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<p align="center"><font color="#f04c00" size="5"><u>Female English Names</u></font></p>

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  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff"><a name="AAREN">AAREN</a></font></b>:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AERYN">Aeryn</a>, meaning "Ireland." Compare with

    masculine <a href="">Aaren</a>. </font>


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABAEGAYLE</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABAGAEL</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABAGAIL</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABAGALE</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABAIGAEL</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABAIGEAL</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABBEY">ABBEY</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Pet form of English <a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a>, meaning "father

    rejoices." Compare with another form of <a href="">Abbey</a>.</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABBI</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of English <a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a>, meaning "father


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABBIE">ABBIE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Pet form of English <a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a>, meaning "father

    rejoices." Compare with another form of <a href="">Abbie</a>.</font>


  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBIGAEL</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBIGAIL</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBIGALE</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBIGAYLE</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBYGAEL</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBYGAIL</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b>ABBYGALE</b></font>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABBY">ABBY</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Pet form of English

    <a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a>, meaning "father

    rejoices." Compare with another form of <a href="">Abby</a>.</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABBYE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of English <a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a>, meaning "father


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABEGAIL</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:


    <font size="2">Variant spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABEGAYLE</font></b>: Variant

    spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABELIA">ABELIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: From

    the Latin name of a genus of "honeysuckle." </font>


  <li><a name="ABI"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABI</font></b></a><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew <a href="">Abiy</a>, meaning "my father." In the bible,

                        this is the name of the mother of

                        King <a href="">Hezekiah</a>.

    Compare with masculine <a href="">Abi</a>.  </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABIA">ABIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Abiyah</a>, meaning "<a href="">Yahweh</a>

    is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of <a href="">Samuel</a>, the mother of

    <a href="">Hezekiah</a>, a

    member of the tribe of <a href="">Benjamin</a>, a king of

    Judah, and several other characters. </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABIAH">ABIAH</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Abiyah</a>, meaning "<a href="">Yahweh</a>

    is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of <a href="">Samuel</a>, the mother of

    <a href="">Hezekiah</a>, a

    member of the tribe of <a href="">Benjamin</a>, a king of

    Judah, and several other characters. </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABIGAIL">ABIGAIL</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: </font>


      <li><font color="#ffffff" size="2">

    Anglicized form of Hebrew <a href="">Abigayil</a>,

    meaning "father rejoices." In the bible, this is the name of the

    wife of King <a href="">David</a>. </font>


      <li><font color="#ffffff" size="2">Anglicized form of Irish <a href="">Gobnait</a>,

        meaning "little smith."</font></li>



  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABIGALE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:


    <font size="2">Variant spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABIGALL</font></b>: Variant spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABIGAYLE</font></b>: Variant spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABIGIL</font></b>: Variant spelling of English </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ABIGAIL">Abigail</a></font><font size="2">,

    meaning "father rejoices."</font>


  <li><font size="2"><a name="ABIHAIL"><b><font color="#9393ff">ABIHAIL</font></b></a>:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Abiyhayil</a>,

                        meaning "father of might." </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"> In the

                        bible, this is the name of the father of <a href="">Esther</a>,

                        a Levite who was the head of the house of <a href="">Merari</a>,

                        and several other characters.</font>



                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ABIJAH">ABIJAH</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Abiyah</a>, meaning "<a href="">Yahweh</a>

    is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of <a href="">Samuel</a>, the mother of

                        <a href="">Hezekiah</a>, a

    member of the tribe of <a href="">Benjamin</a>, a king of

    Judah, and several other characters. </font>


                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABILENE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Modern English name derived from Greek <i> Abilēnē</i>,


                        biblical name of a region belonging to the city of Abila,

                        meaning "grassy meadow."</font>

  </p></li><li><font size="2"><font color="#9393ff"><b><a name="ABISHAG">ABISHAG</a></b></font>:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew <a href="">Abiyshag</a>, meaning "my

    father is a wanderer" or "father of error." In the bible, this is the name of a young girl who cared for </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="">David</a></font>

