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package DBIx::Admin::DSNManager;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Config::Tiny;

use File::Slurp; # For write_file.

use Moo;

has active =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return 0},
	required => 0,

has attributes =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return {AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1} },
	required => 0,

has config =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return undef},
	required => 0,

has file_name =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return ''},
	required => 0,

has password =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return ''},
	required => 0,

has use_for_testing =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return 0},
	required => 0,

has username =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return ''},
	required => 0,

has verbose =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return ''},
	required => 0,

our $VERSION = '2.01';

# -----------------------------------------------

	my($self) = @_;

	if ($self -> file_name && ! $self -> config)
		# read() initializes config(), and validate() defaults to it.
		# So we don't need to pass config() to validate(), but the
		# latter returns a {}, which we need to save in config().

		$self -> read($self -> file_name);
		$self -> config($self -> validate);

} # End of BUILD.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub hashref2string
	my($self, $h) = @_;
	$h ||= {};

	return '{' . join(', ', map{"$_ => $$h{$_}"} sort keys %$h) . '}';

} # End of hashref2string.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _keys
	my($self) = @_;

	return (qw/active attributes dsn password use_for_testing username/);

} # End of _keys.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _log
	my($self, $s) = @_;
	$s ||= '';

	# The leading hash fits in with 'diag' during testing.

	if ($self -> verbose)
		print STDERR "# $s\n";

} # End of _log.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub read
	my($self, $file_name) = @_;

	$self -> _log("Reading: $file_name");

	my($config) = Config::Tiny -> read($file_name) || die "$Config::Tiny::errstr\n";
	$config     = {%$config};

	# For each DSN, we have to convert the attributes from a string to a hashref.

	for my $section (keys %$config)
		$$config{$section}{attributes} = $self -> string2hashref($$config{$section}{attributes});

	$self -> config($config);

} # End of read.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub report
	my($self, $config) = @_;

	if (! $config)
		$self -> _log("File: " . $self -> file_name);

	$config ||= $self -> config;


	for my $section (sort keys %$config)
		$self -> _log("Section: $section");

		for my $key ($self -> _keys)
			next if (! exists $$config{$section}{$key});

			if ($key eq 'attributes')
				$attr = $$config{$section}{$key};

				$self -> _log("$key: " . join(', ', map{"$_ => $$attr{$_}"} sort keys %$attr) );
				$self -> _log("$key: $$config{$section}{$key}");

		$self -> _log;

} # End of report.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub string2hashref
	my($self, $s) = @_;
	$s            ||= '';
	my($result)   = {};

	if ($s)
		if ($s =~ m/^\{\s*([^}]*)\}$/)
			my(@attr) = map{s/([\"\'])(.*)\1/$2/; $_} map{split(/\s*=>\s*/)} split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);

			die "Invalid syntax for hashref: $s\n" if ( ( (scalar @attr) % 2) != 0);

			if (@attr)
				$result = {@attr};
			die "Invalid syntax for hashref: $s\n";

	return $result;

} # End of string2hashref.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub validate
	my($self, $config) = @_;
	$config ||= $self -> config;

	if (! $config || (ref($config) ne 'HASH') )
		die "You must use new(config => {...}) or new(file_name => 'name') or \$object -> config({...})\n";

	my($count) = 0;

	for my $section (sort keys %$config)

		for my $key ($self -> _keys)
			# The dns key is mandatory.

			if ($key eq 'dsn')
				if ($$config{$section}{$key})
					die "Section $section has no value for the 'dsn' key\n";

			next if (! exists $$config{$section}{$key});

			# If not set, use the default.

			if (! $$config{$section}{$key})
				$$config{$section}{$key} = $self -> $key;

	if ($count == 0)
		die "No sections found\n";

	return $config;

} # End of validate.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub write
	my($self, $file_name, $config) = @_;

	# Allow calls of the form $object -> write({...}).

	if (ref($file_name) eq 'HASH')
		$config    = $file_name;
		$file_name = $self -> file_name;
		# Allow calls of the form $object -> write($file_name) and write($file_name, {...}).

		$config ||= $self -> config;

	$self -> _log("Writing: $file_name");


	for my $section (sort keys %$config)
		push @line, "[$section]";

		for my $key ($self -> _keys)
			next if (! exists $$config{$section}{$key});

			$s = $$config{$section}{$key};

			# For each DSN, we have to convert the attributes from a hashref to a string.

			if ($key eq 'attributes')
				$s = $self -> hashref2string($s);

			push @line, "$key = $s";

		push @line, '';

	write_file($file_name, map{"$_\n"} @line);

} # End of write.

# -----------------------------------------------


=head1 NAME

DBIx::Admin::DSNManager - Manage a file of DSNs, for both testing and production

=head1 Synopsis

	#!/usr/bin/env perl

	use strict;
	use warnings;

	use DBIx::Admin::DSNManager;

	us Try::Tiny;

	# --------------------------

		my($man1) = DBIx::Admin::DSNManager -> new
			config  => {'Pg.1' => {dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=test', username => 'me', active => 1} },
			verbose => 1,

		my($file_name) = '/tmp/dsn.ini';

		$man1 -> write($file_name);

		my($man2) = DBIx::Admin::DSNManager -> new
			file_name => $file_name,
			verbose   => 1,

		$man2 -> report;
		print "DBIx::Admin::DSNManager died. Error: $_";

See scripts/

=head1 Description

L<DBIx::Admin::DSNManager> manages a file of DSNs, for both testing and production.

The INI-style format was selected, rather than, say, using an SQLite database, so that casual users could edit
the file without needing to know SQL and without having to install the command line program sqlite3.

Each DSN is normally for something requiring manual preparation, such as creating the database named in the DSN.

In the case of SQLite, etc, where manual intervention is not required, you can still put the DSN in

One major use of this module is to avoid environment variable overload, since it is common to test Perl modules
by setting the env vars $DBI_DSN, $DBI_USER and $DBI_PASS.

But then the problem becomes: What do you do when you want to run tests against a set of databases servers?
Some modules define sets of env vars, one set per database server, with awkward and hard-to-guess names.
This is messy and obscure.

L<DBIx::Admin::DSNManager> is a solution to this problem.

=head1 Database Creation

By design, L<DBIx::Admin::DSNManager> does not provide a create-database option.

For database servers like Postgres, MySQL, etc, you must create users, and give them the createdb privilege.
Such actions are outside the scope of this module.

For database servers like SQLite, any code can create a database anyway, but you can use options in dsn.ini
to indicate the DSN is inactive, or not to be used for testing. See L</The Format of dsn.ini> below.

=head1 Testing 'v' Production

Of course, you may have DSNs in dsn.ini which you don't want to be used for testing.

Here's a policy for handling such situations:

=over 4

=item o An explicit use_for_testing flag

Each DSN in the file can be marked with the option 'use_for_testing = 0', to stop usage for testing,
or 'use_for_testing = 1', to allow usage for testing.

The default is 0 - do not use for testing.

=item o An implicit DSN

For cases like SQLite, testing code can either look in dsn.ini, or manufacture a temporary directory and file name
for testing.

This leads to a new question: If the testing code finds a DSN in dsn.ini which is marked use_for_testing = 0,
should that code still generate another DSN for testing? My suggestions is: Yes, since the one in dsn.ini does
not indicate that all possible DSNs should be blocked from testing.


=head1 The Format of dsn.ini

On disk, dsn.ini is a typical INI-style file. In RAM it is a hashref of config options. E.g.:

	config => {'Pg.1' => {dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=test', ...}, 'Pg.2' => {...} }

where config is the name of the module getter/setter which provides access to the hashref.

=over 4

=item o Sections

Section names are unique, case-sensitive, strings.

So 2 Postgres sections might be:



=item o Connexion info within each section

Each section can have these keys:

=over 4

=item o A DSN string

A typical Postgres dsn would be:

dsn = dbi:Pg:dbname=test

A dsn key is mandatory within each section.

The DSN names the driver to use and the database.

=item o A Username string

E.g.: username = testuser

A username is optional.

If a username is not provided for a dsn, the empty string is used.

=item o A Password string

E.g.: password = testpass

A password is optional.

