The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Config;

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;

require 5.014002; # For the utf8 stuff.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub is_dot_installed
	# 1: Create a temp file containing DOT commands.
	# The EXLOCK option is for BSD-based systems.
	# newdir() croaks() if it fails, which is what we want.
	# Hence there is no need to use Try::Tiny.

	my($temp_dir) = File::Temp -> newdir('temp.XXXX', CLEANUP => 1, EXLOCK => 0, TMPDIR => 1);
	my($gv_file)  = File::Spec -> catfile($temp_dir, 'test.gv');

	# We use the deprecated 2-argument form of open in case
	# this code is run on an ancient version of Perl.

	open(OUT, ">$gv_file")                   || die "Can't create temp file: $!\n";
	print OUT "digraph graph_14 {node_14}\n" || die "Can't write to temp file: $!\n";
	close OUT                                || die "Can't close temp file: $!\n";

	# 2: Run dot to create an SVG file.

	my $stdout = `dot -Tsvg $gv_file`;

	# 3: If that failed, we die.

	die "Please install Graphviz from\n" if ($stdout !~ m|</svg>|);

} # End of is_dot_installed.

# -----------------------------------------------


# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.

my(%params) =
	($] ge '5.005') ?
		AUTHOR   => 'Ron Savage (',
		ABSTRACT => "A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz",
	) : (),
	clean =>
		FILES => 'blib/* Makefile MANIFEST GraphViz2-*'
	dist =>
		COMPRESS => 'gzip',
		SUFFIX   => 'gz'
	DISTNAME  => 'GraphViz2',
	NAME      => 'GraphViz2',
	PL_FILES  => {},
		'Algorithm::Dependency'       => 1.110,
		'Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA' => 1.110,
		'Capture::Tiny'               => 0.10,
		'charnames'                   => 0,
		'Class::ISA'                  => 0.36,
		'Class::Load'                 => 0.17,
		'Config'                      => 0,
		'Config::Tiny'                => 2.16,
		'Date::Simple'                => 3.03,
		'Data::Section::Simple'       => 0.02,
		'DBI'                         => 1.616,
		'DBIx::Admin::TableInfo'      => 2.11,
		'File::Basename'              => 2.77,
		'File::Slurp'                 => 9999.19,
		'File::Copy'                  => 2.21,
		'File::HomeDir'               => 0.99,
		'File::Spec'                  => 3.40,
		'File::Temp'                  => 0.22,
		'File::Which'                 => 1.09,
		'HTML::Entities::Interpolate' => 1.04,
		'HTML::TreeBuilder'           => 4.2,
		'HTTP::Tiny'                  => 0.012,
		'IPC::Run3'                   => 0.046,
		'Log::Handler'                => 0.71,
		'Moo'                         => 1.002000,
		'open'                        => 0,
		'parent'                      => 0.225,
		'Parse::RecDescent'           => 1.965001,
		'Perl6::Slurp'                => 0.051003,
		'Scalar::Util'                => 1.23,
		'Set::Array'                  => 0.23,
		'strict'                      => 0,
		'Test::More'                  => 0.94,
#	 	'Test::Pod'                   => 1.45, # Make it optional. See t/pod.t
		'Test::Version'               => 1.002003,
		'Text::Xslate'                => 1.2000,
		'Tree::DAG_Node'              => 1.06,
		'Try::Tiny'                   => 0.09,
		'utf8'                        => 0,
		'warnings'                    => 0,
		'XML::Bare'                   => 0,
		'XML::Tiny'                   => 2.06,
	VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',

if ( ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION =~ /^\d\.\d\d$/) && ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION > 6.30) )
	$params{LICENSE} = 'artistic_2';

if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION ge '6.46')
	$params{META_MERGE} =
		resources =>
			bugtracker => '',
			license    => '',
