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package Calendar::Slots;
  $Calendar::Slots::VERSION = '0.15';
use Moose;
use MooseX::AttributeHelpers;
use Carp;
use Calendar::Slots::Slot;
use Calendar::Slots::Utils;

has 'overlapping'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default=>0 );
has 'slots' => (
    metaclass => 'Collection::Array',
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'ArrayRef[Calendar::Slots::Slot]',
    default   => sub { [] },
    provides  => {
        'push'    => 'add_slots',
        'pop'     => 'remove_last_slot',
        'shift'   => 'remove_first_slot',
        'unshift' => 'insert_slots',
        'get'     => 'get_slot_at',
        'set'     => 'set_slot_at',
        'count'   => 'num_slots',
        'empty'   => 'has_slots',
        'clear'   => 'clear_slots',

sub slot {
    my $self = shift;
    my @ret;
	for my $slot ( $self->_create_slots( @_ ) ) {
		$self->_validate($slot) unless $self->overlapping;
		my @slots = $self->_merge( {}, $slot, $self->all );
		$self->add_slots( @slots );
        push @ret, @slots;
    return @ret;

sub _create_slots {
    my $self = shift;

	scalar(@_) == 1 and return $_[0];
    my %args = format_args(@_);

	$args{start_date} and !$args{end_date} and croak 'Missing end_date';
	$args{end_date} and !$args{start_date} and croak 'Missing start_date';

    if ( $args{start_date} && $args{end_date} ) {

        my $start_dt = parse_dt( '%Y%m%d', $args{start_date} )
          or croak "Could not parse start_date '$args{start_date}'";
        my $end_dt = parse_dt( '%Y%m%d', $args{end_date} )
          or croak "Could not parse end_date '$args{end_date}'";
		delete $args{start_date};
		delete $args{end_date};
		my @slots;
		for( my $dt=$start_dt; $dt <= $end_dt; $dt->add( days=>1 ) ) {
			push @slots, $self->_create_slots(date=>$dt->ymd, %args);
		return @slots;	
    elsif ( $args{start} > $args{end} ) {
        my $current = Calendar::Slots::Slot->new( %args, end   => '2400' );
        my $next    = Calendar::Slots::Slot->new( %args, start => '0000' );
		$next->reschedule( days=>1 );
		return ($current, $next);
    else {
        return Calendar::Slots::Slot->new(%args);

#check if different slots overlap
sub _validate {
	my $self = shift;
	my $slot = shift;

#merge slots that are next to each other
sub _merge {
    my $self = shift;
    my $opts = shift;
    my $new  = shift;
    my @slots = @_;
    unless( scalar @slots ) {
        return $new;
    my $slot = shift @slots;
    if( $opts->{materialize} ) {
        if( ! $slot->same_weekday( $new ) ) {
            return ( $slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots ) );
    elsif( !( $slot->same_type($new) && $slot->same_day($new) ) ) {
        # skip this slot
        return ( $slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots ) );
    my ( $s1, $s2, $n1, $n2 ) = ( 
        $slot->start, $slot->end, $new->start, $new->end
    #warn join ';', 'new', $new->name, ';', $n1, $n2, '***', $slot->name, $s1, $s2;

