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package GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Demo;

use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings qw(FATAL utf8); # Fatalize encoding glitches.
use open     qw(:std :utf8); # Undeclared streams in UTF-8.

use Capture::Tiny 'capture';

use Config;

use Date::Simple;

use File::Spec;

use GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils;
use GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Config;

use Moo;

use Path::Tiny; # For path().

use Text::Xslate 'mark_raw';

use Types::Standard qw/HashRef/;

has config =>
	default => sub {return GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Config -> new -> config},
	is      => 'ro',
	isa     => HashRef,

our $VERSION = '2.00';

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _find_clusters
	my($self, $data_dir, $out_dir) = @_;

	my($stdout, $stderr);

	for my $in_file (sort {"$a" cmp "$b"} path($data_dir) -> children(qr/^clusters/) )
		$out_prefix = $in_file =~ s/\.in\./\.out\./r;
		$out_prefix =~ s/\.gv$//;
		$out_prefix =~ s/^$data_dir/$out_dir/;

		($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture{GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils -> new
						input_file      => "$in_file",
						output_file     => "$out_prefix",
						report_clusters => 1,
					) -> find_clusters};

		@line              = split(/\n/, $stdout);
		$count{"$in_file"} = ($line[$#line] =~ /Cluster:\s(\d+)\./) ? $1 : 0;

		print "Clusters. File: $in_file. Result: $exit ( 0 is success). \n";

	return \%count;

} # End of _find_clusters.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _find_fixed_length_paths
	my($self, $data_dir, $out_dir) = @_;
	my(%start_node) =
		'data/' => 'Act_1',
		'data/' => '5',
		'data/' => 'A',
		'data/' => 'node_10_01',


	for my $in_file (sort {"$a" cmp "$b"} path($data_dir) -> children(qr/^fixed.length.paths/) )
		$out_file = $in_file =~ s/\.in\./\.out\./r;
		$out_file =~ s/^$data_dir/$out_dir/;

		$result = GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils -> new
						allow_cycles => 0,
						input_file   => "$in_file",
						output_file  => "$out_file",
						path_length  => 3,
						start_node   => $start_node{$in_file},
					) -> find_fixed_length_paths;

		print "Fixed length paths. File: $in_file. Result: $result ( 0 is success). \n";

} # End of _find_fixed_length_paths.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub generate_demo
	my($self)     = @_;
	my($data_dir) = 'data/';
	my($html_dir) = 'html/';
	my($out_dir)  = 'out/';

	# Phase 1: Generate demo files, including HTML, using find_clusters().

	my($count) = $self -> _find_clusters($data_dir, $out_dir);

	my(@html4clusters) = map
		my($html_file) = $$_[0]     =~ s/^$html_dir//r;
		my($s)         = $html_file =~ s/^/$data_dir/r;
		$s             =~ s/html$/gv/;
		my($count)     = $$_[1];
		my($prefix)    = ($count < 10) ? 9 : 8;

		["<a href = '$html_file'><span class = 'local_text'>$s</span></a>", ('&nbsp;' x $prefix) . $count]
	} @{$self -> _generate_html4clusters($count)};

	unshift @html4clusters, ['SVGs', 'Cluster count'];

	# Phase 2: Generate demo files, including HTML, using find_fixed_length_paths().

	$self -> _find_fixed_length_paths($data_dir, $out_dir);

	my(@html4fixed_length_paths) = map

		my($s) = $_;
		$s     =~ s/^/$data_dir/;
		$s     =~ s/html$/gv/;

		"<a href = '$_'><span class = 'local_text'>$s</span></a>"
	} @{$self -> _generate_html4fixed_length_paths};

