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nbody - Unrolling AELEM loops to AELEMFAST

In the first part I showed some problems and possibilities of the B::C compiler and B::CC optimizing compiler with an regexp example which was very bad to optimize.

In the second part I got 2 times faster run-times with the B::CC compiler with the nbody benchmark, which does a lot of arithmetic.

Two open problems were detected: slow function calls, and slow array accesses.

At first I inlined the function call which is called the most, sub advance which was called N times, N being 5000, 50.000 or 50.000.000.

for (1..$n) {

The runtime with N=50.000.000 went from 22m13.754s down to 21m48.015s, 25s less. This is not what I wanted. php and jruby are at 12 min and 9m. So it is not slow functions calls, it is slow array access. Inspecting the opcodes shows that a lot of AELEM ops are used, for reading and writing arrays.

AELEM checks for lvalue invocation and several more flags, which do exist at compile-time and there exists a fast version already AELEMFAST, but this only operates on literal constant indices, already known at compile-time. The index is stored at compile-time in the op->private flag then.

So instead of

for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < $last + 1; $j++) {
  # inner-loop $j..4
  $dx = $xs[$i] - $xs[$j];
  $dy = $ys[$i] - $ys[$j];
  $dz = $zs[$i] - $zs[$j];

One could generate a macro-like string which just evals the array indices and generate from this string the final function.

Array accesses: $a[const] are optimized to AELEMFAST, $a[$lexical] not. So unroll the loop in macro-like fashion.

$energy = '
sub energy
  my $e = 0.0;
  my ($dx, $dy, $dz, $distance);';
  for my $i (0 .. $last) {
$energy .= "
# outer-loop $i..4
    \$e += 0.5 * \$mass[$i] *
          (\$vxs[$i] * \$vxs[$i] + \$vys[$i] * \$vys[$i] + \$vzs[$i] * \$vzs[$i]);
  for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < $last + 1; $j++) {
$energy .= "
    # inner-loop $j..4
    \$dx = \$xs[$i] - \$xs[$j];
    \$dy = \$ys[$i] - \$ys[$j];
    \$dz = \$zs[$i] - \$zs[$j];
    \$distance = sqrt(\$dx * \$dx + \$dy * \$dy + \$dz * \$dz);
    \$e -= (\$mass[$i] * \$mass[$j]) / \$distance;";
$energy .= '
  return $e;
eval $energy; die if $@;

Every $i and $j got expanded into a literal, 0 .. 4.

I did this loop unrolling for the three functions, and the results were impressive. It is a nice little macro trick which you could use for normal uncompiled perl code also. With compiled code the loop-unrolling should happen automatically.

Full code here: nbody.perl-2.perl


$ perlcc --time -r -O -S -O1 --Wb=-fno-destruct,-Uwarnings,-UB,-UCarp ../shootout/bench/nbody/nbody.perl 50000
script/perlcc: c time: 0.380353
script/perlcc: cc time: 0.967525
script/perlcc: r time: 2.214327


$ perlcc --time -r -O -S -O1 --Wb=-fno-destruct,-Uwarnings,-UB,-UCarp ../shootout/bench/nbody/nbody.perl-2.perl 50000
script/perlcc: c time: 0.448817
script/perlcc: cc time: 2.167499
script/perlcc: r time: 1.341283

Another 2x times faster!

For comparison the same effect uncompiled:

$ time perl ../shootout/bench/nbody/nbody.perl 50000

real	0m3.650s
user	0m3.644s
sys	0m0.000s


$ time perl ../shootout/bench/nbody/nbody.perl-2.perl 50000

real	0m2.399s
user	0m2.388s
sys	0m0.004s

So we went from 3.6s down to 2.4s and compiled to 1.3s.

With N=50,000,000 we got 14m12.653s uncompiled and 7m11.3597s compiled. Close to jruby, even if the array accesses still goes through the av_fetch function, magic is checked and undefined indices are autovivified.


The above macro-code code looks pretty unreadable, similar to lisp macros, with its mix of quoted and unquoted variables. The compiler needs to detect unrollable loop code which will lead to more constants and AELEMFAST ops. And we better define a helper function for easier generation of such unrolled loops.

# unquote local vars
sub qv {
  my ($s, $env) = @_;
  # expand our local loop vars
  $s =~ s/(\$\w+?)\b/exists($env->{$1})?$env->{$1}:$1/sge;

$energy = '
sub energy
  my $e = 0.0;
  my ($dx, $dy, $dz, $distance);';
  for my $i (0 .. $last) {
    my $env = {'$i'=>$i,'$last'=>$last};
    $energy .= qv('
    # outer-loop $i..4
    $e += 0.5 * $mass[$i] *
          ($vxs[$i] * $vxs[$i] + $vys[$i] * $vys[$i] + $vzs[$i] * $vzs[$i]);', $env);
    for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < $last + 1; $j++) {
      $env->{'$j'} = $j;
      $energy .= qv('
      # inner-loop $j..4
      $dx = $xs[$i] - $xs[$j];
      $dy = $ys[$i] - $ys[$j];
      $dz = $zs[$i] - $zs[$j];
      $distance = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy + $dz * $dz);
      $e -= ($mass[$i] * $mass[$j]) / $distance;', $env);
  $energy .= '
  return $e;
eval $energy; die if $@;

This looks now much better and leads in a BEGIN block to only neglectible run-time penalty. Full code here: nbody.perl-2a.perl

I also tried a generic unroll_loop() function, but it was a bit too unstable finding the end of the loop blocks on the source level, and qv() looked good enough. The compiler can use the optree to find the optimization.

Types and autovivification

A naive optimization would check the index ranges beforehand, and access the array values directly. Something the type optimizer for arrays would do.

my (num @xs[4],  num @ys[4],  num @zs[4]);
my (num @vxs[4], num @vys[4], num @vzs[4]);
my num @mass[4];

And instead of $xs[0] * $xs[1] which compiles to AELEMFASTs, currently inlined by B::CC to:

{ AV* av = MUTABLE_AV(PL_curpad[6]);
  SV** const svp = av_fetch(av, 0, 0);
  SV *sv = (svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef);
  if (SvRMAGICAL(av) && SvGMAGICAL(sv)) mg_get(sv);
{ AV* av = MUTABLE_AV(PL_curpad[6]);
  SV** const svp = av_fetch(av, 1, 0);
  SV *sv = (svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef);
  if (SvRMAGICAL(av) && SvGMAGICAL(sv)) mg_get(sv);
rnv0 = POPn; lnv0 = POPn;       /* multiply */
d30_tmp = lnv0 * rnv0;

It should compile to:

d30_tmp = (double)AvARRAY(PL_curpad[6])[0] *

With the size declaration you can omit the av_fetch() call and undef check ("autovivification"), with the type num you do not need to get to the SvNV of the array element, the value is stored directly, and the type also guarantees that there is no magic to be checked. So AvARRAY(PL_curpad[6])[0] would return a double.

And the stack handling (PUSH, PUSH, POP, POP) can also be optimized away, since the ops are inlined already. That would get us close to an optimizing compiler as with Haskell, Lua, PyPy or LISP. Not close to Go or Java, as their languages are stricter.

I tried a simple B::CC AELEMFAST optimization together with "no autovivification" which does not yet eliminate superfluous PUSH/POP pairs but could be applied for typed arrays and leads to another 2x times win.

2.80s down to 1.67s on a slower PC with N=50,000.

Compiled to (perlcc /2a):

rnv0 = POPn; lnv0 = POPn;       /* multiply */
d30_tmp = rnv0 * lnv0;

Without superfluous PUSH/POP pairs I suspect another 2x times win. But this is not implemented yet. With typed arrays maybe another 50% win, and we don't need the no autovivification overhead.

It should look like (perlcc /2b):

rnv0 = SvNV(AvARRAY(PL_curpad[6])[0]);
lnv0 = SvNV(AvARRAY(PL_curpad[6])[1]);
d30_tmp = rnv0 * lnv0;          /* multiply */

I'm just implementing the check for the 'no autovivification' pragma and the stack optimizations.


u64q nbody

Original numbers with N=50,000,000:

* Fortran       14.09s
* C             20.72s
* Go            32.11s
* SBCL          42.75s
* Javascript V8 44.78s - 82.49s
* JRuby       8m
* PHP        11m
* Python 3   16m
* Perl       23m
* Ruby 1.9   26m

My numbers with N=50,000,000:

* Perl       22m14s
* Perl 1     21m48s         (inline sub advance, no ENTERSUB/LEAVESUB)
* perlcc      9m52s
* Perl 2    14m13s          (unrolled loop + AELEM => AELEMFAST)
* perlcc 2   7m11s
* perlcc 2a  4m52s          (no autovivification, 4.5x faster)
* perlcc 2b  ? (~2m30)      (no autovivification + stack opt)
* perlcc 2c  ? (~1m25s)     (typed arrays + stack opt)