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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Copyright (C) 2011 Rocky Bernstein <>
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#  - Doublecheck handle_pass and other routines.
#  - can remove signal handler altogether when
#         ignore=True, print=False, pass=True
use rlib '../..'; 

# Manages Signal Handling information for the debugger
package Devel::Trepan::SigMgr;
use Devel::Trepan::Util;
use Exporter;
use vars qw(@EXPORT %signo @signame);
@EXPORT    = qw( lookup_signum lookup_signame %signo @signame);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

use warnings; use strict;

our %signo;
our @signame;

use Config;

my $i=0;
for my $name (split(' ', $Config{sig_name})) {
    $signo{$name} = $i;
    $signame[$i] = $name;

# Find the corresponding signal name for 'num'. Return undef
# if 'num' is invalid.
sub lookup_signame($)
    my $num = shift;
    $num = abs($num);
    return undef unless $num < scalar @signame;
    return $signame[$num];

# Find the corresponding signal number for 'name'. Return under
#  if 'name' is invalid.
sub lookup_signum($)
    my $name = shift;
    my $uname = uc $name;
    $uname = substr($uname, 3) if 0 == index($uname, 'SIG');
    return $signo{$uname} if exists $signo{$uname};
    return undef;

# Return a signal name for a signal name or signal
# number.  Return undef is $name_num is an int but not a valid signal
# number and undef if $name_num is a not number. If $name_num is a
# signal name or signal number, the canonic if name is returned.
sub canonic_signame($)
    my $name_num = shift;
    my $signum = lookup_signum($name_num);
    my $signame;
    unless (defined $signum) {
        # Maybe signame is a number?
        if ($name_num =~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/) {
            $signame = lookup_signame($name_num);
            return undef unless defined($signame);
        } else {
            return undef;
        return $signame
    $signame = uc $name_num;
    return substr($signame, 3) if 0 == index($signame, 'SIG');
    return $signame;

my %FATAL_SIGNALS = ('KILL' => 1, 'STOP' => 1);

# I copied these from GDB source code.
  "HUP"    => "Hangup",
  "INT"    => "Interrupt",
  "QUIT"   => "Quit",
  "ILL"    => "Illegal instruction",
  "TRAP"   => "Trace/breakpoint trap",
  "ABRT"   => "Aborted",
  "EMT"    => "Emulation trap",
  "FPE"    => "Arithmetic exception",
  "KILL"   => "Killed",
  "BUS"    => "Bus error",
  "SEGV"   => "Segmentation fault",
  "SYS"    => "Bad system call",
  "PIPE"   => "Broken pipe",
  "ALRM"   => "Alarm clock",
  "TERM"   => "Terminated",
  "URG"    => "Urgent I/O condition",
  "STOP"   => "Stopped (signal)",
  "TSTP"   => "Stopped (user)",
  "CONT"   => "Continued",
  "CHLD"   => "Child status changed",
  "TTIN"   => "Stopped (tty input)",
  "TTOU"   => "Stopped (tty output)",
  "IO"     => "I/O possible",
  "XCPU"   => "CPU time limit exceeded",
  "XFSZ"   => "File size limit exceeded",
  "VTALRM" => "Virtual timer expired",
  "PROF"   => "Profiling timer expired",
  "WINCH"  => "Window size changed",
  "LOST"   => "Resource lost",
  "USR1"   => "User-defined signal 1",
  "USR2"   => "User-defined signal 2",
  "PWR"    => "Power fail/restart",
  "POLL"   => "Pollable event occurred",
  "WIND"   => "WIND",
  "PHONE"  => "PHONE",
  "WAITING"=> "Process's LWPs are blocked",
  "LWP"    => "Signal LWP",
  "DANGER" => "Swap space dangerously low",
  "GRANT"  => "Monitor mode granted",
  "RETRACT"=> "Need to relinquish monitor mode",
  "MSG"    => "Monitor mode data available",
  "SOUND"  => "Sound completed",
  "SAK"    => "Secure attention"