    my $same_name = $slot->name eq $new->name;
    if ( ! $same_name && $self->overlapping) {
        # overlapping ok
        return ($slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots) );
    # invalid new, remove
    elsif ( $n1 == $n2 ) {
        return ( $slot, @slots );
    # invalid slot, remove
    elsif ( $s1 == $s2 ) {
        return $self->_merge($opts, $new, @slots);
    # equals => discard slot, keep new, discard old
    elsif ( $s1 == $n1 and $s2 == $n2 ) {
        return $self->_merge($opts, $new, @slots);
    # s: 10-12, n: 09-13 => outsider, keep new, discard old
    elsif ( $n1 <= $s1 and $s2 <= $n2 ) {
        return $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots );
    # s: 10-12, n: 11-12 => insider
    elsif ( $n1 >= $s1 and $n2 <= $s2 ) {
        if( $same_name ) {   # discard old, expand new
            $new->start( $slot->start );
            $new->end( $slot->end );
            return $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots );
        } else {
                my $third = new Calendar::Slots::Slot(
                    name  => $slot->name,
                    data  => $slot->data,
                    when  => $slot->when,
                    start => $new->end,
                    end   => $slot->end
                #warn "THIRS=================" . join ',', $third->start, $third->end;
                $slot->end( $new->start );
                return $self->_merge( $opts, $new, $self->_merge( $opts, $third, $self->_merge( $opts, $slot, @slots ) ) );
    # s: 10-12, n: 09-12 => merge start
    elsif ( $n1 <= $s1 and ( $n2 >= $s1 and $n2 <= $s2 ) ) {
        if( $same_name ) {
            $new->end( $slot->end );
            return $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots );
        } else {
            $slot->start( $new->end );
            return ($slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots ) );
    # s: 10-12, n: 11-13 => merge end
    elsif ( ( $n1 >= $s1 and $n1 <= $s2 ) and $n2 >= $s2 ) {
        if( $same_name ) {
            $new->start( $slot->start );
            return $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots );
        } else {
            $slot->end( $new->start );
            return ($slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots ) );
    # s: 10-12, n: 01-05 => add
    else {
        return ($slot, $self->_merge( $opts, $new, @slots) );

sub all {
	my $self = shift;
	@{ $self->slots };

sub sorted {
	my $self = shift;
	sort {
		$a->numeric <=> $b->numeric
	} $self->all;

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new = __PACKAGE__->new( %$self, slots=>[] );
    $new->slot( %$_ ) for $self->all;
    return $new;

sub week_of {
    my ($self, $date ) = @_;
    $date =~ s/\D//g;

    # clone 
    $self = $self->clone;

    # find a monday
    my $dt = parse_dt( '%Y%m%d', $date );
    my $wk = $dt->wday;
    my $ep = $dt->epoch;
    # sunday
    my $sunday_ep = $ep + ( (7-$wk) * 86400 );
    my $sunday = substr DateTime->from_epoch( epoch=>$sunday_ep ), 0, 10;
    # monday
    $wk = 7 if $wk == 0;
    my $monday_ep = $ep - ( ( $wk - 1 ) * 86400 );
    my $monday = substr DateTime->from_epoch( epoch=>$monday_ep ), 0, 10;
    $sunday =~ s/\D//g;
    $monday =~ s/\D//g;
    #  die "$monday - $sunday";
    sub _dump { require YAML; YAML::Dump( \@_ ) };
    return $self->materialize( $monday, $sunday );

sub materialize {
    my ($self, $start, $end) = @_;

    # get rid of dates outside this date range
    my @s_wk ;
    my @s_date;
    for my $slot ( $self->all ) {
        if( $slot->type eq 'weekday' ) {
            push @s_wk, $slot;
        elsif( $start <= $slot->when && $slot->when <= $end ) {
            push @s_date, $slot;

    # merge materialized
    my @slots = @s_wk;
    for( @s_date ) {
        @slots = $self->_merge( { materialize => 1 }, $_, @slots );  # put the dates first
    $self->add_slots( @slots );
    return $self;

sub find {
    my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	for my $slot ( grep { $_->type eq 'date' } $self->all ) {
        return $slot
          if $slot->contains(%args);
	for my $slot ( grep { $_->type eq 'weekday' } $self->all ) {
        return $slot
          if $slot->contains(%args);

sub name {
	my $slot;
	return $slot->name if $slot = find( @_ );

sub as_table {
    my $self = shift;
    require Data::Format::Pretty::Console;
    return Data::Format::Pretty::Console::format_pretty( 
        [ map { { %$_ } } $self->sorted ],
        { table_column_orders=>[ [qw/name start end when type _weekday/] ] }




