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package Lingua::EN::Infinitive;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Moo;

use Types::Standard qw/HashRef Str/;

has adjective_to_noun =>
	default  => sub{return {} },
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => HashRef,
	required => 0,

has irregular2infinitive =>
	default  => sub{return {} },
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => HashRef,
	required => 0,

has rule =>
	default  => sub{return ''},
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => Str,
	required => 0,

has suffix =>
	default  => sub{return ''},
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => Str,
	required => 0,

has suffix2rule =>
	default  => sub{return {} },
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => HashRef,
	required => 0,

has word1 =>
	default  => sub{return ''},
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => Str,
	required => 0,

has word2 =>
	default  => sub{return ''},
	is       => 'rw',
	isa      => Str,
	required => 0,

our $VERSION = '1.14';

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

	my($self) = @_;

	$self -> adjective_to_noun
		British		=> 'Britian',
		Danish		=> 'Denmark',
		English		=> 'England',
		Finnish		=> 'Finland',
		Irish		=> 'Ireland',
		Jewish		=> 'Jew',
		Kurdish		=> 'Kurd',
		Moorish		=> 'Moor',
		Polish		=> 'Poland',
		Scottish	=> 'Scotland',
		Spanish		=> 'Spain',
		Swedish		=> 'Sweden',
		Turkish		=> 'Turkey',
		amateurish	=> 'amateur',
		babyish		=> 'baby',
		bearish		=> 'bear',
		blackish	=> 'black',
		bluish		=> 'blue',
		bookish		=> 'book',
		boorish		=> 'boor',
		boyish		=> 'boy',
		brownish	=> 'brown',
		brutish		=> 'brute',
		bullish		=> 'bull',
		childish	=> 'child',
		clannish	=> 'clan',
		cliquish	=> 'clique',
		clownish	=> 'clown',
		coltish		=> 'colt',
		coquettish	=> 'coquette',
		devilish	=> 'devil',
		doltish		=> 'dolt',
		dwarfish	=> 'dwarf',
		elfish		=> 'elf',
		faddish		=> 'fad',
		feverish	=> 'fever',
		fiendish	=> 'fiend',
		flourish	=> 'flour',
		foolish		=> 'fool',
		foppish		=> 'fop',
		freakish	=> 'freak',
		ghoulish	=> 'ghoul',
		girlish		=> 'girl',
		gnomish		=> 'gnome',
		grayish		=> 'gray',
		greenish	=> 'green',
		greyish		=> 'grey',
		hawkish		=> 'hawk',
		heathenish	=> 'heathen',
		hellish		=> 'hell',
		hoggish		=> 'hog',
		impish		=> 'imp',
		kittenish	=> 'kitten',
		knavish		=> 'knave',
		longish		=> 'long',
		loutish		=> 'lout',
		lowish		=> 'low',
		lumpish		=> 'lump',
		mannish		=> 'man',
		modish		=> 'mod',
		mulish		=> 'mult',
		nightmarish	=> 'nightmare',
		oafish		=> 'oaf',
		owlish		=> 'owl',
		peevish		=> 'peeve',
		piggish		=> 'pig',
		pinkish		=> 'pink',
		priggish	=> 'prig',
		prudish		=> 'prude',
		puckish		=> 'puck',
		purplish	=> 'purple',
		rakish		=> 'rake',
		reddish		=> 'red',
		roguish		=> 'rogue',
		roundish	=> 'round',
		sheepish	=> 'sheep',
		shortish	=> 'short',
		slavish		=> 'slave',
		sluggish	=> 'slug',
		sluttish	=> 'slut',
		smallish	=> 'small',
		snappish	=> 'snappy',
		snobbish	=> 'snob',
		sottish		=> 'sot',
		standoffish	=> 'standoff',
		stylish		=> 'style',
		sweetish	=> 'sweet',
		swinish		=> 'swine',
		thievish	=> 'thieve',
		ticklish	=> 'tickle',
		vixenish	=> 'vixen',
		voguish		=> 'vugoue',
		waggish		=> 'wag',
		waspish		=> 'wasp',
		whitish		=> 'white',
		wolfish		=> 'wolf',
		womanish	=> 'woman',
		yellowish	=> 'yellow',
		youngish	=> 'young',
	$self -> irregular2infinitive
		abided			=> 'abide',
		abode			=> 'abide',
		am				=> 'be',
		are				=> 'be',
		arisen			=> 'arise',
		arose			=> 'arise',
		ate				=> 'eat',
		awaked			=> 'awake',
		awoke			=> 'awake',
		bade			=> 'bid',
		beaten			=> 'beat',
		became			=> 'become',
		been			=> 'be',
		befallen		=> 'befall',
		befell			=> 'befall',
		began			=> 'begin',
		begat			=> 'beget',
		begot			=> 'beget',
		begotten		=> 'beget',
		begun			=> 'begin',
		beheld			=> 'behold',
		bent			=> 'bend',
		bereaved		=> 'bereave',
		bereft			=> 'bereave',
		beseeched		=> 'beseech',
		besought		=> 'beseech',
		bespoke			=> 'bespeak',
		bespoken		=> 'bespeak',
		bestrewed		=> 'bestrew',
		bestrewn		=> 'bestrew',
		bestrid			=> 'bestride',
		bestridden		=> 'bestride',
		bestrode		=> 'bestride',
		betaken			=> 'betake',
		bethought		=> 'bethink',
		betook			=> 'betake',
		betted			=> 'bet',
		bidden			=> 'bid',
		bided			=> 'bide',
		bit				=> 'bite',
		bitten			=> 'bite',
		bled			=> 'bleed',
		blended			=> 'blend',
		blent			=> 'blend',
		blessed			=> 'bless',
		blest			=> 'bless',
		blew			=> 'blow',
		blown			=> 'blow',
		bode			=> 'bide',
		bore			=> 'bear',
		born			=> 'bear',
		borne			=> 'bear',
		bought			=> 'buy',
		bound			=> 'bind',
		bred			=> 'breed',
		broadcasted		=> 'broadcast',
		broke			=> 'break',
		broken			=> 'break',
		brought			=> 'bring',
		browbeaten		=> 'browbeat',
		built			=> 'build',
		burned			=> 'burn',
		burnt			=> 'burn',
		came			=> 'come',
		caught			=> 'catch',
		chid			=> 'chide',
		chidden			=> 'chide',
		chided			=> 'chide',
		chose			=> 'choose',
		chosen			=> 'choose',
		clad			=> 'clothe',
		clave			=> 'cleave',
		cleaved			=> 'cleave',
		cleft			=> 'cleave',
		clothed			=> 'clothe',
		clove			=> 'cleave',
		cloven			=> 'cleave',
		clung			=> 'cling',
		costed			=> 'cost',
		could			=> 'can',
		crept			=> 'creep',
		crew			=> 'crow',
		crowed			=> 'crow',
		dealt			=> 'deal',
		did				=> 'do',
		done			=> 'do',
		dove			=> 'dive',
		drank			=> 'drink',
		drawn			=> 'draw',
		dreamed			=> 'dream',
		dreamt			=> 'dream',
		drew			=> 'draw',
		driven			=> 'drive',
		drove			=> 'drive',
		drunk			=> 'drink',
		dug				=> 'dig',
		dwelled			=> 'dwell',
		dwelt			=> 'dwell',
		eaten			=> 'eat',
		fallen			=> 'fall',
		fed				=> 'feed',
		fell			=> 'fall',
		felt			=> 'feel',
		fled			=> 'flee',
		flew			=> 'fly',
		flown			=> 'fly',
		flung			=> 'fling',
		forbad			=> 'forbid',
		forbade			=> 'forbid',
		forbidden		=> 'forbid',
		forbore			=> 'forbear',
		forborne		=> 'forbear',
		fordid			=> 'fordo',
		fordone			=> 'fordo',
		forecasted		=> 'forecast',
		foregone		=> 'forego',
		foreknew		=> 'foreknow',
		foreknown		=> 'foreknow',
		foreran			=> 'forerun',
		foresaw			=> 'foresee',
		foreshowed		=> 'foreshow',
