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package Mojolicious::Plugin::Vparam;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use version;

use List::MoreUtils                 qw(any firstval);

use Mojo::URL;
use Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::DOM;
use Mojo::Loader;

use Mojolicious::Plugin::Vparam::Address;

our $VERSION    = '1.19.1';

# Shift for convert ASCII char position to simple sequence 0,1,2...9,A,B,C,,,
our $CHAR_SHIFT = ord('A') - 10;

# Regext for shortcut parser
        [!?@~]                                          # symbols shortcut
        (?:array|maybe|optional|required?|skipundef)\[  # text[] shortcut start
    (.*?)                                               # value
    \]?                                                 # text[] shortcut end

=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::Vparam - Mojolicious plugin validator for GET/POST data.




=item *

Simple syntax or full featured

=item *

Many predefined types

=item *

Shortcuts for the most common uses

=item *

Filters complementary types

=item *

Support arrays of values

=item *

Support HTML checkbox as bool

=item *

Simple JSON values extraction and validation using JSON Pointer from

=item *

Simple XML/HTML values extraction and validation using CSS selector engine
from L<Mojo::DOM::CSS> or XPath from L<XML::LibXML>.

=item *

Validate all parameters at once and get hash to simple use in any Model

=item *

Manage validation errors

=item *

Full Mojolicious::Validator::Validation integration


This module use simple parameters types B<str>, B<int>, B<email>, B<bool>,
etc. to validate.
Instead of many other modules you mostly not need add specific validation
subs or rules.
Just set parameter type. But if you want sub or regexp you can do it too.


    # Add plugin in startup

    # Use in controller
    $login      = $self->vparam(login    => 'str');
    $passw      = $self->vparam(password => 'password', size     => [8, 100]);
    $email      = $self->vparam(email    => 'email',    optional => 1);
    $session    = $self->vparam(session  => 'bool',     default  => 1);

    $ids        = $self->vparam(ids => '@int');

=head1 METHODS

=head2 vparam

Get one parameter. By default parameter is required.

    # Simple get one parameter
    $param1 = $self->vparam(date => 'datetime');

    # Or more syntax
    $param2 = $self->vparam(count => {type => 'int', default => 1});
    # Or more simple syntax
    $param2 = $self->vparam(count => 'int', default => 1);

=head2 vparams

Get many parameters as hash. By default all parameters are required.

    %params = $self->vparams(
        # Simple syntax
        name        => 'str',
        password    => qr{^\w{,32}$},
        myparam     => sub { $_[1] && $_[1] eq 'ok' ? 1 : 0 } },
        someone     => ['one', 'two', 'tree'],

        # More syntax
        from        => { type   => 'date', default => '' },
        to          => { type   => 'date', default => '' },
        id          => { type   => 'int' },
        money       => { regexp => qr{^\d+(?:\.\d{2})?$} },
        myparam     => { post   => sub { $_[1] && $_[1] eq 'ok' ? 1 : 0 } },

        # Checkbox
        isa         => { type => 'bool', default => 0 },

=head2 vsort

Like I<vparams> but add some keys to simple use with tables. Example:

    # HTML - table with controls and filters
    Order by:
    <select name="oby">
        <option value="0">Name</option>
        <option value="1">Date</option>
    Order direction:
    <select name="ods">
        <option value="asc">Low to High</option>
        <option value="desc">High to Low</option>
    Count per page:
    <select name="rws">
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="100">100</option>
    Filter by name:
    <input type="text" name="name" value="">
    Any other filters ...

    # Controller
    %params = $self->vsort(
        -sort       => ['name', 'date', ...],

        # next as vparams
        name        => 'text',


=item page

Page number. Default: 1.

You can set different name by I<vsort_page> config parameter.
If you set undef then parameter is not apply.

=item rws

Rows on page. Default: 25.

You can set different name by I<vsort_rws> config parameter.
You can set different default by I<vsort_rows> config parameter.
If you set undef then parameter is not apply.

=item oby

Column number for sorting. Default: 1 - in many cases first database
column is primary key.

You can set different name by I<vsort_oby> config parameter.
If you set undef then parameter is not apply.

Value of B<oby> The value will be automatically mapped to the column name
using the L</-sort> attribute.
Also, the value will be checked for proper mapping.
So you do not need to worry about it.

=item ods

Sort order ASC|DESC. Default: ASC.

You can set different name by I<vsort_ods> config parameter.
If you set undef then parameter is not apply.


=head2 verror $name

Get parameter error string. Return 0 if no error.

    # Get error
    print $self->verror('myparam') || 'Ok';
    # Set error
    $self->verror('myparam', {message => 'Error message'})

=head2 verrors

Return erorrs count in scalar context. In list context return erorrs hash.

    # List context get hash
    my %errors = $self->verrors;

    # Scalar context get count
    die 'Errors!' if $self->verrors;

=head2 vclass $name, @classes

Get classes for invalid input. Return empty string if no error.

    # Form example
    <input name="myparam" class="<%= vclass 'myparam' %>">
    # Return next code for invalid I<myparam>:
    # <input name="myparam" class="field-with-error">

You can set additional I<@classes> to set if field invalid.

=head2 vvalue $name, $default

Get raw input value after validation. Return I<$default> value or empty
string before validation.

    # Form example:
    <input name="myparam" value="<%= vvalue 'myparam' %>">

    # Return next code if user just open form without submit and validation:
    # <input name="myparam" value="">

    # Then user submit form and you validate id. For example user submit "abc":
    # <input name="myparam" value="abc">

=head2 vtype $name, %opts

Set new type $name if defined %opts. Else return type $name definition.

