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package optimizer;
use Carp;
use B;
{ no warnings 'redefine';
  use B::Generate;
use 5.007002;
use strict;
use warnings;

  # op_seq workaround for 5.10, store it as package global.
  my $seq = 0;
  if ($] > 5.009) {
    eval q(
      package B::OP;
      sub seq {
        @_ ? $optimizer::seq = shift : $optimizer::seq;

require DynaLoader;
our $VERSION = '0.08';
our @ISA = q(DynaLoader);
our %callbacks;
bootstrap optimizer $VERSION;

my ($file, $line) = ("unknown", "unknown");

sub _preparewarn {
    my $args = join '', @_;
    $args = "Something's wrong " unless $args;
    $args .= " at $file line $line.\n" unless substr($args, length($args) -1) eq "\n";

sub _update {
    my $cop = shift; $file = $cop->file; $line = $cop->line;

sub _die (@) { CORE::die(preparewarn(@_)) }
sub _warn (@) { CORE::warn(preparewarn(@_)) }

sub import {
    my ($class,$type) = (shift, shift);
    if (!defined $type) {
        CORE::warn("Must pass an action to ${class}'s importer");
    if ($type eq 'C' or $type eq 'c') {
    } elsif ($type =~ /^Perl$/i) {
        optimizer::install( sub { optimizer::peepextend($_[0], sub {}) });
    } elsif ($type eq "callback" or $type eq "extend" or $type eq "mine") {
        my $subref = shift;
        croak "Supplied callback was not a subref" unless ref $subref eq "CODE";
        optimizer::install( sub { callbackoptimizer($_[0], $subref) }) if $type eq "callback";
        optimizer::install( sub { optimizer::peepextend($_[0], $subref) }) if $type eq "extend";
        optimizer::install( $subref ) if $type eq "mine";
    } elsif ($type eq 'extend-c') {
    } elsif ($type eq 'sub-detect') {
      my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
      $callbacks{$package} = shift;
    } else { croak "Unknown optimizer option '$type'"; }

sub unimport {
    optimizer::install(sub {callbackoptimizer($_[0], sub{})});

sub callbackoptimizer {
    my ($op, $callback) = @_;
    while ($$op) {
        _update($op) if $op->isa("B::COP");
	# crashes: wrong op_sv, strange cv
        #_relocatetopad($op, $op->find_cv()) if $op->name eq "const"; # For thread safety

        $op = $op->next;
        last unless $op->can("next"); # Shouldn't get here

sub peepextend {
    # Oh boy
    my ($o, $callback) = @_;
    my $oldop = 0;

    return if !$$o or $o->seq;

    op_seqmax_inc() unless op_seqmax();
    while ($$o) {
        #warn ("Trying op $o ($$o) -> ".$o->name."\n");
        if ($o->isa("B::COP")) {
            _update($o); # For warnings

        } elsif ($o->name eq "const") {
            optimizer::_die("Bareword ",$o->sv->sv, " not allowed while \"strict subs\" in use")
                if ($o->private & 8);
	    # crashes: wrong op_sv, strange cv
            #_relocatetopad($o, $o->find_cv());
        } elsif ($o->name eq "concat") {
            if ($o->next && $o->next->name eq "stringify" and !($o->flags &64)) {
                if ($o->next->private & 16) {
        #} elsif ($o->name eq "stub") {
        #    CORE::die "Eep.";
        #} elsif ($o->name eq "null") {
        #   CORE::die "Eep.";
        } elsif ($o->name eq "scalar" or $o->name eq "lineseq" or $o->name eq "scope") {
            if ($$oldop and ${$o->next}) {
        #} elsif ($o->name eq "gv") {
        #    CORE::die "Eep.";
        } elsif ($o->name =~ /^((map|grep)while|(and|or)(assign)?|cond_expr|range)$/) {
            $o->other($o->other->next) while $o->other->name eq "null";
            peepextend($o->other, $callback); # Weee.
        } elsif ($o->name =~ /^enter(loop|iter|given|when)/) {
            $o->redoop($o->redoop->next) while $o->redoop->name eq "null";
	    peepextend($o->redoop, $callback);
            $o->nextop($o->nextop->next) while $o->nextop->name eq "null";
	    peepextend($o->nextop, $callback);
            $o->lastop($o->lastop->next) while $o->lastop->name eq "null";
	    peepextend($o->lastop, $callback);
        } elsif ($o->name eq "qr" or $o->name eq "match" or $o->name eq "subst") {
	      while ${$o->pmreplstart} and $o->pmreplstart->name eq "null";
            peepextend($o->pmreplstart, $callback);
        } elsif ($o->name eq "exec") {
            if (${$o->next} and $o->next->name eq "nextstate" and
                ${$o->next->sibling} and $o->next->sibling->type !~ /exit|warn|die/) {
                optimizer::_warn("Statement unlikely to be reached");
                optimizer::_warn("\t(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
        } else {
            # Screw pseudohashes.
        my $plop = $o;