		foreshown		=> 'foreshow',
		foretold		=> 'foretell',
		forewent		=> 'forego',
		forgave			=> 'forgive',
		forgiven		=> 'forgive',
		forgot			=> 'forget',
		forgotten		=> 'forget',
		forsaken		=> 'forsake',
		forseen			=> 'foresee',
		forsook			=> 'forsake',
		forswore		=> 'forswear',
		forsworn		=> 'forswear',
		fought			=> 'fight',
		found			=> 'find',
		froze			=> 'freeze',
		frozen			=> 'freeze',
		gainsaid		=> 'gainsay',
		gave			=> 'give',
		gilded			=> 'gild',
		gilt			=> 'gild',
		girded			=> 'gird',
		girt			=> 'gird',
		given			=> 'give',
		gone			=> 'go',
		got				=> 'get',
		gotten			=> 'get',
		graved			=> 'grave',
		graven			=> 'grave',
		grew			=> 'grow',
		ground			=> 'grind',
		grown			=> 'grow',
		had				=> 'have',
		hamstringed		=> 'hamstring',
		hamstrung		=> 'hamstring',
		hanged			=> 'hang',
		heard			=> 'hear',
		heaved			=> 'heave',
		held			=> 'hold',
		hewed			=> 'hew',
		hewn			=> 'hew',
		hid				=> 'hide',
		hidden			=> 'hide',
		hove			=> 'heave',
		hung			=> 'hang',
		inlaid			=> 'inlay',
		is				=> 'be',
		kept			=> 'keep',
		kneeled			=> 'kneel',
		knelt			=> 'kneel',
		knew			=> 'know',
		knitted			=> 'knit',
		known			=> 'know',
		laded			=> 'lade',
		laden			=> 'lade',
		laid			=> 'lay',
		lain			=> 'lie',
		lay				=> 'lie',
		leaned			=> 'lean',
		leant			=> 'lean',
		leaped			=> 'leap',
		leapt			=> 'leap',
		learned			=> 'learn',
		learnt			=> 'learn',
		led				=> 'lead',
		left			=> 'leave',
		lent			=> 'lend',
		lighted			=> 'light',
		lit				=> 'light',
		lost			=> 'lose',
		made			=> 'make',
		meant			=> 'mean',
		melted			=> 'melt',
		met				=> 'meet',
		might			=> 'may',
		misdealt		=> 'misdeal',
		misgave			=> 'misgive',
		misgiven		=> 'misgive',
		mislaid			=> 'mislay',
		misled			=> 'mislead',
		mistaken		=> 'mistake',
		mistook			=> 'mistake',
		misunderstood	=> 'misunderstand',
		molten			=> 'melt',
		mowed			=> 'mow',
		mown			=> 'mow',
		outate			=> 'outeat',
		outbade			=> 'outbid',
		outbidden		=> 'outbid',
		outbred			=> 'outbreed',
		outdid			=> 'outdo',
		outdone			=> 'outdo',
		outeaten		=> 'outeat',
		outfought		=> 'outfight',
		outgone			=> 'outgo',
		outgrew			=> 'outgrow',
		outgrown		=> 'outgrow',
		outlaid			=> 'outlay',
		outran			=> 'outrun',
		outridden		=> 'outride',
		outrode			=> 'outride',
		outsat			=> 'outsit',
		outshone		=> 'outshine',
		outshot			=> 'outshoot',
		outsold			=> 'outsell',
		outspent		=> 'outspend',
		outthrew		=> 'outthrow',
		outthrown		=> 'outthrow',
		outwent			=> 'outgo',
		outwore			=> 'outwear',
		outworn			=> 'outwear',
		overate			=> 'overeat',
		overbade		=> 'overbid',
		overbidden		=> 'overbid',
		overblew		=> 'overblow',
		overblown		=> 'overblow',
		overbore		=> 'overbear',
		overborn		=> 'overbear',
		overborne		=> 'overbear',
		overbought		=> 'overbuy',
		overbuilt		=> 'overbuild',
		overcame		=> 'overcome',
		overdid			=> 'overdo',
		overdone		=> 'overdo',
		overdrawn		=> 'overdraw',
		overdrew		=> 'overdraw',
		overdriven		=> 'overdrive',
		overdrove		=> 'overdrive',
		overeaten		=> 'overeat',
		overfed			=> 'overfeed',
		overflew		=> 'overfly',
