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package types;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use optimize;

$VERSION = "0.05_04";
# do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.5 $ =~ /\d+/g); $r[0] = 0; sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker

my %typed;
my %op_returns;
my %function_returns;
my %function_params;
use constant HINT_TYPES  => 0x00000010; # a hopefully free HINT bit
use constant SVpad_TYPED => 0x40000000; # free SV flags bit. sync with B::CC
use B::Utils;

our %const_map = (
                  "B::NV" => 'double',
                  "B::IV" => 'int',
                  "B::PV" => 'string',

sub compare_type {
    my($a,$b) = @_;
    if ($a eq $b) {
	return 1;
    return 0;

eval qq(sub B::NULL::name { "void" }) unless exists &B::NULL::name;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub check {
    my $class = shift;
    my $op = shift;
    return unless $op;
    # $DB::single = 1 if defined &DB::DB; # magic to allow debugging into CHECK blocks
    my $cv = $op->find_cv();

    #return unless $^H & HINT_TYPES; # lexical blocks not yet
    if (defined($optimize::state) and !($optimize::state->private & HINT_TYPES)) {

#    if ($op->name eq 'padsv') {
#	print $op->flags ."\n";
#    }

    if (ref($op) eq 'B::PADOP' && $op->name eq 'gv') {
#	$op->dump;
	my $target = (($cv->PADLIST->ARRAY)[1]->ARRAY)[$op->padix];
#	$target->dump;
#	exit;

    if ($op->name eq 'int') {
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{type} = 'int';
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{name} = 'int()';

    if ($op->name eq 'padsv') {
	my $target = (($cv->PADLIST->ARRAY)[0]->ARRAY)[$op->targ];
        if ($target) {
	  if (UNIVERSAL::isa($target,'B::SV') && $target->FLAGS & SVpad_TYPED) {
	    $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{type} = $target->SvSTASH->NAME;
	    $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{name} = $target->PV;
	  } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($target,'B::SV') &&
		   exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$target->PV})) {
	    $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ} = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$target->PV};
    if ($cv->FLAGS & SVf_POK && !$function_params{$cv->START->seq}) {
	#we have, we have, we have arguments
	my @type;
	my @name;
	my $i = 1;
	foreach (split ",", $cv->PV)  {
	    my ($type, $sigil, $name) = split /\b/, $_;
            #    print "$type - $sigil - $name \n";	
	    push @type, $type;
	    if ($sigil && $name)  {
		push @name, $sigil.$name;
		$typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{"$sigil$name"}->{type} = $type;
		$typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{"$sigil$name"}->{name} = $sigil.$name;
	    } else {
		push @name, "Argument $i";

	$function_params{$cv->START->seq}->{name} = \@name;
	$function_params{$cv->START->seq}->{type} = \@type;

	#print $cv->PV . "\n";


    if (ref($op->next) ne 'B::NULL' &&
       ($op->next->name =~/2cv$/ ||
	($op->next->name eq 'null' && $op->next->oldname =~/2cv$/))) {
	my $entersub = $op->next;
	my $i = 1;

	while ($entersub->name ne 'entersub' &&
	      ref($entersub->next) ne 'B::NULL') {
	    $i++ if ($entersub->name ne 'null');
	    $entersub = $entersub->next;

	if ($entersub->name eq 'entersub') {
	    my $sv;
	    if (ref($op) eq 'B::PADOP') {
		$sv = (($cv->PADLIST->ARRAY)[1]->ARRAY)[$op->padix];
	    } else {
	    if (ref($sv->CV) ne 'B::SPECIAL') {
		my $foo = $sv->CV->START->seq;
		if (exists($function_returns{$foo})) {
		    $op_returns{$op->seq + $i}->{type} = $function_returns{$foo}->{type};
		    $op_returns{$op->seq + $i}->{name} = $sv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $sv->SAFENAME."()";
                    # print "AND IT HAS A RETURN VALUE $i\n";
		if (exists($function_params{$foo})) {
		    my $param_list = $entersub->first();
		    get_list_proto($param_list, $cv);
		    $param_list = delete($op_returns{$param_list->seq});
                    # print Data::Dumper::Dumper($function_params{$foo});
                    # print Data::Dumper::Dumper($param_list);
		    match_protos($function_params{$foo}, $param_list);
                # $sv->CV->dump();

sub match_protos {
    my ($target, $source) = @_;
    my $targets = scalar @{$target->{name}} - 1;
    my $sources = scalar @{$source->{name}} - 1;

    if ($sources < $targets) {
	die "Not enough items in list at " .
	    $optimize::state->file . ":" .
		$optimize::state->line . "\n";
    foreach my $i (0..$targets) {
	my ($target_name, $target_type) =
	    ($target->{name}->[$i], $target->{type}->[$i]);
	my ($source_name, $source_type) =
	    ($source->{name}->[$i], $source->{type}->[$i]);
	if ((!$target_type->isa($source_type) and !$source_type->isa($target_type))
           or ($target_type->can('check') && !$target_type->check($source_type))) 
	    die "Type mismatch in list for" .
		" $source_type ($source_name) to $target_type ($target_name) at " .
		    $optimize::state->file . ":" .
			$optimize::state->line . "\n";


    if (0) {
      if (ref($op->next) ne 'B::NULL') {
        print $op->name . " -> " . $op->next->name . "\n";
      if (ref($op->next) ne 'B::NULL' &&
         ref($op->next->next) ne 'B::NULL' &&
         $op->next->next->name eq 'entersub') {
        print "sub entry\n";

    if (ref($op) eq 'B::LISTOP' && $op->first->name eq 'pushmark') {

#print join(" ",ref($op->next), ref($cv->START), $op->next->name, $op->next->next->name),"\n";
    if (ref($op->next) ne 'B::NULL' &&
       ref($cv->START) ne 'B::NULL' &&
       ($op->next->name eq 'lineseq' && $op->next->next->name =~/^leave/)
       || $op->next->name eq 'return')
	my ($type, $value, $const) = get_type($op, $cv);
	my $lineseq = $op->next;
	my $leave = $lineseq->next;

      	if (exists($function_returns{$cv->START->seq}) &&
	   $function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{type} ne $type) {
	    die "Return type mismatch: " . $op->name .
		" $type at " .
		    $optimize::state->file . ":" .
			$optimize::state->line . " does not match" .
			    " return value $function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{type}".
				" at $function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{file}\n";
	my $subname = "";
	if (ref($cv->GV) ne 'B::SPECIAL' && $cv->GV->SAFENAME ne '__ANON__') {
	    $subname = $cv->GV->STASH->NAME . "::" . $cv->GV->SAFENAME;
	if ($subname && exists($function_returns{$subname}) &&
	   $function_returns{$subname}->{type} ne $type) {
	    die "Function $subname redefined with a different type (was $function_returns{$subname}->{type} now $type) at " . $optimize::state->file . ":" . $optimize::state->line . "\n";
	$function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{type} = $type;
	$function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{name} = $value;
	$function_returns{$cv->START->seq}->{file} = $optimize::state->file . ":" . $optimize::state->line;

	if ($subname) {
	    $function_returns{$subname} = $function_returns{$cv->START->seq};
            # print "GOT subname $subname\n";
        # print "scope leave retval ($type, $value): " . $op->name . "-" . $lineseq->next->name . "\n";

    if (ref($op) eq 'B::BINOP') {
	my ($lhs, $rhs, $target, $expr, $const, $mod);
	my ($lhs_v, $rhs_v, $target_v, $expr_v);

	if ($op->private & OPpTARGET_MY &&
	   exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ})) {
		$target   = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{type};
		$target_v = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{name};