If a password is not provided for a dsn, the empty string is used.

=item o DSN Attributes as a hashref


attributes = {AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 0, RaiseError = 1}

Attributes are optional.

Their format is exactly the same as for L<DBI>.

If attributes are not provided, they default to the example above.

=item o A Boolean active flag

E.g.: active = 0

or active = 1

The active key is optional.

If the active key is not provided for a dsn, it defaults to 0 - do not use.

This key means you can easily disable a DSN without having to delete the section, or comment it all out.

=item o A Boolean testing flag

E.g.: use_for_testing = 0

or use_for_testing = 1

The use_for_testing key is optional.

If the use_for_testing key is not provided for a dsn, it defaults to 0 - do not use for testing.



So, a sample dsn.ini file looks like:

	attributes = {AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1}
	use_for_testing = 0

	active = 0
	use_for_testing = 1


This file is read by L<Config::Tiny>. Check its docs for details, but there is one thing to be aware of:
L<Config::Tiny> does not recognize comments at the ends of lines. So:

key = value # A comment.

sets key to 'value # A comment.', which is probably not what you intended.

=head1 Constructor and Initialization

Calling C<new()> returns a object of type L<DBIx::Admin::DSNManager>, or dies.

C<new()> takes a hash of key/value pairs, some of which might be mandatory. Further, some combinations
might be mandatory.

The keys are listed here in alphabetical order.

They are lower-case because they are (also) method names, meaning they can be called to set or get the value
at any time.

But a warning: In some cases, setting them after this module has used the previous value, will have no effect.
All such cases are documented (or should be).

=over 4

=item o config => {...}

Specifies a hashref to use as the initial value of the internal config hashref which holds the set of DSNs.

This hashref is keyed by section name, with each key pointing to a hashref of dsn data. E.g.:

	config => {'Pg.1' => {dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=test', ...}, 'Pg.2' => {...} }

Default: undef.

=item o file_name => $string

Specifies the name of the file holding the DSNs.

If specified, the code reads this file and populates the hashref returned by C<config()>.

This key is optional.

Default: ''.

=item o verbose => 0 | 1

Specify more or less output.

Default: 0.


=head1 Methods

=head2 config([{...}])

Here, the [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the internal config hashref holding all the DSN data.

If called as config({...}), set the config hashref to the parameter.

If called as config(), return the config hashref.

=head2 hashref2string($hashref)

Returns a string corresponding to the $hashref.

{} is converted to '{}'.

=head2 read($file_name)

Read $file_name using L<Config::Tiny> and set the config hashref.

=head2 report([{...}])

Here, the [] indicate an optional parameter.

If called as $object -> report, print both $object -> file_name, and the contents of the config hashref, to STDERR.

If called as $object -> report({...}), print just the contents of the hashref, to STDERR.

=head2 string2hashref($s)

Returns a hashref built from the string.

The string is expected to be something like '{AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 0}'.

The empty string is returned as {}.

=head2 validate([{...}])

Here, the [] indicate an optional parameter.

Validate the given or config hashref.

Returns the validated hashref.

If a hashref is not supplied, validate the config one.

Currently, the checks are:

=over 4

=item o There must be at least 1 section

=item o All sections must have a 'dsn' key


=head2 write([$file_name,][{...}])

Here, the [] indicate an optional parameter.

Write the given or config hashref to $file_name.

The [] mean a parameter is optional.

If called as $object -> write('dsn.ini'), write the config hashref to $file_name.

If called as $object -> write('dsn.ini', {...}), write the given hashref to $file_name.

If called as $object -> write({...}), write the given hashref to $object -> file_name.

L<File::Slurp> is used to write this file, since these hashes are not of type C<Config::Tiny>.

=head2 See Also



=head1 Version Numbers

Version numbers < 1.00 represent development versions. From 1.00 up, they are production versions.

=head1 Support

Log a bug on RT: L<>.

=head1 Author

L<DBIx::Admin::DSNManager> was written by Ron Savage I<E<lt><gt>> in 2010.

Home page: L<>.

=head1 Copyright

Australian copyright (c) 2010, Ron Savage.

	All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
	you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
	The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at:
