The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2004-2006 by Malcolm Nooning
# This program does not impose any
# licensing restrictions on files generated by their execution, in
# accordance with the 8th article of the Artistic License:
#    "Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is
#    always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded;
#    that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's
#    interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution.
#    Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package."
# Therefore, you are absolutely free to place any license on the resulting
# executable(s), as long as the packed 3rd-party libraries are also available
# under the Artistic License.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# See L<>
our $VERSION = 0.17;
# Prior to each test
#   . Remove any possible files that could exist from a previous
#     invocation of the test.  If a file cannot be removed, report
#     the failure and move on to the next test.
# During each test
#   . After any file is created, check for it's existence to make
#     sure it is there.
#   . If a file cannot be created report the failure and move on
#     to the next test.
# After each test
#   . Do not do anything.  If a test should cause a fault we
#     want to leave any work product (files) for postmortem analysis.
#   . Maybe we want to print result verbiage?
# Windows versus Unix
#   . For each test, the command to "system" or pipe, path, etc.,
#     will be determined by the type of OS.
#     For example,
#     if Unix, use "./tmp1/foo1".  For windows, use "temp\\foo1".
# Note when the expected result is just "hello":
#            "if ($result =~ m/hello/) {...
#     versus
#            chomp($result);
#            "if ($result eq "hello") {...
#    The $result can have the string "hello" in it and
#    also contain extraneous or other error strings, so
#    don't match for hello. Chomp and do an "eq".
use Test::More tests => 34;
use Cwd qw(chdir cwd);

use Config;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;

use POSIX qw(uname);

use Getopt::Long;

use strict;

# Home grown perl modules go here
use prior_to_test;
use pipe_a_command;
use test_in_further_subdir;
use remove_file_and_try_executable_again;

# The module prior_to_test creates these four subdirs underneath
# whatever test subdir it is to work with.  They are created for
# general use whether the current test uses them or not.
our  $SUBDIR1 = "subdir1";
our  $SUBDIR2 = "subdir2";
our  $SUBDIR3 = "subdir3";
our  $SUBDIR4 = "subdir4";

our $os = (uname())[0];
our $no_win32_exe = 0;

if ($os =~ m/^Win/i) {
   eval {
    require Win32::Exe;

    require Win32::Exe::IconFile;


 $no_win32_exe = $@; # EVAL_ERROR

my $TRUE = 1;
my $FALSE = 0;

sub how_many_cache_dirs {
  my ($par_scratch_dir, $num_cache_dirs_ref, $message_ref, $verbose) = @_;

  my $file;
  my $count = 0;
  $$num_cache_dirs_ref = 0;
  $$message_ref = "";

  if ( -e($par_scratch_dir) ) {

    if (!(opendir(DIR, "$par_scratch_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "hmcd_msg020: Cannot opendir $par_scratch_dir:$!:\n";
    while ($file = readdir(DIR)) {
      next if ( $file =~ m/^\.{1,2}$/ );
      $count++ if ($file =~ m/cache|temp/);
      print ("Incremented cache count for $file\n") if $verbose;
    if (!(closedir(DIR))) {
      $$message_ref = "hmcd_msg030: Cannot closedir $par_scratch_dir:$!:\n";

    $$num_cache_dirs_ref = $count;
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
  } else {
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

sub deltree {
   my ($dir, $level, $message_ref, $ignore_errors) = @_;

   my $file = "";
   my $error = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   my $dir_handle = 'DIR_';
   my $type = "";

   $ignore_errors = 0 if (!defined($ignore_errors));

   # Since we are deleting entire directories here, we really
   # want to double check parameters.
   $type = ref(\$dir);
   if ($type !~ m/SCALAR/i) {
     print ("deltree_msg040: PROGRAMMING ERROR\n");
     print ("dir $dir is type $type\n");
     die("Please research and fix ... Exiting\n");
   $type = ref(\$level);
   if ($type !~ m/SCALAR/i) {
     print ("deltree_msg042: PROGRAMMING ERROR\n");
     print ("level $level is type $type\n");
     die("Please research and fix ... Exiting\n");
   $type = ref($message_ref);
   if ($type !~ m/SCALAR/i) {
     print ("deltree_msg044: PROGRAMMING ERROR\n");
     print ("message ref is type $type\n");
     die("Please research and fix ... Exiting\n");
   if ($level !~ m/^\d+$/) {
     print ("deltree_msg046: PROGRAMMING ERROR\n");
     print ("level $level is not all digits\n");
     die("Please research and fix ... Exiting\n");

   if (!(-e($dir))) {
     # Nothing to remove
     return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
   no strict; # The symbolic dir handles cause strict complaints

   # Level is to prevent duplicate file handle names.
   if ( defined($level) ) {
   } else {
     $level = 0;

   $dir_handle = $dir_handle . $level;

   if (!(opendir ($dir_handle, "$dir"))) {
     $$message_ref = "deltree_msg048: Could not read $dir:$!:\n";
     print ("$$message_ref\n");

   # Foreach file in directory...
   foreach $file (readdir($dir_handle)) {
      next if $file =~ /^\.+$/; # Skip . or ..
      if (-d File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file)) {
        $error = deltree(File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file), $level, $message_ref); # Recursion!
        if (!$ignore_errors) {
          return ($error) if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);
      } else {
        if (!(unlink File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file))) {
          if (!$ignore_errors) {
            $$message_ref =
                 "deltree_msg050:Could not delete $dir/$file :$!:\n"       .
                 "If it appears to be a permissions problem, it could "   .
                 "be that another PAR application is running.\n"          .
                 "This particular test attempts to remove all par cache " .
                 "directories.  That cannot happen if a cache is in use\n";
   if (!(closedir($dir_handle))) {
     $$message_ref = "deltree_msg052:Could not close dir $dir/$file :$!:\n";
     return (EXIT_FAILURE);

   if (!(rmdir ($dir))) {
     if (!$ignore_errors) {
       $$message_ref =
             "deltree_msg054:Couldn\'t remove directory \'$dir\' :$!:\n";
       return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  use strict;


sub find_par_temp_base {
  my ($verbose) = @_;

  # Originally taken from  The lines
  # containing $Config{_delim} were replaced by
  # File::Spec->catdir(whatever, whatever);
  my $path = "";
  my $par_temp = "";
  my $progname = "";
  my $username = "";
  my $stmpdir = "";
  my $mtime = "";
  my $ctx = "";

    if ($ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $ENV{PAR_TEMP} =~ /(.+)/) {
        $par_temp = $1;
        return $par_temp;

    foreach $path (
        (map $ENV{$_}, qw( TMPDIR TEMP TMP )),
        qw( C:\\TEMP /tmp . )
    ) {
        next unless $path and -d $path and -w $path;
        $username = defined(&Win32::LoginName)
            ? &Win32::LoginName()
            : $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER} || 'SYSTEM';

        $stmpdir = File::Spec->catdir($path, "par-$username");
    print ("fptb_msg062: stmpdir is $stmpdir\n") if $verbose;

    return ($stmpdir);

sub okay_response {
  my ($we_top) = @_;


sub after_test {
  my ($test_number, $error, $message, $verbose) = @_;

  if ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS) {
    print ("Test $test_number PASSED\n") if $verbose;
  } else {
    print ("Test $test_number FAILED: \n$message\n") if $verbose;

sub create_file {
  my ($test_file, $verbiage, $verbose, $message_ref, $top_of_file_text) = @_;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(open(OUTFILE, ">$test_file"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\n\[CF01\]Cannot open file $test_file:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (defined($top_of_file_text) && ($top_of_file_text ne "") ) {
    print OUTFILE $top_of_file_text;

  if ($verbiage ne "") {
    print OUTFILE ("print \"${verbiage}\";");

  if (!(close(OUTFILE))) {
      $$message_ref = "\n\[CF02\]Cannot close file $test_file:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  print ("\n\[CF03\]Created file $test_file\n") if $verbose;
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

sub pp_hello_1 {
  my ($test_name_string,
      ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp hello'
  # The command should: # Pack 'hello' into executable 'a.exe'
  #  . Create the file "hello" with the code that will
  #    print out the word "hello".
  #  . system pp hello
  #    a.exe will be created on windows
  #  . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  #  Success if the result is "hello", failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $test_dir . "/$hello_pl_file";
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg070: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg072: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg074: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_o_hello_hello_dot_pl {
  my ($test_name_string,
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -o hello'
  # The command should: # Pack '' into executable 'hello.exe'
  # (The .exe assumes windows)
  # . Create with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  # . system pp -o hello
  # . pipe the hello executable and collect the results.
  #  Success if the result is "hello", failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, $hello_pl_file);
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg076: sub $test_name_string: cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg078: sub $test_name_string: $$message_ref";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = "pp -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg080: sub $test_name_string: cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
   $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_o_foo_foo_dot_pl_bar_dot_pl {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  #  Goal: # Test of 'pp -o foo'
  #  ----
  #  The command should: Pack '' and '' into 'foo'
  #  Outline
  #  -------
  #  . Create with the code that will print out the word "hello foo".
  #  . Create with the code that will print out the word "hello bar".
  #  . system pp -o foo
  #  . pipe ./foo and collect the results.  It should be "hello foo".
  #  . Copy foo to bar
  #  . pipe ./bar and collect the results.  It should be "hello bar".
  #Success if both "hello foo" and "hello bar" were appropriately collected.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg082: sub $test_name_string: " .
                      "cannot chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($foo_pl_file, "hello foo", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg083: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($bar_pl_file, "hello bar", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg084: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o $foo_executable " . "\"$foo_pl_file\" \"$bar_pl_file\" ";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg085: sub $test_name_string: cannot system $cmd)\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "hello foo",