		overflown		=> 'overfly',
		overgrew		=> 'overgrow',
		overgrown		=> 'overgrow',
		overhanged		=> 'overhang',
		overheard		=> 'overhear',
		overhung		=> 'overhang',
		overladed		=> 'overlade',
		overladen		=> 'overlade',
		overlaid		=> 'overlay',
		overlain		=> 'overlie',
		overlay			=> 'overlie',
		overleaped		=> 'overleap',
		overleapt		=> 'overleap',
		overpaid		=> 'overpay',
		overran			=> 'overrun',
		overridden		=> 'override',
		overrode		=> 'override',
		oversaw			=> 'oversee',
		overseen		=> 'oversee',
		oversewed		=> 'oversew',
		oversewn		=> 'oversew',
		overshot		=> 'overshoot',
		overslept		=> 'oversleep',
		overspent		=> 'overspend',
		overtaken		=> 'overtake',
		overthrew		=> 'overthrow',
		overthrown		=> 'overthrow',
		overtook		=> 'overtake',
		overwinded		=> 'overwind',
		overwound		=> 'overwind',
		overwritten		=> 'overwrite',
		overwrote		=> 'overwrite',
		paid			=> 'pay',
		partaken		=> 'partake',
		partook			=> 'partake',
		prechose		=> 'prechoose',
		prechosen		=> 'prechoose',
		proved			=> 'prove',
		proven			=> 'prove',
		quitted			=> 'quit',
		ran				=> 'run',
		rang			=> 'ring',
		reaved			=> 'reave',
		rebuilt			=> 'rebuild',
		reeved			=> 'reeve',
		reft			=> 'reave',
		relaid			=> 'relay',
		rent			=> 'rend',
		repaid			=> 'repay',
		retold			=> 'retell',
		ridded			=> 'rid',
		ridden			=> 'ride',
		risen			=> 'rise',
		rived			=> 'rive',
		riven			=> 'rive',
		rode			=> 'ride',
		rose			=> 'rise',
		rove			=> 'reeve',
		rung			=> 'ring',
		said			=> 'say',
		sang			=> 'sing',
		sank			=> 'sink',
		sat				=> 'sit',
		saw				=> 'see',
		sawed			=> 'saw',
		sawn			=> 'saw',
		seen			=> 'see',
		sent			=> 'send',
		sewed			=> 'sew',
		sewn			=> 'sew',
		shaken			=> 'shake',
		shaved			=> 'shave',
		shaven			=> 'shave',
		sheared			=> 'shear',
		shined			=> 'shine',
		shod			=> 'shoe',
		shoed			=> 'shoe',
		shone			=> 'shine',
		shook			=> 'shake',
		shorn			=> 'shear',
		shot			=> 'shoot',
		showed			=> 'show',
		shown			=> 'show',
		shrank			=> 'shrink',
		shredded		=> 'shred',
		shrived			=> 'shrive',
		shriven			=> 'shrive',
		shrove			=> 'shrive',
		shrunk			=> 'shrink',
		shrunken		=> 'shrink',
		slain			=> 'slay',
		slept			=> 'sleep',
		slew			=> 'slay',
		slid			=> 'slide',
		slidden			=> 'slide',
		slung			=> 'sling',
		slunk			=> 'slink',
		smelled			=> 'smell',
		smelt			=> 'smell',
		smitten			=> 'smite',
		smote			=> 'smite',
		snuck			=> 'sneak',
		sold			=> 'sell',
		sought			=> 'seek',
		sowed			=> 'sow',
		sown			=> 'sow',
		span			=> 'spin',
		spat			=> 'spit',
		sped			=> 'speed',
		speeded			=> 'speed',
		spelled			=> 'spell',
		spelt			=> 'spell',
		spent			=> 'spend',
		spilled			=> 'spill',
		spilt			=> 'spill',
		spoiled			=> 'spoil',
		spoilt			=> 'spoil',
		spoke			=> 'speak',
		spoken			=> 'speak',
		sprang			=> 'spring',
		sprung			=> 'spring',
		spun			=> 'spin',
		stank			=> 'stink',
		staved			=> 'stave',
		stole			=> 'steal',
		stolen			=> 'steal',
		stood			=> 'stand',
		stove			=> 'stave',
		strewed			=> 'strew',
		strewn			=> 'strew',
		stricken		=> 'strike',
		strid			=> 'stride',