    # Get type

    # Set type
    # pre   - get int
    # valid - check for not empty
    # post  - force number
        pre     => sub {
            my ($self, $param) = @_;
            return int $param // '';
        valid   => sub {
            my ($self, $param) = @_;
            return length $param ? 0 : 'Invalid'
        post    => sub {
            my ($self, $param) = @_;
            return 0 + $param;

=head2 vfilter $name, &sub

Set new filter $name if defined %opts. Else return filter $name definition.

    # Get filter

    # Set filter
    $self->vfilter('myfilter', sub {
        my ($self, $param, $expression) = @_;
        return $param eq $expression ? 0 : 'Invalid';

Filter sub must return 0 if parameter value is valid. Or error string if not.


You can use the simplified syntax instead of specifying the type,
simply by using an expression instead.


=item I<REGEXP>

Apply as L</regexp> filter. No type verification, just match.

    $self->vparam(myparam => qr{^(abc|cde)$});

=item I<CODE> $mojo, $value

Apply as L</post> function. You need manual verify and set error.

    $self->vparam(myparam => sub { $_[1] && $_[1] eq 'good' ? 1 : 0 });

=item I<ARRAY>

Apply as L</in> filter. No type verification, just match.

    $self->vparam(myparam => [qw(abc cde)]);




=item class

CSS class for invalid parameters. Default: field-with-error.

=item types

You can simple add you own types.
Just set this parameters as HashRef with new types definition.

=item filters

You can simple add you own filters.
Just set this parameters as HashRef with new filters definition.

=item vsort_page

Parameter name for current page number in I<vsort>. Default: page.

=item vsort_rws

Parameter name for current page rows count in I<vsort>. Default: rws.

=item rows

Default rows count for I<vsort_rws>. Default: 25.

=item vsort_oby

Parameter name for current order by I<vsort>. Default: oby.

=item vsort_ods

Parameter name for current order destination I<vsort>. Default: ods.

=item ods

Default order destination for I<vsort_rws>. Default: ASC.

=item phone_country

Phone country. Default: empty.

=item phone_region

Phone region. Default: empty.

=item date

Date format for strftime. Default: %F.
if no format specified, return L<DateTime> object.

=item time

Time format for strftime. Default: %T.
if no format specified, return L<DateTime> object.

=item datetime

Datetime format for strftime. Default: '%F %T %z'.
if no format specified, return L<DateTime> object.

=item optional

By default all parameters are required. You can change this by set this
parameter as true.

=item address_secret

Secret for address:points signing. Format: "ADDRESS:LATITUDE,LONGITUDE[MD5]".
MD5 ensures that the coordinates belong to address.

=item password_min

Minimum password length. Default: 8.

=item mojo_validator

Enable L<Mojolicious::Validator::Validation> integration.



# Around deprication
sub _load_class($) {
    return Mojo::Loader::load_class( $_[0] ) if Mojo::Loader->can('load_class');
    return Mojo::Loader->new->load( $_[0] )  if Mojo::Loader->can('load');
    die 'Looks like Mojo again depricate module Mojo::Loader';

# Around deprication
sub _params($$) {
    return @{ $_[0]->every_param( $_[1] ) } if $_[0]->can('every_param');
    return $_[0]->param( $_[1] )            if $_[0]->can('param');
    die 'Looks like Mojo again depricate module Mojo::Controller';

=head1 TYPES

List of supported types:

=head2 int

Signed integer. Use L</min> filter for unsigned.


sub _check_int($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 numeric or number

Signed number. Use L</min> filter for unsigned.


sub _check_numeric($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'               unless $_[0] =~ m{^[-+]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?$};
    return 0;

=head2 money

Get money. Use L</min> filter for unsigned.


sub _check_money($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];

    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return 'Invalid fractional part'
        if $_[0] =~ m{\.} && $_[0] !~ m{\.\d{0,2}$};
    return 0;

=head2 percent

Unsigned number: 0 <= percent <= 100.


sub _check_percent($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];

    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return 'Value must be greater than 0'   unless $_[0] >= 0;
    return 'Value must be less than 100'    unless $_[0] <= 100;
    return 0;

=head2 str

Trimmed text. Must be non empty if required.


sub _check_str($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 text

Any text. No errors.


sub _check_text($) {
    return _check_str $_[0];

=head2 password

String with minimum length from I<password_min>.
Must content characters and digits.


sub _check_password($$) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return sprintf 'The length should be greater than %s', $_[1]
        unless length( $_[0] ) >= $_[1];

    return 'Value must contain characters and digits'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{\d} and $_[0] =~ m{\D};

    return 0;

=head2 uuid

Standart 32 length UUID. Return in lower case.


sub _check_uuid($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$}i;
    return 0;

=head2 date

Get date. Parsed from many formats.
See I<date> configuration parameter for result format.
See L<DateTime::Format::DateParse> and even more.


sub _check_date($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 time

Get time. Parsed from many formats.
See I<time> configuration parameter for result format.
See L<DateTime::Format::DateParse> and even more.


sub _check_time($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 datetime

Get full date and time. Parsed from many formats.
See I<datetime> configuration parameter for result format.

Input formats:


=item *


=item *

Relative from now in format C<[+-] DD HH:MM:SS>. First sign required.


=item *

Minutes by default. Example: C<+15> or C<-6>.

=item *

Minutes and seconds. Example: C<+15:44>.

=item *

Hours. Example: C<+3:15:44>.

=item *

Days. Example: C<+8 3:15:44>.


