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package VCS::CMSynergy::Project;

# Copyright (c) 2001-2015 argumentum GmbH
# See COPYRIGHT section in VCS/CMSynergy.pod for usage and distribution rights.

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

VCS::CMSynergy::Project - convenience methods for C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>s of type C<"project">


C<VCS::CMSynergy::Project> is a subclass of L<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>
with additional methods for Synergy projects.

  use VCS::CMSynergy;
  $ccm = VCS::CMSynergy->new(%attr);
  $proj = $ccm->object("editor-1:project:1");
  print ref $proj;                      # "VCS::CMSynergy::Project"


    sub { print "  " x VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::depth(), $_, "\n"; } );

This synopsis only lists the major methods.


use base qw(VCS::CMSynergy::Object);

use Carp;
use Type::Params qw( validate );
use Types::Standard qw( Str Optional InstanceOf Maybe
                        ArrayRef CodeRef HashRef );
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

# don't blame errors from _must_be_one_of below on one of these
use vars qw(@ISA);
our @CARP_NOT = ("VCS::CMSynergy", @ISA);


=head2 chdir_into_wa

  my $old_pwd = $proj->chdir_into_wa;

Changes into the toplevel workarea directory of project C<$proj>.
Returns C<undef> if C<$proj> doesn't maintain a workarea or
the C<chdir()> failed, otherwise returns the name of current working
directory before the call.


# FIXME needs test
sub chdir_into_wa
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->ccm->set_error("project `$self' doesn't maintain a workarea")
        unless $self->get_attribute("maintain_wa") eq "TRUE";

    my $wa_top = File::Spec->catfile($self->get_attribute("wa_path"), $self->name);
    my $old_pwd = cwd();
        or return $self->ccm->set_error("can't chdir($wa_top) into workarea of project `$self': $!");
    return $old_pwd;


=head2 traverse

  $proj->traverse(\&wanted, $dir);
  $proj->traverse(\%options, $dir);

C<traverse> walks the tree below directory C<$dir>
in the invocant project without the need for a workarea.
It is modelled on L<File::Find>.

C<&wanted> is a code reference described in
L</"wanted function"> below. C<$dir>
must be a C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>. If C<$dir> is omitted,
it defaults to the top level directory of the invocant.

=head3 wanted function

C<&wanted> is called once for all objects below C<$dir>
including C<$dir> itself. It will also be called on subprojects
of the incocant project, but C<traverse> will not recurse into
subprojects unless the C<subprojects> flag is specified
(see L</"options"> below).

On each call to C<&wanted>, C<$_> will be bound to the
currently traversed object (a C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>).

C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs> will be bound to
an array of C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>s of cvtype C<dir> representing
the path  from C<$dir> to C<$_> (in the context of the invocant project).
In particular, C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs[-1]>
is the parent C<dir> of C<$_>.

The convenience function C<VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::path()>
returns the filesystem path for C<$_>. It is short for

  join($pathsep, map { $_->name } @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs, $_)

where C<$pathsep> is your platform's path separator.

The convenience function C<VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::depth()> returns the
current depth, where the top level project has depth 0. It is short for

  scalar @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs

Similarly C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::projects> represents the
subproject hierarchy starting with the invocant project.
In particular, C<$_> is a member of C<$VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::projects[-1]>.

Note: C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs> and
C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::projects> are both readonly arrays,
i.e. you can't modify them in any way.

You may set C<$VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::prune> to a true
value in C<&wanted> to stop recursion into sub directories (or subprojects)
(this makes only sense when C<&wanted> is called
on a C<dir> or C<project> object).

If recursion into subprojects is specfied, C<&wanted>
will be called once for the C<project> object and also for the
top level C<dir> of the subproject.

=head3 options

The first argument of C<traverse> may also be a hash reference.
The following keys are supported:

=over 4

=item C<wanted> (code reference)

The value should be a code reference. It is described in
L</"wanted function">.

=item C<bydepth> (boolean)

If this option is set, C<traverse>
calls C<&wanted> on a directory (or project) only B<after>
all its entries have been processed. It is "off" by default.

=item C<preprocess> (code reference)

The value should be a code reference. It is used to preprocess
the children of a C<dir> or C<project>, i.e. B<before> L<traverse>
starts traversing it. You can use it to impose an ordering
among "siblings" in the traversal. You can also filter out
objects, so that C<wanted> will never be called on them
(and traversal will not recurse on them in case of
C<dir>s or C<project>s).

The preprocessing function is called with
a list of C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>s and is expected to return
a possibly reordered subset of this list. Note that
the list may contain C<dir> and C<project> objects.
When the preprocessing function is called,
C<$_> is bound to the parent object (which is always
of C<cvtype> C<dir> or C<project>).

=item C<postprocess> (code reference)

The value should be a code reference. It is invoked just before
leaving the current C<dir> or C<project>.

When the postprocessing function is called,
C<$_> is bound to the current object  (which is always
of C<cvtype> C<dir> or C<project>).

=item C<subprojects> (boolean)

If this option is set, C<traverse>
will recurse into subprojects. It is "off" by default.

=item C<pathsep> (string)

The path separator to use for C<VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::path()>.
The default is your platform's path separator.

=item C<attributes> (array ref)

This option is only useful if
L<:cached_attributes|VCS::CMSynergy/":cached_attributes"> is in effect.
It should contain a reference to an
array of attribute names. If present, C<traverse> passes it down to
C<query_object> during traversal. Hence all objects encountered
in the traversal (e.g. C<$_> when bound in C<wanted> or the elements
of the directory stack C<@VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::dirs>) have
their attribute caches primed for the given attributes,
cf. L<query_object|VCS::CMSynergy/"query_object">.


Note that for any particular C<dir> (or C<project>) object,
the above code references are always called in order
C<preprocess>, C<wanted>, C<postprocess>.


  my $proj = $ccm->object('toolkit-1.0:project:1');

    sub { print VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::path(), "\n" } );

This prints the directory tree of project B<toolkit-1.0:project:1>
similar to the Unix command L<find>. The order of entries in a directory
is unspecified and sub projects are not traversed:


Another example:

      wanted => sub {
        return unless $_->cvtype eq "project";
        my $proj_depth = @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::projects;
        print "  " x $proj_depth, $_->displayname, "\n";
      preprocess => sub { sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @_; },
      subprojects => 1,

This prints the complete project hierarchy rooted at
B<toolkit-1.0:project:1>.  Only projects will be shown,
entries are sorted by name and are intended according to their depth:



# tied array class that acts as a readonly front to a real array
# NOTE: TIEARRAY expects as first parameter a closure that
# returns a reference to the "back" array. Storing the array reference
# itself in the tied arraay doesn't work when the "back" array is local'ized.
    package Tie::ReadonlyArray; 

    use Carp;

    sub TIEARRAY        { bless $_[1], $_[0]; }
    sub FETCH           { $_[0]->()->[$_[1]]; }
    sub FETCHSIZE       { scalar @{$_[0]->()}; }
        = *PUSH = *POP = *UNSHIFT = *SHIFT = *SPLICE
        = sub { croak "attempt to modify a readonly array"; };

# put some items into the VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal namespace
    package VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal;

    # private
    our (@_dirs, @_projects, $_pathsep, $_catdirs);

    # public
    our (@dirs, @projects, $prune);             
    tie @dirs,     "Tie::ReadonlyArray" => sub { \@_dirs };
    tie @projects, "Tie::ReadonlyArray" => sub { \@_projects };

    # NOTE:references $_ (the currently traversed object)
    sub path            { return @_dirs ?
                            $_catdirs.$_pathsep.$_->name : $_->name }

    sub depth           { return scalar @_dirs }

    sub _catdirs        { $_catdirs = join($_pathsep, map { $_->name } @_dirs) }

my %traverse_opts =
    wanted      => "CODE",
    preprocess  => "CODE",
    postprocess => "CODE",
    attributes  => "ARRAY",
    bydepth     => undef,
    subprojects => undef,
    pathsep     => undef,

sub traverse
    my $self = shift;
    my ($arg_wanted, $dir) =
        validate(\@_, (CodeRef | HashRef), Optional[InstanceOf["VCS::CMSynergy::Object"]]);

    my %wanted;
    if (ref $arg_wanted eq 'CODE')
        %wanted = ( wanted => $arg_wanted );
    elsif (ref $arg_wanted eq 'HASH')
        %wanted = %$arg_wanted;         # make a copy, so we can't inadvertently modify it
        while (my ($opt, $value) = each %wanted)
            croak(__PACKAGE__.qq[::traverse: argument 1 ("wanted"): unrecognized option "$opt"])
                unless exists $traverse_opts{$opt};

            my $type = $traverse_opts{$opt} or next;
            croak(__PACKAGE__.qq[::traverse: argument 1 ("wanted"): option "$opt" must be a $type: $value])
                unless UNIVERSAL::isa($value, $type);
        croak(__PACKAGE__."::traverse: argument 1 (wanted hash ref): option `wanted' is mandatory")
            unless $wanted{wanted};

    if (defined $dir)
        croak(__PACKAGE__."::traverse: argument 2 (dir) must have cvtype `dir': $dir")
            unless $dir->is_dir;

        # check that $dir is indeed a member of $self
        my $parents = $self->has_child($dir);
        return $self->ccm->set_error("directory `$dir' isn't a member of `$self'")
            unless @$parents;

        # fetch its $wanted{attributes}
        $dir->property($wanted{attributes}) if $wanted{attributes};
        $dir = $self;

    local @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_projects = ($self);
    local @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_dirs = ();
    local $VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_pathsep =
        (delete $wanted{pathsep}) || VCS::CMSynergy::Client::_pathsep();

    $self->_traverse(\%wanted, $dir);

# helper method: grunt work of traverse
sub _traverse
    my ($self, $wanted, $parent) = @_;

    # NOTE: $parent is either a "dir" or "project" by construction
    my $children = $self->is_child_of(
        $parent->is_dir ? $parent : undef, @{ $wanted->{attributes} })
        or return;

    if ($wanted->{preprocess})
        # make $_ the current dir/project during preprocess'ing
        local $_ = $parent;
        { $children = [ $wanted->{preprocess}->(@$children) ]; }

    if (!$wanted->{bydepth})
        local $_ = $parent;
        local $VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::prune = 0;
        { $wanted->{wanted}->(); }              # protect against wild "next"
        return 1 if $VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::prune;

    push @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_dirs, $parent unless $parent->is_project;

    foreach (@$children)                        # localizes $_
        if ($_->is_project && $wanted->{subprojects})
            push @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_projects, $_;
            $_->_traverse($wanted, $_) or return;
            pop @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_projects;
        if ($_->is_dir)
            $self->_traverse($wanted, $_) or return;

        { $wanted->{wanted}->(); }

    pop @VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::_dirs unless $parent->is_project;

    if ($wanted->{bydepth})
        local $_ = $parent;
        local $VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::prune = 0;
        { $wanted->{wanted}->(); }
        return 1 if $VCS::CMSynergy::Traversal::prune;

    if ($wanted->{postprocess})
        # make $_ the current dir/project during postprocess'ing
        local $_ = $parent;
        { $wanted->{postprocess}->(); }

    return 1;


=head2 recursive_is_member_of, hierarchy_project_members

These are convenience methods to enumerate recursively all members
of the invocant project or just the sub projects.

  $members = $proj->recursive_is_member_of($order_spec, @keywords);
  $sub_projs = $proj->hierarchy_project_members($order_spec, @keywords);

are exactly the same as

  $members = $proj->ccm->query_object(
    "recursive_is_member_of('$proj',$order_spec)", @keywords);
  $sub_projs = $proj->ccm->query_object(
    "hierarchy_project_members('$proj',$order_spec)", @keywords);

C<$order_spec> and C<@keywords> are optional. If C<$order_spec> is
C<undef> or not supplied, C<"none"> is used.
If you supply C<@keywords> these are passed down
to L<VCS::CMSynergy/query_object> as additional keywords.


sub recursive_is_member_of
    my $self = shift;
    my ($order_spec, $keywords) = @_ ? validate(\@_, Maybe[Str], VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS()) : ();
    $order_spec ||= "none";

    return $self->ccm->query_object("recursive_is_member_of('$self',$order_spec)", @$keywords);

sub hierarchy_project_members
    my $self = shift;
    my ($order_spec, $keywords) = @_ ? validate(\@_, Maybe[Str], VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS()) : ();
    $order_spec ||= "none";

    return $self->ccm->query_object("hierarchy_project_members('$self',$order_spec)", @$keywords);

=head2 is_child_of, has_child

These are convenience methods to enumerate all members of a directory
(C<is_child_of>) or all directories that contain the object (C<has_child>),
both in the context of the invocant project

  $members = $proj->is_child_of($dir, @keywords);

  $parents = $proj->has_child($obj, @keywords);

are exactly the same as

  $members = $proj->ccm->query_object(
    "is_child_of('$dir','$proj')", @keywords);

  $parents = $proj->ccm->query_object(
    "has_child('$obj','$proj')", @keywords);

For C<has_child>, C<$obj> may be any C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>.

For C<is_child_of>, C<$dir> is optional; if supplied
it must be a C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object> of type C<"dir">.
If C<$dir> is C<undef> or not supplied, C<is_child_of> returns
the toplevel directory of the invocant project (NOTE: the return value
is actually a reference to an array with one element).

If you supply C<@keywords> these are passed down
to L<VCS::CMSynergy/query_object> as additional keywords.


sub is_child_of
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dir, $keywords) =
        validate(\@_, Maybe[InstanceOf["VCS::CMSynergy::Object"]], VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS());
    if (defined $dir)
        croak(__PACKAGE__."::is_child_of: argument 1 ($dir) must have cvtype `dir'")
            unless $dir->is_dir;
        $dir = $self;

    return $self->ccm->query_object("is_child_of('$dir','$self')", @$keywords);

sub has_child
    my $self = shift;
    my ($obj, $keywords) =
        validate(\@_, InstanceOf["VCS::CMSynergy::Object"], VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS());

    return $self->ccm->query_object("has_child('$obj','$self')", @$keywords);

=head2 project_grouping, process_rule

  $pg = $proj->project_grouping(@keywords);

  $pr = $proj->process_rule(@keywords);

These are convenience methods to return
the I<project_grouping> (as a C<VCS::CMSynergy::Projectgrouping>)
and I<process_rule> (as a C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object>) of the invocant project.

are exactly the same as

  $pg = $proj->is_project_grouping_of(@keywords)->[0];

  $pr = $proj->is_reconfigure_template_of(@keywords)->[0];

Note that static projects have neither I<project_grouping> nor
I<process_rule>; in that case C<undef> is returned.

If you supply C<@keywords> these are passed down to
L<is_..._of|VCS::CMSynergy::Object/"is_RELATION_of, has_RELATION">
as additional keywords.


sub project_grouping
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->is_project_grouping_of(@_)->[0];

sub process_rule
    my $self = shift;
    # NOTE: The relation from project to process rule is still called
    # "reconfigure_template".
    return $self->is_reconfigure_template_of(@_)->[0];

=head2 object_from_path

  $obj = $proj->object_from_path($path, @keywords);
  $obj = $proj->object_from_path(\@path_components, @keywords);

Returns the C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object> identified by
workarea path C<$path> in project C<$proj>.

  $obj = $proj->ccm->object_from_proj_ref($path, $proj, @keywords);
  $obj = $proj->ccm->object_from_proj_ref(\@path_components, $proj, @keywords);

See L<VCS::CMSynergy/object_from_proj_ref> for details.


sub object_from_path
    my $self = shift;
    my ($path, $keywords) = validate(\@_, (Str | ArrayRef[Str]), VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS());

    return $self->ccm->object_from_proj_ref($path, $self, @$keywords);

=head2 project_tree

  $hash = $proj->project_tree(\%options);

is exactly the same as

  $hash = $proj->ccm->project_tree(\%options, $proj);

See L<VCS::CMSynergy/project_tree>.


sub project_tree
    my ($self, $options) = @_;
    return $self->ccm->project_tree($options, $self);

=head2 top_dir

  $dir = $proj->top_dir(@keywords);

Returns the C<VCS::CMSynergy::Object> representing the top level directory
of project C<$proj>.

If you supply C<@keywords> these are passed down
to L<VCS::CMSynergy/query_object> as additional keywords.


sub top_dir
    my ($self, @keywords) = @_;
    return $self->ccm->query_object(
        { is_child_of => [ $self, $self ] }, @keywords)->[0];


=head2 show_reconfigure_properties

Note: This method is obsolete in Synergy 7.2 and up, as the underlying
command C<ccm reconfigure_properties> doesn't exist anymore.
Use L<show_object|VCS::CMSynergy::ProjectGrouping/"show">
on the project's I<project grouping> to obtain similar information.

  $objects = $proj->show_reconfigure_properties($what, @keywords, \%options);

Shows information about the project's reconfigure properties
depending on C<$what>. C<@keywords> and C<\%options> are optional.
Returns a reference to an array of C<VCS::CMSynergy::Objects>.

C<$what> must be one of the following strings:

=over 4

=item C<"tasks">

shows tasks that are directly in the project's reconfigure properties

=item C<"folders">

shows folders that are in the project's reconfigure properties

=item C<"tasks_and_folders">

shows tasks and folders that are directly in the project's
reconfigure properties

=item C<"all_tasks">

shows all tasks that are directly or indirectly in the project's
reconfigure properties (indirectly means the task is in a folder
that is in the project's reconfigure properties)

=item C<"objects">

shows objects in the task that are either directly or indirectly
in the project's reconfigure properties


See the description of  L<VCS::CMSynergy/query_hashref> or
L<VCS::CMSynergy/query_object>, resp., for the meaning of

C<show_reconfigure_properties> also accepts an optional trailing
hash reference. Possible keys are:

=over 4

=item C<subprojects> (boolean)

whether to include the reconfigure properties
of sub projects (recursively), default: false

=item C<automatic> (boolean)

whether automatic tasks are to be shown, default: false;
this option is only relevant if C<$what> is "tasks", "tasks_and_folders"
or "all_tasks"



  $tasks = $proj->show_reconfigure_properties(
             all_tasks => qw/task_synopsis completion_date/,
             { subprojects => 1, automatic => 0 });


sub show_reconfigure_properties
    my $self = shift;
    my $opts = @_ && ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" ? pop : {};
    my ($what, $keywords) = validate(\@_, Str, VCS::CMSynergy::_KEYWORDS());

    VCS::CMSynergy::_must_be_one_of($what, qw( tasks folders tasks_and_folders all_tasks objects ));

    my $want = VCS::CMSynergy::_want(1, $keywords);
    my $format = $VCS::CMSynergy::RS . join($VCS::CMSynergy::FS, values %$want) . $VCS::CMSynergy::FS;

    my @cmd = qw/reconfigure_properties -u -ns/;
    push @cmd, $opts->{automatic} ? "-auto" : "-no_auto" if $what =~ /tasks/;
    push @cmd, "-r" if $opts->{subprojects};

    my ($rc, $out, $err) = $self->ccm->_ccm(
        @cmd, -format => $format, -show => $what, $self);
    return $self->ccm->set_error($err || $out) unless $rc == 0;
    # NOTE: if the reconf properties are empty, Synergy shows the string "None"
    return [ ] if $out eq "None";

    my @result;
    foreach (split(/\Q${VCS::CMSynergy::RS}\E/, $out))  # split into records
        next unless length($_);                         # skip empty leading record
        my @cols = split(/\Q${VCS::CMSynergy::FS}\E/, $_, -1);  # don't strip empty trailing fields
        push @result, $self->ccm->_query_result($want, \@cols, 1);
    return \@result;