# Signal Handling information Object for the debugger
#     - Do we print/not print when signal is caught
#     - Do we pass/not pass the signal to the program
#     - Do we stop/not stop when signal is caught
#     Parameter dbgr is a Debugger object. ignore is a list of
#     signals to ignore. If you want no signals, use [] as None uses the
#     default set. Parameter default_print specifies whether or not we
#     print receiving a signals that is not ignored.
#     All the methods which change these attributes return None on error, or
#     True/False if we have set the action (pass/print/stop) for a signal
#     handler.
sub new($$$$$$)
    my ($class, $handler, $print_fn, $errprint_fn, $secprint_fn, 
        $ignore_list) = @_;
    # Ignore signal handling initially for these known signals.
    unless (defined($ignore_list)) {
        $ignore_list = {
            'ALRM'    => 1,    
            'CHLD'    => 1,  
            'URG'     => 1,
            'IO'      => 1, 
            'CLD'     => 1,
            'VTALRM'  => 1,  
            'PROF'    => 1,  
            'WINCH'   => 1,  
            'POLL'    => 1,
            'WAITING' => 1, 
            'LWP'     => 1,
            'CANCEL'  => 1, 
            'TRAP'    => 1,
            'TERM'    => 1,
            'QUIT'    => 1,
            'ILL'     => 1

    my $self = {
        handler     => $handler,
        print_fn    => $print_fn,
        errprint_fn => $errprint_fn || $print_fn,
        secprint_fn => $secprint_fn || $print_fn,
        sigs        => {},
        ignore_list => $ignore_list,
        orig_set_signal  => \%SIG,
        info_fmt => "%-14s%-4s\t%-4s\t%-5s\t%-4s\t%s",

    bless $self, $class;
    $self->{header} = sprintf($self->{info_fmt}, 'Signal', 'Stop', 'Print',
                              'Stack', 'Pass', 'Description');

    for my $signame (keys %SIG) {
        initialize_handler($self, $signame);
        next if $signame eq 'CHLD' || $signame eq 'CLD';
    $self->action('INT stop print nostack nopass');
    # for my $sig ('CHLD', 'CLD') {
    #   $self->action("$sig nostop noprint nostack pass") if exists $SIG{$sig};
    # }

sub initialize_handler($$)
    my ($self, $sig) = @_;
    my $signame = canonic_signame($sig);
    return 0 unless defined($signame);
    return 0 if exists($FATAL_SIGNALS{$signame});
    # try:
    # except ValueError:
    # On some OS's (Redhat 8), SIGNUM's are listed (like
    # SIGRTMAX) that getsignal can't handle.
    # if (exists($self->{sigs}{$signame})) {
    #   $self->{sigs}->pop($signame);
    # }

    my $signum = lookup_signum($signame);
    my $print_fn = $self->{print_fn};
    if (exists($self->{ignore_list}{$signame})) {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame} = 
            Devel::Trepan::SigHandler->new($print_fn, $signame, 
                                           $self->{handler}, 0, 0, 1);
    } else {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame} = 
            Devel::Trepan::SigHandler->new($print_fn, $signame, 
                                           $self->{handler}, 1, 0, 0);
    return 1;

# Check to see if a single signal handler that we are interested in
# has changed or has not been set initially. On return self->{sigs}{$signame}
# should have our signal handler. True is returned if the same or adjusted,
# False or undef if error or not found.
sub check_and_adjust_sighandler($$)
    my ($self, $signame) = @_;
    my $sigs = $self->{sigs};
    # try:
    my $current_handler = $SIG{$signame};
    # except ValueError:
    # On some OS's (Redhat 8), SIGNUM's are listed (like
    # SIGRTMAX) that getsignal can't handle.
    #if signame in self.sigs:
    # sigs.pop(signame)
    #        pass
    #    return None
    my $sig = $sigs->{$signame};
    if (!defined($current_handler) ||
        (defined($sig->{handle}) && $current_handler ne $sig->{handle})) {
        # if old_handler not in [signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL]:
        # Save the debugged program's signal handler
        $sig->{old_handler} = $current_handler if defined $current_handler;
        # (re)set signal handler the debugger signal handler.
        if (exists $sig->{handle}) {
            $SIG{$signame} = $sig->{handle};
    return 1;

# Check to see if any of the signal handlers we are interested in have
# changed or is not initially set. Change any that are not right.
sub check_and_adjust_sighandlers($)
    my $self = shift;
    for my $signame (keys %{$self->{sigs}}) {
        last unless ($self->check_and_adjust_sighandler($signame));

# Print status for a single signal name (signame)
sub print_info_signal_entry($$)
    my ($self, $signame) = @_;
    my $description = (exists $SIGNAL_DESCRIPTION{$signame}) ? 
        $SIGNAL_DESCRIPTION{$signame} : '';
    my $msg;
    my $sig_obj = $self->{sigs}{$signame};
    if (exists $self->{sigs}{$signame}) {
        $msg = sprintf($self->{info_fmt}, $signame, 
    } else {
        # Fake up an entry as though signame were in sigs.
        $msg = sprintf($self->{info_fmt}, $signame, 
                       'No', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', $description); 

# Print information about a signal
sub info_signal($$)
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my @args = @$args;
    my $print_fn = $self->{print_fn};
    my $secprint_fn = $self->{secprint_fn};
    @args = @signame if (0 == scalar @args);
    for my $signame (@args) {
        my $canonic_signame = canonic_signame($signame);
        if (defined($canonic_signame)) {
        } else {
            $self->{errprint_fn}->("$signame is not a signal I know about");

# Delegate the actions specified in string $arg to another
# method.
sub action($$)
    my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    if (!defined($arg)) {
        return 1;
    my @args = split ' ', $arg;
    my $signame = canonic_signame(shift @args);
    return 0 unless defined $signame;

    if (scalar @args == 0) { 
        return 1;

    # We can display information about 'fatal' signals, but not
    # change their actions.
    return 0 if (exists $FATAL_SIGNALS{$signame});

    unless (exists $self->{sigs}{$signame}) {
        return 0 unless $self->initialize_handler($signame);

    # multiple commands might be specified, i.e. 'nopass nostop'
    for my $attr (@args) {
        my $on = 1;
        if (0 == index($attr, 'no')) {
            $on = 0;
            $attr = substr($attr, 2);
        if (0 == index($attr, 'stop')) {
            $self->handle_stop($signame, $on);
        } elsif (0 == index($attr, 'print')) {
            $self->handle_print($signame, $on);
        } elsif (0 == index($attr, 'pass')) {
            $self->handle_pass($signame, $on);
        } elsif (0 == index($attr, 'ignore')) {
            $self->handle_ignore($signame, $on);
        } elsif (0 == index($attr, 'stack')) {
            $self->handle_print_stack($signame, $on);
        } else {
            $self->{errprint_fn}->("Invalid argument $attr");
    return 1;


# Set whether we stop or not when this signal is caught.
# If 'set_stop' is True your program will stop when this signal
# happens.
sub handle_print_stack($$$) 
    my ($self, $signame, $print_stack) = @_;
    $self->{sigs}{$signame}{print_stack} = $print_stack;

# Set whether we stop or not when this signal is caught.
# If 'set_stop' is True your program will stop when this signal
# happens.
sub handle_stop($$$)
    my ($self, $signame, $set_stop) = @_;
    if ($set_stop) {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{b_stop} = 1;
        # stop keyword implies print AND nopass
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{print_fn} = $self->{print_fn};
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{pass_along} = 0;
    } else {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{b_stop} = 0;

# Set whether we pass this signal to the program (or not)
# when this signal is caught. If set_pass is True, Dbgr should allow
# your program to see this signal.
sub handle_pass($$$)
    my ($self, $signame, $set_pass) = @_;
    $self->{sigs}{$signame}{pass_along} = $set_pass;
    if ($set_pass) {
        # Pass implies nostop
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{b_stop} = 0;

# 'pass' and 'noignore' are synonyms. 'nopass and 'ignore' are
# synonyms.
sub handle_ignore($$$)
    my ($self, $signame, $set_ignore) = @_;
    $self->handle_pass($signame, !$set_ignore);

