [,$reload_on_change])> => I<boolean>

Return I<true> if I<$line_num> is a trace line number of I<$filename>.

See the comment in L<trace_line_numbers> regarding run-time setup that
needs to take place for this to work.


sub is_trace_line($$;$)
    my ($filename, $line_num, $reload_on_change) = @_;
    my $fullname = cache($filename, $reload_on_change);
    return undef unless $fullname;
    return !!$file_cache{$filename}{trace_nums}{$line_num};

=head2 map_file

B<map_file($filename)> => string

A previous invocation of I<remap_file()> could have mapped
I<$filename> into something else. If that is the case we return the
name that I<$filename> was mapped into. Otherwise we return I<$filename>


sub map_file($)
    my $filename = shift;
    return undef unless defined($filename);
    $file2file_remap{$filename} ? $file2file_remap{$filename} : $filename


=head2 map_script

B<map_script($script)> => string

A previous invocation of I<remap_file()> could have mapped I<$script>
(a pseudo-file name that I<eval()> uses) into something else. If that
is the case we return the name that I<$script> was mapped
into. Otherwise we return I<$script>

use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
sub map_script($$)
    my ($script, $string) = @_;
    if (exists $script2file{$script}) {
    } else  {
        # my $sha1 = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
        # $sha1->add($string);
        my ($fh, $tempfile) = tempfile('XXXX', SUFFIX=>'.pl',
                                       TMPDIR => 1);
        print $fh $string;
        $script2file{$script} = $tempfile;
        # cache_file($tempfile);
        # $file_cache{$tempfile}{sha1} = $sha1;

sub map_file_line($$)
    my ($file, $line) = @_;
    if (exists $file2file_remap_lines{$file}) {
        my $triplet_ref = $file2file_remap_lines{$file};
        for my $triplet (@$triplet_ref) {
            my ($from_file, $range_ref, $start) = @$triplet;
            my @range = @$range_ref;
            if ( $range[0]  >= $line && $range[-1] <= $line) {
                my $from_file = $from_file || $file;
                return [$from_file, $start+$line-$range[0]];
    return ($file, $line);


=head2 filename_is_eval

B<filename_is_eval($filename)> => I<boolean>

Return I<true> if $filename matches one of the pseudo-filename strings
that get created for by I<eval()>. 


sub filename_is_eval($)
    my $filename = shift;
    return 0 unless defined $filename;
    return !!($filename =~ /^\(eval \d+\)|-e$/);


=head2 update_script_cache

B<update_script_cache($script, $opts)> => I<boolean>

Update a cache entry for an pseudo eval-string file name. If something
is wrong, return I<undef>. Return I<true> if the cache was updated and
I<false> if not.


sub update_script_cache($$)
    my ($script, $opts) = @_;
    return 0 unless filename_is_eval($script);
    my $string = $opts->{string};
    my $lines_href = {};
    if (defined($string)) {
        my @lines = split(/\n/, $string);
        $lines_href->{plain} = \@lines;
    } else {
        if ($script eq $DB::filename) {
            # Should be the same as the else case, 
            # but just in case...
            $lines_href->{plain} = \@DB::lines;
            $string = join("\n", @DB::lines);
        } else {
            no strict;
            $lines_href->{plain} = \@{"_<$script"};
            $string = join("\n", @{"_<$script"});
    $lines_href->{$opts->{output}} = highlight_string($string) if 

    my $entry = {
        lines_href => $lines_href,
    $script_cache{$script} = $entry;
    return 1;


=head2 readlines

B<readlines($filename)> => I<list of strings>

Return a a list of strings for I<$filename>. If we can't read
I<$filename> retun I<undef>. Each line will have a "\n" at the end.


sub readlines($)
    my $path = shift;
    if (-r $path) {
        open(FH, '<', $path);
        seek FH, 0, 0;
        my @lines = <FH>;
        close FH;
        return @lines;
    } else {
        return undef;


=head2 update_cache

B<update_cache($filename, [, $opts]> 

Update a cache entry.  If something's wrong, return I<undef>. Return
I<true> if the cache was updated and I<false> if not.  If
$I<$opts-E<gt>{use_perl_d_file}> is I<true>, use that as the source for the
lines of the file.


sub update_cache($;$) 
    my ($filename, $opts) = @_;
    my $read_file = 0;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;
    my $use_perl_d_file = $opts->{use_perl_d_file};
    $use_perl_d_file = 1 unless defined $use_perl_d_file;

    return undef unless $filename;

    delete $file_cache{$filename};

    my $is_eval = filename_is_eval($filename);
    my $path = $filename;
    unless ($is_eval) {
        $path = abs_path($filename) if -f $filename;
    my $lines_href;
    my $trace_nums;
    my $stat;
    if ($use_perl_d_file) {
        my @list = ($filename);
        if ($is_eval) {
            ## FIXME: create a temporary file in script2file;
        push @list, $file2file_remap{$path} if exists $file2file_remap{$path};
        for my $name (@list) {
            no strict; # Avoid string as ARRAY ref error message
            if (scalar @{"main::_<$name"}) {
                $stat = File::stat::stat($path);
            my $raw_lines = \@{"main::_<$name"};

            # Perl sometimes doesn't seem to save all file data, such
            # as those intended for POD or possibly those after
            # __END__. But we want these, so we'll have to read the
            # file the old-fashioned way and check lines. Variable
            # $incomplete records if there was a mismatch.
            my $incomplete = 0;
            if (-r $path) {
                my @lines_check = readlines($path);
                my @lines = @$raw_lines;
                for (my $i=1; $i<=$#lines; $i++) {
                    if (defined $raw_lines->[$i]) {
                        $trace_nums->{$i} = 1 if ($raw_lines->[$i] != 0);
                        $incomplete = 1 if $raw_lines->[$i] ne $lines[$i];
                    } else {
                        $raw_lines->[$i] = $lines_check[$i-1] 
            use strict;
            $lines_href = {};
            $lines_href->{plain} = $raw_lines;
            if ($opts->{output} && defined($raw_lines)) {
                # Some lines in $raw_lines may be undefined
                no strict; no warnings;
                local $WARNING=0;
                my $highlight_lines = highlight_string(join('', @$raw_lines));
                my @highlight_lines = split(/\n/, $highlight_lines);
                $lines_href->{$opts->{output}} = \@highlight_lines;
                use strict; use warnings;
            my $entry = {
                stat       => $stat,
                lines_href => $lines_href,
                path       => $path,
                incomplete => $incomplete,
                trace_nums => $trace_nums,
            $read_file = 1;

    # File based reading is done here.
    if (-f $path ) {
        $stat = File::stat::stat($path) unless defined $stat;
    } elsif (!$read_file) {
        if (basename($filename) eq $filename) {
            # try looking through the search path.
            for my $dirname (@INC) {
                $path = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, $filename);
                if ( -f $path) {
                    $stat = File::stat::stat($path);
        return 0 unless defined $stat;
    if ( -r $path ) { 
        my @lines = readlines($path);
        $lines_href = {plain => \@lines};
        if ($opts->{output}) {
            my $highlight_lines = highlight_string(join('', @lines));
            my @highlight_lines = split(/\n/, $highlight_lines);
            $lines_href->{$opts->{output}} = \@highlight_lines;
    my $entry = {
                stat       => $stat,
                lines_href => $lines_href,
                path       => $path,
                incomplete => 0,
                trace_nums => $trace_nums,
    $file_cache{$filename} = $entry;
    no warnings;
    $file2file_remap{$path} = $filename;
    return 1;

# example usage
unless (caller) {
    BEGIN {
        use English qw( -no_match_vars );
        $PERLDB |= 0x400;
    };  # Turn on saving @{_<$filename};
    my $file=__FILE__;
    my $fullfile = abs_path($file);
    no strict;
    print scalar(@{"main::_<$file"}), "\n";
    use strict;

    my $script_name = '(eval 234)';
    update_script_cache($script_name, {string => "now\nis\nthe\ntime"});
    print join(', ', keys %DB::LineCache::script_cache), "\n";
    my $lines = $script_cache{$script_name}{lines_href}{plain};
    print join("\n", @{$lines}), "\n";
    $lines = getlines($script_name);
    printf "%s has %d lines\n",  $script_name,  scalar @$lines;
    printf("Line 1 of $script_name is:\n%s\n", 
          getline($script_name, 1));
    my $max_line = size($script_name);
    printf("%s has %d lines via size\n",  
           $script_name,  scalar @$lines);
    do __FILE__;
    my @line_nums = trace_line_numbers(__FILE__);

    ### FIXME: add more of this stuff into unit test.
    printf("Breakpoints for: %s:\n%s\n", 
           __FILE__, join(', ', @line_nums[0..30]));
    $lines = getlines(__FILE__);
    printf "%s has %d lines\n",  __FILE__,  scalar @$lines;
    my $full_file = abs_path(__FILE__);
    $lines = getlines(__FILE__);
    printf "%s still has %d lines\n",  __FILE__,  scalar @$lines;
    $lines = getlines(__FILE__);
    printf "%s also has %d lines\n",  $full_file,  scalar @$lines;
    my $line_number = __LINE__;
    my $line = getline(__FILE__, $line_number);
    printf "The %d line is:\n%s\n", $line_number, $line ;
    remap_file('another_name', __FILE__);
    print getline('another_name', __LINE__), "\n";
    printf "Files cached: %s\n", join(', ', cached_files);
    printf "I said %s has %d lines!\n", __FILE__, size(__FILE__);
    printf "SHA1 of %s is:\n%s\n", __FILE__, sha1(__FILE__);
    my $stat = stat(__FILE__);
    printf("stat info size: %d, ctime %s, mode %o\n", 
           $stat->size, $stat->ctime, $stat->mode);

    my $lines_aref = getlines(__FILE__, {output=>'term'});
    print join("\n", @$lines_aref[0..5,50..55]), "\n" if defined $lines_aref;
    $DB::filename = '(eval 4)';
    my $filename = map_script($DB::filename, "\$x=1;\n\$y=2;\n\$z=3;\n");
    print "mapped eval is $filename\n";
    printf("%s is a trace line? %d\n", __FILE__, 
           is_trace_line(__FILE__, __LINE__-1));
    printf("%s is a trace line? %d\n", __FILE__, 
           is_trace_line(__FILE__, __LINE__));
    eval "printf \"filename_is_eval: %s, %d\n\", __FILE__, 
    printf("filename_is_eval: %s, %d\n", __FILE__, filename_is_eval(__FILE__));
    printf("filename_is_eval: %s, %d\n", '-e', filename_is_eval('-e'));

    #$DB::filename = 'bogus';
    #eval {
    #   print '+++', is_cached_script(__FILE__), "\n";

    $lines_aref = getlines(__FILE__, {output=>'term'});
    # print("trace nums again: ", join(', ',
    #                            trace_line_numbers(__FILE__)),
    #       "\n");
    $line = getline(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                     max_continue => 6});
    print '-' x 30, "\n";
    print "$line\n";
    $line = getline(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                     max_continue => 5});
    print '-' x 30, "\n";
    print "$line\n";
