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use warnings; use strict;
use Test::More;
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename); use File::Spec;

# Funky terminals like xterm on cygwin can mess up output comparison.

# Changes behavior like whether we show OP address (set display op on).

package Helper;
use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;
use Config;
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename); use File::Spec;
require Exporter;
our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(cmd_file prog_file run_debugger);

my $trepanpl = File::Spec->catfile(dirname(__FILE__), qw(.. bin;
my $debug = $^W;

# Return the natural command file assocated with a test.
# For file /a/b/t/20test-foo.t it is foo.cmd
sub cmd_file(;$)
    my ($level) = @_;
    $level = 0 unless $level;
    my ($pkg, $filename) = caller($level);
    $filename =~ s/^.*20test-(.+)\.t$/$1/;
    return $filename . '.cmd';

# Return the natural Perl program assocated with a test. If no name
# is given we extract it from the test name. For example
# For file /a/b/t/20test-foo.t it is /a/b/t/../example/
# If a program name is provided. We still slap on the directory in front
# e.g. ../example/.
sub prog_file(;$)
    my $prog;
    if (scalar(@_)) {
	$prog =  shift;
    } else {
	my $pkg;
	($pkg, $prog) = caller;
	$prog .= '.pl'
    return File::Spec->catfile(dirname(__FILE__), qw(.. example), $prog)

# Runs debugger in subshell. 0 is returned if everything went okay.
# nonzero if something went wrong.
sub run_debugger($;$$$)
    my ($test_invoke, $cmd_filename, $right_filename, $opts) = @_;
    $opts = {} unless defined $opts;
    $opts->{do_test} = 1 unless exists $opts->{do_test};
    unless ($cmd_filename) {
	$cmd_filename = cmd_file(1);
    Test::More::note( "running $test_invoke with $cmd_filename" );
    my $run_opts = $opts->{run_opts} ||
	'--basename --nx --no-highlight --fall-off-end';
    my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);
    my $full_cmd_filename = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, 'data',

    # rlib seems to flip out if it can't find
    my $bin_dir = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, '..', 'bin');
    $ENV{PATH} = $bin_dir . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH};

    my $ext_file = sub {
        my ($ext) = @_;
        my $new_fn = $full_cmd_filename;
        $new_fn =~ s/\.cmd\z/.$ext/;
        return $new_fn;

    $run_opts .= " --testing $full_cmd_filename" unless ($opts->{no_cmdfile});
    $right_filename = $ext_file->('right') unless defined($right_filename);
    my $cmd = "$EXECUTABLE_NAME $trepanpl $run_opts $test_invoke";
    print $cmd, "\n"  if $debug;
    my $output = `$cmd`;
    print "$output\n" if $debug;
    my $rc = $CHILD_ERROR >> 8;
    my $test_rc = $opts->{exitcode} || 0;
    if ($opts->{do_test}) {
	Test::More::is($rc, $test_rc, "Debugger command executed giving exit code $test_rc");
    return $rc if $rc;
    open(RIGHT_FH, "<$right_filename") ||
	die "Cannot open $right_filename for reading - $OS_ERROR";
    my $right_string = <RIGHT_FH>;
    ($output, $right_string) = $opts->{filter}->($output, $right_string) if $opts->{filter};
    my $got_filename;
    $got_filename = $ext_file->('got');
    # TODO : Perhaps make sure we optionally use eq_or_diff from
    # Test::Differences here.
    my $equal_output = $right_string eq $output;
    Test::More::ok($right_string eq $output, 'Output comparison')
	if $opts->{do_test};
    if ($equal_output) {
        unlink $got_filename;
	return 0;
    } else {
        open (GOT_FH, '>', $got_filename)
            or die "Cannot open '$got_filename' for writing - $OS_ERROR";
        print GOT_FH $output;
        close GOT_FH;
        Test::More::diag("Compare $got_filename with $right_filename:");
	# FIXME use a better diff test.
	if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32') {
	    # Windows doesn't do diff.
	    diag("Got:\n", $output, "Need:\n", $right_string);
	} else {
	    my $output = `diff -au $right_filename $got_filename 2>&1`;
	    my $rc = $? >> 8;
	    # GNU diff returns 0 if files are equal, 1 if different and 2
	    # if something went wrong. We also should take care of the
	    # case where diff isn't installed. So although we expect a 1
	    # for GNU diff, we'll also take accept 0, but any other return
	    # code means some sort of failure.
	    $output = `diff $right_filename $got_filename 2>&1`
		if ($rc > 1) || ($rc < 0) ;
	    return 1;

unless(caller) {
    print cmd_file, "\n";