        $oldop = $o;
        $o = $o->next;
        last unless $o->can("next"); # Shouldn't get here


=head1 NAME

optimizer - Write your own Perl optimizer, in Perl


  # Use Perl's default optimizer
  use optimizer 'C';

  # Use a Perl implementation of the default optimizer
  use optimizer 'perl';

  # Use an extension of the default optimizer
  use optimizer extend => sub {
        warn "goto considered harmful" if $_[0]-1>name eq "goto"

  # Use a simple optimizer with callbacks for each op
  use optimizer callback => sub { .. }

  # Completely implement your own optimizer
  use optimizer mine => sub { ... }

  # use the standard optimizer with an extra callback
  # this is the most compatible optimizer version
  use optimizer 'extend-c' => sub { print $_[0]->name() };

  # don't provide a peep optimizer, rather get a callback
  # after we are finished with every code block
  use optimizer 'sub-detect' => sub { print $_[0]->name() };

  no optimizer; # Use the simplest working optimizer


This module allows you to replace the default Perl optree
optimizer, C<peep>, with a Perl function of your own devising.

It requires a Perl > 5.8 or patched with the plugpeep patch supplied
with the module distribution; this patch allows the optimizer to be
pluggable and replaceable with a C function pointer. This module
provides the glue between the C function and a Perl subroutine.
This patch was integrated as of perl 5.8.

Your optimizer subroutine will be handed a C<B::OP>-derived object
representing the first (NOT the root) op in the program. You are
expected to be fluent with the C<B> module to know what to do with this.
You can use L<B::Generate> to fiddle around with the optree you are
given, while traversing it in execution order.

If you choose complete control over your optimizer, you B<must> assign
sequence numbers to operations. This can be done via the
C<optimizer::op_seqmax_inc> function, which supplies a new
incremented sequence number. Do something like this:

    while ($$op) {

        ... more optimizations ...

        $op = $op->next;
        last unless $op->can("next"); # Shouldn't get here

The C<callback> option to this module will essentially do the above,
calling your given subroutine with each op.

If you just want to use this function to get a callback after every
code block is compiled so you can do any arbitrary work on it use the
C<sub-detect> option, you will be passed LEAVE* ops after the standard
peep optimizer has been run, this minimises the risk for bugs as we
use the standard one. The op tree you are handed is also stable so you
are free to work on it. This is useful if you are limited by
C<CHECK> and C<INIT> blocks as this works with string eval and
C<require> aswell. Only one callback per package is allowed.

PERL_DL_NONLAZY and B::Generate

Note that optimizer do works fine on most platforms and perl versions,
only on Windows some libperl functions are not exported anymore, which
B::Generate needs.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item C

Use Perl's default optimizer.

  use optimizer 'C';

=item perl

Use a Perl implementation of Perl's default optimizer.

  use optimizer 'perl';

=item extend

Use an extension of the default optimizer.
The callback is called for every visited op.

  use optimizer extend => sub {
        warn "goto considered harmful" if $_[0]->name eq "goto"

=item callback

Use a simple optimizer with callbacks for each op.

  use optimizer callback => sub { .. }

=item mine

Completely implement your own optimizer. You have to provide your own walker and peep.

  use optimizer mine => sub { ... }

=item extend-c

Use the standard optimizer with an extra callback.
This is the most compatible optimizer version.

  use optimizer 'extend-c' => sub { print $_[0]->name() };

=item sub-detect

Don't provide a peep optimizer, rather get a callback
after we are finished with every code block (I<sub>).
You will be passed LEAVE* ops after the standard
peep optimizer has been run, this minimises the risk
for bugs as we use the standard one.

  use optimizer 'sub-detect' => sub { print $_[0]->name() };



=over 4

=item callbackoptimizer (this, callback)

The helper function for the option B<callback>.

=item peepextend (this, callback)

The helper function for the option B<extend>.

->import('perl') uses B<peepextend> with an empty callback.

=item c_extend_install

The helper function for the option B<extend-c>.
It uses the longish XS function C<c_extend_peep> as
experimental peeper, and calls the user-side perl callback
for each OP.

=item c_sub_detect_install

The XS helper function for the option B<sub-detect>.
It installs C<c_sub_detect> as C<PL_peep>.
B<c_sub_detect> calls all perl-side callbacks at any LEAVE op.

=item unimport

Override with an empty B<callbackoptimizer>, effectively disabling any
installed optimizer.


=head1 STATUS

relocatetopad fails with threaded perls.

=head1 5.10 Changes

Since Perl 5.10 there are no op_seqmax and op_seq numbers in CORE
anymore, so we add a package global op_seqmax for the op-tree
numbering, for $B::OP::seq also. This is not thread-safe.

=head1 AUTHOR

  Simon Cozens, C<>

Extended functionality:

  Artur Bergman, C<>

5.10 support and current maintainer Reini Urban:

  Reini Urban, C<>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<B::Generate>, L<optimize>