		stridden		=> 'stride',
		strived			=> 'strive',
		striven			=> 'strive',
		strode			=> 'stride',
		strove			=> 'strive',
		struck			=> 'strike',
		strung			=> 'string',
		stuck			=> 'stick',
		stung			=> 'sting',
		stunk			=> 'stink',
		sung			=> 'sing',
		sunk			=> 'sink',
		sunken			=> 'sink',
		swam			=> 'swim',
		sweated			=> 'sweat',
		swelled			=> 'swell',
		swept			=> 'sweep',
		swollen			=> 'swell',
		swore			=> 'swear',
		sworn			=> 'swear',
		swum			=> 'swim',
		swung			=> 'swing',
		taken			=> 'take',
		taught			=> 'teach',
		thought			=> 'think',
		threw			=> 'throw',
		thrived			=> 'thrive',
		thriven			=> 'thrive',
		throve			=> 'thrive',
		thrown			=> 'throw',
		told			=> 'tell',
		took			=> 'take',
		tore			=> 'tear',
		torn			=> 'tear',
		trod			=> 'tread',
		trodden			=> 'tread',
		unbent			=> 'unbend',
		unbound			=> 'unbind',
		unbuilt			=> 'unbuild',
		underbought		=> 'underbuy',
		underfed		=> 'underfeed',
		undergone		=> 'undergo',
		underlaid		=> 'underlay',
		underlain		=> 'underlie',
		underlay		=> 'underlie',
		underpaid		=> 'underpay',
		underran		=> 'underrun',
		undershot		=> 'undershoot',
		undersold		=> 'undersell',
		understood		=> 'understand',
		undertaken		=> 'undertake',
		undertook		=> 'undertake',
		underwent		=> 'undergo',
		underwritten	=> 'underwrite',
		underwrote		=> 'underwrite',
		undid			=> 'undo',
		undone			=> 'undo',
		undrawn			=> 'undraw',
		undrew			=> 'undraw',
		unfroze			=> 'unfreeze',
		unfrozen		=> 'unfreeze',
		ungirded		=> 'ungird',
		ungirt			=> 'ungird',
		unhanged		=> 'unhang',
		unhung			=> 'unhang',
		unknitted		=> 'unknit',
		unladed			=> 'unlade',
		unladen			=> 'unlade',
		unlaid			=> 'unlay',
		unlearned		=> 'unlearn',
		unlearnt		=> 'unlearn',
		unmade			=> 'unmake',
		unreeved		=> 'unreeve',
		unrove			=> 'unreeve',
		unsaid			=> 'unsay',
		unslung			=> 'unsling',
		unspoke			=> 'unspeak',
		unspoken		=> 'unspeak',
		unstrung		=> 'unstring',
		unstuck			=> 'unstick',
		unswore			=> 'unswear',
		unsworn			=> 'unswear',
		untaught		=> 'unteach',
		unthought		=> 'unthink',
		untrod			=> 'untread',
		untrodden		=> 'untread',
		unwinded		=> 'unwind',
		unwound			=> 'unwind',
		unwove			=> 'unweave',
		unwoven			=> 'unweave',
		upbuilt			=> 'upbuild',
		upheld			=> 'uphold',
		uprisen			=> 'uprise',
		uprose			=> 'uprise',
		upswept			=> 'upsweep',
		upswung			=> 'upswing',
		waked			=> 'wake',
		was				=> 'be',
		waylaid			=> 'waylay',
		wedded			=> 'wed',
		went			=> 'go',
		wept			=> 'weep',
		were			=> 'be',
		wetted			=> 'wet',
		winded			=> 'wind',
		wist			=> 'wit',
		wot				=> 'wit',
		withdrawn		=> 'withdraw',
		withdrew		=> 'withdraw',
		withheld		=> 'withhold',
		withstood		=> 'withstand',
		woke			=> 'wake',
		woken			=> 'wake',
		won				=> 'win',
		wore			=> 'wear',
		worked			=> 'work',
		worn			=> 'wear',
		wound			=> 'wind',
		wove			=> 'weave',
		woven			=> 'weave',
		written			=> 'write',
		wrote			=> 'write',
		wrought			=> 'work',
		wrung			=> 'wring',
	$self -> suffix2rule
		'hes' =>
			{	# 'hes' is the suffix.
				# 'order' is the sort order.
				# 'rule' is the rule number.

