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# 06_general.t
# Test suite for Regexp::Assemble
# Check out the general functionality, now that all the subsystems have been exercised
# copyright (C) 2004-2007 David Landgren

use strict;
use Regexp::Assemble;

eval qq{use Test::More tests => 142 };
if( $@ ) {
    warn "# Test::More not available, no tests performed\n";
    print "1..1\nok 1\n";
    exit 0;

use constant NR_GOOD  => 45;
use constant NR_BAD   => 529;
use constant NR_ERROR => 0;

my $fixed = 'The scalar remains the same';
$_ = $fixed;

my $target;
my $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/foo bar rat/ );

for $target( qw/unfooled disembark vibration/ ) {
    like( $target, qr/$ra/, "match ok $target" )

ok( !defined($ra->source()), 'source() undefined' );

for $target( qw/unfooled disembark vibration/ ) {
    unlike( $target, qr/^$ra/, "anchored match not ok $target" )


for $target( qw/unfooled disembark vibration/ ) {
    unlike( $target, qr/$ra/, "fail after reset $target" )

$ra->add( qw/who what where why when/ );

for $target( qw/unfooled disembark vibration/ ) {
    unlike( $target, qr/$ra/, "fail ok $target" )

for $target( qw/snowhouse somewhat nowhereness whyever nowhence/ ) {
    like( $target, qr/$ra/, "new match ok $target" )


unlike( 'nothing', qr/$ra/, "match nothing after reset" );

$ra->add( '^foo\\d+' );

like( 'foo12', qr/$ra/, "match 1 ok foo12" );
unlike( 'nfoo12', qr/$ra/, "match 1 nok nfoo12" );
unlike( 'bar6', qr/$ra/, "match 1 nok bar6" );

ok( !defined($ra->mvar()), 'mvar() undefined' );

$ra->add( 'bar\\d+' );

like( 'foo12', qr/$ra/, "match 2 ok foo12" );
unlike( 'nfoo12', qr/$ra/, "match 2 nok nfoo12" );
like( 'bar6', qr/$ra/, "match 2 ok bar6" );

$ra->reset->filter( sub { not grep { $_ !~ /[\d ]/ } @_ } );

$ra->add( '1 2 4' );
$ra->insert( '1', '2', '8*' );

unlike( '3 4 1 2', qr/$ra/, 'filter nok 3 4 1 2' );
like( '3 1 2 4', qr/$ra/, 'filter ok 3 1 2 4' );
unlike( '5 2 3 4', qr/$ra/, 'filter ok 5 2 3 4' );

$ra->add( '2 3 a+' );
$ra->insert( '2', ' ', '3', ' ', 'a+' );

unlike( '5 2 3 4', qr/$ra/, 'filter ok 5 2 3 4 (2)' );
unlike( '5 2 3 aaa', qr/$ra/, 'filter nok 5 2 3 a+' );

$ra->reset->filter( undef );

$ra->add( '1 2 a+' );
like( '5 1 2 aaaa', qr/$ra/, 'filter now ok 5 1 2 a+' );

$ra->reset->pre_filter( sub { $_[0] !~ /^#/ } );
$ra->add( '#de' );
$ra->add( 'abc' );

unlike( '#de', qr/^$ra$/, '#de not matched by comment-filtered assembly' );
like(   'abc', qr/^$ra$/, 'abc matched by comment-filtered assembly' );

    skip( "is_deeply is broken in this version of Test::More (v$Test::More::VERSION)", 5 )
        unless $Test::More::VERSION > 0.47;

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new;
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone empty' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ dig dug dog / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone path' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ dig dug dog / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        $orig->add( 'digger' );
        $clone->add( 'digger' );
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone then add' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new
            ->add( qw/ bird cat dog elephant fox/ );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone node' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new
            ->add( qw/ after alter amber cheer steer / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone more' );

    # If the Storable module is available, we will have used
    # that above, however, we will not have tested the pure-Perl
    # fallback routines.
    skip( 'Pure-Perl clone() already tested', 5 )
        unless $Regexp::Assemble::have_Storable;

    skip( "is_deeply is broken in this version of Test::More (v$Test::More::VERSION)", 5 )
        unless $Test::More::VERSION > 0.47;

    local $Regexp::Assemble::have_Storable = 0;
        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new;
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone empty' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ dig dug dog / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone path' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ dig dug dog / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        $orig->add( 'digger' );
        $clone->add( 'digger' );
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone then add' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new
            ->add( qw/ bird cat dog elephant fox/ );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone node' );

        my $orig = Regexp::Assemble->new
            ->add( qw/ after alter amber cheer steer / );
        my $clone = $orig->clone;
        is_deeply( $orig, $clone, 'clone more' );

    my $r = Regexp::Assemble->new ->add( qw/ dig dug / );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', '[d {i=>[i g] u=>[u g]}]', 'dump path' );

    my $r = Regexp::Assemble->new ->add( 'a b' );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', q<[a ' ' b]>, 'dump path with space' );
    $r->insert( 'a', ' ', 'b', 'c', 'd' );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', q([a ' ' b {* c=>[c d]}]),
        'dump path with space 2' );

    my $r = Regexp::Assemble->new ->add( qw/ dog cat / );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', '[{c=>[c a t] d=>[d o g]}]', 'dump node' );

    my $r = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ house home / );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', '[{* h=>[h o {m=>[m e] u=>[u s e]}]}]',
        'add opt to path' );

    my $r = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/ dog cat / );
    cmp_ok( $r->dump, 'eq', '[{* c=>[c a t] d=>[d o g]}]',
        'add opt to node' );

    my $slide = Regexp::Assemble->new;
    cmp_ok( $slide->add( qw/schoolkids acids acidoids/ )->as_string,
        'eq', '(?:ac(?:ido)?|schoolk)ids', 'schoolkids acids acidoids' );

    cmp_ok( $slide->add( qw/schoolkids acidoids/ )->as_string,
        'eq', '(?:schoolk|acido)ids', 'schoolkids acidoids' );

    cmp_ok( $slide->add( qw/nonschoolkids nonacidoids/ )->as_string,
        'eq', 'non(?:schoolk|acido)ids', 'nonschoolkids nonacidoids' );

    cmp_ok( Regexp::Assemble->new
        ->add( qw( sing singing ))
        ->as_string, 'eq', 'sing(?:ing)?', 'super slide sing singing' # no sliding done

    cmp_ok( Regexp::Assemble->new
        ->add( qw( sing singing sling))
        ->as_string, 'eq', 's(?:(?:ing)?|l)ing',
        'super slide sing singing sling'

    cmp_ok( Regexp::Assemble->new
        ->add( qw( sing singing sling slinging))
        ->as_string, 'eq', 'sl?(?:ing)?ing',
        'super slide sing singing sling slinging'

    cmp_ok( Regexp::Assemble->new
        ->add( qw( sing singing sling slinging sting stinging ))
        ->as_string, 'eq', 's[lt]?(?:ing)?ing',
        'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging'

    cmp_ok( Regexp::Assemble->new
        ->add( qw( sing singing sling slinging sting stinging string stringing swing swinging ))
        ->as_string, 'eq', 's(?:[lw]|tr?)?(?:ing)?ing',
        'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging string stringing swing swinging'
    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new( flags => 'i' )->add( qw/ ^ab ^are de / );
    like( 'able', qr/$re/, '{^ab ^are de} /i matches able' );
    like( 'About', qr/$re/, '{^ab ^are de} /i matches About' );
    unlike( 'bare', qr/$re/, '{^ab ^are de} /i fails bare' );
    like( 'death', qr/$re/, '{^ab ^are de} /i matches death' );
    like( 'DEEP', qr/$re/, '{^ab ^are de} /i matches DEEP' );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( qw/abc def ghi/ );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_add},    '==', 3, "stats add 3x3" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_raw},    '==', 9, "stats raw 3x3" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_cooked}, '==', 9, "stats cooked 3x3" );
    ok( !defined($re->{stats_dup}), "stats dup 3x3" );

    $re->add( 'de' );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_add},    '==',  4, "stats add 3x3 +1" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_raw},    '==', 11, "stats raw 3x3 +1" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_cooked}, '==', 11, "stats cooked 3x3 +1" );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( '\\Qabc.def.ghi\\E' );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_add},    '==', 1, "stats add qm" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_raw},    '==', 15, "stats raw qm" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_cooked}, '==', 13, "stats cooked qm" );
    ok( !defined($re->{stats_dup}), "stats dup qm" );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( 'abc\\,def', 'abc\\,def' );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_add},    '==',  1, "stats add unqm dup" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_raw},    '==', 16, "stats raw unqm dup" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_cooked}, '==',  7, "stats cooked unqm dup" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_dup},    '==',  1, "stats dup unqm dup" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length,   '==',  0, "stats_length unqm dup" );

