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package Tie::FieldVals::Row;
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

Tie::FieldVals::Row - a hash tie for rows (records) of Tie::FieldVals data

=head1 VERSION

This describes version B<0.6203> of Tie::FieldVals::Row.


our $VERSION = '0.6203';


    use Tie::FieldVals::Row;

    my %person;
    my @keys = qw(Forename Surname DateOfBirth Gender);
    my $row_obj = tie %person, 'Tie::FieldVals::Row', fields=>\@keys;

    # set the row

    # compare the row
    if ($row_obj->match(Forename=>'Mary'))
	# do something


This is a Tie object to map a row (record) of enhanced Field:Value data to
a hash.  This sets fixed keys so that they match the columns of the data.
Values can go over more than one line.  Fields can have multiple values.

Field names cannot have spaces in them, indeed, they must consist of plain
alphanumeric characters or underscores.  They are case-sensitive.


use 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp;

# to make taint happy
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin";
$ENV{CDPATH} = '';
$ENV{BASH_ENV} = '';

# for debugging
my $DEBUG = 0;


=head2 set_from_hash

Set the hash data from a simple untied hash.





=item append_keys

Append to the list of official fields with the Field: contents
of this string.
(default: false)

=item override_keys

If override_keys is true, then the official fields, the legal
keys to this hash, are reset from the Field: contents of this
(default: false)


sub set_from_hash ($$;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $hash_ref = shift;
    my %args = (

    # if we are overriding the keys, simply clear
    # the whole self-hash
    if ($args{override_keys})
	%{$self->{FIELDS}} = ();
	$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields} = [];
	# otherwise, just clear the existing data

    my @fields = ();
    my $cur_field = '';
    foreach my $field (sort keys %{$hash_ref})
	my $val = $hash_ref->{$field};
	if ($args{override_keys}
	    || $args{append_keys}
	    || exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
	    $cur_field = $field;
	    if (!defined $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
		$self->{FIELDS}->{$field} = [];
	    if (ref $val)
		push @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$field}}, @{$val};
		push @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$field}}, $val;
	    if ($args{override_keys})
		push @{$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields}}, $field;
	    carp "unknown field $field in hash";
} # set_from_hash

=head2 set_from_string

Set the hash data from an enhanced Field:Value data string.



The format of the string is basically a multi-line string
in Field:Value format, with the addition that if a line does
not start with a known fieldname followed by a colon, that
the contents of that line is added to the value of the previous

If a particular FieldName is repeated, its value is added to
the existing value of that FieldName, and it becomes a
multi-value field.



=item append_keys

Append to the list of official fields with the Field: contents
of this string.
(default: false)

=item override_keys

If override_keys is true, then the official fields, the legal
keys to this hash, are reset from the Field: contents of this
(default: false)


sub set_from_string ($$;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $record_str = shift;
    my %args = (

    # if we are overriding the keys, simply clear
    # the whole self-hash
    if ($args{override_keys})
	%{$self->{FIELDS}} = ();
	$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields} = [];
	# otherwise, just clear the existing data

    # the lines contain either field:value pairs
    # or continuations of the previous field's value
    my @fields = ();
    my @lines = split(/\n/, $record_str);
    my $cur_field = '';
    while (@lines)
	my $line = shift @lines;
	if ($line =~ /^([a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*):(.*)$/)
	    my $field = $1;
	    my $val = $2;
	    if ($args{override_keys}
		|| $args{append_keys}
		|| exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
		$cur_field = $field;
		if (!defined $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
		    $self->{FIELDS}->{$field} = [];
		push @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$field}}, $val;
		if ($args{override_keys})
		    push @{$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields}}, $field;
	    elsif ($cur_field)
		# not a field -- must be a value
		# append the current line to the last field
		my $count = @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$cur_field}};
		${$self->{FIELDS}->{$cur_field}}[$count - 1] .= "\n$line";
	elsif ($cur_field)
	    # append the current line to the last field
	    my $count = @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$cur_field}};
	    ${$self->{FIELDS}->{$cur_field}}[$count - 1] .= "\n$line";
} # set_from_string

=head2 set_from_xml_string

Set the hash data from an XML string.



The format of this XML string is as follows:


If a particular FieldName is repeated, its value is added to
the existing value of that FieldName, and it becomes a
multi-value field.



=item append_keys

Append to the list of official fields with the <Field> contents
of this string.
(default: false)

=item override_keys

If override_keys is true, then the official fields, the legal
keys to this hash, are reset from the <Field> contents of this
(default: false)


sub set_from_xml_string ($$;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $record_str = shift;
    my %args = (

    # if we are overriding the keys, simply clear
    # the whole self-hash
    if ($args{override_keys})
	%{$self->{FIELDS}} = ();
	$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields} = [];
	# otherwise, just clear the existing data

    # record_str should contain ...<record>...</record>
    # or just the fields
    if ($record_str =~ m#<record>(.*)</record>#s)
	$record_str = $1;
    # now record_str should just contain the fields
    # eg <Author>...</Author>...<Review>..</Review>
    my @all_fields = split(/(<[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*>|<\/[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*>)/, $record_str);
    while (@all_fields)
	my $fld = shift @all_fields;
	# is this a valid start-tag?
	if ($fld =~ m#<([a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)>#)
	    my $field = $1;
	    # is this a legal key?
	    if ($args{override_keys}
		|| $args{append_keys}
		|| exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
		my $val = shift @all_fields;
		# restore the special characters to their real meanings
		$val =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
		$val =~ s/&lt;/</g;
		$val =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
		$val =~ s/&apos;/'/g;
		$val =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
		if (!defined $self->{FIELDS}->{$field})
		    $self->{FIELDS}->{$field} = [];
		push @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$field}}, $val;
	    if ($args{override_keys})
		push @{$self->{OPTIONS}->{fields}}, $field;
} # set_from_xml_string

=head2 get_as_string

Returns the hash data as a string in the same format as
expected by L</set_from_string>.

    my $str = $row_obj->get_as_string();

    my $str = $row_obj->get_as_string(fields=>\@fields);

If B<fields> is defined, then return a string which is made up
of only that subset of the fields given by the @fields array.

sub get_as_string ($;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (

    my $out = '';
    my $fields_ref = (defined $args{fields}
	? $args{fields} : $self->{OPTIONS}->{fields});
    foreach my $field (@{$fields_ref})
	if ($self->EXISTS($field))
	    my $num_vals = $self->field_count($field);
	    my $aref = $self->FETCH(\$field);
	    for (my $i=0; $i < $num_vals; $i++)
		my $val = $aref->[$i];
		$out .= "${field}:";
		$out .= $val;
		$out .= "\n";
    $out =~ s/\n$//;

    return $out;
} # get_as_string

=head2 get_xml_string

Returns the hash data as an XML string in the same
format as expected by L</set_from_xml_string>.

    my $str = $row_obj->get_xml_string();

    my $str = $row_obj->get_xml_string(fields=>\@fields);

If B<fields> is defined, then return a string which is made up
of only that subset of the fields given by the @fields array.

sub get_xml_string ($;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (

    my $out = '';
    $out .= "<record>\n";
    my $fields_ref = (defined $args{fields}
	? $args{fields} : $self->{OPTIONS}->{fields});
    foreach my $field (@{$fields_ref})
	if ($self->EXISTS($field))
	    my $num_vals = $self->field_count($field);
	    my $aref = $self->FETCH(\$field);
	    for (my $i=0; $i < $num_vals; $i++)
		my $val = $$aref[$i];
		$val =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
		$val =~ s/</&lt;/g;
		$val =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
		$out .= "<${field}>";
		$out .= $val;
		$out .= "</${field}>";
		$out .= "\n";
    $out .= "</record>\n";

    return $out;
} # get_xml_string

=head2 field_names

my @field_names = @{$row_obj->field_names()};

Return the names of the fields in the order they were defined,
rather than the random order that "keys" would give.
This will either be the array which was used when the hash
was tied, or the order that fields were read from a string
if set_from_string or set_from_xml_string is called with
override_fields true.

sub field_names ($) {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{OPTIONS}->{fields};
} # field_names

=head2 field_count

    my $cnt = $row_obj->field_count($field_name);

Return the number of different field values for the
given field in the given Row.  A multi-valued field
will give a count greater than 1.

If there is no value defined for the given field, then returns zero.

sub field_count ($$) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $field_name = shift;

    my $count = 0;
    if (!exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$field_name}
	|| !defined $self->{FIELDS}->{$field_name})
	return 0;

    if (ref($self->{FIELDS}->{$field_name}) eq 'ARRAY')
	$count = @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$field_name}};
    elsif (!ref($self->{FIELDS}->{$field_name}))
	$count = 1;
	warn "record->${field_name} not array";
	warn Dumper($self->{FIELDS});

    return $count;
} # field_count

=head2 set_fields_as_vars



Sets the data of the hash as variables with the same name as the
field name; multi-valued fields have arrays of the field name.

These are set in the given package.



=item field_ind

For multi-valued fields, the @I<Field> variable is set, but also the
$I<Field> variable will be set, to the value of the variable with
B<field_ind> index. (default: 0)


sub set_fields_as_vars ($;%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $pkg_name = shift;
    my %args = (

    my $field_ind = $args{field_ind};

    while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$self->{FIELDS}})
	$key =~ m#([a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)#; # keep taint happy
	my $field = $1;
	my $varname = "${pkg_name}::${field}";
	if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY')
	    no strict 'refs';
	    my $num_vals = @{$value};
	    for (my $i=0; $i < $num_vals; $i++)
		my $tval = ${$value}[$i];
		$tval =~ m#([^`]*)#s;
		my $val = $1;
		if ($num_vals > 0)
		    if ($i == 0)
			$$varname = $val;
			@$varname = ();
		    elsif ($i == $field_ind)
			$$varname = $val;
		    $$varname[$i] = $val;
		    $$varname = $val;
	elsif (!ref $value)
	    no strict 'refs';
	    $value =~ m#([^`]*)#s;
	    my $val = $1;
	    $$varname = $val;
} # set_fields_as_vars

=head2 match

	    Year=>'> 2001')

Checks if this row matches the hash.
The hash is in the form of Field => value pairs, where
the value can be a plain value,
a comparison (< > = eq ne ...)
or a regular expression.

If the plain value or the comparison starts with '!'
then the sense of the comparison is reversed.

    1 if matches all conditions, 0 if fails

sub match ($%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my %match = (@_);
    my $fields = $self->{FIELDS};
    my $retval = 0;

    my $found = 0;
    while (my ($fn, $re) = each %match)
	my $val = $self->FETCH($fn);
	if (defined $val and is_matched($val, $re))
    $retval = 1 if $found == scalar keys %match;

    return $retval;
} # match

=head2 match_any


Checks if any field in this row matches the string.

    1 if any field matches the string, 0 if fails

sub match_any ($$) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $match_str = shift;
    my $fields = $self->{FIELDS};
    my $retval = 0;

    my $found = 0;
    while (my $fn = each %{$fields})
	my $val = $self->FETCH($fn);
	if (defined $val and is_matched($val, $match_str))
    $retval = 1 if ($found > 0);

    return $retval;
} # match_any

=head1 Tie-Hash METHODS

=head2 TIEHASH

Create a new instance of the object as tied to a hash.

    tie %person, 'Tie::FieldVals::Row', fields=>\@keys;

The B<fields> argument defines the names of the legal fields.
Legal fields can also be set from a string when using the B<override_keys>
argument to L</set_from_string> or L</set_from_xml_string>.

    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = (
    if (!defined $args{fields})
	croak "Tie::FieldVals::Row -- no fields given";
    my @keys = @{$args{fields}};

    my %hash;

    @hash{@keys} = (undef) x @keys;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{FIELDS} = \%hash;
    $self->{OPTIONS} = \%args;

    bless $self, $class;

=head2 FETCH

Get a key=>value from the hash.
Some values may be multi-values, and can either be gotten as an array
reference or joined together.
If a key is not an official key, undefined is returned.

    $val = $hash{$key}

Gets the value, or if it is a multi-value, gets the values joined
by spaces.

    $val = $hash{\$key}

Gets the whole key field as an array ref.

    $match = {$key=>'##'};
    $val = $hash{$match};

    $match = [$key, '##'];
    $val = $hash{$match};

Gets the value, or if it is a multi-value, gets the values joined
by the given string (in this case, '##').

