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# This file is part of CatalystX-Alt-Routes
# This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Chris Weyl.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package CatalystX::Alt::Routes;
  $CatalystX::Alt::Routes::VERSION = '0.002'; # TRIAL

# ABSTRACT: A DSL for declaring controller paths

use strict;
use warnings;

use Hash::MultiValue;

use Sub::Exporter -setup => {

    # figure out where we're being imported, so we can call meta() on it
    collectors => { INIT => sub { $_[0]->{into} = $_[1]->{into}; 1 } },

    exports => [

            chained args capture_args path_name path_part action_class


        (map { "menu_$_" } qw{ label parent args cond order roles title }),

        public  => sub { _build_public(@_) },
        private => sub { _builder([ Private => 1 ], @_) },
        global  => sub { _builder([ Global  => 1 ], @_) },
        path    => sub { _builder([              ], @_) },

        default_action => sub { _action([ path_name(q{})             ], @_) },
        index_action   => sub { _action([ index_parts()              ], @_) },
        begin_action   => sub { _action([                            ], @_) },
        end_action     => sub { _action([ action_class('RenderView') ], @_) },
        auto_action    => sub { _action([                            ], @_) },

    groups => {

        default => [ qw{
        } ],

        basic => [ qw{
            public private global path
            chained args capture_args path_name path_part action_class
        } ],

        actions => sub { _build_actions(@_) },

        experimental => [ qw{
            before_action after_action template tweak_stash
        } ],

        navigation => [
            (map { "menu_$_" } qw{ label parent args cond order roles title }),

        action_role  => [ qw{ does }        ],
        simple_login => [ qw{ needs_login } ],

sub index_parts() { (path_name(q{}), args(0)) }
sub action(&)     { return shift              }

# experimental - beore/after wrappers for our action method
sub before_action(&) { ( _before => $_[0] ) }
sub after_action(&)  { ( _after  => $_[0] ) }

#sub template($)    { my $t = shift; (_before => sub    { $_[1]->stash-> { template} = $t }) }
sub tweak_stash($$) { my ($k, $v) = @_; (_before => sub { $_[1]->stash-> { $k} = $v })       }
sub template($)     { tweak_stash(template => $_[0])                                         }

# standard atts
sub chained($)      { _att(Chained     => @_) }
sub args($)         { _att(Args        => @_) }
sub capture_args($) { _att(CaptureArgs => @_) }
sub path_part($)    { _att(PathPart    => @_) }
sub path_name($)    { _att(Path        => @_) }
sub action_class($) { _att(ActionClass => @_) }

# Catalyst::Plugin::Navigation specific bits
sub menu_label($)  { _att(Menu       => @_) }
sub menu_parent($) { _att(MenuParent => @_) }
sub menu_args($)   { _att(MenuArgs   => @_) }
sub menu_cond($)   { _att(MenuCond   => @_) }
sub menu_order($)  { _att(MenuOrder  => @_) }
sub menu_roles($)  { _att(MenuRoles  => @_) }
sub menu_title($)  { _att(MenuTitle  => @_) }

# Catalyst::Plugin::ActionRole
sub does($) { _att(Does => @_) }

# CatalystX::SimpleLogin
sub needs_login() { does 'NeedsLogin' }

sub _att { ( shift(@_) => [ @_ ] ) }

my %counter = ();

sub _add_path {
    my ($path, $meta, $name, @args) = @_;
    my $sub = pop @args;

    # default
    do { push @args, $sub; $sub = sub {} }
        unless $sub && ref $sub eq 'CODE';

    $counter{$meta->name} ||= 0;

    # XXX squash them down before adding to config
    #my $action_attributes = { @$path, @args };
    my $action_attributes = Hash::MultiValue->new(@$path, @args);

    my @before = $action_attributes->get_all('_before');
    delete $action_attributes->{'_before'};
    my @after = $action_attributes->get_all('_after');
    delete $action_attributes->{'_after'};

    # some menu defaults
    if (exists $action_attributes->{Menu}) {

        $action_attributes->{MenuOrder} = $counter{$meta->name} += 10
            unless exists $action_attributes->{MenuOrder};

    # so there's two ways (I know of) to proceed here...  The first (and the
    # one we use) is to poke at our class' config() and establish our actions
    # here.  The second would be to fiddle with the method's metaclass to add
    # attributes to it.  Both allow the standard action discovery to work, but
    # the config method seems a little less magical, so that's what we're
    # using right now.
    # ...and by "less magical" I mean "without the additional metaclass
    # tinkering that would be necessary".

