The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Rocky Bernstein <>
use warnings;
use rlib '../../../../..';

package Devel::Trepan::CmdProcessor::Command::Info::Files;
use Cwd 'abs_path';

use Devel::Trepan::CmdProcessor::Command::Subcmd::Core;
use Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;

use strict;
# Values inherited from parent
use vars @Devel::Trepan::CmdProcessor::Command::Subcmd::SUBCMD_VARS;

our @DEFAULT_FILE_ARGS = qw(size mtime sha1);

## FIXME: do automatically.
our $CMD = "info files";

unless (@ISA) {
    eval <<"EOE";
    use constant MAX_ARGS => 8;  # Need at most this many - undef -> unlimited.

@ISA = qw(Devel::Trepan::CmdProcessor::Command::Subcmd);

=head2 Synopsis:

our $HELP = <<'HELP';

B<info files> [{I<filename>|B<*>} [B<all>|B<ctime>|B<brkpts>|B<mtime>|B<sha1>|B<size>|B<stat>]]

Show information about the current file. If no filename is given and
the program is running, then the current file associated with the
current stack entry is used. Giving . has the same effect.

B<*> gives a list of all files we know about.

Sub-options which can be shown about a file are:

=over 2

=item *

B<brkpts> E<mdash> Line numbers where there are statement boundaries.
These lines can be used in breakpoint commands.

=item *

B<ctime> E<mdash> File creation time

=item *

B<time> E<mdash> File modification time

=item *

B<sha1> E<mdash> A SHA1 hash of the source text. This may be useful in
comparing source code.

=item *

B<size> E<mdash> The number of lines in the file.

=item *

B<stat> E<mdash> I<stat()> information

=item *

B<all> E<mdash> All of the above information.


If no sub-options are given, I<size mtime sha1> are assumed.

=head2 Examples:

 info files      # Show "size mtime sha1" information about current file
 info files .    # same as above
 info files . brkpts      # show the number of lines in the current file
 info files . brkpts size # above plus file size
 info files *    # Give a list of files we know about

our $SHORT_HELP = 'Show information about the current loaded file(s)';
our $MIN_ABBREV = length('fi');

no warnings 'redefine';
sub complete($$)
    my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
    my @completions = ('.', DB::LineCache::file_list());
    Devel::Trepan::Complete::complete_token(\@completions, $prefix);

sub run($$)
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $proc = $self->{proc};
    my @args = @$args; shift @args; shift @args;
    push(@args, '.') if scalar @args == 0;
    if ($args[0] eq '*') {
        $proc->section('Cached files:');
        my @primary = DB::LineCache::cached_files();
        @primary = sort @primary;
    my $filename = shift @args;
    if ($filename eq '.') {
        my $frame_file = $proc->filename;
        $filename = map_file($frame_file) ||
    @args = @DEFAULT_FILE_ARGS if 0 == scalar @args;

    my $m = $filename;
    my $canonic_name = $proc->canonic_file($filename);
    $canonic_name = map_file($canonic_name) || $canonic_name;
    if (is_cached($canonic_name)) {
        $m .= " is cached in debugger";
        if ($canonic_name ne $filename) {
            $m .= (" as:\n  " . $canonic_name);
        $m .= '.';
    # } elsif (!(matches = find_scripts(filename)).empty?) {
    #   if (matches.size > 1) {
    #       $self->msg("Multiple files found:");
    #       matches.sort.each { |match_file| msg "\t%s" % match_file }
    #       return;
    #   } else {
    #       $self->msg('File "%s" just now cached.' % filename);
    #       LineCache::cache(matches[0]);
    #       remap_file(filename, matches[0]);
    #       canonic_name = matches[0];
    #   }
    } else {
      my @matches = ();
      for my $try (file_list()) {
          push @matches, $try unless -1 == rindex($try, $filename);
      if (scalar(@matches) > 1) {
          $proc->msg("Multiple files found ending filename string:");
          for my $match_file (@matches) {
      } elsif (1 == scalar(@matches)) {
          $canonic_name = map_file($matches[0]);
          $m .= " matched debugger cache file:\n\t"  . $canonic_name;
         } else {
             $proc->msg($m . ' is not cached in debugger.');
    my %seen;
    for my $arg (@args) {
        my $processed_arg = 0;
        my $arg = lc($arg);

        if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'size') {
            unless ($seen{size}) {
                my $max_line =
                $proc->msg("File has $max_line lines.") if defined $max_line;
            $processed_arg = $seen{size} = 1;

        if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'sha1') {
            unless ($seen{sha1}) {
                my $sha1 = Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache::sha1($canonic_name);
                $proc->msg("SHA1: ${sha1}");
            $processed_arg = $seen{sha1} = 1;

        ## Breakpoints are broken. Something changed to break it and
        ## I haven't a clue. Furthermore, %{'_<'.$filename} no longer seems
        ## be set so we can't test for == 1 or == 0 in numeric context and
        ## get something.
        if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'brkpts') {
            unless ($seen{brkpts}) {
                $proc->msg("Possible breakpoint line numbers:");
                my @lines = trace_line_numbers($canonic_name);
                my $fmt_lines = $self->{cmd}->columnize_numbers(\@lines);
                chomp $fmt_lines;
            $processed_arg = $seen{brkpts} = 1;

        if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'ctime') {
            unless ($seen{ctime}) {
                my $stat = Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache::stat($canonic_name);
                if (defined $stat) {
                    my $ctime =
                    $ctime = localtime($ctime);
                    $proc->msg("Creation time:\t$ctime");
            $processed_arg = $seen{ctime} = 1;

        if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'mtime') {
            unless ($seen{mtime}) {
                my $stat = Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache::stat($canonic_name);
                if (defined($stat)) {
                    my $mtime = localtime($stat->mtime);
                    $proc->msg("Modify time:\t$mtime");
            $processed_arg = $seen{mtime} = 1;

        # if ($arg eq 'all' || $arg eq 'stat') {
        #     unless ($seen{stat}) {
        #       require Enbugger; Enbugger->stop;
        #       my $stat = Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache::stat($canonic_name);
        #       my $msg = sprintf "File attributes:\t%s", join(', ', @$stat);
        #       $proc->msg($msg);
        #     }
        #     $processed_arg = $seen{stat} = 1;
        # }

        unless ($processed_arg) {
            $proc->errmsg("I don't understand sub-option \"$arg\"");

unless (caller) {
    require Devel::Trepan;
    require Devel::Trepan::DB::LineCache;
    print join(', ', file_list), "\n";
    # Demo it.
    # require_relative '../../mock'
    # my($dbgr, $parent_cmd) = MockDebugger::setup('show');
    # $cmd = __PACKAGE__->new(parent_cmd);
    # $cmd->run(@$cmd->prefix);

# Suppress a "used-once" warning;
$HELP || scalar @SUBCMD_VARS;