    <font size="2"> in his old age. </font>


  <li><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><b><a name="ABITAL">ABITAL</a></b></font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew <a href="">Abiytal</a>, meaning "my father

    is dew." In

    the bible, this is the name of one of <a href="">David</a>'s

    wives.  </font>


  <li><a name="ABRA"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABRA</font></b></a><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Short form of Hebrew <a href="">Abrahamit</a>, meaning

    "father of a multitude." This name was popular in 17th century

    England. Also spelled <a href="">Avra</a>.</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ABRIANNA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English feminine form of Hebrew <a href="">Abraham</a>,

    meaning "father of a multitude." </font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ACACIA">ACACIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English name derived from the tree name, from Latin <i>acacia</i>, from

    Greek <i>akakia</i>, meaning "thorny Egyptian tree." Besides the

    flowering shrub or tree, <i>Acacia</i> is also the name of a fraternity. In Freemasonry, the

    <i>Acacia</i> symbolizes immortality of the soul,

    innocence and purity, and birth into a new life. The <i>acaica seyal</i>

 is believed to have been the biblical shittah-tree (Isaiah 41:19) which

    furnished the wood for the Ark of the Covenant and for the Tabernacle. </font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ACHEFLOUR</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Old

    English name meaning "suffering flower." In Arthurian

    legend, this is the name of King <a href="">Arthur</a>'s sister

    in the romance <i>Syr Percyvelle</i>.</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADA">ADA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Short form of English <a href="#ADELAIDE">Adelaide</a>

"noble sort," and <a href="#ADELA">Adela</a>

    "noble." Compare with other forms of <a href="">Ada</a>.</font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADALINE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of French <a href="#ADELINE">Adeline</a>, meaning "little


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADALLINA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of Italian <a href="">Adelina</a>, meaning


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADAMINA">ADAMINA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Scottish

    feminine form of Hebrew <a href="">Adam</a></font><font size="2">, meaning

    "earth" or "red."</font></li>

  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff"><a name="ADDIE">ADDIE</a></font></b>: Pet form of

    English <a href="#ADELAIDE">Adelaide</a>,

    meaning "noble sort." Compare with another form of <a href="">Addie</a>.</font>



                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADDISON">ADDISON</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Old English surname

                        transferred to unisex forename use,

                        meaning "son of <a href="">Adam</a>." </font>


                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADDY</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Pet form of English </font><font size="2"><a href="#ADELAIDE">Adelaide</a></font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">,

                        meaning "noble sort."</font>


                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADELA">ADELA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Latin form of German <a href="">Adala</a>, meaning

    "noble." In use by the Danish and Swedish.



                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADELAIDE">ADELAIDE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English form of French <a href=""> Ad�la�de</a>, meaning

    "noble sort." </font>


                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADELE">ADELE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English form of French <a href="">Ad�le</a>, meaning

    "noble sort."</font>

  </p></li><li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ADELIA</font></b>: <font color="#ffffff">Variant

    form of Latin </font></font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"><a href="#ADELA">Adela</a>,

    meaning "noble." </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADELICE">ADELICE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant form of French <a href=""> Adelais</a>, meaning "noble


  <li><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff"><a name="ADELICIA">ADELICIA</a></font></b>:

    Elaborated form of English <a href="#ADELICE">Adelice</a>, meaning "noble sort."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADELINE">ADELINE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Diminutive form of French <a href="">Ad�le</a>, meaning "little


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADELLE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    French form of German <a href="">Adala</a>, meaning


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADELPHIE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English form of French <a href="">Adelphe</a>, meaning

"born of the same womb; sibling."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADELYNA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of Italian/Spanish <a href="">Adelina</a>, meaning

    "little noble."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADENA">ADENA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Feminine form of English

    <a href="">Aden</a>,

    meaning "fire." </font>


  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADENAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ADENA">Adena</a>, meaning "fire."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADENE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ADENA">Adena</a>, meaning "fire."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADI">ADI</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">

    (</font><font color="#9393ff" size="2">עֲדִי</font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">): Hebrew

    unisex name meaning "my ornament" or "my witness."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADILENE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of French <a href="#ADELINE">Adeline</a>, meaning "noble."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADINA">ADINA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">