	if ($op->first->name eq 'padsv'
	   && exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->first->targ})) {
	    $rhs    = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->first->targ}->{type};
	    $rhs_v  = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->first->targ}->{name};
	} elsif (exists($op_returns{$op->first->seq})) {
	    $rhs = $op_returns{$op->first->seq}->{type};
	    $rhs_v = $op_returns{$op->first->seq}->{name};
	} elsif ($op->first->name eq 'const' &&
		exists($const_map{ref($op->first->sv)})) {
	    $rhs = $const_map{ref($op->first->sv)};
	    $rhs_v = "constant '" . $op->first->sv->sv."'";
	} elsif ($op->first->name eq 'null' &&
		$op->first->oldname eq 'list') {

	if ($op->last->name eq 'padsv'
	   && exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->last->targ})) {
	    $lhs    = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->last->targ}->{type};
	    $lhs_v  = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->last->targ}->{name};
	    if ($op->last->flags & OPf_MOD) {
		die "target should be empty" if ($target);
		$target = $lhs;
		$target_v = $lhs_v;
	} elsif (exists($op_returns{$op->last->seq})) {
	    $lhs = $op_returns{$op->last->seq}->{type};
	    $lhs_v = $op_returns{$op->last->seq}->{name};
	} elsif ($op->last->name eq 'const' &&
		exists($const_map{ref($op->last->sv)})) {
	    $lhs = $const_map{ref($op->last->sv)};
	    $lhs_v = "constant '" . $op->last->sv->sv."'";

	} elsif ($op->last->name eq 'null' &&
		$op->last->oldname eq 'list') {

	$lhs_v = $lhs = "unknown" unless($lhs);
	$rhs_v = $rhs = "unknown" unless($rhs);
	$target_v = $target = "" unless($target);

	return if ($target eq '' && $const);

	#first lets determine what the expression returns
	# if they are equal the expression returns that
	# otherwise it returns what is higher on he inclusion team
	    my($is_lhs, $is_rhs) = (0,0);
	    if ($lhs->can("check") && $lhs->check($rhs)) {
		$is_lhs = 1;
	    } elsif ($lhs->isa($rhs)) {
		$is_lhs = 1;

	    if ($rhs->can("check") && $rhs->check($lhs)) {
		$is_rhs = 1;
	    } elsif ($rhs->isa($lhs)) {
		$is_rhs = 1;
	    if ($is_lhs && $is_rhs) {
		$expr = $lhs;

	    } elsif ($is_lhs) {
		$expr = $lhs;
#		print "$lhs < $rhs\n";
	    } elsif ($is_rhs) {
		$expr = $rhs;
#		print "$rhs < $lhs\n";
	    } else {
		die "Type mismatch, can't " . $op->name .
		    " $rhs ($rhs_v) to $lhs ($lhs_v) at " .
			$optimize::state->file . ":" .
			    $optimize::state->line . "\n";
	    $expr_v = "$lhs_v, $rhs_v";
#	    print "Expression returns ($expr) ($expr_v)" .
#		$optimize::state->file . ": . " .
#		    $optimize::state->line . "\n";

#	return if (!$lhs and $op->first->name eq 'const');

	unless ($target) {
	    #the target is empty
	    $op_returns{$op->seq}->{type} = $expr;
	    $op_returns{$op->seq}->{name} = $expr_v;
#	print "$expr - $target\n";
#	print "$target->isa($expr): ". $target->isa($expr) . "\n";
#	print "$expr->isa($target): ". $expr->isa($target) . "\n";

	if (  (!$target->isa($expr) and !$expr->isa($target)) 
	   or ($target->can('check') && !$target->check($expr))) 
	    if ($mod) {
		die "Type mismatch, can't " . $op->name .
		    " $rhs ($rhs_v) to $lhs ($lhs_v) at " .
			$optimize::state->file . ":" .
			    $optimize::state->line . "\n";
	    } else {
		die "Type mismatch, can't assign result of $lhs $lhs_v "
		    . $op->name . " $rhs $rhs_v to $target ($target_v) at "
			. $optimize::state->file . ":"
			    . $optimize::state->line . "\n";
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{type} = $target;
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{name} = $target_v;


BEGIN { $optimize::loaded{"types"} = __PACKAGE__ }

# block level types optimization not yet enabled
sub import {
    my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
    #$^H |= 0x00020000;
    $^H |= HINT_TYPES;
    optimize->register(\&check, $package, $filename, $line);

sub unimport {
    my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
    $^H &= ~ HINT_TYPES;
    #$^H |= 0x00020000;

sub get_type { # TODO also get attributes. see optimize
    my($op, $cv) = @_;
    my ($type, $value, $const) = ("","",0);
    if ($op->name eq 'padsv'
       && exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ})) {
	$type   = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{type};
	$value  = $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$op->targ}->{name};
    } elsif (exists($op_returns{$op->seq})) {
	$type  = $op_returns{$op->seq}->{type};
	$value = $op_returns{$op->seq}->{name};
    } elsif ($op->name eq 'const' &&
	    exists($const_map{ref($op->sv)})) {
	$type  = $const_map{ref($op->sv)};
	$value = "constant '" . $op->sv->sv."'";
    } elsif ($op->name eq 'null' &&
	    $op->oldname eq 'list') {
    } else {
	$type = $value = "unknown";
    return ($type, $value, $const);

sub get_list_proto {
    my ($op, $cv) = @_;
    my $o = $op->first->sibling();
    # print "start\n";
    my @type;
    my @name;
    while (ref($o) ne 'B::NULL') {
	my $kid = $o;
	if ($o->name eq 'null') {
	    $kid = $o->first;
	if ($kid->name eq 'padsv' &&
	   exists($typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$kid->targ})) {
	    push @type, $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$kid->targ}->{type};
	    push @name, $typed{$cv->ROOT->seq}->{$kid->targ}->{name};	
	} elsif (exists($op_returns{$kid->seq})) {
	    push @type, $op_returns{$kid->seq}->{type};
	    push @name, $op_returns{$kid->seq}->{name};
	} elsif ($kid->name eq 'const' &&
		exists($const_map{ref($kid->sv)})) {
	    push @type, $const_map{ref($kid->sv)};
	    push @name, $kid->sv->sv;
	} else {
	    push @type, "unknown";
	    push @name, "unknown";
        # print $kid->name . "\n";
	$o = $o->sibling;

    if (@type > 1) {
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{type} = \@type;
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{name} = \@name;
    } else {
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{type} = $type[0];
	$op_returns{$op->seq}->{name} = $name[0];
    # use Data::Dumper;
    # print Dumper(\@type);

package unknown;
our $dummy = 1;

package int;
our $dummy = 1;
sub check {
    return 0 if ($_[0] eq 'int' && ($_[1] ne 'number' && $_[1] ne 'int'));
    return 1;
our $valid_attr = '^(int|double|string|unsigned|register|temporary|ro|readonly)$';
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $v = shift;
  my @bad;
  my $attr = $valid_attr;
  $attr =~ s/\b$pkg\b//;
  if (@bad = grep !/$attr/, @_) { return @bad; }
  else {
    # XXX where to store the attributes?
    no strict 'refs'; push @{"$pkg\::$v\::attributes"}, @_; # create a magic glob
    return ();
  no strict 'refs';
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $v = shift;
  return @{"$pkg\::$v\::attributes"};

package double;
use base qw(int);
sub check {
    return 0 if ($_[1] eq 'string');
    return 1;
our $dummy = 1;
*float = *double;

package number;
use base qw(double);
sub check {
    return 0 if ($_[1] eq 'string');
    return 1;
our $dummy = 1;
package string;
use base qw(number);
sub check { return 1};

=head1 NAME

types - Perl pragma for type checking and optimizations


  use types;
  my int $int;
  my double $float;
  $int = $float; # BOOM compile time Type mismatch error


This pragma does compile time type checking.

It also permits internal compiler optimizations,
and adds type attribute definitions.


    my double $foo = "string"; #compile time error
    sub foo (int) { my ($foo) = @_ };
    sub foo (int $foo) { my ($foo) = @_ };
    foo("hi"); #compile time Type mismatch error

    my int $int;
    sub foo { my double $foo; return $foo }
    $int = $foo; # compile time Type mismatch error

    my int @array = (0..10); # optimized internal representation
    $array[2] = '2'; # compile time Type mismatch error

    my string %hash : const = (foo => any, bar => any); # optimized representation
    print $hash{foo}; # faster O(1) lookup
    $hash{new} = 1;   # compile time Type mismatch error


This pragma uses the optimize module to analyze the optree and
turns on compile-time type checking, using my,our and sub type declarations.

It is also the base for optimizing compiler passes, for perl CORE (planned)
and for L<B::CC> compiled code (done).

Currently we support SCALAR lexicals with the type classes
B<int>, B<double>, B<number>, B<string> and user defined classes for 
subroutine prototypes.

The implicit casting rules are as follows:

    int    < > number
    int      > double
    double < > number
    number   > string

Normal type casting is allowed both up and down the inheritance tree,
so in theory user defined classes should work already, requires one
to do use base or set C<@ISA> at compile-time in a BEGIN block.

Implemented are only SCALAR types yet, not ARRAY, not HASH.


To weaken strict compile-time type checks we can add attributes. 
This also allows to get away with less base types. Typically attributes 
are added later to allow compilation.

Planned type attributes are B<int>, B<double>, B<string>,
B<unsigned>, B<ro> and B<readonly>, eventually also B<register>, B<temporary>.

The attributes are perl attributes, and int|double|string are either
classes or hints for more allowed types.

  C<my int $i :double;>  declares a NV with SVf_IOK. Same as C<my $i:int:double;>?
  C<my int $i;>          declares an IV. Same as C<my $i:int;>?
  C<my int $i :string;>  declares a PVIV. Same as C<my $i:int:string;>?

  C<my int @array :unsigned = (0..4);> Will be used as c var in faster arithmetic and cmp.
                                        With :readonly or :ro even more.
  C<my string %hash : readonly = (foo => any, bar => any);> declare string keys only
                  and may be generated as read-only perfect hash.

B<unsigned> is valid for int only and declares an UV. This helps e.g. i_opt with bit manip.

B<ro> and B<readonly> throw a compile-time error on write access and may
optimize the internal structure of the variable.
E.g. In CORE hashes may be optimized to perfect hashes for faster lookup.
Array key lookup for int and double will be optimized.
In B::CC we don't need to write back the variable to perl (lexical write_back).

B<register> denotes optionally a short and hot life-time. for loop
variables are automatically detected as such.

B<temporary> are usually generated internally with nameless lexicals.
They are more aggressivly destroyed and ignored.

=head2 STATUS

OK (classes only):

  my int $i;
  my double $d;

NOT YET OK (attributes with my, only our works):

  my int $i :register;
  my $i :int;
  my $const :int:ro;
  my int $uv :unsigned;

  my int @array;
  my string %hash;
  my int $arrayref = [];
  my int $hashref = {};

=head2 Return values

Return values are implicitly figured out by the subroutine, this includes
both falling of the end or by expliticly calling return, if two return
values of the same sub differ you will get an error message.

=head2 Arguments

Arguments are declared with prototype syntax, they can either be named
or just typed, if typed only the calling convertions are checked, if
named then that named lexical will get that type without the need
for explicitly typing it, thus allowing list assignment from C<@_>.

=head2 EXPORT


=head1 BUGS

Please report bugs and submit patches using

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<optimize> L<B::Generate> L<B::CC/TYPES>
L<typesafety> L<Moose>

=head1 AUTHOR

Artur Bergman, E<lt>ABERGMAN@CPAN.ORGE<gt> 2002 (type checks)
Reini Urban, E<lt>RURBAN@CPAN.ORGE<gt> 2011 (type attrs and type optim)


Copyright 2002 by Artur Bergman
Copyright 2011 by Reini Urban

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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