    my $str = $re->as_string;
    cmp_ok( $str, 'eq', 'abc,def', "stats str unqm dup" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length, '==', 7, "stats len unqm dup" );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( '' );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_add}, '==', 1, "stats add empty" );
    cmp_ok( $re->{stats_raw}, '==', 0, "stats raw empty" );
    ok( !defined($re->{stats_cooked}), "stats cooked empty" );
    ok( !defined($re->{stats_dup}),    "stats dup empty" );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new;
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_add,    '==', 0, "stats_add empty" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_raw,    '==', 0, "stats_raw empty" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_cooked, '==', 0, "stats_cooked empty" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_dup,    '==', 0, "stats_dup empty" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length, '==', 0, "stats_length empty" );

    my $str = $re->as_string;
    cmp_ok( $str, 'eq', $Regexp::Assemble::Always_Fail, "stats str empty" ); # tricky!
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length, '==', 0, "stats len empty" );

    my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new->add( '\\Q.+\\E', '\\Q.+\\E', '\\Q.*\\E' );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_add,    '==',  2, "stats_add 2" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_raw,    '==', 18, "stats_raw 2" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_cooked, '==',  8, "stats_cooked 2" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_dup,    '==',  1, "stats_dup 2" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length, '==',  0, "stats_length 2" );

    my $str = $re->as_string;
    cmp_ok( $str, 'eq', '\\.[*+]', "stats str 2" );
    cmp_ok( $re->stats_length, '==', 6, "stats len 2 <$str>" );

    # CPAN bug #24171
    # given a list of strings
    my @str = ( 'a b', 'awb', 'a1b', 'bar', "a\nb" );

    for my $meta (qw( s w d )) {

        # given a list of patterns
        my @re = ( "a\\${meta}b", "a\\@{[uc$meta]}b" );

        # produce an assembled pattern
        my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new()->add(@re)->re();

        my $re_fold = Regexp::Assemble->new()->fold_meta_pairs(0)->add(@re)->re();

        # test it against the strings
        for my $str (@str) {

            # any match?
            my $ok = 0;
            $str =~ $_ && ( $ok = 1 ) for @re;

            # does the assemble regexp match as well?
            my $ptr = $str;
            $ptr =~ s/\\/\\\\/;
            $ptr =~ s/\n/\\n/;

            my $bug_success = ($str =~ /\n/) ? 0 : 1;
            my $bug_fail    = 1 - $bug_success;

            is( ($str =~ $re) ? $bug_success : $bug_fail, $ok,
                "Folded meta pairs behave as list for \\$meta ($ptr,ok=$ok/$bug_success/$bug_fail)"

            is( ($str =~ $re_fold) ? 1 : 0, $ok,
                "Unfolded meta pairs behave as list for \\$meta ($ptr,ok=$ok)"


    my $u = Regexp::Assemble->new(unroll_plus => 1);
    my $str;

    $u->add( "a+b", 'ac' );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, 'a(?:a*b|c)', 'unroll plus a+b ac' );

    $u->add( "\\LA+B", "ac" );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, 'a(?:a*b|c)', 'unroll plus \\LA+B ac' );

    $u->add( '\\Ua+?b', "AC" );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, 'A(?:A*?B|C)', 'unroll plus \\Ua+?b AC' );

    $u->add( qw(\\d+d \\de \\w+?x \\wy ));
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, '(?:\\w(?:\\w*?x|y)|\\d(?:\d*d|e))', 'unroll plus \\d and \\w' );

    $u->add( qw( \\xab+f \\xabg \\xcd+?h \\xcdi ));
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "(?:\xcd(?:\xcd*?h|i)|\xab(?:\xab*f|g))", 'unroll plus meta x' );

    $u->add( qw([a-e]+h [a-e]i [f-j]+?k [f-j]m ));
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "(?:[f-j](?:[f-j]*?k|m)|[a-e](?:[a-e]*h|i))", 'unroll plus class' );

    $u->add( "a+b" );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "a+b", 'reroll a+b' );

    $u->add( "a+b", "a+" );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "a+b?", 'reroll a+b?' );

    $u->add( "a+?b", "a+?" );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "a+?b?", 'reroll a+?b?' );

    $u->unroll_plus(0)->add( qw(1+2 13) );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "(?:1+2|13)", 'no unrolling' );

    $u->unroll_plus()->add( qw(1+2 13) );
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, "1(?:1*2|3)", 'unrolling again via implicit' );

    $u->add(qw(d+ldrt d+ndrt d+ldt d+ndt d+x));
    $str = $u->as_string;
    is( $str, 'd+(?:[ln]dr?t|x)', 'visit ARRAY codepath' );

cmp_ok( $_, 'eq', $fixed, '$_ has not been altered' );