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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use lib 't/lib';
use MongooseT; # this connects to the db for me
my $db = db;
$db->run_command({ drop=>'person' }); 

	package Person;
	use Moose;
	with 'Mongoose::Document';

	has 'name' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );
	has 'age' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Int', default=>40 );
	has 'spouse' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Person' );
	has 'crc' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', traits=>['DoNotMongoSerialize'], default=>'ABCD' );

package main;
	my $homer = Person->new( name => "Homer Simpson" );
	my $id = $homer->save;
	is( ref($id), 'MongoDB::OID', 'created, id defined' );
	my $count = Person->collection->find->count;
	is( $count, 0, 'delete ok');
	my $homer = Person->new( name => "Homer Simpson" );
	my $marge = Person->new( name => "Marge Simpson" ); 
	my $id = $homer->save;
	is( ref($id), 'MongoDB::OID', 'xref, id defined' );

	is( Person->collection->find->count, 2, '2 Simpsons ok' );

    Person->find->each( sub {
        my $simpson = shift;

        if ($simpson->name eq "Homer Simpson") {
            is($simpson->_id, $homer->_id, "Found Homer (iter)");
            is($simpson->spouse->_id, $marge->_id, 'Homer spouse is ok');
        else {
            is($simpson->_id, $marge->_id, "Found Marge (iter)");
            is($simpson->spouse->_id, $homer->_id, 'Marge spouse is ok');

	my $p = Person->find_one({ _id => $id });
	is( $p->name, 'Homer Simpson', 'homer found');
    # new find_one( SCALAR )
	my $p2 = Person->find_one("$id");
	is( $p2->name, 'Homer Simpson', 'find_one SCALAR homer found');
	my $p = Person->find_one({ name=>'Marge Simpson' });
	ok( $p->isa('Person'), 'isa person' );
	is( $p->name, 'Marge Simpson', 'marge found');
	is( $p->spouse->name, 'Homer Simpson', 'spouse found');
	my $cursor = Person->find;
	my $cnt = 0;
	while( my $p = $cursor->next ) {
	is( $cnt, 2 , 'cursor works' );

	$cnt = 0;
	Person->find->each( sub {
	is( $cnt, 2 , 'each cursor works' );

	my @objs = Person->find->all;
	is( scalar(@objs), 2, 'all objs cnt ok' );
	is( ref($objs[1]), 'Person', 'blessed yup' ); 
	my $doc = Person->collection->find->next;
	ok( !defined($doc->{crc}), 'do not serialize' );
	for( 'aa', 'cc', 'bb', 'dd' ) {
		Person->new( name=>$_ )->save;
	my $sorted = join ',',
		map{ $_->name } Person->query({}, { sort_by=>{ name=>1 } } )->all;
	is $sorted, 'aa,bb,cc,dd', 'sorted ok';

	my $limited = join ',',
		map{ $_->name } Person->query({}, { sort_by=>{ name=>1 }, limit=>2, skip=>2 })->all;
	is $limited, 'cc,dd', 'limited ok';
	is(Person->collection->count(), 4, 'count totals');

	my $cur = Person->query({}, { limit=>2, skip=>2 });
	is $cur->count(), 4, 'cursor total';

	my $cnt=0;
	is $cnt,2,'each count';

	# this is failing due to a problem in mongo with sort_by
	#my $cur = Person->query({}, { sort_by=>{ name=>1 }, limit=>2, skip=>2 });
	#is $cur->count(), 4, 'cursor total';