Values are given in arbitrary range.
For example you can add 400 minutes and 300 seconds: C<+400:300>.

=item *

All that can be obtained L<DateTime::Format::DateParse>.

=item *

Russian date format like C<DD.MM.YYYY>



sub _check_datetime($) {
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 bool

Boolean value. Can be used to get value from checkbox or another sources.

HTML forms do not send checbox if it checked off.
You need always set default value to supress error if checkbox not checked:

    $self->vparam(mybox => 'bool', default => 0);

Valid values are:



I<TRUE> can be 1, yes, true, ok


I<FALSE> can be 0, no, false, fail


Other values get error.


sub _check_bool($) {
    return 'Wrong format'               unless defined $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 email

Email adress.


sub _check_email($) {
    return 'Value not defined'          unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];

    my $e = _load_class('Mail::RFC822::Address');
    die $e if $e;

    return 'Wrong format' unless Mail::RFC822::Address::valid( $_[0] );
    return 0;

=head2 url

Get url as L<Mojo::Url> object.


sub _check_url($) {
    return 'Value not defined'          unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Protocol not set'           unless $_[0]->scheme;
    return 'Host not set'               unless $_[0]->host;
    return 0;

=head2 phone

Phone in international format. Support B<wait>, B<pause> and B<additional>.

You can set default country I<phone_country> and region I<phone_country> codes.
Then you users can input shortest number.
But this is not work if you site has i18n.


sub _check_phone($) {
    return 'Value not defined'          unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $_[0];
    return 'The number should be in the format +...'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{^\+\d};
    return 'The number must be a minimum of 11 digits'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{^\+\d{11}};
    return 'The number should be no more than 16 digits'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{^\+\d{11,16}(?:\D|$)};
    return 'Wrong format'
        unless $_[0] =~ m{^\+\d{11,16}(?:[pw]\d+)?$};
    return 0;

=head2 json

JSON incapsulated as form parameter.


sub _check_json($) {
    return 'Wrong format'           unless defined $_[0];
    return 0;

=head2 address

Location address. Two forms are parsed: string and json.
Can verify adress sign to trust source.


sub _check_address($;$) {
    return 'Value not defined'          unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'               unless ref $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'               unless defined $_[0]->address;
    return 'Wrong format'               unless length  $_[0]->address;

    my $lon = _check_lon( $_[0]->lon );
    return $lon if $lon;

    my $lat = _check_lat( $_[0]->lat );
    return $lat if $lat;

    return 'Unknown source'             unless $_[0]->check( $_[1] );
    return 0;

=head2 lon



sub _check_lon($) {
    return 'Value not defined'     unless defined $_[0];

    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return 'Value should not be less than -180°'    unless $_[0] >= -180;
    return 'Value should not be greater than 180°'  unless $_[0] <= 180;
    return 0;

=head2 lat



sub _check_lat($) {
    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];

    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return 'Value should not be less than -90°'     unless $_[0] >= -90;
    return 'Value should not be greater than 90°'   unless $_[0] <= 90;
    return 0;

=head2 isin

International Securities Identification Number:
Mir, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Visa,
MasterCard, Maestro, etc.

You can check for ISIN type like:

    # Mir
    $self->vparam(card => 'isin', regexp => qr{^2});

    # American Express, Diners Club, JCB
    $self->vparam(card => 'isin', regexp => qr{^3});

    # Visa
    $self->vparam(card => 'isin', regexp => qr{^4});

    # MasterCard
    $self->vparam(card => 'isin', regexp => qr{^5});

    # Maestro
    $self->vparam(card => 'isin', regexp => qr{^6});


sub _check_isin($) {
    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value not set'          unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'           unless $_[0] =~ m{^[A-Z0-9]+$};

    my $str = $_[0];
    s{([A-Z])}{(ord($1)-$CHAR_SHIFT)}eg for $str;

    my $crc = 0;
    my @str = reverse split '', $str;
    for my $i ( 0 .. $#str  ) {
        my $digit = $str[$i];
        $digit *= 2 if $i % 2;
        $digit -= 9 if $digit > 9;
        $crc += $digit;

    return ($crc % 10 ? 'Checksum error' : 0);

=head2 inn

RU: Taxpayer Identification Number


sub _check_inn($) {
    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value not set'          unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'           unless $_[0] =~ m{^(?:\d{10}|\d{12})$};

    my @str = split '', $_[0];
    if( @str == 10 ) {
        return 'Checksum error'
            unless $str[9] eq
                    2 * $str[0] + 4 * $str[1] + 10 * $str[2] + 3 * $str[3] +
                    5 * $str[4] + 9 * $str[5] + 4  * $str[6] + 6 * $str[7] +
                    8 * $str[8]
                ) % 11 ) % 10);
        return 0;
    } elsif( @str == 12 ) {
        return 'Checksum error'
            unless $str[10] eq
                    7 * $str[0] + 2 * $str[1] + 4 * $str[2] + 10 * $str[3] +
                    3 * $str[4] + 5 * $str[5] + 9 * $str[6] + 4  * $str[7] +
                    6 * $str[8] + 8 * $str[9]
                ) % 11 ) % 10)
                && $str[11] eq
                    3  * $str[0] + 7 * $str[1] + 2 * $str[2] + 4 * $str[3] +
                    10 * $str[4] + 3 * $str[5] + 5 * $str[6] + 9 * $str[7] +
                    4  * $str[8] + 6 * $str[9] + 8 * $str[10]
                ) % 11 ) % 10);
        return 0;
    return 'Must be 10 or 12 digits';

=head2 kpp

RU: Code of reason for registration


sub _check_kpp($) {
    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Value not set'          unless length  $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'           unless $_[0] =~ m{^\d{9}$};
    return 0;


You can set a simple mode as in example or full mode. Full mode keys:

=head2 default

Default value. Default: undef.

    # Supress myparam to be undefined and error
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'str', default => '');

=head2 pre $mojo, &sub

Incoming filter sub. Used for primary filtration: string length and trim, etc.
Result will be used as new param value.

Usually, if you need this attribute, you need to create a new type.

=head2 valid $mojo, &sub

Validation sub. Return 0 if valid, else string of error.

Usually, if you need this attribute, you need to create a new type.

=head2 post $mojo, &sub

Out filter sub. Used to modify value for use in you program. Usually used to
bless in some object.
Result will be used as new param value.

=head2 type

Parameter type. If set then some filters will be apply. See L</TYPES>.

    $self->vparam(myparam => 'datetime');
    $self->vparam(myparam => {type => 'datetime'});
        myparam1 => {type => 'datetime'},
        myparam2 => {type => 'datetime'},

After the application of the type used filters.

=head2 array

Force value will array. Default: false.

You can force values will arrays by B<@> prefix or case insensive B<array[...]>.

    # Arrays shortcut syntax
    $param1 = $self->vparam(array1 => '@int');
    $param2 = $self->vparam(array2 => 'array[int]');

    # Array attribute syntax
    $param3 = $self->vparam(array3 => 'int', array => 1);

    # The array will come if more than one value incoming
    # Example:
    $param4 = $self->vparam(array4 => 'int');

=head2 optional

By default all parameters are required. You can change this for parameter by
set I<optional>.
Then true and value is not passed validation don`t set verrors.

    # Simple vparam
    # myparam is undef but no error.
    $param1 = $self->vparam(param1 => 'int', optional => 1);

    # Set one in vparams
    %params = $self->vparams(
        myparam     => { type => 'int', optional => 1 },

    # Set all in vparams
    %params = $self->vparams(
        -optional   => 1,
        param1      => 'int',
        param2      => 'str',

    # Shortcut optional syntax
    $param2 = $self->vparam(param2 => '?int');
    $param3 = $self->vparam(param3 => 'maybe[int]');
    $param4 = $self->vparam(param4 => 'optional[int]');

    # Shortcut required syntax
    $param5 = $self->vparam(param5 => '!int');
    $param6 = $self->vparam(param6 => 'require[int]');
    $param7 = $self->vparam(param7 => 'required[int]');

=head2 skip

So as not to smear the validation code you can use the I<skip> parameter
to skip on the condition.
This attribute is useful for controlling access to the form fields.

    # This example don`t get param1 in production mode.

    # HTML
    % unless( $self->app->mode eq 'production' ) {
        %= number_field 'param1'
    % }

    # Simple flag
    $param1 = $self->vparam(
        param1      => 'int', skip => $self->app->mode eq 'production',

    # Same as by use sub.
    $param1 = $self->vparam(
        param1      => 'int', skip => sub { $_[0]->app->mode eq 'production' },

If you use sub then first parameter is controller.

=head2 skipundef

By default all parameters are in output hash. You can skip parameter in result
if it`s undefined by set I<skipundef>.

    # Simple vparam
    # myparam is undef.
    $param1 = $self->vparam(param1 => 'int', optional => 1, skipundef => 1);

    # Simple flag
    # The %params hash is empty if myparam value is not integer.
    %params = $self->vparams(
        myparam     => { type => 'int', optional => 1, skipundef => 1 },

    # Set all in vparams
    # The %params hash is empty if all parameters are not valid.
    %params = $self->vparams(
        -skipundef  => 1,
        param1      => 'int',
        param2      => 'str',

    # Shortcut syntax: skipundef and optional is on
    $param2 = $self->vparam(param2 => '~int');

Arrays always return as arrayref. But undefined values will be skipped.

=head2 jpath

If you POST data not form but raw JSON you can use JSON Pointer selectors
from L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> to get and validate parameters.

    # POST data contains:
    # {"point":{"address":"some", "lon": 45.123456, "lat": 38.23452}}

    %opts = $self->vparams(
        address => { type => 'str', jpath => '/point/address' },
        lon     => { type => 'lon', jpath => '/point/lon' },
        lat     => { type => 'lat', jpath => '/point/lat' },

=head2 cpath

Same as jpath but parse XML/HTML using CSS selectors from L<Mojo::DOM::CSS>.

    # POST data contains:
    # <Point>
    #    <Address>some</Address>
    #    <Lon>45.123456</Lon>
    #    <Lat>38.23452</Lat>
    # </Point>

    %opts = $self->vparams(
        address => { type => 'str', cpath => 'Point > Address' },
        lon     => { type => 'lon', cpath => 'Point > Lon' },
        lat     => { type => 'lat', cpath => 'Point > Lat' },

=head2 xpath

Same as cpath but parse XML/HTML using XPath selectors from L<XML::LibXML>.

    # POST data contains:
    # <Point time="2016-11-25 14:39:00 +0300">
    #    <Address>some</Address>
    #    <Lon>45.123456</Lon>
    #    <Lat>38.23452</Lat>
    # </Point>

    %opts = $self->vparams(
        address => { type => 'str',         xpath => '/Point/Address' },
        lon     => { type => 'lon',         xpath => '/Point/Lon' },
        lat     => { type => 'lat',         xpath => '/Point/Lat' },
        time    => { type => 'datetime',    xpath => '/Point/@time' },



=head2 -sort

List of column names for I<vsort>. Usually not all columns visible for users and
you need convert column numbers in names. This also protect you SQL queries
from set too much or too low column number.

=head2 -optional

Set default I<optional> flag for all params in L</vparams> and L</vsort>.

=head2 -skipundef

Set default I<skipundef> flag for all params in L</vparams> and L</vsort>.


=head1 FILTERS

Filters are used in conjunction with types for additional verification.


=head2 min

Check minimum parameter value.

    # Error if myparam less than 10
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'int', min => 10);


sub _min($$) {
    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return sprintf "Value should not be greater than %s", $_[1]
        unless $_[0] >= $_[1];
    return 0;

=head2 max

Check maximum parameter value.

    # Error if myparam greater than 100
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'int', max => 100);


sub _max($$) {
    my $numeric = _check_numeric $_[0];
    return $numeric if $numeric;

    return sprintf "Value should not be less than %s", $_[1]
        unless $_[0] <= $_[1];
    return 0;

=head2 range

Check parameter value to be in range.

    # Error if myparam less than 10 or greater than 100
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'int', range => [10, 100]);


sub _range($$$) {
    my $min = _min $_[0] => $_[1];
    return $min if $min;

    my $max = _max $_[0] => $_[2];
    return $max if $max;

    return 0;

=head2 regexp

Check parameter to be match for regexp

    # Error if myparam not equal "abc" or "cde"
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'str', regexp => qr{^(abc|cde)$});


sub _like($$) {
    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Wrong format'           unless $_[0] =~ $_[1];
    return 0;

=head2 in

Check parameter value to be in list of defined values.

    # Error if myparam not equal "abc" or "cde"
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'str', in => [qw(abc cde)]);


sub _in($$) {
    die 'Not ArrayRef'              unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $_[1];

    return 'Value not defined'      unless defined $_[0];
    return 'Wrong value'            unless any {$_[0] eq $_} @{$_[1]};

    return 0;

=head2 size

Check maximum length in utf8.

    # Error if value is an empty string
    $self->vparam(myparam => 'str', size => [1, 100]);


sub _size($$$) {
    my ($value, $min, $max) = @_;
    return 'Value is not defined'       unless defined $value;
    return 'Value is not set'           unless length  $value;
    return sprintf "Value should not be less than %s", $min
        unless $min <= length $value;
    return sprintf "Value should not be longer than %s", $max
        unless $max >= length $value;
    return 0;

# Utils
sub _trim($) {
    my ($str) = @_;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    s{^\s+}{}, s{\s+$}{} for $str;
    return $str;

# Parsers
sub _parse_bool($) {
    my ($str) = @_;
    # HTML forms do not transmit if checkbox off
    return 0 unless defined $str;
    return 0 unless length  $str;
    return 0 if $str =~ m{^(?:0|no|false|fail)$}i;
    return 1 if $str =~ m{^(?:1|yes|true|ok)$}i;
    return undef;

sub _parse_int($) {
    my ($str) = @_;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    my ($int) = $str =~ m{([-+]?\d+)};
    return $int;

sub _parse_number($) {
    my ($str) = @_;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    my ($number) = $str =~ m{([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)};
    return $number;

# Get a string and return DateTime or undef.
# Have a hack for parse Russian data and time.
sub _parse_date($;$) {
    my ($str, $tz) = @_;

    my $e1 = _load_class('DateTime');
    die $e1 if $e1;

    my $e2 = _load_class('DateTime::Format::DateParse');
    die $e2 if $e2;

    return undef unless defined $str;
    s{^\s+}{}, s{\s+$}{} for $str;
    return undef unless length $str;

    my $dt;

    if( $str =~ m{^\d+$} ) {
        $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => int $str, time_zone => 'local' );
    } elsif( $str =~ m{^[+-]} ) {
        my @relative = $str =~ m{
            ^([+-])             # sign
            (?:(\d+)\s+)?       # days
            (?:(\d+):)??        # hours
            (\d+)               # minutes
            (?::(\d+))?         # seconds
        $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local');
        my $sub = $relative[0] eq '+' ? 'add' : 'subtract';
        $dt->$sub(days      => int $relative[1])    if defined $relative[1];
        $dt->$sub(hours     => int $relative[2])    if defined $relative[2];
        $dt->$sub(minutes   => int $relative[3])    if defined $relative[3];
        $dt->$sub(seconds   => int $relative[4])    if defined $relative[4];
    } else {
        # RU format
        if( $str =~ s{^(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,4})(.*)$}{$3-$2-$1$4} ) {
            my $cur_year = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local')->strftime('%Y');
            my $cur_len  = length( $cur_year ) - 1;
            # Less digit year
            if( my ($year) = $str =~ m{^(\d{1,$cur_len})-} ) {
                $str = substr($cur_year, 0, 4 - length($year)) . $str;
        # If looks like time add it
        $str = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local')->strftime('%F ') . $str
            if $str =~ m{^\d{2}:};

        $dt = eval { DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime( $str ); };
        return undef if $@;

    return undef unless $dt;

    # Always local timezone
    $tz //= DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local')->strftime('%z');
    $dt->set_time_zone( $tz );

    return $dt;

sub _parse_address($) {
    return Mojolicious::Plugin::Vparam::Address->parse( $_[0] );

sub _parse_url($) {
    return Mojo::URL->new( $_[0] );

sub _parse_json($) {
    my $str = shift;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    return undef unless length  $str;

    my $data = eval{
        if( version->new($Mojolicious::VERSION) < version->new(5.54) ) {
            return Mojo::JSON->new->decode( $str );
        } else {
            return Mojo::JSON::decode_json( $str );
    warn $@ and return undef if $@;

    return $data;

sub _parse_dom($) {
    my $str = shift;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    return undef unless length  $str;

    my $dom = eval { Mojo::DOM->new( $str ); };
    warn $@ and return undef if $@;

    return $dom;

sub _parse_xml($) {
    my $str = shift;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    return undef unless length  $str;

    my $e = _load_class('XML::LibXML');
    die $e if $e;

    my $dom = eval{ XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $str) };
    warn $@ and return undef if $@;

    return $dom;

sub _parse_phone($$$) {
    my ($str, $country, $region) = @_;
    return undef unless $str;

    # Clear
    s{[.,]}{w}g, s{[^0-9pw]}{}ig, s{w{2,}}{w}ig, s{p{2,}}{p}ig for $str;

    # Split
    my ($phone, $pause, $add) = $str =~ m{^(\d+)([wp])?(\d+)?$}i;
    return undef unless $phone;

    # Add country and region codes if defined
    $phone = $region  . $phone  if $region  and 11 > length $phone;
    $phone = $country . $phone  if $country and 11 > length $phone;
    return undef unless 10 <= length $phone;

    $str = '+' . $phone;
    $str = $str . lc $pause     if defined $pause;
    $str = $str . $add          if defined $add;

    return $str;

sub _parse_isin($) {
    my ($str) = @_;
    return undef unless defined $str;
    s{[^a-zA-Z0-9]}{}g for $str;
    return uc $str;

# Plugin
sub register {
    my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_;

    $conf                   ||= {};

    $conf->{class}          ||= 'field-with-error';
    $conf->{types}          ||= {};
    $conf->{filters}        ||= {};

    $conf->{vsort_page}     ||= 'page';
    $conf->{vsort_rws}      ||= 'rws';
    $conf->{rows}           ||= 25;
    $conf->{vsort_oby}      ||= 'oby';
    $conf->{vsort_ods}      ||= 'ods';
    $conf->{ods}            ||= 'ASC';

    $conf->{phone_country}  //= '';
    $conf->{phone_region}   //= '';

    $conf->{date}           = '%F'          unless exists $conf->{date};
    $conf->{time}           = '%T'          unless exists $conf->{time};
    $conf->{datetime}       = '%F %T %z'    unless exists $conf->{datetime};

    $conf->{optional}       //= 0;
    $conf->{skipundef}      //= 0;

    $conf->{address_secret} //= '';

    $conf->{password_min}   //= 8;

    # Enable Mojolicious::Validator::Validation integration if available
    $conf->{mojo_validator} //=
        version->new($Mojolicious::VERSION) < version->new(4.42) ? 0 : 1;

    $conf->{types} = {
        # Numbers
        int         => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_int      $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_int      $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1]   ? 0 + $_[1] : undef },
        numeric     => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_number   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_numeric  $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? 0.0 + $_[1] : undef },
        money       => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_number   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_money    $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? 0.0 + $_[1] : undef },
        percent     => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_number   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_percent  $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? 0.0 + $_[1] : undef },
        lon         => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_number   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_lon      $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? 0.0 + $_[1] : undef },
        lat         => {
            pre     => sub{ _parse_number   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_lat      $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? 0.0 + $_[1] : undef },

        # Text
        str         => {
            pre     => sub{ _trim           $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_str      $_[1] },
        text        => {
            valid   => sub{ _check_str      $_[1] },
        password    => {
            valid   => sub{ _check_password $_[1], $conf->{password_min} },
        uuid        => {
            pre     => sub{ _trim           $_[1] },
            valid   => sub{ _check_uuid     $_[1] },
            post    => sub{ defined         $_[1] ? lc $_[1] : undef },

        # Date and Time
        date        => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_date _trim  $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_date        $_[1] },
            post    => sub {
                return unless defined $_[1];
                return $conf->{date} && ref $_[1]
                    ? $_[1]->strftime( $conf->{date} )
                    : $_[1];
        time        => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_date _trim  $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_time        $_[1] },
            post    => sub {
                return unless defined $_[1];
                return $conf->{time} && ref $_[1]
                    ? $_[1]->strftime( $conf->{time} )
                    : $_[1];
        datetime    => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_date _trim  $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_datetime    $_[1] },
            post    => sub {
                return unless defined $_[1];
                return $conf->{datetime} && ref $_[1]
                    ? $_[1]->strftime( $conf->{datetime} )
                    : $_[1];

        # Bool
        bool        => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_bool _trim  $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_bool        $_[1] },

        # Internet
        email       => {
            pre     => sub { _trim              $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_email       $_[1] },
        url         => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_url _trim   $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_url         $_[1] },

        # Phone
        phone       => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_phone
                                _trim( $_[1] ),
            valid   => sub { _check_phone       $_[1] },

        # Structures
        json        => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_json        $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_json        $_[1] },
        address     => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_address     $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_address     $_[1], $conf->{address_secret}},

        # ISIN
        isin         => {
            pre     => sub { _parse_isin        $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_isin        $_[1] },

        # RU
        inn         => {
            pre     => sub { _trim              $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_inn         $_[1] },
        kpp         => {
            pre     => sub { _trim              $_[1] },
            valid   => sub { _check_kpp         $_[1] },

        # Add extra user types
    # Aliases
    $conf->{types}{number} = $conf->{types}{numeric};

    $conf->{filters} = {
        regexp      => sub { _like      $_[1], $_[2] },
        in          => sub { _in        $_[1], $_[2] },
        min         => sub { _min       $_[1], $_[2] },
        max         => sub { _max       $_[1], $_[2] },
        range       => sub { _range     $_[1], $_[2][0], $_[2][1] },
        size        => sub { _size      $_[1], $_[2][0], $_[2][1] },
        # Add extra user filters

    # Get or set type
    $app->helper(vtype => sub {
        my ($self, $name, %opts) = @_;
        return $conf->{types}{$name} = \%opts if @_ > 2;
        return $conf->{types}{$name};

    # Get or set filter
    $app->helper(vfilter => sub {
        my ($self, $name, $sub) = @_;
        return $conf->{filters}{$name} = $sub if @_ > 2;
        return $conf->{filters}{$name};

    # Get or set config parameters
    $app->helper(vconf => sub {
        my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
        return $conf->{$name} = $value if @_ > 2;
        return $conf->{$name};

    # Get or set error for parameter $name
    $app->helper(verror => sub{
        my ($self, $name, @opts) = @_;

        my $errors = $self->stash->{'vparam-verrors'} //= {};

        if( @_ <= 2 ) {
            return 0 unless exists $errors->{$name};

            return 'ARRAY' eq ref $errors->{$name}
                ? scalar @{$errors->{$name}}
                : $errors->{$name}{message} // 0
        } elsif( @_ == 3 ) {
            return 0 unless exists $errors->{$name};

            my $error = 'ARRAY' eq ref $errors->{$name}
                ? firstval {$_->{index} == $opts[0]} @{$errors->{$name}}
                : $errors->{$name}
            return $error->{message} // 0;
        } else {

            my %attr = %{{@opts}};
            if( $attr{array} ) {
                $errors->{ $name } = [] unless exists $errors->{ $name };
                push @{$errors->{ $name }}, \%attr;
            } else {
                $errors->{ $name } = \%attr;

            if( $conf->{mojo_validator} ) {
                $self->validation->error($name => [$attr{message}]);

            return $errors;

    # Return string if parameter have error, else empty string.
    $app->helper(vclass => sub{
        my ($self, $name, @classes) = @_;
        return '' unless $self->verror( $name );

        my @class;
        push @class, $conf->{class}
            if defined($conf->{class}) && length($conf->{class});
        push @class, @classes;

        return join ' ', @class;

    $app->helper(vvalue => sub{
        my ($self, $name, $default) = @_;

        my @input = _params($self, $name);

        my $value;
        if( not @input ) {
            $value = $default;
        } elsif( @input > 1 ) {
            $value = \@input;
        } else {
            $value = $input[0];

        return $value;

    # Return all errors as Hash or errors count in scalar context.
    $app->helper(verrors => sub{
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $errors = $self->stash->{'vparam-verrors'} //= {};
        return wantarray ? %$errors : scalar keys %$errors;

    # Many parameters
    $app->helper(vparams => sub{
        my ($self, %params) = @_;

        # Result
        my %result;

        # Get default optional
        my $optional = exists $params{-optional}
            ? delete $params{-optional}
            : $conf->{optional}
        my $skipundef = exists $params{-skipundef}
            ? delete $params{-skipundef}
            : $conf->{skipundef}

        # Internal variables
        my $vars = $self->stash->{'vparam-vars'} //= {};

        for my $name (keys %params) {
            # Param definition
            my $def = $params{$name};

            # Get attibutes
            my %attr;
            if( 'HASH' eq ref $def ) {
                %attr           = %$def;
            } elsif( 'Regexp' eq ref $def ) {
                $attr{regexp}   = $def;
            } elsif( 'CODE' eq ref $def ) {
                $attr{post}     = $def;
            } elsif( 'ARRAY' eq ref $def ) {
                $attr{in}       = $def;
            } elsif( !ref $def ) {
                $attr{type}     = $def;

            # Skip
            if( exists $attr{skip} ) {
                if( 'CODE' eq ref $attr{skip} ) {
                    # Skip by sub result
                    next if $attr{skip}->($self);
                } elsif( $attr{skip} ) {
                    # Skip by flag

            # Set default optional
            $attr{optional}     //= $optional;
            # Set default skipundef
            $attr{skipundef}    //= $skipundef;

            # Apply type
            if( defined( my $type = $attr{type} ) ) {
                # Parse shortcut
                while( my ($mod, $inner) = $type =~ $SHORTCUT_REGEXP ) {
                    last unless $inner;
                    $type = $inner;

                    if(      $mod eq '?' || $mod =~ m{^optional\[}i) {
                        $attr{optional} = 1;
                    } elsif( $mod eq '!' || $mod =~ m{^required?\[}i) {
                        $attr{optional} = 0;
                    } elsif( $mod eq '@' || $mod =~ m{^array\[}i) {
                        $attr{array}    = 1;
                    } elsif(                $mod =~ m{^skipundef\[}i) {
                        $attr{skipundef}= 1;
                    } elsif( $mod eq '~' ) {
                        $attr{skipundef}= 1;
                        $attr{optional} = 1;

                if( exists $conf->{types}{ $type } ) {
                    for my $key ( keys %{$conf->{types}{ $type }} ) {
                        next if defined $attr{ $key };
                        $attr{ $key } = $conf->{types}{ $type }{ $key };
                } else {
                    die sprintf 'Type "%s" is not defined', $type;

            # Get value
            my @input;
            if( $attr{jpath} ) {
                # JSON Pointer
                $vars->{json} //= _parse_json( $self->req->body // '' );
                if( $vars->{json} ) {
                    $vars->{pointer} //=
                        Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new( $vars->{json} );
                    @input = $vars->{pointer}->get( $attr{jpath} );
            } elsif( $attr{cpath} ) {
                # CSS
                $vars->{dom} //= _parse_dom( $self->req->body // '' );
                if( $vars->{dom} ) {
                    @input = $vars->{dom}->find( $attr{cpath} )
            } elsif( $attr{xpath} ) {
                $vars->{xml} //= _parse_xml( $self->req->body // '' );
                if( $vars->{xml} ) {
                    @input = $vars->{xml}->findnodes( $attr{xpath} )
            } else {
                # POST parameters
                @input = _params($self, $name);

            # Set undefined value if paremeter not set
            # if array then keep it empty
            @input = (undef) if not @input and not $attr{array};

            # Set array if values more that one
            $attr{array} = 1 if @input > 1;

            # Process on all input values
            my @output;
            for my $index ( 0 .. $#input ) {
                my $in = my $out = $input[$index];

                $out = $in;

                # Apply pre filter
                $out = $attr{pre}->( $self, $out )    if $attr{pre};

                # Apply validator
                if( $attr{valid} ) {
                    if( my $error = $attr{valid}->($self, $out)  ) {
                        # Set default value if error
                        $out = $attr{default};

                        # Default value always supress error
                        $error = 0 if defined $attr{default};
                        # Disable error on optional
                        if( $attr{optional} ) {
                            # Only if input param not set
                            $error = 0 if not defined $in;
                            $error = 0 if defined($in) and $in =~ m{^\s*$};

                            index   => $index,
                            in      => $in,
                            out     => $out,
                            message => $error,
                        ) if $error;

                # Hack for bool values:
                # HTML forms do not transmit if checkbox off
                $out = $attr{default}
                    if $attr{type} && $attr{type} eq 'bool' and not defined $in;

                # Apply post filter
                $out = $attr{post}->( $self, $out )   if $attr{post};

                # Apply other filters
                for my $key ( keys %attr ) {
                    # Skip unknown attribute
                    next unless $conf->{filters}{ $key };

                    my $error = $conf->{filters}{ $key }->(
                        $self, $out, $attr{ $key }
                    if( $error ) {
                        # Set default value if error
                        $out = $attr{default};

                        # Default value always supress error
                        $error = 0 if defined $attr{default};
                        # Disable error on optional
                        if( $attr{optional} ) {
                            # Only if input param not set
                            $error = 0 if not defined $in;
                            $error = 0 if defined($in) and $in =~ m{^\s*$};

                            index   => $index,
                            in      => $in,
                            out     => $out,
                            message => $error,
                        ) if $error;

                # Add output
                push @output, $out
                    unless $attr{skipundef} and not defined($out);

            # Error for required empty arrays
            $self->verror( $name, %attr, message => 'Empty array' )
                if $attr{array} and not $attr{optional} and not @input;

            if( $attr{array} ) {
                $result{ $name } = \@output;
            } else {
                $result{ $name } = $output[0]
                    unless $attr{skipundef} and not defined($output[0]);
            # Mojolicious::Validator::Validation
            $self->validation->output->{$name} = $result{ $name }
                if $conf->{mojo_validator};

        return wantarray ? %result : \%result;

    # One parameter
    $app->helper(vparam => sub{
        my ($self, $name, $def, %attr) = @_;

        die 'Parameter name required'               unless defined $name;
        die 'Parameter type or definition required' unless defined $def;

        my $result;

        unless( %attr ) {
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => $def );
        } elsif( 'HASH' eq ref $def ) {
            # Ignore attrs not in HashRef
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => $def );
        } elsif( 'Regexp' eq ref $def ) {
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => { regexp => $def, %attr } );
        } elsif('CODE' eq ref $def) {
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => { post   => $def, %attr } );
        } elsif('ARRAY' eq ref $def) {
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => { in     => $def, %attr } );
        } else {
            $result = $self->vparams( $name => { type   => $def, %attr } );

        return $result->{$name};

    # Same as vparams but add standart table sort parameters for:
    $app->helper(vsort => sub{
        my ($self, %attr) = @_;

        my $sort = delete $attr{'-sort'};
        die 'Key "-sort" must be ArrayRef'
            if defined($sort) and 'ARRAY' ne ref $sort;

        $attr{ $conf->{vsort_page} } = {
            type        => 'int',
            default     => 1,
        } if defined $conf->{vsort_page};

        $attr{ $conf->{vsort_rws} } = {
            type        => 'int',
            default     => $conf->{rows},
        } if defined $conf->{vsort_rws};

        $attr{ $conf->{vsort_oby} } = {
            type        => 'int',
            default     => 0,
            post        => sub { $sort->[ $_[1] ] or ($_[1] + 1) or 1 },
        } if defined $conf->{vsort_oby};

        $attr{ $conf->{vsort_ods} } = {
            type        => 'str',
            default     => $conf->{ods},
            post        => sub { uc $_[1] },
            regexp      => qr{^(?:asc|desc)$}i,
        } if defined $conf->{vsort_ods};

        my $result = $self->vparams( %attr );
        return wantarray ? %$result : $result;





=item *

Version 1.0 invert I<valid> behavior: now checker return 0 if no error
or description string if has.

=item *

New errors keys: orig => in, pre => out


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious::Validator::Validation>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Human>.

=head1 AUTHORS

Dmitry E. Oboukhov <>,
Roman V. Nikolaev <>


Copyright (C) 2011 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <>
Copyright (C) 2011 Roman V. Nikolaev <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