                        (</font><font color="#9393ff" size="2">עֲדִינָא</font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">):

    Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Adiyna</a>, meaning "slender." In the

                        bible, this is a masculine name only, the name of one of

                        King <a href="">David</a>'s



                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADISON</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Variant spelling of English unisex <a href="#ADDISON">Addison</a>,

                        meaning "son of <a href="">Adam</a>."</font>


                        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADISSON</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Variant spelling of English unisex <a href="#ADDISON">Addison</a>,

                        meaning "son of <a href="">Adam</a>."</font>

  </p></li><li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADMIRANDA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Elaborated form of English <a href="">Miranda</a>,

    meaning "worthy of

    admiration." </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADOLPHA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Feminine form of

    Latin <a href="">Adolphus</a>,

meaning "noble wolf." </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADREA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of

    English <a href="#ADRIA">Adria</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADREEA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of

    English <a href="#ADRIA">Adria</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADREANA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of Latin <a href="#ADRIANA">Adriana</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADRIA">ADRIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of

    English <a href="">Adrian</a>,

    meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADRIANA">ADRIANA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of Latin <a href="">Adrianus</a>,

    Spanish <a href="">Adri�n</a>, and Italian <a href="">Adriano</a>,

    all meaning

"from Hadria." </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADRIANAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of Latin <a href="#ADRIANA">Adriana</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADRIANE">ADRIANE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of English <a href="">Adrian</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADRIANNA">ADRIANNA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Polish feminine form of Latin <a href="">Adrianus</a>,


"from Hadria." </font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADRIANNAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of English <a href="">Adrian</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ADRIANNE">ADRIANNE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of English <a href="">Adrian</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ADRIE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of English <a href="#ADRIANE">Adriane</a>, meaning "from Hadria."</font></li>

  <li><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AERON">AERON</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Welsh

                        unisex form of Celtic <a href="">Agrona</a>,

                        the name a goddess of war and death who was portrayed as a

                        masculine figure in Welsh mythology, <font size="2">meaning

                        "carnage, slaughter." </font></font>


  <li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AERYN">AERYN</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic <a href="">�irinn</a>,

    meaning "Ireland." 


  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AERYNN</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AERYN">Aeryn</a>,

    meaning "Ireland."


  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFFRICA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFFRICAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFFRIKA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFFRIKAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFFTON</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English unisex <a href="#AFTON">Afton</a>, derived from

                        the name of the River Afton in Ayrshire, Scotland, made

                        famous in Burns' poem "Sweet Afton." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AFRICA">AFRICA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: English name

    mostly used by African-Americans, derived from the continent name, meaning "land of the Afri." The Afri were a tribe,

    possibly Berber, who dwelled in North Africa. The origin of the word <i>Afri</i>

    (pl.), <i>Afer</i> (sing.), may be connected with the Phoenician word '<i>afar</i>,

    meaning "dust," which is also found in other Semitic languages,

    such as Hebrew <a href="">Afra</a>.</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFRICAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFRIKA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AFRIKAH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AFRICA">Africa</a>, meaning "land of the Afri."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AFTON">AFTON</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                        Old English surname transferred to unisex forename use,

    derived from

                        the name of the River Afton in Ayrshire, Scotland, made

                        famous in Burns' poem "Sweet Afton." 


  </p></li><li><p align="left"><a name="AGAS"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AGAS</font></b></a><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Medieval English form of Latin <a href="#AGATHA">Agatha</a>, meaning "good."


  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AGATHA">AGATHA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Latin form of Greek <a href="">Agathe</a>, meaning "good." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AGGI</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AGGIE">Aggie</a>, meaning

    "chaste" and "good." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AGGIE">AGGIE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of English <a href="#AGNES">Agnes</a>, "chaste," and

    Latin <a href="#AGATHA">Agatha</a>,



    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AGGY</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AGGIE">Aggie</a>, meaning

    "chaste" and "good." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AGGYE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AGGIE">Aggie</a>, meaning

    "chaste" and "good." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AGL�CA">AGL�CA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: An