	# Phase 3: Generate the demo web page.

	my($config)    = $self -> config;
	my($templater) = Text::Xslate -> new
	  input_layer => '',
	  path        => $$config{template_path},
	my($index) = $templater -> render
			border          => 1,
			cluster_data    => [map{[{td => mark_raw($$_[0])}, {td => mark_raw($$_[1])}]} @html4clusters],
			default_css     => "$$config{css_url}/default.css",
			environment     => $self -> _generate_demo_environment,
			fancy_table_css => "$$config{css_url}/fancy.table.css",
			fixed_data      => [map{[{td => mark_raw($_)}]} @html4fixed_length_paths],
			version         => $VERSION,
	my($file_name) = File::Spec -> catfile('html', 'index.html');

	open(my $fh, '>', $file_name);
	print $fh $index;
	close $fh;

	print "Wrote: $file_name\n";

} # End of generate_demo.

# ------------------------------------------------

sub _generate_demo_environment
	my($self) = @_;


	# mark_raw() is needed because of the HTML tag <a>.

	push @environment,
	{left => 'Author', right => mark_raw(qq|<a href="">Ron Savage</a>|)},
	{left => 'Date',   right => Date::Simple -> today},
	{left => 'OS',     right => 'Debian V 7'},
	{left => 'Perl',   right => $Config{version} };

	return \@environment;
 # End of _generate_demo_environment.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _generate_html4clusters
	my($self, $count) = @_;
	my($data_dir)  = 'data/';
	my($html_dir)  = 'html/';
	my($out_dir)   = 'out/';
	my($config)    = $self -> config;
	my($templater) = Text::Xslate -> new
	  input_layer => '',
	  path        => $$config{template_path},

	my($html_prefix, $html_file, @html_file);
	my($out_prefix, $out_file);
	my($stdout, $stderr, $svg_in_prefix, $svg_in_file, $svg_out_prefix, $svg_out_file, @svg_out_file);

	for my $in_file (sort {"$a" cmp "$b"} path($data_dir) -> children(qr/^clusters/) )
		# Phase 1: The input file.

		($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system('dot', '-T', 'svg', $in_file)};
		$svg_in_prefix     = $in_file =~ s/^$data_dir/$html_dir/r;
		$svg_in_prefix     =~ s/\.gv$//;
		$svg_in_file       = path("$svg_in_prefix.svg");
		$html_file         = path("$svg_in_prefix.html");

		$svg_in_file -> spew_utf8($stdout);

		# We must remove the html/ prefix before $svg_in_file goes into the template.

		$svg_in_file =~ s/^$html_dir//;

		# Phase 2: The input files.

		$out_prefix   = $in_file =~ s/\.in\./\.out\./r;
		$out_prefix   =~ s/\.gv$//;
		$out_prefix   =~ s/^$data_dir/$out_dir/;
		@svg_out_file = ();
		$iter         = path($out_dir) -> iterator;

		while ($out_file = $iter -> () )
			next if ($out_file !~ /^\Q$out_prefix\E/);

			($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system('dot', '-T', 'svg', $out_file)};
			$svg_out_prefix    = $out_file =~ s/^$out_dir/$html_dir/r;
			$svg_out_prefix    =~ s/\.gv$//;
			$svg_out_file      = path("$svg_out_prefix.svg");

			$svg_out_file -> spew_utf8($stdout);

			# We must remove the html/ prefix before $svg_in_file goes into the template.

			$svg_out_file =~ s/^$html_dir//;

			push @svg_out_file, [$out_file, $svg_out_file];

		my($index) = $templater -> render
				border       => 1,
				default_css  => "$$config{css_url}/default.css",
				environment  => $self -> _generate_demo_environment,
				input_data   =>
						{td => $in_file},
						{td => mark_raw("<object data = '$svg_in_file'></object>")},
				input_file   => $in_file,
				output_data  =>
							{td => $$_[0]},
							{td => mark_raw("<object data = '$$_[1]'></object>")},
					} sort{$$a[0] cmp $$b[0]} @svg_out_file,
				version => $VERSION,

