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use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper::Concise; # For Dumper().

use DBI;

use DBIx::Admin::CreateTable;
use DBIx::Admin::DSNManager;
use DBIx::Admin::TableInfo;

use Moo;

use Test::More;

has creator =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return '%'},
	required => 0,

has dsn_manager =>
	is       => 'rw',
	default  => sub{return '%'},
	required => 0,

# ---------------------------

my($dsn_manager) = DBIx::Admin::DSNManager -> new(file_name => 'xt/author/dsn.ini');
my($config)      = $dsn_manager -> config;
my(@table_name)  = (qw/people spouses/);
my($test_count)  = 0;

my($active, $attr);
my($dsn, $dbh);
my($primary_key, $primary_index);
my($table_name, $table_manager, $table_info);
my($vendor, $version);

for my $db (keys %$config)
	$active = $$config{$db}{active} || 0;

	next if (! $active);

	$use_for_testing = $$config{$db}{use_for_testing} || 0;

	next if (! $use_for_testing);

	$dsn     = $$config{$db}{dsn};
	$attr    = $$config{$db}{attributes};
	$dbh     = DBI -> connect($dsn, $$config{$db}{username}, $$config{$db}{password}, $attr);
	$vendor  = uc $dbh -> get_info(17); # SQL_DBMS_NAME.
	$version = $dbh -> get_info(18);    # SQL_DBMS_VER.
	$engine  = $vendor eq 'MYSQL' ? 'engine=innodb' : '';
	$creator = DBIx::Admin::CreateTable -> new(dbh => $dbh);
	$message = "DSN section: $db. Vendor: $vendor V $version. \n";

	diag "Started testing $message";

	$dbh -> do('pragma foreign_keys = on') if ($dsn =~ /SQLite/i);

	# Drop tables if they exist.

	for $table_name (reverse @table_name)
		diag "Dropping table '$table_name'. It may not exist\n";

		$creator -> drop_table($table_name);

		ok(1, 'Deleted table which may not exist');


	# Create tables.

	for $table_name (@table_name)
		$primary_key = $creator -> generate_primary_key_sql($table_name);

		diag "Creating table '$table_name'. It will not exist yet\n";
		diag "Primary key attributes: $primary_key\n";

		if ($table_name eq 'people')
			$sql = <<SQL;
create table $table_name
	id   $primary_key,
	data varchar(255)
) $engine
			$sql = <<SQL;
create table $table_name
	id        $primary_key,
	person_id integer, index(person_id), foreign key(person_id) references people(id),
	spouse_id integer, index(spouse_id), foreign key(spouse_id) references people(id)
) $engine

		diag "SQL: $sql\n";

		$creator -> create_table($sql);

	# Process tables.

	$table_manager = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo -> new(dbh => $dbh);
	$table_info    = $table_manager -> info;
	$primary_index = ($vendor eq 'MYSQL') ? 'PKTABLE_NAME' : 'UK_TABLE_NAME';
	$foreign_index = ($vendor eq 'MYSQL') ? 'FKTABLE_NAME' : 'FK_TABLE_NAME';

	ok($$table_info{people}{foreign_keys}[0]{$primary_index} eq 'people',  'Primary table name for foreign key 1');
	ok($$table_info{people}{foreign_keys}[0]{$foreign_index} eq 'spouses', 'Foreign table name for foreign key 1');

	$test_count += 2;

	# MySQL can drop an index if another index can be used.

	if ($#{$$table_info{people}{foreign_keys} } > 0)
		ok($$table_info{people}{foreign_keys}[1]{$primary_index} eq 'people',  'Primary table name for foreign key 2');
		ok($$table_info{people}{foreign_keys}[1]{$foreign_index} eq 'spouses', 'Foreign table name for foreign key 2');

		$test_count += 2;


	for $table_name (@table_name)
		diag '-' x 50;
		diag "Dumping table info for table '$table_name'";
		#diag Dumper($$table_info{$table_name});
		diag Dumper($$table_info{$table_name}{foreign_keys});
		diag "Dumped table info for table '$table_name'";

	diag '-' x 50;


	# Drop tables to clean up.

	for $table_name (reverse @table_name)
		diag "# Dropping table '$table_name'. It must exist now\n";

		#$creator -> drop_table($table_name);

		ok(1, 'Deleted table which must exist');


	$dbh -> disconnect;

	diag "Finished testing $message";