    $meta->name->config->{actions}->{$name} = $action_attributes;

    # handle either a method name or a coderef to be installed
    # XXX broken
    $meta->add_method($name => sub { goto &$sub })
        if (ref $sub || 'nope') eq 'CODE';

    $meta->add_before_method_modifier($name => $_) for @before;
    $meta->add_after_method_modifier($name => $_) for @after;


# Catalyst::Controller::REST
#sub rest { _att(ActionClass => 'REST') }
#sub rest() { action_class 'REST' }
#sub public_rest { public(_att(ActionClass => 'REST'), @_) }

#sub rest(&)   { (action_class 'REST', action_method => shift) }
#sub http_get(&)    { ... }
#sub http_put(&)    { ... }
#sub http_post(&)   { ... }
#sub http_delete(&) { ... }

sub _builder {
    my ($pathref, $class, $name, $arg, $col) = @_;

    my $into = $col->{INIT}->{into};
    return sub { _add_path($pathref, $into->meta, @_) };

sub _build_public {
    my ($class, $name, $arg, $col) = @_;

    my $into = $col->{INIT}->{into};
    return sub { _add_path([ Path => $_[0]], $into->meta, @_) };

sub _action {
    my ($pathref, $class, $name, $arg, $col) = @_;

    my %opts = (
        default => [ path_name(q{})             ],
        index   => [ index_parts                ],
        begin   => [                            ],
        end     => [ action_class('RenderView') ],
        auto    => [                            ],

    my $into = $col->{INIT}->{into};
    $name =~ s/_action$//;

    return sub(&) { _add_path($pathref, $into->meta, $name, @_) };

sub _build_actions {
    my ($class, $group, $arg, $col) = @_;

    my %opts = (
        default => [ path_name(q{})             ],
        index   => [ index_parts                ],
        begin   => [                            ],
        end     => [ action_class('RenderView') ],
        auto    => [                            ],

    my $into = $col->{INIT}->{into};

    my %subs;
    for my $name (keys %opts) {

        $subs{$name.'_action'} =
            sub(&) { _add_path($opts{$name}, $into->meta, $name, @_) };

    return { %subs };



=head1 NAME

CatalystX::Alt::Routes - A DSL for declaring controller paths

=head1 VERSION

version 0.002


    package MyApp::Controller::Foo;

    use Moose;
    use namespace::autoclean;
    use CatalystX::Alt::Routes;

    extends 'Catalyst::Controller';

    # aka: sub index : Path(q{}) Args(0) { ... }
    index_action { ... do something indexy here ... };

    public list
        => args 1
        => template 'other_list.tt2'
        => sub {
            my ($self, $c) = @_;

            ... something listy here ...

    private something


This package exports sugar that allows paths to be declared
without having to hew to any of the requirements of attributes. Note that this
is an _alternate_ way to declare paths; you can still use the standard approach
without fear or reprisal.

We provide common shortcuts to common "special" actions (index, default, etc)
as well as some helpers for commonly-used packages.


These all take one argument, a coderef; e.g.

    index_action { ... do something indexy ... };

=head2 index_action

=head2 default_action

=head2 begin_action

=head2 end_action

=head2 auto_action

=head1 ACTIONS

=head2 public

=head2 private

=head2 global


Probably not the best name for this.


We also include support for defining menu attributes that can be used by


It's good practice to wrap any "extends" in your controller classes --
essential if you're using the standard approach of method attributes to define
your routes.

If you're using this package exclusively to define actions, you do not need to
use a BEGIN block.  Note I'm not recommending this, just stating that it's
possible -- and if something breaks, you get to keep all the pieces :)

=head1 SEE ALSO

This package is largely inspired by (and steals parts of) L<CatalystX::Routes>.

=head1 BUGS

All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception.

Please report any bugs to
or through the web interface at <>.

Patches and pull requests through GitHub are most welcome; our page and repo
(same URI):

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Weyl <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Chris Weyl.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999