		$html_file -> spew_utf8($index);

		push @html_file, [$html_file, $$count{$in_file}];

		print "Wrote: $html_file\n";

	return \@html_file;

} # End of _generate_html4clusters.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub _generate_html4fixed_length_paths
	my($self)      = @_;
	my($data_dir)  = 'data/';
	my($html_dir)  = 'html/';
	my($out_dir)   = 'out/';
	my($config)    = $self -> config;
	my($templater) = Text::Xslate -> new
	  input_layer => '',
	  path        => $$config{template_path},

	my($html_prefix, $html_file, @html_file);
	my($out_prefix, $out_file);
	my($stdout, $stderr, $svg_in_prefix, $svg_in_file, $svg_out_prefix, $svg_out_file);

	for my $in_file (sort {"$a" cmp "$b"} path($data_dir) -> children(qr/^fixed/) )
		# Phase 1: The input file.

		($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system('dot', '-T', 'svg', $in_file)};
		$svg_in_prefix     = $in_file =~ s/^$data_dir/$html_dir/r;
		$svg_in_prefix     =~ s/\.gv$//;
		$svg_in_file       = path("$svg_in_prefix.svg");
		$html_file         = path("$svg_in_prefix.html");

		$svg_in_file -> spew_utf8($stdout);

		# We must remove the html/ prefix before $svg_in_file goes into the template.

		$svg_in_file =~ s/^$html_dir//;

		# Phase 2: The output file.

		$out_file          = $in_file =~ s/\.in\./\.out\./r;
		$out_file          =~ s/^$data_dir/$out_dir/;
		($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system('dot', '-T', 'svg', $out_file)};
		$svg_out_prefix    = $out_file =~ s/^$out_dir/$html_dir/r;
		$svg_out_prefix    =~ s/\.gv$//;
		$svg_out_file      = path("$svg_out_prefix.svg");

		$svg_out_file -> spew_utf8($stdout);

		# We must remove the html/ prefix before $svg_in_file goes into the template.

		$svg_out_file =~ s/^$html_dir//;

		my($index) = $templater -> render
				border       => 1,
				default_css  => "$$config{css_url}/default.css",
				environment  => $self -> _generate_demo_environment,
				input_data   =>
						{td => $in_file},
						{td => mark_raw("<object data = '$svg_in_file'></object>")},
				input_file   => $in_file,
				output_data  =>
						{td => $out_file},
						{td => mark_raw("<object data = '$svg_out_file'></object>")},
				version => $VERSION,

		$html_file -> spew_utf8($index);

		push @html_file, $html_file;

		print "Wrote: $html_file\n";

	return \@html_file;

} # End of _generate_html4fixed_length_paths.

# -----------------------------------------------



=head1 NAME

C<GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Demo> - Provide various analyses of Graphviz dot files


	shell> perl scripts/


This module is only for the use of the author.

GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Demo generates html/index.html using html/*.svg files.

See scripts/

=head1 Distributions

This module is available as a Unix-style distro (*.tgz).

See L<>
for help on unpacking and installing distros.

=head1 Installation

See L<GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils/Installation>.

=head1 Constructor and Initialization

=head2 Calling new()

C<new()> is called as C<< my($obj) = GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Demo -> new >>.

It returns a new object of type C<GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils::Demo>.

=head1 Methods

=head2 generate_demo()

Generates html/index.html using html/*.svg files.

See scripts/

=head1 Version Numbers

Version numbers < 1.00 represent development versions. From 1.00 up, they are production versions.

=head1 Machine-Readable Change Log

The file CHANGES was converted into Changelog.ini by L<Module::Metadata::Changes>.

=head1 Support

Email the author, or log a bug on RT:


=head1 Author

L<GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils> was written by Ron Savage I<E<lt><gt>> in 2012.

Home page: L<>.

=head1 Copyright

Australian copyright (c) 2012, Ron Savage.

	All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
	you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
	The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at:
