The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# t/ - from CORE

sub _where {
    my @caller = caller($Level);
    return "at $caller[1] line $caller[2]";

# runperl - Runs a separate perl interpreter.
# Arguments :
#   switches => [ command-line switches ]
#   nolib    => 1 # don't use -I../lib (included by default)
#   prog     => one-liner (avoid quotes)
#   progs    => [ multi-liner (avoid quotes) ]
#   progfile => perl script
#   stdin    => string to feed the stdin
#   stderr   => redirect stderr to stdout
#   args     => [ command-line arguments to the perl program ]
#   verbose  => print the command line

my $is_mswin    = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my $is_netware  = $^O eq 'NetWare';
my $is_macos    = $^O eq 'MacOS';
my $is_vms      = $^O eq 'VMS';
my $is_cygwin   = $^O eq 'cygwin';

sub _quote_args {
    my ($runperl, $args) = @_;

    foreach (@$args) {
	# In VMS protect with doublequotes because otherwise
	# DCL will lowercase -- unless already doublequoted.
        $_ = q(").$_.q(") if $is_vms && !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0;
	$$runperl .= ' ' . $_;

sub _create_runperl { # Create the string to qx in runperl().
    my %args = @_;
    my $runperl = $^X =~ m/\s/ ? qq{"$^X"} : $^X;
    #- this allows, for example, to set PERL_RUNPERL_DEBUG=/usr/bin/valgrind
	$runperl = "$ENV{PERL_RUNPERL_DEBUG} $runperl";
    unless ($args{nolib}) {
	if ($is_macos) {
	    $runperl .= ' -I::lib';
	    # Use UNIX style error messages instead of MPW style.
	    $runperl .= ' -MMac::err=unix' if $args{stderr};
	else {
	    $runperl .= ' "-I../lib"'; # doublequotes because of VMS
    if ($args{switches}) {
	local $Level = 2;
	die " 'switches' must be an ARRAYREF " . _where()
	    unless ref $args{switches} eq "ARRAY";
	_quote_args(\$runperl, $args{switches});
    if (defined $args{prog}) {
	die " both 'prog' and 'progs' cannot be used " . _where()
	    if defined $args{progs};
        $args{progs} = [$args{prog}]
    if (defined $args{progs}) {
	die " 'progs' must be an ARRAYREF " . _where()
	    unless ref $args{progs} eq "ARRAY";
        foreach my $prog (@{$args{progs}}) {
            if ($is_mswin || $is_netware || $is_vms) {
                $runperl .= qq ( -e "$prog" );
            else {
                $runperl .= qq ( -e '$prog' );
    } elsif (defined $args{progfile}) {
	$runperl .= qq( "$args{progfile}");
    } else {
	# You probaby didn't want to be sucking in from the upstream stdin
	die " none of prog, progs, progfile, args, "
	    . " switches or stdin specified"
	    unless defined $args{args} or defined $args{switches}
		or defined $args{stdin};
    if (defined $args{stdin}) {
	# so we don't try to put literal newlines and crs onto the
	# command line.
	$args{stdin} =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
	$args{stdin} =~ s/\r/\\r/g;

	if ($is_mswin || $is_netware || $is_vms) {
	    $runperl = qq{$^X -e "print qq(} .
		$args{stdin} . q{)" | } . $runperl;
	elsif ($is_macos) {
	    # MacOS can only do two processes under MPW at once;
	    # the test itself is one; we can't do two more, so
	    # write to temp file
	    my $stdin = qq{$^X -e 'print qq(} . $args{stdin} . qq{)' > teststdin; };
	    if ($args{verbose}) {
		my $stdindisplay = $stdin;
		$stdindisplay =~ s/\n/\n\#/g;
		print STDERR "# $stdindisplay\n";
	    $runperl .= q{ < teststdin };
	else {
	    $runperl = qq{$^X -e 'print qq(} .
		$args{stdin} . q{)' | } . $runperl;
    if (defined $args{args}) {
	_quote_args(\$runperl, $args{args});
    $runperl .= ' 2>&1'          if  $args{stderr} && !$is_mswin && !$is_macos;
    $runperl .= " \xB3 Dev:Null" if !$args{stderr} && $is_macos;
    if ($args{verbose}) {
	my $runperldisplay = $runperl;
	$runperldisplay =~ s/\n/\n\#/g;
	print STDERR "# $runperldisplay\n";
    return $runperl;

sub runperl {
    die " does not take a hashref"
	if ref $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
    my $runperl = &_create_runperl;
    # ${^TAINT} is invalid in perl5.00505
    my $tainted;
    eval '$tainted = ${^TAINT};' if $] >= 5.006;
    my %args = @_;
    exists $args{switches} && grep m/^-T$/, @{$args{switches}} and $tainted = $tainted + 1;

    if ($tainted) {
	# We will assume that if you're running under -T, you really mean to
	# run a fresh perl, so we'll brute force launder everything for you
	my $sep;

	eval "require Config; Config->import";
	if ($@) {
	    warn " had problems loading Config: $@";
	    $sep = ':';
	} else {
	    $sep = $Config{path_sep};

	my @keys = grep {exists $ENV{$_}} qw(CDPATH IFS ENV BASH_ENV);
	local @ENV{@keys} = ();
	# Untaint, plus take out . and empty string:
	local $ENV{'DCL$PATH'} = $1 if $is_vms && ($ENV{'DCL$PATH'} =~ /(.*)/s);
	$ENV{PATH} =~ /(.*)/s;
	local $ENV{PATH} =
	    join $sep, grep { $_ ne "" and $_ ne "." and -d $_ and
		($is_mswin or $is_vms or !(stat && (stat _)[2]&0022)) }
		    split quotemeta ($sep), $1;
	$ENV{PATH} .= "$sep/bin" if $is_cygwin;  # Must have /bin under Cygwin

	$runperl =~ /(.*)/s;
	$runperl = $1;

        my ($err,$result,$stderr) = run_cmd($runperl, $args{timeout});
	$result =~ s/\n\n/\n/ if $is_vms; # XXX pipes sometimes double these
	return $result;
    } else {
        my ($err,$result,$stderr) = run_cmd($runperl, $args{timeout});
	$result =~ s/\n\n/\n/ if $is_vms; # XXX pipes sometimes double these
	return $result;

*run_perl = \&runperl; # Nice alias.

sub DIE {
    print STDERR "# @_\n";
    exit 1;

# A somewhat safer version of the sometimes wrong $^X.
my $Perl;
sub which_perl {
    unless (defined $Perl) {
	$Perl = $^X;

	# VMS should have 'perl' aliased properly
	return $Perl if $^O eq 'VMS';

	my $exe;
	eval "require Config; Config->import";
	if ($@) {
	    warn " had problems loading Config: $@";
	    $exe = '';
	} else {
	    $exe = $Config{exe_ext};
       $exe = '' unless defined $exe;

	# This doesn't absolutize the path: beware of future chdirs().
	# We could do File::Spec->abs2rel() but that does getcwd()s,
	# which is a bit heavyweight to do here.

	if ($Perl =~ /^perl\Q$exe\E$/i) {
	    my $perl = "perl$exe";
	    eval "require File::Spec";
	    if ($@) {
		warn " had problems loading File::Spec: $@";
		$Perl = "./$perl";
	    } else {
		$Perl = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(), $perl);

	# Build up the name of the executable file from the name of
	# the command.

	if ($Perl !~ /\Q$exe\E$/i) {
	    $Perl .= $exe;

	warn "which_perl: cannot find $Perl from $^X" unless -f $Perl;

	# For subcommands to use.
	$ENV{PERLEXE} = $Perl;
    return $Perl;

sub unlink_all {
    foreach my $file (@_) {
        1 while unlink $file;
        print STDERR "# Couldn't unlink '$file': $!\n" if -f $file;

my $tmpfile = "misctmp000";
1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
END { unlink_all $tmpfile }

# _fresh_perl
# The $resolve must be a subref that tests the first argument
# for success, or returns the definition of success (e.g. the
# expected scalar) if given no arguments.

sub _fresh_perl {
    my($prog, $resolve, $runperl_args, $name) = @_;

    $runperl_args ||= {};
    $runperl_args->{progfile} = $tmpfile;
    $runperl_args->{stderr} = 1;

    open TEST, ">$tmpfile" or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!";

    # VMS adjustments
    if( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
        $prog =~ s#/dev/null#NL:#;

        # VMS file locking
        $prog =~ s{if \(-e _ and -f _ and -r _\)}
                  {if (-e _ and -f _)}

    print TEST $prog;
    close TEST or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!";

    my $results = runperl(%$runperl_args);
    my $status = $?;

    # Clean up the results into something a bit more predictable.
    $results =~ s/\n+$//;
    $results =~ s/at\s+misctmp\d+\s+line/at - line/g;
    $results =~ s/of\s+misctmp\d+\s+aborted/of - aborted/g;

    # bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
    # various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
    $results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;

    if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
        # some tests will trigger VMS messages that won't be expected
        $results =~ s/\n?%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-[A-Z]+,.*//;

        # pipes double these sometimes
        $results =~ s/\n\n/\n/g;

    my $pass = $resolve->($results);
    unless ($pass) {
        print STDERR "# PROG: \n$prog\n";
        print STDERR "# EXPECTED:\n", $resolve->(), "\n";
        print STDERR "# GOT:\n$results\n";
        print STDERR "# STATUS: $status\n";

    # Use the first line of the program as a name if none was given
    unless( $name ) {
        ($first_line, $name) = $prog =~ /^((.{1,50}).*)/;
        $name .= '...' if length $first_line > length $name;

    ok($pass, "fresh_perl - $name");

# fresh_perl_is
# Combination of run_perl() and is().

sub fresh_perl_is {
    my($prog, $expected, $runperl_args, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = 2;
		sub { @_ ? $_[0] eq $expected : $expected },
		$runperl_args, $name);

# fresh_perl_like
# Combination of run_perl() and like().

sub fresh_perl_like {
    my($prog, $expected, $runperl_args, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = 2;
		sub { @_ ?
			  $_[0] =~ (ref $expected ? $expected : /$expected/) :
		          $expected },
		$runperl_args, $name);


# Local Variables:
#   mode: cperl
#   cperl-indent-level: 4
#   fill-column: 78
# End:
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