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $foo_executable?\n";
    return ($error);


  if(!(copy("$foo_executable", "$bar_executable"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg086: sub $test_name_string: cannot " .
                       "copy $foo_executable to $bar_executable\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "hello bar",

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nIs there a $bar_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_p_hello {

  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -p hello'
  # The command should: Create a PAR hello, 'a.par'
  # . Create file "hello" with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  # . system pp -p hello
  # . pipe './par a' and collect the results.  It should be "hello".
  #  Success if  "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg088: sub $test_name_string cannot chdir " .
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg089: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -p \"$test_file\"";
  # This should produce $a_default_dot_par
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg090: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_dot_par?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_p_minus_o_hello_dot_par_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -p -o file.par file'
  # The command should: Create a PAR file, 'file.par'
  # . Create file "hello" with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  # . system pp -p -o hello.par hello
  # . pipe './par hello.par' and collect the results.  It should
  #   be hello.
  # . pipe './par hello' and collect the results.  It should
  #   once again be "hello".
  #  Success if "hello" was collected both times.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg095: sub $test_name_string cannot chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg096: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -p -o ' . " \"$hello_par_file_with_dot_par\" \"$test_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg097: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_par_file_with_dot_par?\n";
    return ($error);

  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" hello";
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "", # We don't want the sub to try
                               # to chmod +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_par_file_with_dot_par?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_o_hello_file_dot_par {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -o hello file.par'
  # The command should: Pack 'file.par' to executable 'hello'
  # . Create file with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  # . system pp -p -o file.par
  #   This will create the par file file.par
  # . pipe './par file.par' and collect the results.  It should
  #   be hello.
  # . pipe './par file' and collect the results.  It should
  #   once again be "hello".
  # . system pp -o file file.par
  #   This will pack file.par into file.exe (Assuming windows)
  # . pipe 'file' and collect the results.  It should again be "hello"
  # Success if "hello" was collected all three times.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg098: sub $test_name_string cannot chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg099: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  # Create a par file
  $cmd = 'pp -p -o ' . "\"$hello_par_file_with_dot_par\" \"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg100: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $hello_par_file_with_dot_par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_par_file_with_dot_par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $error = pipe_a_command
                           $pipe_command_string . 'hello',
                           "", # We don't want the sub to try
                               # to chmod +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_par_file_with_dot_par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $cmd = 'pp -o ' . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\"  ";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg102: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $hello_executable\n");
  $pipe_command_string = "";
  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_S_minus_o_hello_file {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -S -o hello'
  # The command should: Create a PAR file, 'hello.par'
  #                     Pack 'hello.par' to executable 'hello'
  # . Create file "" with the code that will print out the
  #   word "hello".
  # . system pp -S -o hello
  #   This will create the par file hello.par, and also pack hello.par
  #   into the executable "hello.exe". (Assuming windows)
  # . pipe './par hello.par' and collect the results.  It should
  #   be "hello".
  # . pipe './par hello' and collect the results.  It should be "hello".
  # . pipe the created executable and collect the results.  It
  #   should again be "hello"
  # Success if "hello" was collected all three times.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg105: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg106: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -S -o ' . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\"  ";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg107: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $hello_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);


  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" hello";
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "", # We don't want the sub to try
                               # to chmod +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable " .
                                                "and hello.par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $pipe_command_string = "";
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_p_minus_o_out_dot_par_file {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -p -o out.par file'
  #  The command should: Create 'out.par' from 'file'
  #                      Same as the test for 'pp -p -o file.par file'
  #                      except here we have renaming.
  #  . Create file "file" with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  #  . system pp -p -o out.par file
  #  . pipe './par out.par' and collect the results.  It should
  #    be "hello".
  #  . pipe './par out' and collect the results.  It should be "hello".
  # Success if "hello" was collected both times.  Failure otherwise

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg110: sub $test_name_string cannot chdir " .
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg111: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -p -o out.par ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg112: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created out.par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out.par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" out";
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "", # Don't let sub try to chmod  +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out.par?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_B_with_small_minus_p_tests {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -B -p -o out.par'
  #  The command should: Create 'out.par' from 'file'
  #                      Same as the test for 'pp -p -o file.par file'
  #                      except here we bundle core modules.
  #  Since -B is the default except with -p or -P, the only way it
  #  seemed relevent was to test was by testing -B with -p, and by
  #  testing -B with -P.  I did.  -B or it's absense seems to mean
  #  nothing when creating either a .par file
  #  The file sizes with and without the -B within mere bytes
  #  of each other.
  # Anyone know a way to really test -B?
  # The four tests were:
  #      pp -p -o out.par
  #      pp -B -p -o out.par
  # Again, the "-B" does not seem to have relevence.
  # What I will do for now is to include the four tests and execute
  # the generated .par and just check for "hello" being printed out.
  #  I will do this even though it is a do-nothing test.  At least it
  # shows that the -B does not harm anything.
  # WARNING:  This tests only tests that the generated files produces
  #           are okay.  It does not check anything else.
  #  . Create the file with the code that will print out the word
  #    "hello" and use strict.
  #  . system pp -B -p -o out_par_B.par
  #    This creates out.par and bundles the core modules.
  #  . system pp -p -o out_par.par
  #    This creates out.par
  #  . pipe  './par out_par.par', './par out_par_B.par'
  #               './par out_par',     './par out_par_B'
  # After all of the above, success if "hello" was collected each time.
  # Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;

  my $top_of_created_file_text = "use strict;\n";
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  print ("\n\nI will do test $test_name_string even though it DOES NOT \n");
  print ("REALLY TEST ANYTHING.  At least it may show that the -B  \n");
  print ("switch does not harm anything.\n\n");

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg115: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg116: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -p -o out_par.par ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg117: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created out_par.par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out_par.par?\n";
    return ($error);

  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" out_par";
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "",  # Don't let sub try to chmod  +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out_par.par?\n";
    return ($error);

  $cmd = 'pp -B -p -o out_par_B.par ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg118: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created out_par_B.par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out_par_B.par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" out_par_B";
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "",  # Don't let sub try to chmod  +x anything.

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce out_par_B.par?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_B_with_large_minus_P_tests {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Test of 'pp -B -P -o'
  #  The command should: Create '' from 'file'
  #                      Same as the test for 'pp -P -o file'
  #                      except here we bundle core modules.
  #  Since -B is the default except with -p or -P, the only way it
  #  seemed relevent was to test was by testing -B with -p, and by
  #  testing -B with -P.  I did.  -B or it's absense seems to mean
  #  nothing when creating either a .pl file
  #  The file sizes with and without the -B within mere bytes
  #  of each other.
  # Anyone know a way to really test -B?
  # The four tests I tried were:
  #      pp -P -o
  #      pp -B -P -o
  # Again, the "-B" does not seem to have relevence.
  # What I will do for now is to include the four tests and execute
  # the generated .pl and just check for "hello" being printed out.
  #  I will do this even though it is a do-nothing test.  At least it
  # shows that the -B does not harm anything.
  # WARNING:  This tests only tests that the generated files produces
  #           are okay.  It does not check anything else.
  #  . Create the file with the code that will print out the word
  #    "hello" and use strict.
  #  . system pp -B -P -o
  #    This creates and bundles the core modules.
  #  . system pp -P -o
  #    This creates
  #  . pipe  'perl', 'perl'
  # After all of the above, success if "hello" was collected each time.
  # Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;

  my $top_of_created_file_text = "use strict;\n";
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  print ("\n\nI will do test $test_name_string even though it DOES NOT \n");
  print ("REALLY TEST ANYTHING.  At least it may show that the -B  \n");
  print ("switch does not harm anything.\n\n");

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg120: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg121: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -P -o ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg122: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created\n");


  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce\n";
    return ($error);


  $cmd = 'pp -B -P -o ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg125: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_e_print_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # ----
  # The command should: Create 'a.exe' if windows
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . system pp -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg130: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -e "print \"hello\n\";" ';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg131: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_p_minus_e_print_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -p -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # ----
  # The command should: Create 'a.par'
  # Outline
  # -------
  # system pp -p -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # pipe 'par a.par' and collect the results
  # pipe 'par a' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected each time.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg135: sub $test_name_string cannot" .
                      " chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -p -e "print \"hello\n\"";';
  if (system(" $cmd ")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg136: sub $test_name_string Cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created a.par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce a.par?\n";
    return ($error);


