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package App::Zapzi;
# ABSTRACT: store articles and publish them to read later

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.010'; # VERSION

binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)");

use Browser::Open;
use Getopt::Lucid 1.05 qw( :all );
use File::HomeDir;
use File::Temp;
use App::Zapzi::Database;
use App::Zapzi::Folders;
use App::Zapzi::Articles;
use App::Zapzi::FetchArticle;
use App::Zapzi::Transform;
use App::Zapzi::Publish;
use Moo 1.003000;
use Carp;

has run => (is => 'rw', default => -1);

has force => (is => 'rw', default => 0);

has noarchive => (is => 'rw', default => 0);

has long => (is => 'rw', default => 0);

has folder => (is => 'rw', default => 'Inbox');

has transformer => (is => 'rw', default => '');

has format => (is => 'rw', default => 'MOBI');

has encoding => (is => 'rw');

our $_the_app;
sub BUILD { $_the_app = shift; }
sub get_app
    croak 'Must create an instance of App::Zapzi first' unless $_the_app;
    return $_the_app;

has zapzi_dir =>
    is => 'ro',
    default => sub
        return $ENV{ZAPZI_DIR} // File::HomeDir->my_home . "/.zapzi";

has zapzi_ebook_dir =>
    is => 'ro',
    default => sub
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->zapzi_dir . '/ebooks';

has database =>
    is => 'ro',
    default => sub
        my $self = shift;
        return App::Zapzi::Database->new(app => $self);

has test_database =>
    is => 'ro',
    default => 0

sub process_args
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    my @specs =


    my $options = Getopt::Lucid->getopt(\@specs, \@args)->validate;

    $self->folder($options->get_folder // $self->folder);
    $self->transformer($options->get_transformer // $self->transformer);
    $self->format($options->get_format // $self->format);
    $self->encoding($options->get_encoding // $self->encoding);

    $self->help if $options->get_help;
    $self->version if $options->get_version;
    $self->init if $options->get_init;

    # For any further operations we need a database
    if (! -r $self->database->database_file && ! $self->test_database)
        print "Zapzi database does not exist; did you run 'zapzi init'?\n";

    # Upgrade the DB, if needed
        unless $self->database->check_version || $self->run == 0;

    unless ($options->get_make_folder)
        if (! $self->validate_folder($self->folder))

    $self->list if $options->get_list;
    $self->list_folders if $options->get_list_folders;
    $self->make_folder(@args) if $options->get_make_folder;
    $self->delete_folder(@args) if $options->get_delete_folder;
    $self->delete_article(@args) if $options->get_delete_article;
    @args = $self->add(@args) if $options->get_add;
    $self->show('browser', @args) if $options->get_show;
    $self->show('stdout', @args) if $options->get_export;
    $self->publish if $options->get_publish;

    # Fallthrough if no valid commands given
    $self->help if $self->run == -1;

sub init
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = $self->zapzi_dir;

    if (! $dir || $dir eq '')
        print "Zapzi directory not supplied\n";
    elsif (-d $dir && ! $self->force)
        print "Zapzi directory $dir already exists\n";
        print "To force recreation, run with the --force option\n";
        print "Created Zapzi directory $dir\n";

sub validate_folder
    my $self = shift;

    if (! App::Zapzi::Articles::get_folder($self->folder))
        printf("Folder '%s' does not exist\n", $self->folder);
        return 1;

sub list
    my $self = shift;
    my $summary = App::Zapzi::Articles::articles_summary($self->folder);
    foreach (@$summary)
        my $article = $_;
        if ($self->long)
            print "Folder:  ", $self->folder, "\n";
            print "ID:      ", $article->{id}, "\n";
            print "Title:   ", $article->{title}, "\n";
            print "Source:  ", $article->{source}, "\n";
            print "Created: ",
                  $article->{created}->strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'), "\n";
            printf("Size:    %.1fkb\n", length($article->{text}) / 1024);
            print "\n";
            printf("%s %4d %s %-45s\n", $self->folder,
                   $article->{id}, $article->{created}->strftime('%d-%b-%Y'),

sub list_folders
    my $self = shift;
    my $summary = App::Zapzi::Folders::folders_summary();
    foreach (sort keys %$summary)
        printf("%-10s %3d\n", $_, $summary->{$_});


sub make_folder
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if (! @args)
        print "Need to provide folder names to create\n";

    for (@args)
        my $folder = $_;
        if (App::Zapzi::Folders::get_folder($folder))
            print "Folder '$folder' already exists\n";
            print "Created folder '$folder'\n";

sub delete_folder
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if (! @args)
        print "Need to provide folder names to delete\n";

    for (@args)
        my $folder = $_;
        if (App::Zapzi::Folders::is_system_folder($folder))
            print "Can't remove '$folder' as it is needed by the system\n";
        elsif (! App::Zapzi::Folders::get_folder($folder))
            print "Folder '$folder' does not exist\n";
            print "Deleted folder '$folder'\n";

sub delete_article
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if (! @args)
        print "Need to provide article IDs\n";

    for (@args)
        my $id = $_;
        my $art_rs = App::Zapzi::Articles::get_article($id);
        if ($art_rs)
            if (App::Zapzi::Articles::delete_article($id))
                print "Deleted article $id\n";
                print "Could not delete article $id\n";
            print "Could not get article $id\n";

sub add
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if (! @args)
        print "Need to provide articles names to add\n";

    my @article_ids;
    for (@args)
        my $source = $_;
        print "Working on $source\n";
        my $f = App::Zapzi::FetchArticle->new(source => $source);
        if (! $f->fetch)
            print "Could not get article: ", $f->error, "\n\n";

        my $tx = App::Zapzi::Transform->new(raw_article => $f,
                                            transformer => $self->transformer);
        if (! $tx->to_readable)
            print "Could not transform article\n\n";

        printf("Got '%s' (%.1fkb)\n", $tx->title,
               length($tx->readable_text) / 1024);

        my $rs = App::Zapzi::Articles::add_article(title => $tx->title,
                                                   source =>
                                                   text => $tx->readable_text,
                                                   folder => $self->folder);
        printf("Added article %d to folder '%s'\n\n", $rs->id, $self->folder);
        push @article_ids, $rs->id;

    # Allow other commands in the command line to operate on the list of
    # articles added.
    return @article_ids;

sub show
    my $self = shift;
    my $output = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if (! @args)
        print "Need to provide article IDs\n";

    my $tempdir;

    $tempdir = File::Temp->newdir("zapzi-article-XXXXX", TMPDIR => 1)
        if $output eq 'browser';

    for (@args)
        my $article_text = App::Zapzi::Articles::export_article($_);
        if (! $article_text)
            print "Could not get article $_\n\n";

        if ($output ne 'browser')
            print $article_text, "\n\n";

        # Send the article to a temp file and view in a browser
        my $tempfile = "$tempdir/$_.html";
        open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $tempfile
            or die "Can't open temporary file: $!\n";
        print {$fh} $article_text;
        close $fh;

        my $rc = Browser::Open::open_browser($tempfile);
        if (!defined($rc))
            print "Could not open browser";

sub publish
    my $self = shift;

    my $articles = App::Zapzi::Articles::get_articles($self->folder);
    my $count  = $articles->count;

    if ($count == 0)
        print "No articles in '", $self->folder, "' to publish\n";

    printf("Publishing '%s' - %d articles\n", $self->folder, $count);

    my $pub = App::Zapzi::Publish->
        new(folder => $self->folder,
            format => $self->format,
            encoding => $self->encoding,
            archive_folder => $self->noarchive ? undef : 'Archive');

    if (! $pub->publish())
        print "Failed to publish ebook\n";

    print "Published ", $pub->filename, "\n";

sub help
    my $self = shift;

    print << 'EOF';
  $ zapzi help|h
    Shows this help text

  $ zapzi version|v
    Show version information

  $ zapzi init [--force]
    Initialises new zapzi database. Will not create a new database
    if one exists already unless you set --force.

  $ zapzi add [-t TRANSFORMER] FILE | URL | POD
    Adds article to database. Accepts multiple file names or URLs.
    TRANSFORMER determines how to extract the text from the article
    and can be HTML, HTMLExtractMain, POD or TextMarkdown
    If not specified, Zapzi will choose the best option based on the
    content type of the article.

  $ zapzi list | ls [-f FOLDER] [-l | --long]
    Lists articles in FOLDER, one line per article. The -l option shows
    a more detailed listing.

  $ zapzi list-folders | lsf
    Lists a summary of all folders.

  $ zapzi make-folder | mkf | md FOLDER
    Make a new folder.

  $ zapzi delete-folder | rmf | rd FOLDER
    Remove a folder and all articles in it.

  $ zapzi delete-article | delete | rm ID
    Removes article ID.

  $ zapzi export | cat ID
    Prints content of readable article to STDOUT

  $ zapzi show | view ID
    Opens a browser to view the readable text of article ID

  $ zapzi publish | pub [-f FOLDER] [--format FORMAT]
                        [--encoding ENC] [--noarchive]
    Publishes articles in FOLDER to an eBook.
    Format can be specified as MOBI, EPUB or HTML.
    Will archive articles unless --noarchive is set.


sub version
    my $self = shift;

    my $v = "dev";
    no strict 'vars'; ## no critic - $VERSION does not exist in dev
    $v = "$VERSION" if defined $VERSION;

    print "App::Zapzi $v and Perl $]\n";
    print "Database schema version ", $self->database->get_version, "\n";




=head1 NAME

App::Zapzi - store articles and publish them to read later

=head1 VERSION

version 0.010


This class implements the application functions for Zapzi. See the
page for the L<zapzi> command for details on how to run it.


=head2 run

The current state of the application, -1 means nothing has been done,
0 OK, otherwise an error code. Used for exit code when the process

=head2 force

Option to force processing of the init command. Default is unset.

=head2 noarchive

Option to not archive articles on publication

=head2 long

Option to present a detailed listing

=head2 folder

Folder to work on. Default is 'Inbox'

=head2 transformer

Transformer to extract text from the article. Default is '', which
means Zapzi will automatically the best option based on the content
type of the text.

=head2 format

Format to publish a collection of folder articles in. Default is MOBI;
EPUB and HTML are other valid options.

=head2 encoding

Encoding to publish a collection of folder articles in. Zapzi will
select the best encoding for the content and publication format if not

=head2 zapzi_dir

The folder where Zapzi files are stored.

=head2 zapzi_ebook_dir

The folder where Zapzi published eBook files are stored.

=head2 database

The instance of App:Zapzi::Database used by the application.

=head2 test_database

If set, use an in-memory database. Used to speed up testing only.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 get_app
=method BUILD

At construction time, a copy of the application object is stored and
can be retrieved later via C<get_app>.

=head2 process_args(@args)

Read the arguments C<@args> (normally you'd pass in C<@ARGV> and
process them according to the command line specification for the

=head2 init

Creates the database. Will only do so if the database does not exist
already or if the L<force> attribute is set.

=head2 validate_folder

Determines if the folder specified exists.

=head2 list

Lists out the articles in L<folder>.

=head2 list_folders

List folder names and article counts.

=head2 make_folder

Create one or more new folders. Will ignore any folders that already

=head2 delete_folder

Remove one or more new folders. Will not allow removal of system
folders ie Inbox and Archive, but will ignore removal of folders that
do not exist.

=head2 delete_article

Remove an article from the database

=head2 add

Add an article to the database for later publication.

=head2 show(output, articles)

Exports article text. If C<output> is 'browser' then will start a
browser to view the article, otherwise it will print to STDOUT.

=head2 publish

Publish a folder of articles to an eBook

=head2 help

Displays help text.

=head2 version

Displays version information.

=head1 AUTHOR

Rupert Lane <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Rupert Lane.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