=head1 NAME

Calendar::Slots - Manage time slots

=head1 VERSION

version 0.15


	use Calendar::Slots;
	my $cal = new Calendar::Slots;
	$cal->slot( date=>'2009-10-11', start=>'10:30', end=>'11:30', name=>'busy' ); 
	my $slot = $cal->find( date=>'2009-10-11', time=>'11:00' );
	print $slot->name;    # 'busy'


This is a simple module to manage a calendar of very generic time slots. Time slots are anything
with a start and end time on a given date or weekday. Time slots cannot overlap. If a new
time slot overlaps another pre-existing time slot, the calendar will acommodate the slot automatically.

It handles two types of slots: fixed dates, or recurring on weekdays. 
When looking for an event, it will search from most specific (date) to more
generic (recurring). That is, if a slot exist for both a date and a weekday, 
it returns the date slot only. 

The calendar is able to compact itself and generate rows that can be easily
stored in a file or database. 


Some of it current limitations:


=item * No overlapping of time slots. 

=item * If a time-slot spans over midnight, two slots will be created, one for the
selected date until midnight, and another for the next day from midnight until end-time.

=item * It does not handle timezones.

=item * It does not know of daylight-savings or any other DateTime features.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 slot ( name=>Str, { date=>'YYYY-MM-DD' | weekday=>1..7 | start_date/end_date }, start=>'HH:MM', end=>'HH:MM' )

Add a time slot to the calendar.

If the new time slot overlaps an existing slot with the same C<name>, 
the slots are merged and become a single slot. 

If the new time slot overlaps an existing slot with a different C<name>,
it overwrites the previous slot, splitting it if necessary. 

	my $cal = Calendar::Slots->new;
	# reserve that monday slot

	$cal->slot( date=>'2009-11-30', start=>'10:30', end=>'11:00', name=>'doctor appointment' ); 

	# create a time slot for a given date

	$cal->slot( date=>'2009-01-01', start=>'10:30', end=>'24:00' ); 

	# create a recurring time slot over 3 calendar days

	$cal->slot( start_date=>'2009-01-01', end_date=>'2009-02-01', start=>'10:30', end=>'24:00' ); 

=head2 find ( { date=>'YYYY-MM-DD' | weekday=>1..7 }, time=>'HH:MM' )

Returns a L<Calendar::Slots::Slot> object for a given .

	$cal->find( weekday=>1, time=>'11:30' );   # find what's on Monday at 11:30

=head2 name 

Shortcut method to L<find|/find> a slot and return a name. 

=head2 sorted 

Returns a  ARRAY of all slot objects in the calendar.

=head2 materialize ( start_date, end_date ) 

Returns an instance of L<Calendar::Slots> with
date slots converted into weekdays for a given
date range.

    my $new_cal = $cal->materialize( 2012_10_22, 2012_10_28 );

=head2 week_of ( date ) 

Returns a materialized instance of L<Calendar::Slots> with actual 
dates merged for the week that comprises 
the passed C<date>.  

    my $week = $cal->week_of( 2012_10_22 );
    $week->find( weekday=>2, time=>10_30 );  # ...

=head2 all 

Returns an ARRAY of all slot objects in the calendar.

=head2 as_table

Returns a console string as a table for the calendar.

Requires that L<Data::Format::Pretty::Console> be installed.

    print $cal->as_table;

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 TODO

There are many improvements planned for this module, as this is just 
an ALPHA release that allows me to get somethings done at $work...


=item * Other types of recurrence: first Monday, last Friday of September...

=item * Merge several calendars into one.

=item * Create subclasses of Calendar::Slots::Slot for each slot type. 

=item * Better input formatting based on DateTime objects and the such.

=head1 AUTHOR

Rodrigo de Oliveira C<>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