    Old English dictionary defines <i>�glǽca</i> as follows: "wretch,

miscreant, monster, demon, fierce enemy, fierce combatant, miserable

being." In the Anglo-Saxon epic <i>Beowulf</i>, <a href="">Grendel</a>,

    Grendel's mother and <a href="">

    Beowulf</a> are all three referred to by this name for each is a "fierce

    combatant." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AGNES">AGNES</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English form of French <a href=""> Agn�s</a>, meaning "chaste; holy."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AGNUS</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AGNES">Agnes</a>,

    meaning "chaste; holy."</font>


    <p align="left"><a name="AIAH"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AIAH</font></b></a><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex <a href="">Ayah</a>, meaning "falcon"

    or "vulture."

                        In the bible, this is the name of the

                        father of <a href="">Rizpah</a>,

    and a Horite, the son of <a href="">Zibeon</a>.</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AIDEEN</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic <a href="">�ta�n</a>, meaning "face."</font>

  </p></li><li><p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AIDITH</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Perhaps a form of English <a href="">Edith</a>,

    meaning "rich battle."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AILA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>, meaning "little <a href="">Eve</a>."  </font>


                            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AILEE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                            Short form of English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>, meaning

    "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


                            <p align="left"><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><b><a name="AILEEN">AILEEN</a></b></font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                            Scottish Anglicized form of Gaelic <a href=""> Aibhil�n</a>, meaning

    "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AILENE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

            Variant spelling of English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>, meaning

    "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AILEY</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

            Pet form English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>, meaning

    "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AILIE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

            Pet form English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>, meaning

    "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AILITH">AILITH</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Either a Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon <a href=""> �thelgyth</a>, meaning

"noble war," or a variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic <a href="">Alyth</a>,

    meaning "ascending, rising."</font>


            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AILSA">AILSA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic <a href="">Ealasaid</a>,

    meaning "God is my oath." The name was derived from <i>Ailsa Craig</i>, the name of

    an island off Scotland, also known by the Gaelic names <i>Allasa</i>  <i>Creag</i>

    and <i>Creag

    Ealasaid</i> ("<a href="">Elisabeth</a>'s Rock"

    or <a href="">Elspeth</a>'s Rock"). The

    island is known by many other names, including Old Norse <i>Alfsigesey</i>, meaning "<a href="">Alfsigr</a>'s

    Island." </font>


        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AILSE">AILSE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

        Variant spelling of English <a href="#AILSA">Ailsa</a>, meaning "elf



        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AILSIE">AILSIE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

        Variant spelling of English <a href="#AILSA">Ailsa</a>, meaning "elf



        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AIMEY</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="">Amy</a>, meaning

    "much loved."</font>


        <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AIMIE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="">Amy</a>, meaning

    "much loved."</font>


                            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AINSLEY">AINSLEY</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                            Scottish habitational surname transferred to unisex

                            forename use, composed of the Old English elements <i>ansetl</i>

                            "hermitage" and <i>leah</i> "meadow,

                            pasture," hence "hermitage meadow."</font>


                            <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AINSLIE">AINSLIE</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

                            Variant spelling of Scottish unisex <a href="#AINSLEY">Ainsley</a>,

                            meaning "hermitage meadow." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AIRLA">AIRLA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:


    English name perhaps based on the vocabulary word <i>air</i>, hence

    "ethereal." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AIRLEA">AIRLEA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Elaborated form of English <a href="#AIRLA">Airla</a>, possibly meaning "ethereal." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AIRLIA">AIRLIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Elaborated form of English <a href="#AIRLA">Airla</a>, possibly meaning "ethereal." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AISLIN</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic <a href="#AISLING">Aisling</a>, meaning "dream;



    <p align="left"><b><a name="AISLING"><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AISLING</font></a></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Irish Gaelic name meaning "dream; vision."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">AISLINN</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic <a href="#AISLING">Aisling</a>, meaning "dream;



    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="AIYANA">AIYANA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    This name was coined by professor <a href="">Bryan</a>