  $pipe_command_string = "$perl \"$par\" a";
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce a.par?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_P_minus_e_print_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -P -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # ----
  # The command should: Create perl script ''
  # Outline
  # -------
  # system pp -P -e "print \"hello\n\";"
  # pipe 'perl' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "$perl ";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg138: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -P -e "print \"hello\n\";" ';
  if (system(" $cmd ")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg139: sub $test_name_string Cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created a.par\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce\n";
  return ($error);

sub pp_minus_c_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -c hello
  # ----
  # The command should: Create executable 'a.exe'
  # WARNING:  This tests only tests that the executable produced
  #           is okay.  It does not check anything else.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # Create a file that will print "hello".
  # system pp -c hello
  # pipe 'a' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg150: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg151: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -c ' . " \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  if (system(" $cmd ")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg152: sub $test_name_string Cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_x_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -x hello
  # ----
  # The command should: Create executable 'a.exe'
  #                     Also it will check dependencies
  #                     from "perl hello" during execution
  # WARNING:  This tests only tests that the executable produced
  #           is okay.  It does not check anything else.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # Create a file that will print "hello".
  # system pp -x hello
  # pipe 'a' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg155: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg156: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -x  ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg157: sub $test_name_string Cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_n_minus_x_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -n -x hello
  # ----
  # The command should: Create executable 'a.exe'
  #                     Also it will check dependencies
  #                     from "perl hello" during execution
  # WARNING:  This tests only tests that the executable produced
  #           is okay.  It does not check anything else.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # Create a file that will print "hello".
  # system pp -n -x hello
  # pipe 'a' and collect the results
  # Success if "hello" was collected.  Failure otherwise.
  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg160: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg161: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -n -x  ' . "\"$hello_pl_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg162: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_I_foo_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -I /foo
  # ----
  # The command should:
  #    Add the given directory to the perl library file search path.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create a temp dir "hidden_dir" that Perl and PP would not know about.
  # . Create a module in it called that has a
  #   subroutine called "hidden_print", that takes in a string
  #   to print.
  # . Put the new module in the new temp dir.
  # . Create a file foo in the current dir with code that will
  #   invoke hidden_print
  # . system 'pp'
  #   The file a.exe is created on windows.
  # . pipe 'a'
  #   The result should be something like: "Can't locate hidden_print"
  # . system pp -I "hidden_dir"
  #   Once again, a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # . Copy the a.exe to a different subdirectory
  # . chdir to the new subdirectory
  # . pipe a.exe
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # . Remove the hidden_print file.
  # . pipe 'a' again and collect the results.
  #   It should still pass.
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $hidden_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $TRUE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use hidden_print;

  my $hidden_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print");

sub hidden_print {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  print ("$text_to_print\n");

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg165: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  File::Spec->catfile($hidden_dir, "hidden_print\.pm"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg166: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg168: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg169: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command
  ##### This SHOULD fail, so don't return
  ##### return ($error) if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);
  $$message_ref = ""; # Wipe out the nasty messages from the
                      # last pipe command.

  print ("\n"); # To add a line after the above expected error messages.

  $cmd = 'pp -I  ' . "\"$hidden_dir\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg170: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again
                                    File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, ""), # File to remove

  return ($error);

sub pp_minus_lib_foo_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp --lib /foo
  # ----
  # The command should:
  #    Add the given directory to the perl library file search path.
  # Outline
  # -------
  #   First, to give an outline of the directories and files this
  #   test will create.
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  #   | current working test dir/                     |
  #   | has "use hidden_print;"                    |
  #   |-----------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR1/   |
  #   | prints the string passed in.      |
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  # . In a dir $SUBDIR1 that PP would not know about, create
  #   a module called that has a subroutine
  #   called "hidden_print", that takes in a string to
  #   print, and prints it.
  # . In the current directory, create a file that invokes
  #   hidden_print with the text "hello".
  # . system pp --lib $SUBDIR1
  #   An  a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $foo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $TRUE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use hidden_print;

  my $hidden_print_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print");

sub hidden_print {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  print ("$text_to_print");

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg172: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "hidden_print\.pm"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg174: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg176: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg178: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  ##### This SHOULD fail, so don't do the usual return
  ##### return ($error) if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);
  $$message_ref = ""; # Wipe out the nasty messages from the
                      # last pipe command.
  print ("\n"); # To add a line after the above expected error messages.

  $cmd = 'pp --lib  ' . "\"$foo_dir\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg180: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again
                                    File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "hidden_print\.pm"),

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_I_foo_minus_I_bar_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -I /foo -I bar
  # ----
  # The command should:
  #    Add the given directory to the perl library file search path.
  # Outline
  # -------
  #   First, to give an outline of the directories and files this
  #   test will create.
  #    ----------------------------------------------------------
  #   | current working test dir/                          |
  #   | has "use hidden_print_caller;     "             |
  #   |----------------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR1/ |
  #   | has "use hidden_print;"         |
  #   |----------------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR2/        |
  #   | prints the string passed in.           |
  #    ----------------------------------------------------------
  # . In subdir $SUBDIR1, create
  # . Create a module in $SUBDIR2 called that
  #   has a subroutine called "hidden_print", that takes in a
  #   string to print, and prints it.
  # . Create a module in $SUBDIR1 called
  #   that has a routine called hidden_print_caller that
  #   takes in a string to print, and invokes hidden_print to print it.
  # . In the current directory, create a file that invokes
  #   hidden_print_caller with the text "hello".
  # . system 'pp'
  #   The file a.exe is created on windows.
  # . pipe 'a'
  #   The result should be: Nothing.
  # . system pp -I foo -I bar
  #   Once again, a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # . Copy a.exe to a different directory
  # . chdir to the directory.
  # . pipe 'a.exe' and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $foo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $bar_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR2);
  my $foo_dir_file = File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "hidden_print_caller\.pm");
  my $bar_dir_file = File::Spec->catfile($bar_dir, "hidden_print\.pm");
  my $foo_file = File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl");

  my $further_subdir = "";
  my $further_file = "";

  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $TRUE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use hidden_print_caller;

  my $hidden_print_caller_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print_caller;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print_caller");

use hidden_print;

sub hidden_print_caller {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  hidden_print ("$text_to_print");

  my $hidden_print_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print");

sub hidden_print {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  print ("$text_to_print");

  $$message_ref = "";
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg182: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $bar_dir_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg184: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);


  $error = create_file(  $foo_dir_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg186: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( $foo_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg188: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp ' . "\"$foo_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg190: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("\namsg192: sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  ##### This SHOULD fail, so don't do the usual return
  ##### return ($error) if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);
  $$message_ref = ""; # Wipe out the nasty messages from the
                      # last pipe command.
  print ("\n"); # To add a line after the above expected error messages.

  $cmd = 'pp -I ' . "\"$foo_dir\" -I \"$bar_dir\" \"$foo_file\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg194: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_lib_foo_minus_lib_bar_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp --lib /foo --lib bar
  # ----
  # The command should:
  #    Add the given directory to the perl library file search path.
  # Outline
  # -------
  #   First, to give an outline of the directories and files this
  #   test will create.
  #    ----------------------------------------------------------
  #   | current working test dir/                          |
  #   | has "use hidden_print_caller;"                  |
  #   |----------------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR1/ |
  #   | has "use hidden_print;"         |
  #   |----------------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR2/        |
  #   | prints the string passed in.           |
  #    ----------------------------------------------------------
  # . Create a module in $SUBDIR2 called that
  #   has a subroutine called "hidden_print", that takes in a
  #   string to print, and prints it.
  # . Create a module in $SUBDIR1 called
  #   that has a routine called hidden_print_caller that
  #   takes in a string to print, and invokes hidden_print to print it.
  # . In the current directory, create a file that invokes
  #   hidden_print_caller with the text "hello".
  # . system pp --lib foo --lib bar
  #   Once again, a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $foo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $bar_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR2);
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $TRUE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use hidden_print_caller;

  my $hidden_print_caller_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print_caller;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print_caller");

use hidden_print;

sub hidden_print_caller {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  hidden_print ("$text_to_print");

  my $hidden_print_top_of_file_text = '
package hidden_print;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print");

sub hidden_print {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  print ("$text_to_print");
  my $further_subdir = "";

  $$message_ref = "";
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg196: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  File::Spec->catfile($bar_dir, "hidden_print\.pm"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg198: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "hidden_print_caller\.pm"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg200: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg202: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg204: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  ##### This SHOULD fail, so don't do the usual return
  ##### return ($error) if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);
  $$message_ref = ""; # Wipe out the nasty messages from the
                      # last pipe command.
  print ("\n"); # To add a line after the above expected error messages.

  $cmd = 'pp --lib ' . "\"$foo_dir\"" .
         ' --lib ' . "\"$bar_dir\"" . '';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg206: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again
                                    File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  return ($error);

sub pp_minus_M_foo_hidden_print_foo {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -M module
  # The command should:  Add the given module
  # Outline
  # -------
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  #   | current working test dir/                     |
  #   | has "use hidden_print;"                    |
  #   |-----------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR1/   |
  #   | prints the string passed in.      |
  #   |   It is "package hidden_print;"                     |
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  # . Create $SUBDIR1/ that has a subroutine
  #   called "hidden_print", that takes in a  string to
  #   print, and prints it.
  # . In the current directory, create a file that invokes
  #   hidden_print with the text "hello".
  # . system pp
  #   An  a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe the created executable and collect the results.
  #   There will be error
  #   messages on the screen, and the results will be: nothing.
  # . system pp -M $SUBDIR1::hidden_print
  #   An  a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe the created executable and collect the results.
  # . The result should be "hello"
  # . Remove the included module
  # . Once again, pipe the created executable
  #   The result should still be hello.
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $foo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $hidden_print_file = File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "hidden_print\.pm");
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use ' . $SUBDIR1 . '::hidden_print;

  my $hidden_print_top_of_file_text = '
package ' . $SUBDIR1 . '::hidden_print;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("hidden_print");

sub hidden_print {
  my ($text_to_print) = shift;
  print ("$text_to_print");
  my $further_subdir = "";

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg208: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $hidden_print_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg210: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg212: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg214: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


   $cmd = "pp -M  ${SUBDIR1}::hidden_print";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg216: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_M_foo_minus_M_bar_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of pp -M hidden1 -M hidden2
  # The command should:  Add the given modules
  # Outline
  # -------
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  #   | current working test dir/                     |
  #   | has "use foo_1;"                           |
  #   |              "use bar_1;"                           |
  #   |              foo_1;                                 |
  #   |              bar_1;                                 |
  #   |-----------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR1/          |
  #   | will print "hello_foo"                   |
  #   |-----------------------------------------------------|
  #   | current working test dir/$SUBDIR2/          |
  #   | will print "hello_bar"                   |
  #    -----------------------------------------------------
  # . Create $SUBDIR1/ that has a subroutine called "foo_1",
  #   that prints hello_foo.
  # . Create $SUBDIR2/ that has a subroutine called "bar_1",
  #   that prints hello_bar.
  # . In the current directory, create a file that invokes
  #   foo_1 and bar_1.
  # . system pp
  #   An  a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.  There will be error
  #   messages on the screen, and the results will be: nothing.
  # . system pp -M $SUBDIR1::foo_1 -M $SUBDIR2::bar_1
  #   An  a.exe is created on windows
  # . pipe 'a' and collect the results.
  # . The result contain "hello_foo" and "hello_bar".
  # Success if as described above.  Failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $foo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR1);
  my $bar_dir = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $SUBDIR2);
  my $subdir_foo_file =  File::Spec->catfile($foo_dir, "foo_1\.pm");
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use ' . $SUBDIR1 . '::foo_1;
use ' . $SUBDIR2 . '::bar_1;

  my $foo_1_top_of_file_text = '
package ' . $SUBDIR1 . '::foo_1;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("foo_1");

sub foo_1 {
  print ("hello_foo");

  my $bar_1_top_of_file_text = '
package ' . $SUBDIR2 . '::bar_1;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ("bar_1");

sub bar_1 {
  print ("hello_bar");
  my $further_subdir = "";

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg230: sub $test_name_string cannot" .
                      " chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $subdir_foo_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg232: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  File::Spec->catfile($bar_dir, "bar_1\.pm"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg234: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, "foo\.pl"),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg236: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg238: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  $cmd = "pp -M ${SUBDIR1}::foo_1 -M ${SUBDIR2}::bar_1";

  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg240: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  return ($error);



sub pp_minus_X_module_foo {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of 'pp -X Foo::Bar foo'
  # ----
  # The command should: Exclude a module (notice space after -X)
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the perl file test_X_foo_bar with code that will utilize
  #   the module "basename".  That is, use File::Basename;
  # . Have the line "print basename($^X)" in the perl file
  #   to invoke basename.
  # . system "pp -X File::Basename test_X_foo_bar".
  # . pipe the created 'a' and collect the results.
  # .
  # Success if the first result is "perl.exe" on Windows, and success
  # if it fails to give "perl.exe" the second time.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $foo_top_of_file_text = '
use File::Basename;
my $basename = basename($^X);
print $basename;

  my $further_subdir = "";


  $$message_ref = "";

  print ("\n\nI will do test $test_name_string even though it DOES NOT \n");
  print ("REALLY TEST ANYTHING.  At least it may show that the -X  \n");
  print ("switch does not harm anything.\n\n");

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg270: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file( File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, $foo_pl_file),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg282: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp "' . File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, $foo_pl_file). '"';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg284: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  $cmd = 'pp -X File::Basename "'
         . File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, $foo_pl_file) . '"';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg286: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  # Note: If Basename were really excluded this would fail.
  #          But it doesn't!!!
  $error = pipe_a_command

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_r_hello {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of 'pp -r'
  # ----
  # The command should: Pack into a.exe, and then run a.exe
  #                     after packaging it.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the perl file with code that will print "hello".
  # . pipe "pp -r" and collect the results.
  # Success if "hello", failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $hello_top_of_file_text = '
print "hello";
  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg300: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg302: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $pipe_command_string = "pp -r \"$hello_pl_file\"";
  $cmd = $pipe_command_string; # Just to keep our code 
                                    # template here consistent.
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "", # No separate executable name this time

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_r_hello_a_b_c {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of 'pp -r a b c'
  # ----
  # The command should: Pack into a.exe, and then run a.exe
  #                     after packaging it.  The a b c are parameters.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the perl file with code that will print "hello".
  # . pipe "pp -r" and collect the results.
  # Success if "hello", failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $hello_top_of_file_text = '
print "hello $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2]";
  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg304: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg306: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $pipe_command_string = 
                "pp -r \"$hello_pl_file\" \"one\" \"two\" \"three\"";
  $cmd = $pipe_command_string; # Just to keep our code 
                                    # template here consistent.
  $error = pipe_a_command
                           "", # No separate executable name this time
                           "hello one two three",

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_hello_to_log_file {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of 'pp --log=c' and 'pp -L c'
  # ----
  # The command should: Pack into a.exe, and then run a.exe
  #                     after packaging it.  The a b c are parameters.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the perl file with code that will print "hello".
  # . pipe "pp --log=c" and collect the results.
  # At least it will show that --log=c does no harm
  # Success if "hello", failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $log_file = 'c.txt';
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $hello_top_of_file_text = '
print "hello";
  $$message_ref = "";

  print ("\n\nI will do test $test_name_string even though it DOES NOT \n");
  print ("REALLY TEST ANYTHING.  At least it may show that the  --log=c \n");
  print ("switch does not harm anything.\n\n");

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg308: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg310: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -v --log=' . "$log_file";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg312: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  if (-e($log_file) && (-s($log_file) > 10)) {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("The log file $log_file has lines in it\n");
  } else {
    $$message_ref = 
        "sub ${test_name_string}_$sub_test command $cmd \n"  .
        "did not produce file $log_file or $log_file does not have " .
        "more than 10 bytes in it\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  if (!(unlink($a_default_executable))) {
    $$message_ref = 
        "Test ${test_name_string}_$sub_test "   .
        "cannot remove file $a_default_executable\n";
  $log_file = 'd.txt';
  $cmd = 'pp -L ' . $log_file .  ' -v';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg314: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  if (-e($log_file) && (-s($log_file) > 10)) {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("The log file $log_file has lines in it\n");
  } else {
    $$message_ref = 
        "sub ${test_name_string}_$sub_test command $cmd \n"  .
        "did not produce file $log_file or $log_file does not have " .
        "more than 10 bytes in it\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_name_four_ways {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of four ways to name the created executable
  # ----
  #     % pp (produces default a.exe on windows)
  #     % pp -o output1.exe
  #     % pp --output output2.exe
  #     % pp --output=output3.exe
  # . Create the file that will print "hello".
  # . system "pp"
  # . system "pp -o output1.exe"
  # . system "--output output2.exe"
  # . system "--output=output3.exe"
  # . pipe each of the three executables, one at a time,
  #   and collect the results.  Each should be "hello".
  # . Get the size of the executables.
  # . Compare the sizes.  They should all be the same size.
  # Success if "hello" in each case, failure otherwise.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;

  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $hello_top_of_file_text = '
print "hello";
  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg320: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $hello_pl_file,

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg322: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg324: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/$a_default_executable\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg326: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp -o output1.exe';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg328: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/output1.exe\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = 'pp --output output2.exe';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg340: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/output2.exe\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce output2.exe?\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = 'pp --output=output3.exe';
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg342: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string ");
      print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/output3.exe\n");

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $a_default_executable?\n";

  return ($error);


sub pp_minus_v_tests {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test -v with no arguements, with some other parameter, too,
  #       in many different ways.\
  #       pp -v 1 > v_1.txt
  #       pp -v 2 > v_2.txt
  #       pp -v 3 > v_3.txt
  #       pp -v > v.txt
  #       pp -vv > vv.txt
  #       pp -vvv > vvv.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -v   > o_v.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -vv  > o_vv.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -vvv > o_vvv.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -v 1 > o_v_1.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -v 2 > o_v_2.txt
  #       pp -o hello.exe -v 3 > o_v_3.txt
  #       pp -v 1 -o hello.exe > v_1_h_o.txt
  #       pp -v 2 -o hello.exe > v_2_h_o.txt
  #       pp -v 3 -o hello.exe > v_3_h_o.txt
  #  . Create the file with the code that will print out "hello".
  #  . For each of the above shown five sets of three commands:
  #    . "system" the commands, which capture the outputs in the
  #      shown .txt files.
  #    . Examine the three created text files for each set of five,
  #      for the patterns shown below.
  #      For v 1
  #           pp:\s+Packing\
  #           pp:\s+ Running.*parl\w*.exe
  #      For v 2
  #           pp:\s+Packing\
  #           pp:\s+Writing\s+PAR\s+on
  #           pp:\s+ Running.*parl\w*.exe
  #      For v 3
  #           pp:\s+Packing\
  #           pp:\s+Writing\s+PAR\s+on
  #           pp:.* making\s+MANIFEST
  #           pp:\s+ Running.*parl\w*.exe
  #  . pipe the created executable and collect the results.
  #    . If the created text file has an "o" in it,
  #      pipe hello.exe on Windows.
  #      Otherwise pipe just a.exe on windows.
  #    Hello should be the result in each case.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $at_least_one_line_not_found = $FALSE;

  my $MODULUS = 3;
  my $max_command_strings = "";
  my $i;
  my $command_string = "";
  my $text_file_to_examine = "";
  my $modulus_result = "";
  my @expected_lines = ();
  my $line = "";
  my $all_lines = ();
  my $test_and_sub_test = "00_00";
  my $file_to_send_to_pipe = "";
  my @converted_array = ();
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  my $hello_top_of_file_text = '
print "hello";
  my @command_strings = (

        'pp -v 1 > v_1.txt',
        'pp -v 2 > v_2.txt',
        'pp -v 3 > v_3.txt',
        'pp -v > v.txt',
        'pp -vv > vv.txt',
        'pp -vvv > vvv.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -v   > o_v.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -vv  > o_vv.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -vvv > o_vvv.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -v 1 > o_v_1.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -v 2 > o_v_2.txt',
        'pp -o hello.exe -v 3 > o_v_3.txt',
        'pp -v 1 -o hello.exe > v_1_h_o.txt',
        'pp -v 2 -o hello.exe > v_2_h_o.txt',
        'pp -v 3 -o hello.exe > v_3_h_o.txt',

  if ($os !~ m/^Win|cygwin/i) {
    @converted_array = ();
    foreach $command_string (@command_strings) {
        $command_string =~ s/hello.exe/hello.out/g;
        push(@converted_array, ($command_string));
    @command_strings = ();
    push(@command_strings, @converted_array);


  my @text_files_to_examine = (

  my @results_to_expect_v = (
  my @results_to_expect_vv = (
  my @results_to_expect_vvv = (

  #............. Remove the ".exe" parts if not Windows
  if ($os !~ m/^Win|cygwin/i) {
    @converted_array = ();
    foreach $line (@results_to_expect_v) {
        $line =~ s/parl\\w\*\\\.exe/\\bparl\\w*\\b/g;
        push(@converted_array, ($line));
    @results_to_expect_v = @converted_array;
  if ($os !~ m/^Win|cygwin/i) {
    @converted_array = ();
    foreach $line (@results_to_expect_vv) {
        $line =~ s/parl\\w\*\\\.exe/\\bparl\\w*\\b/g;
        push(@converted_array, ($line));
    @results_to_expect_vv = @converted_array;
  if ($os !~ m/^Win|cygwin/i) {
    @converted_array = ();
    foreach $line (@results_to_expect_vvv) {
        $line =~ s/parl\\w\*\\\.exe/\\bparl\\w*\\b/g;
        push(@converted_array, ($line));
    @results_to_expect_vvv = @converted_array;

  $max_command_strings = @command_strings;

  $$message_ref = "";

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg344: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  File::Spec->catfile($test_dir, $hello_pl_file),

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\nsub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  for ($i = 0; $i < $max_command_strings; $i++) {
    @expected_lines = ();
    $all_lines = ();
    $at_least_one_line_not_found = $FALSE;
    $test_and_sub_test = $test_number . '_' . $i;

    $text_file_to_examine = $text_files_to_examine[$i];
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("\n\nAbout to test $test_and_sub_test: ");
      print ("$test_name_string\n\n");
      print ("Text file to examine is $text_file_to_examine\n");

    # Remove any executables from prior iterations
    if ($text_file_to_examine =~  m/o/) {
      $file_to_send_to_pipe = $hello_executable;
      if (-e($hello_executable)) {
        # Remove any executables from prior sub tests
        if (!(unlink($hello_executable))) {
          $$message_ref =  "\namsg346: "                      .
              "Test $test_and_sub_test: $test_name_string "   .
              "cannot remove file $hello_executable\n";
      } # exists
    } else {
      if (-e($a_default_executable)) {
        # Remove any executables from prior sub tests
        if (!(unlink($a_default_executable))) {
          $$message_ref =  "\namsg348: "                      .
              "Test $test_and_sub_test: $test_name_string "   .
              "cannot remove file $a_default_executable\n";
      } # exists
      $file_to_send_to_pipe = $a_default_executable;

    $cmd = $command_strings[$i];
    if (system("$cmd")) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg350: sub ${test_name_string}_$test_and_sub_test" .
                      " cannot system $cmd\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    } else {
      if ($verbose) {
        print ("sub $test_name_string ");
        print ("Hopefully, \"$cmd\" created $test_dir/");
        if ($text_file_to_examine =~  m/o/) {
          print ("$hello_executable\n");
        } else {
          print ("$a_default_executable\n");
    if ( ($i % $MODULUS) == 0) {
       push(@expected_lines, (@results_to_expect_v));
    } elsif ( ($i % $MODULUS) == 1) {
       push(@expected_lines, (@results_to_expect_vv));
    } else {
       push(@expected_lines, (@results_to_expect_vvv));

    # Get the results from the created text file.

    $text_file_to_examine = $text_files_to_examine[$i];
    if (-e($text_file_to_examine)) {

      if (open (FH, "$text_file_to_examine")) {

        # Slurp in all the lines of the file at once
        local $/; $all_lines = <FH>;

        if (!(close(FH))) {
          $$message_ref =  "\namsg352: "                                  .
             "Something is wrong with test $test_name_string "            .
             "in directory $test_dir\n"                                   .
             "File $text_file_to_examine exists, and I opened it, "       .
             "but now I cannot close it.\n"                               .
             "Cannot continue with test $test_name_string\n";
          return (EXIT_FAILURE);

      } else {
        $$message_ref = "\namsg354: "                                   .
           "Something is wrong with test $test_name_string "            .
           "in directory $test_dir\n"                                   .
           "File $text_file_to_examine exists but I cannot open it.\n"  .
           "Cannot continue with test $test_name_string\n";
        return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    } else {
      $$message_ref =  "\namsg356: "                                  .
         "Something is wrong with test $test_name_string "            .
         "in directory $test_dir\n"                                   .
         "Command $cmd did not create file $text_file_to_examine\n"   .
         "Cannot continue with test $test_name_string\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    # By this time, I have opened the text file, extracted
    # all of the lines into $all_lines, and closed the file.
    foreach $line (@expected_lines) {
      if ($all_lines !~ m!$line!gm) {
        $at_least_one_line_not_found = $TRUE;
        print ("Line $line does not match\n") if ($verbose);
    if ($at_least_one_line_not_found) {
      $$message_ref =  "\namsg358: "                                  .
         "Something is wrong with test $test_name_string "            .
         "in directory $test_dir\n"                                   .
         "Command $cmd did provide the expected results in file "     .
         "$text_file_to_examine.\n  I expected matches to regexp \n"  .
         "@expected_lines"                                            .
         "\nbut instead got \n$all_lines\n"                           .
         "Cannot continue with test $test_name_string\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    } else {
      if ($verbose) {
        print ("Test $test_name_string, command $cmd, \n");
        print ("file $text_file_to_examine ");
        print ("had the expected results. \.\.\. passed so far ");
        print ("\.\.\.\n");

    # Now to see if the created executable works
    $error = pipe_a_command
    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = 
        " Test $test_and_sub_test \n" . $$message_ref . 
        "\nDid $cmd produce $file_to_send_to_pipe?\n";
      return ($error);


  } # for $i

  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);


sub pp_minus_V {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test -V and of --version
  # ----
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . pipe "pp -V" and collect the results.
  # . The string
  #     "Such use shall not be construed as a distribution"
  #   should be part of what was collected.
  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string_big_V = 'pp -V';
  my $pipe_command_string_minus_minus = 'pp --version';
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $expected_string = 
         "Such use shall not be construed as a distribution";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg360: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = $pipe_command_string_big_V; # Keeps template the same
                                          # as possible.
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $expected_string?\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = $pipe_command_string_minus_minus; # Keeps template the
                                                # same as possible.
  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $expected_string?\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  return ($error);


sub pp_help_tests {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test  of 'pp -h' and of 'pp --help'
  # ----
  #            The help screen should be shown.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . pipe "pp -h" and collect the results
  # . The string "PAR Packager" should have been collected.
  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $pipe_command_string = 'pp -h';
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $expected_string = 'PAR Packager';
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg370: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = 
        "\nTest ${test_number}_$sub_test \n" . $$message_ref;
     return ($error);

  $pipe_command_string = 'pp --help';
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = 
        "\nTest ${test_number}_$sub_test \n" . $$message_ref;

  return ($error);


sub test_par_clean {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN with different parameters
  # ----
  # Notes:  PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN overides -C. If you set 
  #         PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN to 1 or 0, -C doesn't do anything. 
  #         If -C does work, it creates temp-pid dirs, not
  #         cache-sha1 dirs (important for how_many_cache_dirs()).
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Compute the name of the par scratchpad directory.
  # . Try to delete each PAR cache directory
  #   . Skip over the ones that cannot be deleted.  It usually
  #     means that they are in use.  i.e. another PAR application
  #     is running.
  # . $leftover = Count of the cache directories that are left.
  # . Create with the code that will print out the word "hello".
  # .
  # . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0
  # . system pp -o hello
  # . pipe the hello executable and collect the results.
  # . Success if "hello"
  # . There should be 2  + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1
  # . Rerun (system and pipe) the above test
  # . There should be 0  + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again,  remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Test when perl was built as shared library
  #   . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0
  #   . system pp -d -o hello
  #   . Pipe the hello executable and collect the results.
  #   . Success if "hello"
  #   . There should be 2 + $leftover cache directories.
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Test when perl was built as shared library
  #   . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1
  #   . Rerun (system and pipe) the above test
  #   . There should be 0 + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0
  # . system pp -C -o hello
  # . pipe the hello executable and collect the results.
  # . Success if "hello"
  # . There should be 0 + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1
  # . Rerun the above system and pipe test
  # . There should be 0 + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Test when perl was built as shared library
  #   . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0
  #   . system pp -C -d -o hello
  #     . Since PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN exists, the -C will do NOTHING!
  #       Hence a cache dir will be produced.
  #   . Delete PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN
  #   . pipe the hello executable and collect the results.
  #     . Since PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN does not exist, the -C will
  #       have its expected effect, and NOT produce a cache.
  #   . Success if "hello"
  #   . There should be 1 + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Again, remove the cache dirs that we can, and
  #   count up $left_over_cache_dirs.
  # . Test when perl was built as shared library
  #   . Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1
  #   . Rerun (system and pipe) the above test
  #   . There should be 0 + $leftover cache directories.
  # .
  # . Reset Set PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN to 0 so as to not interfere
  #   with future tests.

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $number_of_cache_dirs = 0;
  my $message = "";
  my $par_scratch_dir = find_par_temp_base($verbose);
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;
  my $ignore_errors = $TRUE;
  my $left_over_cache_dirs = 0;
  my $should_be_cache_dirs = 0;

  $$message_ref = "";

  print ("\namsg445: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg446: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);
  print ("\namsg447: There are $left_over_cache_dirs cache dirs left\n") if $verbose;
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg448: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";

    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  print ("amsg450:chdir to $test_dir\n") if ($verbose);

  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg451: sub $test_name_string: $$message_ref";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  print ("\namsg452: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0\n") if ($verbose);
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg453:sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  print ("amsg454: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\namsg455:Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg456: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return ($error);
  $should_be_cache_dirs = 2 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
  if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
    $$message_ref =
       "\namsg457:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
       "cache dirs, \n but there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";

  # Next sub test

  print ("amsg458: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg460: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);
  $cmd = "pp -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  print ("\namsg461: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1\n") if ($verbose);
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg462:sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  print ("amsg463: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\namsg466:Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return ($error);

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg470: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return ($error);
  $should_be_cache_dirs = 0 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
  if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
    $$message_ref =
       "\namsg472:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
       "cache dirs, \nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";

  # Next sub test

  print ("amsg474:Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
   if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg480: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  if ( $Config{useshrplib} and ($Config{useshrplib} ne 'false') ) {
    # Perl was built as shared library, so the -d option is valid.
    $cmd = "pp -d -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
    print ("\namsg482: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0\n") if ($verbose);
    if (system("$cmd")) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg484: sub $test_name_string " .
                      "cannot system $cmd\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    print ("amsg485: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);
    $error = pipe_a_command

    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref =
        $$message_ref . "\namsg486:Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return ($error);

    $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
                "\namsg487: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return ($error);
    $should_be_cache_dirs = 2 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
    if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
      $$message_ref =
         "\namsg488:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
         "cache dirs\nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";
  } # shared lib

  # Next sub test
  print ("amsg489:Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
                               \$left_over_cache_dirs, # This is what we want
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg490: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  if ( $Config{useshrplib} and ($Config{useshrplib} ne 'false') ) {
    # Perl was built as shared library, so the -d option is valid.
    $cmd = "pp -d -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
    print ("\namsg491: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1\n") if ($verbose);
    if (system("$cmd")) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg492:sub $test_name_string "  .
                      "cannot system $cmd\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    print ("amsg493: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

    $error = pipe_a_command

    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref =
        $$message_ref . "\namsg494: Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return ($error);

    $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
                "\namsg498: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
      return ($error);

    $should_be_cache_dirs = 0 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
    if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
      $$message_ref =
         "\namsg500:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
         "cache dirs, \nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";

  } # Perl was built as shared library

  # Next sub test
  print ("amsg502: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg504: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  # Careful!  The -C should clean the cache
  $cmd = "pp -C -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  print ("\namsg505: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0\n") if ($verbose);
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg506:sub $test_name_string "  .
                    "cannot system $cmd\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  print ("amsg508: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

  # This, too, should clean the cache due to the -C flag.
  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\namsg510: Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return ($error);
  $should_be_cache_dirs = 0 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
  if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
    $$message_ref =
       "\namsg511: There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
       "cache dirs\nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";

  # Next sub test

  print ("amsg518: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg520: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  $cmd = "pp -C -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
  print ("\bamsg521: About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1\n") if ($verbose);
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg522:sub $test_name_string "  .
                    "cannot system $cmd\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  print ("amsg524: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

  $error = pipe_a_command

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\namsg526: Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
    return ($error);

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg530: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  $should_be_cache_dirs = 0 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
  if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
    $$message_ref =
       "\namsg532:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
       "cache dirs, \nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";


  # Next sub test

  print ("amsg534: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches \n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg536: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("\namsg537: There are $left_over_cache_dirs cache dirs\n") if $verbose;
  if ( $Config{useshrplib} and ($Config{useshrplib} ne 'false') ) {
    # Perl was built as shared library, so the -d option is valid.
    # Here, $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} exists, so -C will do NOTHING!!!
    # Hence we will get a cache from the system command

    $cmd = "pp -C -d -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
    print ("About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 0\n") if ($verbose);
    if (system("$cmd")) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg538:sub $test_name_string "  .
                      "cannot system $cmd\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    print ("amsg540: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

    delete $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN};
    # Here, $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} does NOT exist, so -C WILL work!!!
    # Hence we will NOT get a cache from the piped command
    $error = pipe_a_command

    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref =
        $$message_ref . "\namsg542: Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return ($error);

    $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
                "\namsg546: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
      return ($error);
    $should_be_cache_dirs = 1 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
    if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
      $$message_ref =
         "\namsg548:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs \n" .
         "cache dirs,\nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n" .
         "\$left_over_cache_dirs is $left_over_cache_dirs\n";



  # Next sub test

  print ("amsg550: Removing $par_scratch_dir caches\n") if $verbose;
  $error = deltree($par_scratch_dir, 0, $message_ref, $ignore_errors);
  if ($error) {
     $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests.

  $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
              "\namsg552: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("\namsg553: There are $left_over_cache_dirs cache dirs\n") if $verbose;

  # Since $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} is 1, the -C should do NOTHING.
  if ( $Config{useshrplib} and ($Config{useshrplib} ne 'false') ) {
    # Perl was built as shared library, so the -d option is valid.
    $cmd = "pp -C -d -o " . "\"$hello_executable\" \"$hello_pl_file\" ";
    print ("About to $cmd with PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN = 1\n") if ($verbose);
    if (system("$cmd")) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg554:sub $test_name_string "  .
                      "cannot system $cmd\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    print ("amsg556: sub $test_name_string did $cmd \n") if ($verbose);

    $error = pipe_a_command

    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref =
        $$message_ref . "\namsg558: Did $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
      $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests
      return ($error);

    $error = how_many_cache_dirs($par_scratch_dir,
    if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
      $$message_ref = $$message_ref .
                "\namsg562: Error from call to how_many_cache_dirs\n";
      return ($error);

    $should_be_cache_dirs = 0 + $left_over_cache_dirs;
    if ($number_of_cache_dirs > $should_be_cache_dirs) {
      $$message_ref =
         "\namsg564:There should be no more than $should_be_cache_dirs " .
         "cache dirs, \nbut there are $number_of_cache_dirs instead\n";

  $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN} = 0; # Do not interfere with future tests

sub pp_gui_tests { 
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test of 'pp --gui --icon hi.ico -o hello.exe'
  # ----
  #            The file hi.ico should already exist in the same
  #            directory as the running program, so that it can
  #            be copied to the test directory. is created.
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the file with code that will print "hello".
  # . Assume the icon hi.ico already exists.
  # . Build the out.exe with
  #     pp --gui --icon hi.ico -o out.exe
  # . Test the out.exe for gui and icon. We can use Win32::Exe
  #   itself to inspect the GUI and icon status of the resulting
  #   exe, so the snippet below should do:
  #   my $exe = Win32::Exe->new('out.exe');
  #   my $ico = Win32::Exe->new('hi.ico');
  #   is($exe->Subsystem, 'windows');
  #   is($exe->dump_iconfile, $ico->dump_iconfile);
  # Success if true in both cases, failure otherwise.  # 
  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $cmd = 'pp --gui --icon hi.ico -o ' . "$hello_executable $hello_pl_file";

  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $file_to_copy = "";
  my $exe = "";
  my $ico = "";
  my $FALSE = 0;
  my $exe_is_okay = $FALSE;
  my $ico_is_okay = $FALSE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;

  print ("orig_dir is $orig_dir\n") if $verbose;

  if ($os !~ m/^Win/i) {
    print ("Test $test_name_string not done on OS: $os\n");
  } else {
    if ($no_win32_exe) {
      print ("Test $test_name_string not run because ");
      print ("Win32-Exe is not present\n");
     return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg566: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if ($verbose) {
    print ("chdir to $test_dir\n");

  $file_to_copy = File::Spec->catfile($orig_dir, 'hi.ico');
  if(!(copy($file_to_copy, "$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg568: sub $test_name_string: cannot " .
                       "copy $file_to_copy to $test_dir:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if ($verbose) {
    print ("Copied $file_to_copy to $test_dir\n");
  $error = create_file($test_file, "hello", $verbose, $message_ref);
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\npgt_msg570: sub $test_name_string: $$message_ref";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg572: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd:$!:\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  } else {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("sub $test_name_string did $cmd ");

  $exe = Win32::Exe->new($hello_executable);
  $ico = Win32::Exe::IconFile->new('hi.ico');

  if ($ico->dump_iconfile eq $exe->dump_iconfile) {
    $ico_is_okay = $TRUE;
  } else {
    $ico_is_okay = $FALSE;
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref . "amsg574: sub $test_name_string " .
               ": ico->dump_iconfile is not exe->dump_iconfile\n";

  if ($exe->Subsystem eq 'windows') {
    $exe_is_okay = $TRUE;
  } else {
    $exe_is_okay = $FALSE;
    $$message_ref = $$message_ref . "amsg576: sub $test_name_string " .
               ": exe->Subsystem is not windows\n";

  if ($exe_is_okay && $ico_is_okay) {
    if ($verbose) {
      print ("Win32::Exe shows a good icon file\n");

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
  } else {
      $$message_ref = $$message_ref . 
        "\nThe command $cmd did not produce a good icon on exe\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE)


sub create_small_minus_a_pl_file {
  my ($test_name_string,
      $message_ref) = @_;

  $$message_ref = "";
  my $error;

  if ($verbose) {
    print ("amsg580: sub create_small_minus_a_pl_file has \n");
    print ("test_name_string is $test_name_string\n");
    print ("sub_test is $sub_test\n");
    print ("hello_pl_file is $hello_pl_file\n");
    print ("modified_fqpn is $modified_fqpn\n");

my $pl_verbiage = 
'#!/usr/bin/perl' . "\n" .
'use PAR;' . "\n" .
'my $line;' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'my $text = "";' . "\n" .
'$text = PAR::read_file("' . $modified_fqpn . '");' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'print($text);' . "\n" .

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg582: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);



sub pp_test_small_minus_a {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test the small -a flag
  # ----
  # Outline
  # -------
  # First Pass Outline
  # ------------------
  # . Run two groups of tests, four total subtests
  #   ........................................................................
  #   . my $text = PAR::read_file("a/small_a/text");
  #     . Test the above line to work with
  #           pp -o hello.exe -a c:\a\small_a\text
  #       or
  #           pp -o hello.exe -a c:/a/small_a/text
  #       or
  #           pp -o hello.exe -a "c:/a/small_a/text;a/small_a/text"
  #   . my $text = PAR::read_file("/a/small_a/text");
  #     . Test the above line to work with
  #           pp -o hello.exe -a "c:/a/small_a/text;/a/small_a/text"
  #   ........................................................................
  # Detailed Outline
  # ----------------
  # Note: "fqpn" means "fully qualified path name"
  #  Examples:  Assume the text file c:\a\small_a\text
  #  $orig_fqpn = c:\a\small_a\text
  #        This is the original fqpn 
  #  $forward_fqpn = c:/a/small_a/text
  #        This is the original fqpn with forward slashes
  #  $forward_with_slash_fqpn = /a/small_a/text
  #        This is forward_fqpn with no drive letter or colon
  #  $forward_no_slash_fqpn = a/small_a/text
  #        This is forward_fqpn with no drive letter,colon or first slash
  # ..............................................................
  # Preliminary things to be done:
  # . Create the file $textfile, with a line of text ("hello").
  # . Create $expected_results = "hello from open hello"
  #  . Create (As shown in Examples just above)
  #    . $orig_fqpn
  #    . $forward_fqpn, 
  #    . $forward_with_slash_fqpn
  #    . $forward_no_slash_fqpn
  #   ..................
  #   . Create file to look like this:
  #      my $text = PAR::read_file("$modified_fqpn");
  #      print($text);
  #   ..................
  # ..............................................................
  # First test group
  #   . Obtain $modified_fqpn = $forward_no_slash_fqpn,
  #   Test 1
  #     . system (pp -o hello.exe -a $orig_fqpn;
  #     . Run hello.exe
  #     . Delete $textfile and run hello.exe again
  #     . Copy to, and run, hello.exe from a different directory
  #   Test 2
  #     . Recreate $textfile
  #     . system (pp -o hello.exe -a $forward_fqpn;
  #     . Run hello.exe
  #     . Delete $textfile and run hello.exe again
  #     . Copy to, and run, hello.exe from a different directory
  #   Test 3
  #     . Recreate $textfile
  #     . system (pp -o hello.exe -a "$forward_fqpn;$forward_no_slash_fqpn";
  #     . Run hello.exe
  #     . Delete $textfile and run hello.exe again
  #     . Copy to, and run, hello.exe from a different directory
  # ..............................................................
  # Second test group
  #   . Obtain $modified_fqpn = $forward_with_slash_fqpn,
  #   Test 4
  #     . Make all of the slashes to be forward slashes.
  #     . Recreate $textfile
  #     . system (pp -o hello.exe -a "$forward_fqpn;$forward_with_slash_fqpn";
  #     . Run hello.exe
  #     . Delete $textfile and run hello.exe again
  #     . Copy to, and run, hello.exe from a different directory

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;
  my $message = "";

  my $expected_results = "hello";
  my $textfile = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, "text");
  my $orig_fqpn = $textfile;
  my $forward_fqpn;
  my $forward_with_slash_fqpn;
  my $forward_no_slash_fqpn;
  my $modified_fqpn;

  ($forward_fqpn = $textfile) =~ s!\\!\/!g;
  ($forward_with_slash_fqpn = $forward_fqpn) =~ s!^\w:!!;
  ($forward_no_slash_fqpn = $forward_with_slash_fqpn) =~ s!^\/!!;
  $modified_fqpn = $forward_no_slash_fqpn;


  if ($verbose) {
    $message =
      "\$textfile = $textfile\n"                                  .
      "\$orig_fqpn = $orig_fqpn\n"                                .
      "\$forward_fqpn = $forward_fqpn\n"                          .
      "\$forward_with_slash_fqpn = $forward_with_slash_fqpn\n"    .
      "\$forward_no_slash_fqpn = $forward_no_slash_fqpn\n"        .
      "\$$modified_fqpn = $modified_fqpn\n"
      ; # 
    print $message;

  $$message_ref = "";
  #                            Sub Test 1

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg590: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($textfile, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg592: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_small_minus_a_pl_file ($test_name_string,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg594: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -a \"$orig_fqpn\"";

  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg596: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  #                            Sub Test 2
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg598: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($textfile, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg600: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -a \"$forward_fqpn\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg602: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  #                             Sub Test 3
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg604: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($textfile, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg606: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -a \"$forward_fqpn;$forward_no_slash_fqpn\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg608: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  # Second test group
  #                             Sub Test 4

  $modified_fqpn = $forward_with_slash_fqpn;

  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg610: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($textfile, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg614: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_small_minus_a_pl_file ($test_name_string,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg616: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -a \"$forward_fqpn;$forward_with_slash_fqpn\"";
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg618: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);


sub create_large_minus_a_pl_file {
  my ($test_name_string,
      $message_ref) = @_;

  $$message_ref = "";
  my $error;

  if ($verbose) {
    print ("amsg630: sub create_large_minus_a_pl_file has \n");
    print ("test_name_string is $test_name_string\n");
    print ("sub_test is $sub_test\n");
    print ("hello_pl_file is $hello_pl_file\n");
    print ("all_text_files is $all_text_files\n");

  $all_text_files =~ s!^\w:!!;  
  $all_text_files =~ s!^\\!!;
  $all_text_files =~ s!\\\\!\/!g;

my $pl_verbiage = 
'#!/usr/bin/perl -w' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'use PAR;' . "\n" .
'use strict;' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'my @files = split "[\r\n]+", PAR::read_file(' . "\"$all_text_files\"" . ');' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'my $file = "";' . "\n" .
'my $text = "";' . "\n" .
'my $accumulated_text = "";' . "\n" .
'foreach $file (@files) {' . "\n" .
'  $file =~ s!^\w:!!;  ' . "\n" .
'  $file =~ s!^\\\\!!;' . "\n" .
'  $file =~ s!\\\\!\/!g;' . "\n" .
'  $file =~ s!^\\/!!g;' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'  $text = PAR::read_file("$file");' . "\n" .
'  chomp($text);' . "\n" .
'  $accumulated_text = $accumulated_text . $text;' . "\n" .
'}' . "\n" .
'print $accumulated_text;'

  $error = create_file($hello_pl_file,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg632: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  print ("\namsg634: sub create_large_minus_a_pl_file was successful\n") if $verbose;


sub pp_test_large_minus_A {
  my (
     ) = @_;

  # Goal: Test the large -A flag
  # ----
  # First Pass Outline
  # ------------------
  # ........................................................................
  # . my $text = PAR::read_file("path/list_file");
  #   . Test the above line to work with
  #       pp -o hello.exe -A list_file -a list_file
  #     or
  #       pp -o hello.exe -A c:\path\list_file -a c:\path\list_file
  #     or
  #       pp -o hello.exe -A c:/path/list_file -a c:\path\list_file
  #  Note for PAR::read_file("path/list_file"): "path" does NOT
  #       contain the drive letter, colon or leading slash!!!
  #   ........................................................................
  # Outline
  # -------
  # . Create the files (text1, text2) with a different line of 
  #   text ("hello01", "hello02") in each.
  # . Create a fourth text file, all_text_files, and
  #   list the full path names of the first two files in it.
  # . Create the file that will
  #   . PAR::read_file the file all_text_files and get the names
  #     of the two files.
  #   . For each of the two files,
  #     . Strip any leading drive letter and colon
  #     . Strip any leading back slash.
  #     . Convert remaining back slashes to forward slashes 
  #     . PAR::read_file the file and get it's contents.
  #   . Print the acumulated contents
  # . system (pp -o hello.exe -A list_file -a list_file
  # . Run hello
  # . Delete all text files.
  # . Run hello again
  # . Copy hello to a different directory and run it again
  # . system (pp -o hello.exe -A c:\path\list_file -a c:\path\list_file
  # . Run hello
  # . Delete all text files.
  # . Run hello again
  # . Copy hello to a different directory and run it again
  # . system (pp -o hello.exe -A c:/path/list_file -a c:/path/list_file
  # . Run hello
  # . Delete all text files.
  # . Run hello again
  # . Copy hello to a different directory and run it again

  my $error = EXIT_FAILURE;
  my $test_file = $hello_pl_file;
  my $pipe_command_string = "";
  my $cmd = "";
  my $sub_test = 0;
  my $print_cannot_locate_message = $FALSE;
  my $all_text_files = "all_text_files";
  my $all_text_files_fqpn = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, $all_text_files);
  my $expected_results = "hello01hello02";

  # Note: The fully qualified path name must be given for PAR::read_file
  my $textfile01 = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, "text01");
  my $textfile02 = File::Spec->catdir($test_dir, "text02");

  my $all_text_files_verbiage = "$textfile01\n$textfile02\n";

  $$message_ref = "";
  if (!(chdir("$test_dir"))) {
      $$message_ref = "\namsg638: sub $test_name_string cannot " .
                      "chdir $test_dir\n:$!:\n";
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $error = create_file($textfile01, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello01");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg640: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file($textfile02, "", $verbose, $message_ref, "hello02");
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg642: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_file(  $all_text_files_fqpn, "", 
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg644 sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = create_large_minus_a_pl_file ($test_name_string,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg646: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -A $all_text_files " .
                                " -a $all_text_files " .
                                " $hello_pl_file";
  print ("\namsg648: About to system $cmd\n") if $verbose;
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg649: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);

  #                        Sub Test
  $error = create_large_minus_a_pl_file ($test_name_string,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg650: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $error = create_file(  $all_text_files_fqpn, "", 
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg652 sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -A \"$all_text_files_fqpn\" " .
                                " -a \"$all_text_files_fqpn\" " .
                                " $hello_pl_file";
  print ("\namsg654: About to system $cmd\n") if $verbose;
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg656: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  #                        Sub Test
  $error = create_large_minus_a_pl_file ($test_name_string,
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg658: sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  $error = create_file(  $all_text_files_fqpn, "", 
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg670 sub $test_name_string: " . $$message_ref;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $all_text_files_fqpn =~ s!\\!\/!g;
  $cmd = "pp -o $hello_executable -A \"$all_text_files_fqpn\" " .
                                " -a \"$all_text_files_fqpn\" " .
                                " $hello_pl_file";
  print ("\namsg672: About to system $cmd\n") if $verbose;
  if (system("$cmd")) {
    $$message_ref = "\namsg674: sub $test_name_string cannot system $cmd\n";
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  $error = pipe_a_command
  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
    return ($error);

  print ("About to remove a file and try executable again\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = remove_file_and_try_executable_again

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    return ($error);

  print ("About to test in a different subdir\n") if ($verbose);
  $error = test_in_further_subdir (

  if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
    $$message_ref =
      $$message_ref . "\nDid $cmd produce $hello_executable?\n";
     return ($error);


  return ($error);



##################### Beginning - Start of Main #########################

my $startdir = "";

my $answer = "";
my $orig_dir = cwd;

my $test_name_string = "";
my $test_number = 1;
my $error = EXIT_SUCCESS;
my $message = "";
my $test_dir = "";

my $hello_pl_file = "hello\.pl";
my $foo_pl_file = "foo\.pl";
my $bar_pl_file = "bar\.pl";
my $hello_par_file_with_dot_par = "hello\.par";
my $hello_par_file_no_dot_par = "hello";

my $hello_executable = "hello\.exe";
my $foo_executable = "foo\.exe";
my $bar_executable = "bar\.exe";
my $a_default_executable = "a\.exe";
my $a_default_dot_par = "a\.par";

my $verbose = "";
my $debug_log = "";
my $debug = $FALSE;
my $perl = "";
my $par = "";

GetOptions(  "verbose"         => \$verbose,
             "debug"           => \$debug,
             "startdir=s"      => \$startdir,
             "perl_location=s" => \$perl,
             "par_location=s"  => \$par,

$verbose = 0 if (!defined($verbose) or ($verbose eq ""));

$perl = $^X if ($perl eq "");
if (!(-e($perl))) {
  print ("The perl executable \"$perl\" does not exist\n");

  # Examples for Posix os, hostname, release, version, hardware
  #      Example from Unix:
  #                   os        FreeBSD,
  #                   hostname  my_machine_name
  #                   release   4.3-RELEASE
  #                   version   FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE #0: Sat Apr
  #                   hardware  i386
  #      Example from windows 2000:
  #                   os        Windows NT
  #                   hostname  my_machine_name
  #                   release   5.0
  #                   version   Build 2195 (Service Pack 2)
  #                   hardware  x86
  # os examples: could match Win, CYGWIN_NT, FreeBSD, SunOS, Linux

if (!$par) {
  foreach my $dir ( split(/\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}) ) {
    $par = File::Spec->catfile($dir, '');
    last if -f $par;

if (!(-f($par))) {
  print ("amsg5000: The par executable \"$par\" does not exist\n");

my $_out = $Config{_exe} || '.out';

$hello_pl_file = "";
$foo_pl_file = "";
$bar_pl_file = "";
$hello_par_file_with_dot_par = "hello.par";
$hello_par_file_no_dot_par = "hello";
$a_default_executable = "a$_out";
$a_default_dot_par = "a.par";
$hello_executable = "hello$_out";
$foo_executable = "foo$_out";
$bar_executable = "bar$_out";

if ($startdir eq "")  {
    $startdir = File::Spec->catdir($orig_dir, 'pp_switch_tests');
File::Path::rmtree([$startdir]) if -d $startdir;

# Clean up after us.

if ($debug) {
  # Open up a debug log to log the tests that passed
  $debug_log = File::Spec->catfile($startdir, "debug.log");
  if(!(open (DEBUG, ">$debug_log"))) {
    die ("Cannot open debug log $debug_log:$!:\n");

#SKIP: { 
#  $test_number = 31;
#  skip("Skipping  tests for brevity "  . "$test_number \n", 30);

########################### Next Test 001 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_hello_1";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n" .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error = pp_hello_1(  $test_name_string,

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 002 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_o_hello_hello_dot_pl";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 003 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_o_foo_foo_dot_pl_bar_dot_pl";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 004 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_p_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 005 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_p_minus_o_hello_dot_par_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 006 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_o_hello_file_dot_par";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 007 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_S_minus_o_hello_file";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 008 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_p_minus_o_out_dot_par_file";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 009 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_B_with_small_minus_p_tests";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 010 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_B_with_large_minus_P_tests";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 011 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_e_print_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 012 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_p_minus_e_print_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 013 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_P_minus_e_print_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 014 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_c_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 015 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_x_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
print ("\n\n"); # To get by some "hello" print outs that interfere

ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 016 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_n_minus_x_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
print ("\n\n"); # To get by some "hello" print outs that interfere

ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 017 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_I_foo_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 018 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_I_foo_minus_I_bar_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 019 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_lib_foo_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 020 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_lib_foo_minus_lib_bar_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 021 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_M_foo_hidden_print_foo";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 022 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_M_foo_minus_M_bar_hello";

$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"    .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");
$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 023 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_X_module_foo";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 024 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_r_hello";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 025 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_r_hello_a_b_c";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 026 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_hello_to_log_file";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 027 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_name_four_ways";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 028 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_v_tests";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 029 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_minus_V";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 030 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_help_tests";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

#      } # SKIP 

########################### Next Test 031 ##################################
$test_name_string = "test_par_clean";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);

TODO: { 
  todo_skip("Not yet clean", 1);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 032 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_gui_tests";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 033 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_test_small_minus_a";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);

########################### Next Test 034 ##################################
$test_name_string = "pp_test_large_minus_A";
$error = prior_to_test($test_number,
if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE) {
  $message = "\nCannot run test $test_name_string due to\n"     .
             "prior_to_test: Test $test_number : $message\n";

if ($verbose) {
  print ("About to run test $test_number: $test_name_string ");
  print ("in directory $test_dir\n");

$error =

if ($debug) {
  if ($error) {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string FAILED\n");
    print DEBUG ("$message\n");
  } else {
    print DEBUG ("\n\nTest $test_number: $test_name_string PASSED\n");

after_test($test_number++, $error, $message, $verbose);
ok ($error == EXIT_SUCCESS, "$test_name_string" . " $message");
print ("\n\n\n") if ($error == EXIT_FAILURE);


if ($debug) {
  close(DEBUG) or die ("At end of test: Cannot close file $debug_log:$!:\n");