				# 'word1' == 0 => Use 0, the index of the longest prefix
				#	within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below.

				# 'word1' == 1 => Use 1, the index of the 2nd longest prefix
				#	within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below.

				# 'word1' == -1 => Use the index of the shortest prefix
				#	within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + a letter.

				# 'word1' == -2 => Use the index of the shortest prefix
				#	within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + a letter,
				#	and use the shortest prefix as well.

				# 'word1' == -3 => Use the index of the shortest prefix
				#	within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + meter,
				#	and use the shortest prefix + metre as well.

				# 'word1' == -4 => Use the original string.

				order	=> 1011,
				rule	=> '1',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ses' =>
				order	=> 1021,
				rule	=> '2',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'xes' =>
				order	=> 1031,
				rule	=> '3',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'zes' =>
				order	=> 1041,
				rule	=> '4',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'iless' =>
				order	=> 1051,
				rule	=> '43a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'less' =>
				order	=> 1052,
				rule	=> '43b',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'iness' =>
				order	=> 1053,
				rule	=> '44a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ness' =>
				order	=> 1054,
				rule	=> '44b',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		"'s" =>
				order	=> 1055,
				rule	=> '7',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ies' =>
				order	=> 1056,
				rule	=> '13a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'es' =>
				order	=> 1057,
				rule	=> '13b',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ss' =>
				order	=> 1061,
				rule	=> '6a',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		's' =>
				order	=> 1062,
				rule	=> '6b',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ater' =>
				order	=> 1081,
				rule	=> '8',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'cter' =>
				order	=> 1091,
				rule	=> '9',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ier' =>
				order	=> 1101,
				rule	=> '10',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'er' =>
				order	=> 1111,
				rule	=> '11',
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ied' =>
				order	=> 1121,
				rule	=> '12a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ed' =>
				order	=> 1122,
				rule	=> '12b',	# There is extra code for 12b below.
				word1	=> 0,	# Longest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'iest' =>
				order	=> 1141,
				rule	=> '14a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'est' =>
				order	=> 1142,
				rule	=> '14b',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'blity' =>
				order	=> 1143,
				rule	=> '21',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'bility' =>
				order	=> 1144,
				rule	=> '22',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ble',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'fiable' =>
				order	=> 1145,
				rule	=> '23',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'fy',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'logist' =>
				order	=> 1146,
				rule	=> '24',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'logy',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ing' =>
				order	=> 1151,
				rule	=> '15',	# There is extra code for 15 below.
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ist' =>
				order	=> 1161,
				rule	=> '16',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ism' =>
				order	=> 1171,
				rule	=> '17',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ity' =>
				order	=> 1181,
				rule	=> '18',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ize' =>
				order	=> 1191,
				rule	=> '19',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'cable' =>
				order	=> 1201,
				rule	=> '20a',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'gable' =>
				order	=> 1202,
				rule	=> '20b',
				word1	=> -4,	# Original string.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'able' =>
				order	=> 1203,
				rule	=> '20c',
				word1	=> -2,	# Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'e',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'graphic' =>
				order	=> 1251,
				rule	=> '25',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'graphy',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'istic' =>
				order	=> 1261,
				rule	=> '26',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ist',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'itic' =>
				order	=> 1271,
				rule	=> '27',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ite',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'like' =>
				order	=> 1281,
				rule	=> '28',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'logic' =>
				order	=> 1291,
				rule	=> '29',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'logy',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ment' =>
				order	=> 1301,
				rule	=> '30',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'mental' =>
				order	=> 1311,
				rule	=> '31',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ment',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'metry' =>
				order	=> 1321,
				rule	=> '32',
				word1	=> -3,	# Shortest prefix + meter, and shortest perfix + metre.
				suffix1	=> 'meter',
				suffix2	=> 'metre',
		'nce' =>
				order	=> 1331,
				rule	=> '33',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'nt',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ncy' =>
				order	=> 1341,
				rule	=> '34',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'nt',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ship' =>
				order	=> 1351,
				rule	=> '35',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ical' =>
				order	=> 1361,
				rule	=> '36',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ic',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ional' =>
				order	=> 1371,
				rule	=> '37',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ion',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'bly' =>
				order	=> 1381,
				rule	=> '38',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ble',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ily' =>
				order	=> 1391,
				rule	=> '39',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ly' =>
				order	=> 1401,
				rule	=> '40',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'iful' =>
				order	=> 1411,
				rule	=> '41a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ful' =>
				order	=> 1412,
				rule	=> '41b',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ihood' =>
				order	=> 1421,
				rule	=> '42a',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'y',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'hood' =>
				order	=> 1422,
				rule	=> '42b',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> '',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ification' =>
				order	=> 1451,
				rule	=> '45',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ify',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ization' =>
				order	=> 1461,
				rule	=> '46',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ize',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ction' =>
				order	=> 1471,
				rule	=> '47',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ct',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'rtion' =>
				order	=> 1481,
				rule	=> '48',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'rt',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ation' =>
				order	=> 1491,
				rule	=> '49',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ate',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ator' =>
				order	=> 1501,
				rule	=> '50',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ate',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ctor' =>
				order	=> 1511,
				rule	=> '51',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ct',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'ive' =>
				order	=> 1521,
				rule	=> '52',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'ion',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'onian' =>
				order	=> 1530,
				rule	=> '54',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'on',
				suffix2	=> '',
		'an' =>
				order	=> 1531,
				rule	=> '53',
				word1	=> -1,	# Shortest prefix.
				suffix1	=> 'a',
				suffix2	=> '',