    Sykes, author of <i>The Seven Daughters of </i><a href=""><i>Eve</i></a>,

    for a particular Native American genetic line, one of four reconstructed

    mtDNA lines believed to have colonised America. The name was adopted into

    English usage, mostly by Americans. It may mean "ever-blooming."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALANA">ALANA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: English

    feminine form of Celtic <a href="">Alan</a>, possibly meaning

                        "little rock." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALANIS">ALANIS</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English feminine form of Celtic <a href="">Alan</a>,

    possibly meaning

                        "little rock." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALANNA">ALANNA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ALANA">Alana</a>, possibly meaning

                        "little rock."  </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALANNAH">ALANNAH</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ALANNA">Alanna</a>, possibly meaning

                        "little rock."  </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALANNIS</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ALANIS">Alanis</a>, possibly meaning

                        "little rock."  </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALBERTA">ALBERTA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Feminine form of English

    </font><font size="2"><a href="">Albert</a></font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">, meaning

    "bright nobility." Compare with another form of <a href="">Alberta</a>.</font>


    <p align="left"><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ALBERTINE</font></b>:

    Feminine form of French <a href="">Albert</a>,

    meaning "bright nobility."</font>


    <p align="left"><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ALBINA</font></b>:

    Feminine form of English <a href="">Albin</a>, </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">

                            meaning "like <a href="">Albus</a>,"

                            i.e. "white."</font>


    <p align="left"><font size="2"><b><font color="#9393ff">ALEA</font></b>:

    English variant spelling of Arabic <a href="">Aliya</a>, meaning </font><font color="#ffffff" size="2"> "the high, exalted

    one." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALEASE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Perhaps a variant spelling of English <a href="">Alice</a>, meaning

    "noble sort."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALEEN</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>,

    meaning "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALEESHA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of Spanish <a href="">Alicia</a>, meaning "noble sort."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALENA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">

    (Russian: </font>

    <font color="#9393ff" size="2">

 Алёна</font><font color="#ffffff" size="2">): </font>


      <li><p align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="2">Russian form of Greek <a href="">Hel�nē</a>,

        possibly meaning "torch."</font>


    <p align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="2">Short form of Latin <a href="">Magdalena</a>,

    meaning "of Magdala."</font>




    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALENE</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#AILEEN">Aileen</a>,

    meaning "little <a href="">Eve</a>." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALESHA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English variant spelling of Spanish <a href="">Alicia</a>,

    meaning "noble sort."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALETHA">ALETHA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of English <a href="#ALETHEA">Alethea</a>, meaning "truth."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><a name="ALETHEA"><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALETHEA</font></a></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English name not found before the 16th century, probably originally a

    Puritan virtue name, derived from the Greek word <i>aletheia</i>, meaning "truth."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEX">ALEX</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English unisex short form of <a href="#ALEXANDRA">Alexandra</a> and <a href="">Alexander</a>,

    meaning "defender

                        of mankind." </font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEXA">ALEXA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: English and Latin short form

    of <a href="#ALEXANDRA">Alexandra</a>,

    meaning "defender

    of mankind." Compare with another form of <a href="">Alexa</a>.</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEXANDRA">ALEXANDRA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">: Feminine form of English

    <a href="">Alexander</a>,

    meaning "defender of mankind." Compare with other forms of <a href="">Alexandra</a>.</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALEXANDREA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Variant spelling of Latin <a href="">Alexandria</a>, meaning "defender of mankind."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEXIA">ALEXIA</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of Latin <a href="">Alexius</a>, meaning



    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALEXINA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Pet form of Latin <a href="#ALEXIA">Alexia</a>, meaning "defender."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEXIS">ALEXIS</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Unisex contracted form of Latin <a href="">Alexius</a>, meaning



    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2"><a name="ALEXUS">ALEXUS</a></font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Unisex contracted form of Latin <a href="">Alexius</a>, meaning



    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALFREDA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    Feminine form of English <a href="">Alfred</a>, meaning

    "elf counsel."</font>


    <p align="left"><b><font color="#9393ff" size="2">ALGOMA</font></b><font color="#ffffff" size="2">:

    English name having several possible origins, the most likely being from the

    place name invented by Henry Schoolcraft, composed of the prefix Al- from

    the Native American tribal name <i>Algonquin</i>, and the suffix -goma from

    the Algonquin word <i>goma</i>, meaning "lake." </font>


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