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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Temp;

use Test::More tests => 20;

use Tree::DAG_Node;
use Tree::DAG_Node::Persist::Create;

# -----------------------------------------------


# -----------------------------------------------

sub build_tree
	my($table_name) = @_;
	my($data)       = &read_data;
	my($page_id)    = 1001;

	my($name, $node);

	for (@$data)
		@field     = split(/\s+/, $_);
		$mother_id = pop @field;
		$id        = pop @field;
		$name      = join(' ', @field);
		$node      = Tree::DAG_Node -> new;
		$tree{$id} = $node;

		$node -> name($name);

		${$node -> attributes}{page_id} = $page_id++;

		if ($mother_id ne 'NULL')
			$tree{$mother_id} -> add_daughter($node);

	return $tree{'001'};

}	# End of build_tree.

# --------------------------------------------------

sub count_nodes
	my($node, $opt) = @_;


	return 1;

} # End of count_nodes.

# --------------------------------------------------

sub find_junk
	my($node, $opt) = @_;
	my($result) = 1;

	if ($node -> name eq $$opt{target})
		$$opt{id} = ${$node -> attribute}{id} || 0;
		$result   = 0; # Short-circuit walking the tree.

	return $result;

} # End of find_junk.

# --------------------------------------------------

sub find_node
	my($node, $opt) = @_;
	my($result)     = 1;

	if ($node -> name eq $$opt{target})
		$$opt{node} = $node;
		$result     = 0; # Short-circuit walking the tree.

	return $result;

} # End of find_node.

# --------------------------------------------------

sub find_page_id
	my($node, $opt) = @_;
	my($result)     = 1;

	if (${$node -> attributes}{page_id} && (${$node -> attributes}{page_id} == $$opt{page_id}) )
		$$opt{node} = $node;
		$result     = 0; # Short-circuit walking the tree.

	return $result;

} # End of find_page_id.

# --------------------------------------------------

sub pretty_print
	my($node, $opt) = @_;
	my($id) = ${$node -> attribute}{id} || '';
	my($s)  = ' ' x $$opt{_depth} . $node -> name . ($id ? " ($id)" : '');

	if ($$opt{extra})
		$s .= '. ' . join(', ', map{"$_: " . ${$node -> attributes}{$_} } @{$$opt{extra} });

	diag $s;

	return 1;

} # End of pretty_print.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub read_data
	my(@line) = <DATA>;

	chomp @line;

	return [grep{! /^$/ && ! /^#/} map{s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_} @line];

} # End of read_data.

# --------------------------------------------------

if (! $ENV{DBI_DSN})
	my($temp_file_handle, $temp_file_name) = File::Temp::tempfile('temp.XXXX', EXLOCK => 0, UNLINK => 1);

	$ENV{DBI_DSN} = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$temp_file_name";

my($extra)      = ['page_id'];
my($table_name) = 'menus';
my($creator)    = Tree::DAG_Node::Persist::Create -> new(extra_columns => "$$extra[0]:integer:default:0", table_name => $table_name);
my($dbh)        = $creator -> connect;

ok($dbh, 'Created $dbh');

diag "\nDropping table '$table_name', which may not exist. Don't panic if you get 1 or 2 error messages";
diag "One message will be for a missing table, and the other for a missing sequence";

my($result) = $creator -> drop_create;

ok($result == 0, "Created table '$table_name'");

my($context) = 'Master';
my($master)  = Tree::DAG_Node::Persist -> new
	 context       => $context,
	 context_col   => 'context',
	 dbh           => $dbh,
	 id_col        => 'id',
	 mother_id_col => 'mother_id',
	 name_col      => 'name',
	 table_name    => $table_name,
	 unique_id_col => 'unique_id',

ok($master, 'Created master persistence manager');

my($tree) = build_tree;

ok($tree, 'Populated master tree');

$tree -> walk_down({callback => \&pretty_print, _depth => 0});

ok(1, 'Printed master tree');

$master -> write($tree, $extra);

ok(1, 'Wrote master tree to the database');

my($shrub) = $master -> read($extra);

ok(1, 'Read a copy of the master tree back in from the database');

$shrub -> walk_down({callback => \&pretty_print, _depth => 0, extra => $extra});

ok(1, 'Printed the copy of the master tree');

my($opt) =
	callback => \&count_nodes,
	count    => 0,
	_depth   => 0,

$shrub -> walk_down($opt);

ok($$opt{count} == 20, 'Found 20 nodes in the copy of the master tree read in from the database');

my($target) = 'Beans and Nuts';
$opt        =
	callback => \&find_node,
	_depth   => 0,
	node     => '',
	target   => $target,

$shrub -> walk_down($opt);

ok($$opt{node}, "Found the target '$target' within the copy of the master tree");

my(@kids)      = $$opt{node} -> daughters;
my($node)      = Tree::DAG_Node -> new;
my($junk_food) = 'Junk food';

$node -> name($junk_food);

splice(@kids, 1, 0, $node);

$$opt{node} -> set_daughters(@kids);

ok(1, "Inserted the new node '$junk_food' between the 2 children of '$target'");

$shrub -> walk_down({callback => \&pretty_print, _depth => 0});

ok(1, 'Printed the modified tree, with the new node inserted');

$context   = 'Slave';
my($slave) = Tree::DAG_Node::Persist -> new
	 context       => $context,
	 context_col   => 'context',
	 dbh           => $dbh,
	 id_col        => 'id',
	 mother_id_col => 'mother_id',
	 name_col      => 'name',
	 table_name    => $table_name,
	 unique_id_col => 'unique_id',

ok($slave, 'Created slave persistence manager');

$slave -> write($shrub);

ok(1, 'Wrote the modified tree to the database');

my($bush) = $slave -> read;

ok(1, 'Read a copy of the modified tree back in from the database');

$bush -> walk_down({callback => \&pretty_print, _depth => 0});

ok(1, 'Printed a copy of the modified tree, with the new node inserted');

$opt =
	callback => \&count_nodes,
	count    => 0,
	_depth   => 0,

$bush -> walk_down($opt);

ok($$opt{count} == 21, 'Found 21 nodes in the modified tree read in from the database');

$opt =
	callback => \&find_junk,
	id       => 0,
	_depth   => 0,
	target   => $junk_food,

$bush -> walk_down($opt);

ok($$opt{id} == 28, "Found node '$junk_food' at node 28 in the modified tree read in from the database");

$opt =
	callback => \&find_node,
	_depth   => 0,
	node     => '',
	target   => 'Cheeses',

$bush -> walk_down($opt);

diag 'id: ' . ${$$opt{node} -> attribute}{id} . '. Name: ' . $$opt{node} -> name;

for my $kid ($$opt{node} -> daughters)
	diag 'Child: ' . $kid -> name . '. Index: ' . $kid -> my_daughter_index;

$target = 1011; # Beverages.
$opt    =
	callback => \&find_page_id,
	_depth   => 0,
	page_id  => $target,
	node     => '',

$shrub -> walk_down($opt);

my($page_id) = ${$$opt{node} -> attributes}{page_id};

diag 'id: ' . ${$$opt{node} -> attributes}{id} . '. Name: ' . $$opt{node} -> name . ". page_id: $page_id";

ok($page_id == $target, "Found node whose page_id is $target in the copy of the master tree read in from the database");

Food                001       NULL
Beans and Nuts      002       001
Beans               003       002
Nuts                004       002
Black Beans         005       003
Pecans              006       004
Kidney Beans        007       003
Red Kidney Beans    008       007
Black Kidney Beans  009       007
Dairy               010       001
Beverages           011       010
Whole Milk          012       011
Skim Milk           013       011
Cheeses             014       010
Cheddar             015       014
Stilton             016       014
Swiss               017       014
Gouda               018       014
Muenster            019       014
Coffee Milk         020       011