See also L</field_count> to determine whether a field is a multi-valued

sub FETCH {
    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my ($self, $match) = @_;
    my $key = '';
    my $separator = ' ';
    my $return_array = 0;

    if (ref $match) {
	if (ref $match eq 'SCALAR') {
	    $key = $$match;
	    $return_array = 1;
	elsif (ref $match eq 'HASH') {
	    my @keys = keys %{$match};
	    $key = shift @keys;
	    $separator = $match->{$key};
	elsif (ref $match eq 'ARRAY') {
	    $key = shift @{$match};
	    $separator = shift @{$match};
	else {
	    carp "invalid match '", ref $match,  "' to FETCH hash";
	    return undef;
    else {
	$key = $match; # just a plain key

    unless (exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$key}) {
	return undef;

    if (ref $self->{FIELDS}->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
	my $count = @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$key}};

	if ($return_array)
	    return $self->{FIELDS}->{$key};
	# if there's only one, return it
	elsif ($count == 1) {
	    return @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$key}}[0];
	else {
	    # otherwise, return the values joined together
	    return join($separator, @{$self->{FIELDS}->{$key}});
    else {
	return $self->{FIELDS}->{$key};


=head2 STORE

Add a key=>value to the hash.
Either add a single value, or an array reference to create a

If a key is not an official key, nothing is set, and it
complains of error.

    $hash{$key} = $val;
    $hash{$key} = [$v1,$v2,$v3];

sub STORE {
    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my ($self, $match, $val) = @_;
    my $key = '';

    if (ref $match) {
	carp "invalid match '", ref $match,  "' to STORE hash";
	return undef;
    else {
	$key = $match; # just a plain key
    unless (exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$key}) {

	carp "invalid key [$key] in hash\n";
	return undef;

    if (ref $val) {
	if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
	    $self->{FIELDS}->{$key} = $val;
	    carp "invalid value reference '", ref $val,  "' to STORE hash";
	    return undef;
    else {
	$self->{FIELDS}->{$key} = [$val];


=head2 DELETE

Remove a key=>value from the hash, only if it exists.

sub DELETE {
    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my ($self, $key) = @_;

    return unless exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$key};

    my $ret = $self->{FIELDS}->{$key};

    $self->{FIELDS}->{$key} = undef;

    return $ret;

=head2 CLEAR

Remove all the data from the hash.

sub CLEAR {
    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{FIELDS}->{$_} = undef foreach keys %{$self->{FIELDS}};

=head2 EXISTS

Does this key exist?

sub EXISTS {
    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;

    return exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$key};


Get the first key of this hash.

    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my $self = shift;

    my $a = keys %{$self->{FIELDS}};	# reset each() iterator
    each %{$self->{FIELDS}};

=head2 NEXTKEY

Get the next key of this hash.

    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
    my $self = shift;
    my $lastkey = shift; # previous key

    each %{$self->{FIELDS}};

    carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;


For developer reference only.

=head2 debug

Set debugging on.

sub debug { $DEBUG = @_ ? shift : 1 }

=head2 whowasi

For debugging: say who called this 

sub whowasi { (caller(1))[3] . '()' }

=head2 is_matched($str,$re)

Check if the string matches the expression.

sub is_matched {
    if (ref $re eq 'Regexp') {
        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
    my $op;
    my $val;
    my $negate = 0;
    my $retval = 0;

    # if it starts with a ! and isn't !=
    # then negate the match
    if ($re and $re =~ /^![^=]/)
	$negate = 1;
	$re =~ s/^!//;
    if ( $re and $re =~/^(\S*)\s+(.*)/ ) {
	$op  = $1;
	$val = $2;

	my $numop = '< > == != <= >=';
	my $chrop = 'lt gt eq ne le ge';
	if (!($numop =~ /$op/) and !($chrop =~ /$op/)) {
	    $retval = ($str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0);
	elsif ($numop =~ /$op/) {
	    my $num = ($str ? $str : 0);
	    if ($op eq '<' ) { $retval = ($num <  $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq '>' ) { $retval = ($num >  $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq '==') { $retval = ($num == $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq '!=') { $retval = ($num != $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq '<=') { $retval = ($num <= $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq '>=') { $retval = ($num >= $val); }
	} else {
	    if ($op eq 'lt') { $retval = ($str lt $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq 'gt') { $retval = ($str gt $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq 'eq') { $retval = ($str eq $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq 'ne') { $retval = ($str ne $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq 'le') { $retval = ($str le $val); }
	    elsif ($op eq 'ge') { $retval = ($str ge $val); }

    elsif ($re) {
        $retval = ($str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0);
    else {
        $retval = ($str eq '' ? 1 : 0);

    if ($negate)
	return (!$retval);
    return $retval;



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author.

=head1 AUTHOR

    Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT)
    perlkat AT katspace dot com


Copyright (c) 2004 by Kathryn Andersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of Tie::FieldVals::Row