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# This file is part of Net-Amazon-R53
# This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Campus Explorer, Inc.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Net::Amazon::R53;
  $Net::Amazon::R53::VERSION = '0.002'; # TRIAL

# ABSTRACT: An interface to Amazon's Route53

use utf8;
use v5.10;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use autobox::Core;
use MooseX::AlwaysCoerce;
use MooseX::AttributeShortcuts 0.017;
use MooseX::Params::Validate;
use MooseX::Types::Common::String ':all';
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class ':all';

use Data::UUID;
use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir;
use HTTP::Request;
use List::AllUtils 'first';
use LWP::UserAgent::Determined;
use Template;
use XML::Simple;

use aliased 'Net::Amazon::Signature::V3';

# debugging...
#use Smart::Comments '###';

with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
    names => [ qw{
    } ],

has $_ => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => NonEmptySimpleStr)
    for qw{ id key };

has signer => (
    is      => 'lazy',
    isa     => 'Net::Amazon::Signature::V3',
    builder => sub { V3->new(id => $_[0]->id, key => $_[0]->key) },

has ua => (
    is      => 'lazy',
    isa     => 'LWP::UserAgent::Determined',
    builder => sub { LWP::UserAgent::Determined->new },

has endpoint_base => (
    is      => 'lazy',
    isa     => NonEmptySimpleStr,
    builder => sub { '' },

has hosted_zones_hash => (
    traits    => ['Hash'],
    is        => 'lazy',
    isa       => 'HashRef[Net::Amazon::R53::HostedZone]',
    clearer   => 1,
    predicate => 'has_fetched_hosted_zones',
    handles   => {
        # predicate not for the attribute, but content
        has_hosted_zones    => 'count',
        has_hosted_zone     => 'exists',
        hosted_zone_ids     => 'keys',
        hosted_zones        => 'values',
        hosted_zone         => 'get',
        hosted_zone_by_id   => 'get',
        hosted_zones_count  => 'count',
        _add_hosted_zone    => 'set',
        _delete_hosted_zone => 'delete',

sub _build_hosted_zones_hash {
    my $self = shift @_;

    my $part = 'hostedzone?maxitems=100';
    my $resp = $self->get_request($part, undef);

    ### parsing content: $resp->content
    my $zones = XMLin(
        ForceArray => [ qw{ HostedZone Config } ],
        GroupTags  => { HostedZones => 'HostedZone' },

    ### $zones
    my $hz_class = $self->hosted_zone_class;
    my @zones =
        map { $hz_class->new_from_raw_data($self, $_) }

    return { map { $_->plain_id => $_ } @zones };

sub hosted_zone_by_caller_reference {
    my ($self, $caller_ref) = @_;

    # implementation note: caller references are guaranteed unique by Amazon,
    # so using first() here isn't going to have any weird side-effects.

    ### searching for: $caller_ref
    my $hz =
        first { $_->caller_reference eq $caller_ref }

    return $hz;

# TODO move into HZ class?
sub get_resource_record_sets {
    my ($self, $hz_id) = @_;

    ### fetching records for hostedzone: $hz_id
    my $base_part = my $part = "hostedzone/$hz_id/rrset?maxitems=100";
    my @unparsed_rrs;

    while (1) {

        ### getting rrs via: $part
        my $resp = $self->get_request($part, undef);

        ### parsing content: $resp->content
        my $rrs_set = XMLin(
            ForceArray => [ qw{ ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecord } ],
            GroupTags  => {
                ResourceRecordSets => 'ResourceRecordSet',
                ResourceRecords    => 'ResourceRecord',

        # I can't _quite_ figure out how to get XML::Simple to do this for me
        $rrs_set->{ResourceRecordSets} ||= [];
        for my $rrs ($rrs_set->{ResourceRecordSets}->flatten) {

            next unless $rrs->{ResourceRecords};
            my @values =
                map { $_->{Value} }
            $rrs->{ResourceRecords} = \@values;

        push @unparsed_rrs, $rrs_set->{ResourceRecordSets}->flatten;

        last unless $rrs_set->{IsTruncated} eq 'true';