}	# End of BUILD.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

sub adjective2noun
	my($self, $adjective) = @_;

	return ${$self -> adjective_to_noun}{$adjective} || '';

} # End of adjective2noun.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

sub stem
	my($self, $string) = @_;

	$self -> word1('');
	$self -> word2('');
	$self -> suffix('');
	$self -> rule('');

	if (defined ${$self -> irregular2infinitive}{$string})
		$self -> word1(${$self -> irregular2infinitive}{$string});
		$self -> rule('irregular');

		return ($self -> word1, '', '', $self -> rule);

	my($prefix)	= '';
	my($suffix)	= '';

	my($i, $j, $word, %prefix);

	# Build up $prefix{$suffix} as an array of prefixes, from longest to shortest.

	for ($i = 1; $i < length($string); $i++)
		$prefix				= substr($string, 0, $i);
		$suffix				= substr($string, $i);
		$prefix{$suffix}	= [];

		for ($j = (length($suffix) - 1); $j >= 0; $j--)
			$word = $prefix . substr($suffix, 0, $j);

			push(@{$prefix{$suffix} }, $word);

	for $suffix
		{ ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$a}{'order'} <=> ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$b}{'order'} }
		keys(%{$self -> suffix2rule})
		if (defined($prefix{$suffix}) )
			$self -> suffix($suffix);
			$self -> rule($self -> {'suffix2rule'}{$suffix}{'rule'});

			$i = ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$suffix}{'word1'};

			if ($i == 0)
				$self -> word1($prefix{$suffix}[0]);
				$self -> word2($prefix{$suffix}[1]);
			elsif ($i == -1)
				$i = $#{$prefix{$suffix} };

				$self -> word1($prefix{$suffix}[$i] . ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$suffix}{'suffix1'});
				$self -> word2('');

			if ($i == -2)
				$i = $#{$prefix{$suffix} };

				$self -> word1($prefix{$suffix}[$i] . ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$suffix}{'suffix1'});
				$self -> word2($prefix{$suffix}[$i]);

			if ($i == -3)
				$i = $#{$prefix{$suffix} };

				$self -> word1($prefix{$suffix}[$i] . ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$suffix}{'suffix1'});
				$self -> word2($prefix{$suffix}[$i] . ${$self -> suffix2rule}{$suffix}{'suffix2'});

			if ($i == -4)
				$self -> word1($string);
				$self -> word2('');

			# Rules 12b and 15: Strip off 'ed' or 'ing'.

			if ( ($self -> rule eq '12b') || ($self -> rule eq '15') )
				# Do we have a monosyllable of this form:
				# o 0+ Consonants
				# o 1+ Vowel
				# o	2 Non-wx
				# Eg: tipped => tipp?
				# Then return tip and tipp.
				# Eg: swimming => swimm?
				# Then return swim and swimm.

				if ($self -> word2 =~ /^([^aeiou]*[aeiou]+)([^wx])\2$/)
					$self -> word1("$1$2");
					$self -> word2("$1$2$2");

			return ($self -> word1, $self -> word2, $suffix, $self -> rule);

	return ('', '', '', '');

}	# End of stem.




=head1 NAME

Lingua::EN::Infinitive - Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word

=head1 Synopsis

	use Lingua::EN::Infinitive;

	my($spell) = Lingua::EN::Infinitive -> new();
	my($word)  = 'rove';

	# Method 1:

	my($word1, $word2, $suffix, $rule) = $spell -> stem($word);

	# Method 2:

	$spell -> stem($word);

	my($word1, $word2, $suffix, $rule) =
		$spell -> word1,  # A possibility.
		$spell -> word2,  # A possibility, or ''.
		$spell -> suffix,
		$spell -> rule,

	print "Conjugated: $word. Infinitive: $word1. \n";