# Set whether we print or not when this signal is caught.
sub handle_print($$$)
    my ($self, $signame, $set_print) = @_;
    if ($set_print) {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{print_fn} = $self->{print_fn};
    } else {
        $self->{sigs}{$signame}{print_fn} = undef;

#     Store information about what we do when we handle a signal,
#     - Do we print/not print when signal is caught
#     - Do we pass/not pass the signal to the program
#     - Do we stop/not stop when signal is caught
#     Parameters:
#        signame : name of signal (e.g. SIGUSR1 or USR1)
#        print_fn routine to use for "print"
#        stop routine to call to invoke debugger when stopping
#        pass_along: True is signal is to be passed to user's handler
package Devel::Trepan::SigHandler;

sub new($$$$$;$$)
    my($class, $print_fn, $signame, $handler, 
       $b_stop, $print_stack, $pass_along) = @_;

    $print_stack = 0 unless defined $print_stack;
    $pass_along  = 1 unless defined $pass_along;

    my $self = {
        print_fn     => $print_fn,
        handler      => $handler,
        old_handler  => $SIG{$signame},
        pass_along   => $pass_along,
        print_stack  => $print_stack,
        signame      => $signame,
        signum       => Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::lookup_signum($signame),
        b_stop       => $b_stop,
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->{handle} = sub{ $self->handle(@_) };

# This method is called when a signal is received.
sub handle
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $signame = $self->{signame};
    if (exists($self->{print_fn}) && $self->{print_fn}) {
        my $msg = sprintf("\nProgram received signal $signame.");

    # if ($self->{print_stack}) {
    #   import traceback;
    #   my @strings = traceback.format_stack(frame);
    #   for my $s (@strings) {
    #       chomp $s;
    #       $self->{print_fn}->($s);
    #   }
    # }

    if ($self->{b_stop}) {

    if ($self->{pass_along}) {
        # pass the signal to the program 
        if ($self->{old_handler}) {

# When invoked as main program, do some basic tests of a couple of functions
unless (caller) {
    print join(', ', keys %Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::signo), "\n";
    print join(', ', sort {$a <=> $b} values %Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::signo), "\n";
    for my $i (15, -15, 300) {
        printf("lookup_signame(%d) => %s\n", $i, 
               Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::lookup_signame($i) || 'undef');
    for my $sig ('term', 'TERM', 'NotThere') {
        printf("lookup_signum(%s) => %s\n", $sig, 
               Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::lookup_signum($sig) || 'undef');
    for my $i ('15', '-15', 'term', 'sigterm', 'TERM', '300', 'bogus') {
        printf("canonic_signame(%s) => %s\n", $i, 
               Devel::Trepan::SigMgr::canonic_signame($i) || 'undef');

    my $h; # Is used in myhandler.
    eval <<'EOE';  # Have to eval else fns defined when caller() is false
    sub do_action($$$) {
        my ($h, $arg, $sig) = @_; 
        print "$arg\n"; 
    sub myprint($) { 
        my $msg = shift; 
        print "$msg\n";  
    sub orig_sighandler($) {
        my $name = shift; 
        print "++ Orig Signal $name caught\n";  
    sub stop_sighandler($) {
        my $name = shift; 
        print "++ Stop Signal $name caught\n";  

    $SIG{'USR1'} = \&orig_sighandler;
    $h = Devel::Trepan::SigMgr->new(\&stop_sighandler, \&myprint);
    # USR1 is set to known value

    do_action($h, 'usr1 print pass', 'USR1');
    # noprint implies no stop
    # do_action($h, 'usr1 noprint');
    print '-' x 30, "\n";
    kill 10, $$;
    do_action($h, 'foo nostop');
    do_action($h, 'usr1 print nopass', 'USR1');
    kill 10, $$;
    # stop keyword implies print
    do_action($h, 'USR1 stop', 'USR1');
    $h->info_signal(['USR2', 'USR1']);
    kill 10, $$;
    # h.action('SIGUSR1 noprint')
    print '-' x 30, "\n";
    # $h->action('SIGUSR1 nopass stack');
    # $h->info_signal(['SIGUSR1']);