        # prep and create our next part...
        my $query = q{};
        my $_val   = sub { $rrs_set->{'NextRecord' . $_[0]->ucfirst} };

        do { $query .= "&$_=" . $_val->($_) if $_val->($_) }
            for qw{ name type identifier };

        $part = $base_part . $query;

    my @rrs =
        map { $self->resource_record_set_class->new_from_raw_data($self, $_) }

    return \@rrs;

sub create_hosted_zone {
    my $self = shift @_;

    my %opts = validated_hash(\@_,
        name             => { isa => 'Str'                },
        comment          => { isa => 'Str', optional => 1 },
        caller_reference => { isa => 'Str', optional => 1 },

    # MX::Params::Validate doesn't deal with dynamic defaults very well yet

    $opts{comment} //= 'Created ' . localtime;
    $opts{caller_reference} //= Data::UUID->new->create_str;

    my $part = 'hostedzone';
    my $tmpl = '';

    $self->tt->process('', { %opts }, \(my $req_content));

    ### $req_content
    my $resp = $self->post_request($part, $req_content);

    ### response: $resp->content
    my $info   = XMLin($resp->content, ForceArray => [ qw{ Config } ]);
    ### $info
    my $change = $self->change_info_class->new_from_raw_data($self, $info->{ChangeInfo});
    my $hz     = $self->hosted_zone_class->new_from_raw_data($self, $info->{HostedZone});
    # TODO delegtion info

    $self->_add_hosted_zone($hz->plain_id => $hz)
        if $self->has_fetched_hosted_zones;

    return wantarray ? ($hz, $change) : $hz;

sub copy_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, $hz) = @_;

    #my $self = shift @_;
    #my ($hz) = validated_list

    confess '$hz is not a HostedZone instance!'
        unless blessed $hz && $hz->isa('Net::Amazon::R53::HostedZone');

    my $comment = 'Creating copy of zone ' . $hz->plain_id;

    my ($new_hz, $change) = $self->create_hosted_zone(
        name    => $hz->name,
        comment => $comment,

    # if we haven't died yet, then the zone creation was queued/executed successfully

    my $copy_change = $new_hz->submit_resource_records_change_request(
        comment        => $comment,
        multi_batch_ok => 1,
        changes        => [
            map  { { action => 'CREATE', record => $_ } }
            grep { $_->type !~ /^(NS|SOA)$/             }

    return $new_hz;

sub delete_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, $hz_thing) = @_;

    my $path
        = blessed $hz_thing             ? $hz_thing->id
        : $hz_thing =~ m!^/hostedzone/! ? $hz_thing
        :                                 "/hostedzone/$hz_thing"

    my $resp = $self->delete_request($path, undef);

    # OK if we make it here w/o dying
        if $self->has_fetched_hosted_zones;

    # so here we do something a little different.  We use the ChangeInfo data
    # to construct our change object; this is the raw data that gets passed in
    # via new_from_raw_data(), but we also pass 'raw_data => $x', where $x is
    # the full set of returned data from Amazon.
    # I could be easily convinced that some other approach is better.

    ### response: $resp->content
    my $info = XMLin($resp->content, KeepRoot => 1);
    return $self->change_info_class->new_from_raw_data(
        raw_data => $info,

has template_dir => (
    is      => 'lazy',
    isa     => Dir,
    builder => sub { dist_dir 'Net-Amazon-R53' },

has tt => (
    is        => 'lazy',
    isa_class => 'Template',
    builder   => sub { Template->new(DEBUG => 1, INCLUDE_PATH => shift->template_dir) },

# build a full url
sub _full_endpoint { shift->endpoint_base . shift }

sub get_request    { shift->request(GET    => @_) }
sub post_request   { shift->request(POST   => @_) }
sub delete_request { shift->request(DELETE => @_) }

sub request {
    my ($self, $method, $part, $content) = @_;

    # wtf lwp?
    $content ||= undef;

    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
            Host => '',

    ### request: $req->as_string
    my $resp = $self->ua->request($req);

    ### request status: $resp->status_line
    confess "Fail! " . $resp->content
        if $resp->is_error;

    return $resp;




=encoding utf-8

=for :stopwords Chris Weyl Campus Explorer, Inc AWS DNS

=head1 NAME

Net::Amazon::R53 - An interface to Amazon's Route53

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.002 of Net::Amazon::R53 - released January 09, 2013 as part of Net-Amazon-R53.


    use Net::Amazon::R53;

    my $r53 = Net::Amazon::R53->new(id => $aws_id, key => $aws_key);


    # ...etc.


This is an interface to Amazon's Route53 DNS service.  It aims to be simple,
reliable, well tested, easily extensible, and capable of rescuing kittens from

Well, maybe not that last part.


These attributes are required, and must have their values supplied during object construction.

=head2 id

Your AWS id.

=head2 key

...and the corresponding AWS secret key.


These attributes are lazily constructed from another source (e.g. required attributes, external source, a BUILD() method, or some combo thereof). You can set these values at construction time, though this is generally neither required nor recommended.

=head2 signer

The logic that authenticates your requests to Route53.


=head2 hosted_zones_hash

Contains a list of all C<HostedZones> associated with this AWS key/id; lazily
built.  Right now we fetch at most 100 records.

=head2 template_dir

The directory we expect to find our templates in.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 signed_headers

Returns a list of headers (key/value pairs) suitable for direct inclusion in
the headers of a Route53 request.

=head2 has_fetched_hosted_zones

True if the C<hosted_zones> attribute is currently populated (that is, we've
fetched some at some point from Amazon.

=head2 clear_hosted_zones

Deletes our cached set of hosted zones, if we have any.

=head2 has_hosted_zones

True if we currently have any hosted zones.

=head2 has_hosted_zone($plain_id)

True if we have a zone with a plain id as passed to us.

=head2 hosted_zone_ids

Returns all of the hosted zone ids we know about.

=head2 hosted_zones

Returns a list of all known hosted zones; that is, a list of
L<Net::Amazon::R53::HostedZone> instances.

=head2 hosted_zones_count

Returns the number of hosted zones Route53 thinks we have.
=method hosted_zone_by_id($id)

Looks for a hosted zone with the passed value as its id.  Note that we're
talking about the so-called "plain" id, not the fully qualified one (e.g.
'Z12345', not '/hostedzone/Z12345').

=head2 hosted_zone_by_caller_reference($caller_reference)

Looks for a zone with the passed string as its caller reference.  Returns
nothing if no such zone is found.

=head2 get_resource_record_sets(<hosted zone id>)

Given a hosted zone id, we fetch all its associated resource record sets.

=head2 create_hosted_zone(name => ..., caller_reference => ..., comment => ...)

Creates a hosted zone.

C<name> is the domain name this zone holds records for, e.g. ''.

C<caller_reference> is some unique client-chosen (aka you) identifier.

C<comment> is, well, the comment used for zone creation.

Only the C<name> parameter is mandatory; suitable values will be generated for
the other options if they are omitted.

Returns the new hosted zone object if called in scalar context; the change
and hosted zone objects if called in list context; that is:

    my ($hz, $change) = $r53->create_hosted_zone(...);
    my $hz            = $r53->create_hosted_zone(...);

Dies on error.  For more information, see the Route53 API and Developer's

=head2 copy_hosted_zone($hz)

Given a hosted zone object, create a new hosted zone and copy the contents of
the given zone to the new zone.

Returns the new hosted zone instance.

=head2 delete_hosted_zone($hz_id | $hz)

Delete a hosted zone, by its id; both the plain id (e.g. C<ZIQB30DSWGWG6>)
or the full one Amazon returns (e.g. C</hostedzone/ZIQB30DSWGWG6>) are
acceptable ids.

We do not perform any validation.  If the zone doesn't exist, or is not
pristine (contains any non-Amazon record sets), or anything else goes
sideways, we'll just die.

=head2 request($method, $uri_part, $content)

Make a request to Route53.

=head2 get_request

Same as request(), but as a GET.

=head2 post_request

Same as request(), but as a POST.

=head2 delete_request

Same as request(), but as a DELETE.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.

=over 4

=item *

L<Amazon's docs and Route53 information, particularly:|Amazon's docs and Route53 information, particularly:>

=item *


=item *

L<L<Net::Amazon::Route53> is a prior implementation of an older Route53 API.|L<Net::Amazon::Route53> is a prior implementation of an older Route53 API.>


=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Weyl <>


Chris Weyl <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Campus Explorer, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