	# Now, adjective to noun conversion.


	for (qw/Turkish amateurish cuttlefish vixenish whitish/)
		$noun = $spell -> adjective2noun($_);

		print "$_ => ", (defined $noun ? $noun : $_), ". \n";

	# Now, adjective to noun conversion.

	my(%expected) =
		Turkish		=> 'Turkey',
		amateurish	=> 'amateur',
		cuttlefish	=> '', # I.e. No change because 'cuttlef' can't be an adjective.
		demolish	=> '', # Ditto.
		radish		=> '', # Ditto.
		swish		=> '', # Ditto.
		vixenish	=> 'vixen',
		whitish		=> 'white',


	for (qw/Turkish amateurish cuttlefish demolish radish swish vixenish whitish/)
		$noun = $spell -> adjective2noun($_);

		print "$_ => ", ($noun ? $noun : $_), '. OK: ', ( ($noun eq $expected{$_}) ? 'Yes' : 'No'), ". \n";

See scripts/ and t/test.t for sample code.

=head1 Description

=head2 Generic Code

This section discusses the results from calling the method L</stem($word)>.

Determines the infinitive form of a conjugated word. Also, determines the suffix used to
identify which rule to apply to transform the conjugated word into the infinitive form.

Either 1 or 2 possible infinitives are returned. You must check that the first is really
an English word. If it is, then it is the result. If it is not valid, then check the second.

This module does not provide a way of determining whether or not a candidate solution is in fact
an English word.

Failure to deconjugate is indicated by $word1 eq ''.

In general, you can ignore the 3rd and 4th values returned from L</stem($word)>.

The algorithm is based on the McIlroy article (see below), after first checking for irregular

In the hash 'suffix2rule', you will see the key 'order'. This specifies the sort order
in which to check the McIlroy rules. I have changed his ordering in a number of places,
based on my interpreation of which order produces the better result.

=head2 Adjectival Code

This section discusses the results from calling the method C<adjective2noun()>.

The source contains a list of (adjective => noun) pairs taken from /usr/share/dict/words, and so
it can be used to convert adjectives to nouns.

I suggest calling C<adjective2noun()> if L</stem($word)> does not provide a suitable candidate.

=head1 Installation

You install C<Lingua::EN::Infinitive>, as you would install any perl module library,
by running these commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

=head1 Warning

Do not make the false assumption that

	"$word1$suffix" eq $word
	"$word2$suffix" eq $word

=head1 Methods

=head2 adjective2noun($adjective)

Returns either the noun which was used to generate the adjective in the first place, or the empty string.

There are 99 (adjective => noun) pairs in the source code.

=head2 rule()

Must only be called after calling L</stem($word)>.

Returns the same string as the 4th value returned by L</stem($word)>.

=head2 stem($word)

Returns a 4-element array:

=over 4

=item o A candidate word, or the empty string

If a non-empty string is returned, check that it is a real word. If it is, then that is the
candidate you want.

If it is not a real word, or it is empty, check the next word returned.

=item o Another candidate, or the empty string

As before, check that it is a real word.

=item o A suffix, or the empty string

If one of the first two words is real, this is the suffix removed from the input word.

Normally, you would ignore this value.

=item o A rule number, or the empty string.

The arbitrary rule number used to determine the candidate. Rules are applied in the order given by
these rule numbers.

Normally, you would ignore this value.


=head2 suffix()

Must only be called after calling L</stem($word)>.

Returns the same string as the 3rd value returned by L</stem($word)>.

=head2 word1()

Must only be called after calling L</stem($word)>.

Returns the same string as the 1st value returned by L</stem($word)>.

=head2 word2()

Must only be called after calling L</stem($word)>.

Returns the same string as the 2nd value returned by L</stem($word)>.

=head1 Reference

	Title:   Development of a Spelling List
	Author:  M. Douglas McIlroy
	Journal: IEEE Transactions on Communications
	Issue:   Vol COM-30, No 1, January 1982

=head1 Machine-Readable Change Log

The file Changes was converted into Changelog.ini by L<Module::Metadata::Changes>.

=head1 Version Numbers

Version numbers < 1.00 represent development versions. From 1.00 up, they are production versions.

=head1 Repository


=head1 Support

Email the author, or log a bug on RT:


=head1 Author

C<Lingua::EN::Infinitive> was written by Ron Savage I<E<lt><gt>> in 1998.

=head1 License

Australian copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ron Savage.

	All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
	you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
	The Perl License, a copy of which is available at: