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package Config::Hosts;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Regexp::IPv6 qw($IPv6_re);

=head1 NAME

Config::Hosts - Interface to /etc/hosts file

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.03';

our $DEFAULT_FILE = '/etc/hosts';

our $TYPE_IP   =  1;
our $TYPE_HOST = -1;


Config::Hosts - Interface to /etc/hosts file. A tool that manages the
hosts list on a machine, is able to query/insert/delete/update the
entries by IP or by a hostname, and also maintains the original
comments and some sanity checks on IP and hostname values.

    use Config::Hosts;

    my $hosts = Config::Hosts->new();
	$hosts->read_hosts(); # reads default /etc/hosts
	$hosts->insert_host(ip => $ip, hosts => [qw(host1 host2)]);
	$hosts->update_host($ip, hosts=> [qw(host1 host3)]);

=head1 EXPORT

The interface is entirely object-oriented. The following methods have
been defined:


=head2 new ($;%)

The constructor. Accepts optional hash with one key only: file - the
name of the file as alternative to default /etc/hosts.

Returns the newly blessed object.


sub new ($;@) {

	my $class = shift;
	my %params = @_;

	my $self = {};
	$self->{_file} = $params{file} || $DEFAULT_FILE;
	bless $self, $class;

	return $self;

=head2 is_valid_ip ($)

internal utility function to check whether the IP given is a valid
IPv4 or IPv6 address. Returns 1 or 0, naturally.


sub is_valid_ip ($) {

	my $ip = shift;
	if ($ip =~ /^$IPv6_re$/) {
		return 1;
	return $ip =~
		/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ && ($1+0 | $2+0 | $3+0 | $4+0) < 0x100 ?
		1 : 0;

=head2 is_valid_host($)

Internal utility to determine whether the host name is a valid
hostname as required by /etc/hosts manual.


sub is_valid_host ($) {

	my $host = shift;
	return $host =~
		/^[a-z]([a-z]|[0-9]|\-|\.)*([a-z]|[0-9])$/i ?
		1 : 0;

=head2 read_hosts($;$)

Read the host file into a data structure to later be used by the other
methods. Optional argument may be the file to read hosts table from.


sub read_hosts ($;$) {

	my $self = shift;
	my $hosts_file = shift || $self->{_file};

	my $contents = [];
	open(H, $hosts_file) or die "Couldn't open hosts file $hosts_file: $!";
	my $i = 0; my $l = 0;
	my $hosts = {};
	while (<H>) {
		if (! /\S/) {
			$contents->[$i] = $_;
		elsif (/^\s*\#/) {
			$contents->[$i] = $_;
		elsif (
			/^\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\S.*)/ ||
		) {
			$_ = lc $_;
			$contents->[$i] = $_;
			my $ip = $1;
			my ($hosts_list, $comment) = split(/\#/, $2);
			$comment ||= "";
			if (!is_valid_ip($ip)) {
				print STDERR "Line $l: Warning: IP $ip is invalid\n";
			my @hosts = split(/\s+/, $hosts_list);
			$contents->[$i] = $_;
			if ($hosts->{$ip}) {
				print STDERR "Line $l: Warning: duplicate IP entry $ip, the last one will be used\n";
			$hosts->{$ip} = {
				hosts => [ @hosts ],
				comment => $comment,
				line => $i,
			for my $host (@hosts) {
				if (! is_valid_host($host)) {
					print STDERR "Line $l: Warning: Host $host is invalid\n";
				if ($hosts->{$host}) {
					print STDERR "Line $l: Warning: duplicate Host entry $host, the last one will be used\n";
				$hosts->{$host} = {
					ip => $ip,
					comment => $comment,
					line => $i,
		else {
			die "Invalid entry: $_\nBailing out.\n";
	$self->{_contents} = $contents;
	$self->{_hosts}    = $hosts;

=head2 determine_ip_or_host ($$)

Check whether the given argument is an IP, a HOST or neither. Returns
1, -1 or 0 correspondingly.


sub determine_ip_or_host ($$) {

	my $self      = shift;
	my $candidate = shift;

	return $TYPE_IP   if is_valid_ip($candidate);
	return $TYPE_HOST if is_valid_host($candidate);
	return  0;

=head2 query_host ($$)

Queries the read hosts table to find specified argument that may be IP
address or host name.

Returns hash containing the relevant entry if found or undef if not.


sub query_host ($$) {

	my $self = shift;
	my $host = shift;

	my $type = $self->determine_ip_or_host($host);
	if ($type) {
		return $self->{_hosts}{$host};
	else {
		return undef;

=head2 insert_host ($%)

Inserts a host. Both IP and hostnames must be specified as a hash.
Hostname may be a single scalar or arrayref of hostnames.


sub insert_host ($%) {

	my $self = shift;
	my %params = @_;

	if (! $params{ip} || ! $params{hosts}) {
		print STDERR "No ip or host supplied to insert_host, ignoring\n";
		return 0;
	my $ip = $params{ip};
	if (! is_valid_ip($ip)) {
		print STDERR "Invalid IP $ip, ignoring\n";
		return 0;
	my $hosts;
	if (! ref $params{hosts}) {
		$hosts = [ $params{hosts} ];
	else {
		$hosts = $params{hosts};
	if (ref $hosts ne 'ARRAY') {
		print STDERR "Host names must be scalar value or ARRAY ref, ignoring\n";
		return 0;
	if (grep {
		!is_valid_host($_) &&
		print STDERR "Invalid host $_ passed, ignoring insert\n"
	} @{$hosts}) {
		return 0;
	my $hosts_line = join(" ", @{$hosts});
	my $comment = $params{comment} ? " $params{comment}" : "";
	push(@{$self->{_contents}}, "$ip\t$hosts_line$comment");
	if ($self->{_hosts}{$ip}) {
		print STDERR "INSERT: Warning:duplicate IP $ip, the last one will be used\n";
		for my $h_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$ip}{hosts}}) {
			delete $self->{_hosts}{$h_host}
		my $index = $self->{_hosts}{$ip}{line};
		splice(@{$self->{_contents}}, $index, 1);
	$self->{_hosts}{$ip} = {
		hosts => $hosts,
		comment => $comment,
		line => scalar @{$self->{_contents}},
	for my $host (@{$hosts}) {
		if ($self->{_hosts}{$host}) {
			print STDERR "INSERT: Warning:duplicate Host entry $host, the last one will be used\n";
		$self->{_hosts}{$host} = {
			ip => $ip,
			comment => $comment,
			line => scalar @{$self->{_contents}},
	return 1;

=head2 delete_host ($$)

Deletes an entry in hosts table. The entry is determined either by IP
or by hostname, all entries related to this host or IP are wiped out.


sub delete_host ($$) {

	my $self = shift;
	my $host = shift;

	my $type = $self->determine_ip_or_host($host);
	if (! $type) {
		print STDERR "Invalid host $host supplied\n";
		return 0;
	if (! $self->{_hosts}{$host}) {
		print STDERR "No such host $host\n";
		return 0;
	my $index = $self->{_hosts}{$host}{line};
	splice(@{$self->{_contents}}, $index, 1);
	if ($type == $TYPE_IP) {
		for my $h_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$host}{hosts}}) {
			delete $self->{_hosts}{$h_host}
		delete $self->{_hosts}{$host};
	else {
		my $ip = $self->{_hosts}{$host}{ip};
		my $ip_hosts = $self->{_hosts}{$ip}{hosts};
		for my $h_host (@{$ip_hosts}) {
			delete $self->{_hosts}{$h_host}
		delete $self->{_hosts}{$ip};
	return 1;

=head2 update_host ($$)

Updates an entry in hosts table. Arguments should be of the following
format: $self->update_host($ip_or_host, ip => $new_ip, hosts => [
@new_hosts ]);

New hosts' argument may be a single scalar instead of arrayref.


sub update_host ($$%) {

	my $self   = shift;
	my $host   = shift;
	my %params = @_;

	my $type = $self->determine_ip_or_host($host);
	if (! $type) {
		print STDERR "Invalid host $host supplied\n";
		return 0;
	if (! $self->{_hosts}{$host}) {
		print STDERR "No such host $host\n";
		return 0;
	my $index = $self->{_hosts}{$host}{line};
	my $comment = $params{comment} ? " $params{comment}" : "";
	my $new_ip = $host;
	if ($params{ip} && !is_valid_ip($params{ip})) {
		print STDERR "Invalid argument IP given\n";
		return 0;
	if ($params{hosts}) {
		if (! ref $params{hosts}) {
			$params{hosts} = [ $params{hosts} ];
		if (ref $params{hosts} ne 'ARRAY') {
			print STDERR "New host names should be scalar value or array ref\n";
			return 0;
		if (grep {
			!is_valid_host($_) &&
			print STDERR "Invalid host $_ passed, ignoring insert\n"
		} @{$params{hosts}}) {
			return 0;
	if ($type == $TYPE_IP && $params{ip}) {
		$new_ip = $params{ip};
		$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip} = delete $self->{_hosts}{$host};
		for my $h_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}}) {
			$self->{_hosts}{$h_host}{ip} = $new_ip;
	if ($type == $TYPE_IP && $params{hosts}) {
		my @old_hosts = @{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}};
		$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts} = $params{hosts};
		for my $old_host (@old_hosts) {
			delete $self->{_hosts}{$old_host};
		for my $new_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}}) {
			$self->{_hosts}{$new_host} = {
				ip => $new_ip,
				comment => $comment,
				line => $self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{line},
	if ($type == $TYPE_HOST && $params{ip}) {
		my $old_ip = $self->{_hosts}{$host}{ip};
		$new_ip = $params{ip};
		for my $h_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$old_ip}{hosts}}) {
			$self->{_hosts}{$h_host}{ip} = $new_ip;
		$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip} = delete $self->{_hosts}{$old_ip};
	if ($type == $TYPE_HOST && $params{hosts}) {
		$new_ip = $self->{_hosts}{$host}{ip};
		my @old_hosts = @{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}};
		$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts} = $params{hosts};
		for my $old_host (@old_hosts) {
			delete $self->{_hosts}{$old_host};
		for my $new_host (@{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}}) {
			$self->{_hosts}{$new_host} = {
				ip => $new_ip,
				comment => $comment,
				line => $self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{line},
	my $hosts_line = join(" ", @{$self->{_hosts}{$new_ip}{hosts}});
	my $new_line = "$new_ip\t$hosts_line$comment";
	splice(@{$self->{_contents}}, $index, 1, $new_line);

	return 1;

=head2 write_hosts($;$)

Writes the hosts table either to the default or to a specified (via
parameter) file.


sub write_hosts ($;$) {

	my $self = shift;
	my $hosts_file = shift || $self->{_file};

	open(F, ">$hosts_file") or die "Cannot write hosts file $hosts_file: $!";
	local $, = "\n";
	local $\ = "\n";
	print F @{$self->{_contents}};
	close F;

=head1 AUTHOR

Roman M. Parparov, C<< <roman at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-config-hosts at>, or through the web interface at
L<>.  I
will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
progress on your bug as I make changes.

CAVEAT: the changes in host table are not committed unless you
explicitly write_hosts() them.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Config::Hosts

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to Vicente Gavara C<< <vicente.gavara at> >> for
providing a fix for editing/deleting routines.


Copyright 2011 Roman M. Parparov.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of Config::Hosts