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use Config;
use ExtUtils::Embed;

my ($coredir, $libdir);
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
  $libdir = $coredir = $^O eq 'MSWin32'? '../../lib/CORE' : '../..';
} else {
  $libdir  = $Config{prefix} . "/lib";
  $coredir = $ENV{PERL_SRC} || $Config{archlib}."/CORE";
my $useshrplib = $Config{useshrplib} =~ /^(true|yes)$/;
my $libs = $Config{libs};
my $so = $Config{so};
my $libperl = $Config{libperl};
my ($linkargs, $quiet, $debug);
my $pkg = ($Config{usecperl} and $libperl =~ /libcperl/) ? "cperl" : "perl";
if (grep {$_ eq '-q' or $_ eq '--quiet'} @ARGV) {
  @ARGV = grep {$_ ne '-q' and $_ ne '--quiet'} @ARGV;
if (grep {$_ eq '-d' or $_ eq '--debug'} @ARGV) {
  @ARGV = grep {$_ ne '-d' and $_ ne '--debug'} @ARGV;
if (grep {$_ eq '-A'} @ARGV) {
  @ARGV = grep {$_ ne '-A'} @ARGV;
eval { require B::C::Config; };

if (grep(/^-[cES]$/, @ARGV)) { # compile-only with -c -E or -S
} elsif (grep(/^-Bdynamic$/, @ARGV)) { # force dynamic linking with -Bdynamic
    @ARGV = grep{ !/^-Bdynamic$/o } @ARGV;
    $linkargs = ldopts;
} elsif (grep(/^-Bstatic$/, @ARGV)) { # force static linking with -Bstatic
    @ARGV = grep{ !/^-Bstatic$/o } @ARGV;
    $linkargs = ldopts("-std");
    for my $lib ("$libdir/lib$pkg.a", "$coredir/lib$pkg.a") {
      if (-e $lib) {
	$linkargs =~ s|-l$pkg |$lib |;
	push @ARGV, ("$coredir/DynaLoader.o") if -e "$coredir/DynaLoader.o";
	#$linkargs .= " $coredir/Win32CORE.o" if $^O eq 'cygwin' and -e "$coredir/Win32CORE.o";
} elsif (-e "$coredir/$libperl" and $libperl !~ /\.$so$/) {
    $linkargs = ldopts("-std"); # importlib or static
} elsif ( $useshrplib and -e "$libdir/$libperl") {
    # debian: /usr/lib/ and broken ExtUtils::Embed::ldopts
    $linkargs = ldopts('-std');
    $linkargs =~ s|-lc?perl |$libdir/$libperl |;
} elsif ( $useshrplib and -e "$coredir/$libperl") {
    # just help cygwin debugging
    $linkargs = ldopts('-std');
    $linkargs =~ s|-lc?perl |$coredir/$libperl |;
} else { # try dynamic lib if no static lib exists
    @ARGV = grep{ !/^-Bdynamic$/o } @ARGV;
    $linkargs = ldopts('-std');
# Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lnsl
# another ldopts bug: ensure Win32CORE gets added.
if ($^O =~ /^(cygwin|MSWin32|msys)/) {
    if (index($linkargs, "Win32CORE") < 0) {
        my $archdir = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? "../.." : $Config{archlib};
        my $win32core = "-L$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE -lWin32CORE";
        if (-e "$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE/Win32CORE.a") {
            $win32core = "$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE/Win32CORE.a";
        if ($linkargs =~ m{ (-lc?perl|\S*/$libperl)}) {
            $linkargs =~ s{ (-lc?perl|\S*/$libperl)}{ $win32core $1};
        } else {
            $linkargs .= " $win32core";
$linkargs .= " -L".$coredir if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
$linkargs .= " -l$pkg" unless $linkargs =~ /( -lc?perl|CORE\/libc?perl)/;
$linkargs = $B::C::Config::extra_libs . " " . $linkargs;
$linkargs .= " $libs" if index($linkargs,$libs) == -1;

sub cc_harness_msvc {
    my @ARGV = @_;
    my $cfile = 'a.c';
    my $Output;
    for my $i (0 .. @ARGV) {
      if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-o') {
        $Output = $ARGV[$i+1];
    my @cfile = grep {!/^-/} @ARGV;
    if (@cfile == 1) {
        $cfile = $cfile[0];
    } elsif (@cfile > 1) {
        die "too many arguments @cfile";
    my $obj = $cfile;
    $obj =~ s/\.c$/.obj/;
    unless ($Output) {
      $Output = $cfile;
      $Output =~ s/\.c$/.exe/;
    my $compile = ccopts." -c @ARGV ";
    if ($debug) {
      $compile .= "/Wall " if !$quiet;
      # remove conflicting flags
      $compile .= "-g ";
      $compile =~ s/ -O.? / -Od /;
      $compile =~ s/ -DNDEBUG / -DDEBUG /;
    } else {
      # avoid expensive optimisations with low memory (1-2 hours!)
      $compile .= " -Od" if $ENV{APPVEYOR};
    $compile .= "-DHAVE_INDEPENDENT_COMALLOC " if $B::C::Config::have_independent_comalloc;
    $compile .= $B::C::Config::extra_cflags;
    $compile = ' -I"..\..\lib\CORE"'.$compile if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
    print "running $Config{cc} $compile" unless $quiet;
    system("$Config{cc} $compile");
    my $link = "-out:$Output $obj ";
    $link .= " -libpath:".$coredir if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
    # TODO: -shared,-static,-sharedxs,-staticxs
    $link .= (" ".$B::C::Config::extra_libs);
    if ($stash) {
        my @mods = split /-?u /, $stash;
        $link .= " ".ldopts("-std", \@mods);
    } else {
        $link .= " ".ldopts("-std");
    if ($debug) {
        $link .= " /DEBUG";
    } else {
      # avoid expensive folding with low memory
      $link .= " /OPT:NOREF" if $ENV{APPVEYOR};
    if (index($link, "Win32CORE") < 0) {
        my $archdir = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? "../.." : $Config{archlib};
        my $win32core = "-L$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE -lWin32CORE";
        if (-e "$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE/Win32CORE.lib") {
            $win32core = "$archdir/lib/auto/Win32CORE/Win32CORE.lib";
        $link .= " $win32core";
    $link .= " ".($Config{usecperl}?"c":"")."perl5$Config{PERL_VERSION}.lib";
    $link .= " kernel32.lib msvcrt.lib";
    print "running $Config{ld} $link" unless $quiet;
    system("$Config{ld} $link");

if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{cc} =~ 'cl') {

# ActivePerl claims to use MSVC6 but used MSVC8
#if ($Config::Config{ccversion} eq '12.0.8804' and $Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
#  $linkargs =~ s/ -opt:ref,icf//;

my $ccflags = $Config{ccflags};
# crashes on cygwin
if ($^O eq 'cygwin' and $ccflags =~ /-fstack-protector\b/
                    and $linkargs =~ /-fstack-protector\b/)
  $linkargs =~ s/-fstack-protector\b//;
#-pedantic -Wextra -Wconversion
if ($debug and $Config{cc} =~ /gcc/) {
  $ccflags .= " -ansi -Wall -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings"
    if !$quiet;
  # remove conflicting flags, esp. -s for strip
  $ccflags =~ s/ -O.? / /;
  $ccflags =~ s/ -s / /;
  $linkargs =~ s/-s / /;

# -Wl,--warn-once is not gold compatible
$ccflags .= " --no-warn"
  if $Config{cc} =~ /gcc/ and $quiet and $^O ne 'darwin';
$ccflags .= " -DHAVE_INDEPENDENT_COMALLOC" if $B::C::Config::have_independent_comalloc;
$ccflags .= $B::C::Config::extra_cflags;

my $cccmd = "$Config{cc} $ccflags -I$coredir @ARGV $linkargs";
print "$cccmd\n" unless $quiet;
exec $cccmd;