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# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
# Author - S.Rusakov <>
# Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
# This program is open source software

package ePortal::Exception;
    our $VERSION = '4.5';
    use base qw/Error/;

    use ePortal::Utils;
    use ePortal::Global;

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    local $Error::Debug = 1;
    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    return $class->SUPER::new(%p);

# Description:
#    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
#    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%p);
#    $self->add_minimal_stacktrace();
sub add_minimal_stacktrace  {   #01/22/2004 4:28
    my $self = shift;
    # local $Error::Depth = 1;
    # this produces a lot of debug information. truncate it
    my @lines = split("\n", $self->stacktrace);
    my ($stacktrace, $called_at_counter) = (undef,0);
    foreach (@lines) {
        $called_at_counter++ if /called at/;
        last if $called_at_counter > 5;     # MAX depth of stacktrace
        $stacktrace .= "$_\n";
    $self->{'-stacktrace'} = $stacktrace;

# Abort current request immediately. Do not output anything.
# Used for attacments.
package ePortal::Exception::Abort;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;

package ePortal::Exception::DataNotValid;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -text - description what is invalid

package ePortal::Exception::BadUser;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -text - description what is invalid
    # -reason - error code
  my %reasons = (
    bad_user      => {
        rus => "Ïîëüçîâàòåëü ñ òàêèì èìåíåì íå ñóùåñòâóåò",
        eng => "Bad user name"},
    bad_password  => {
        rus => "Âû ââåëè íåïðàâèëüíûé ïàðîëü",
        eng => "Bad password"},
    md5_changed   => {
        rus => "Ïîëó÷åííàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ íå äîñòîâåðíà",
        eng => "MD5 checksum incorrect"},
    ip_changed    => {
        rus => "Àäðåñ êîìïüþòåðà èçìåíèëñÿ",
        eng => "Client TCP/IP address changed"},
    no_user       => {
        rus => "Íåèçâåñòíûé ïîëüçîâàòåëü èëè íå óêàçàíî èìÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ",
        eng => "No user name or user unknown"},
    disabled      => {
        rus => "Áþäæåò ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ îòêëþ÷åí",
        eng => "User is disabled"},
    system_error  => {
        rus => "Ñèñòåìíàÿ îøèáêà",
        eng => "System error"},
sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    if ($p{'-text'} eq '' and $p{'-reason'} ne '') {
      $p{'-text'} = ePortal::Utils::pick_lang( $reasons{ $p{'-reason'} } );
    $p{'-text'} = ePortal::Utils::pick_lang( rus => "Íåèçâåñòíàÿ ïðè÷èíà îòêàçà", eng => "Unknown error occured")
      if $p{'-text'} eq '';

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%p);
    # $self->add_minimal_stacktrace; # don't need it

    return $self;

package ePortal::Exception::ObjectNotFound;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;

    # -text - description
    # -object - empty object where restore() fail
    # -value - id requested
sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    $p{'-text'} ||= ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                rus => "Íå ìîãó íàéòè óêàçàííûé îáúåêò",
                eng => "Object not found");

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%p);

    return $self;

package ePortal::Exception::DatabaseNotConfigured;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # DB storage does not exists or need upgrade
sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    $p{-text} ||= 'Database storage does not exists or old version. Need upgrade.';

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    my $self = Error::new($class, %p);
    return $self;

package ePortal::Exception::DBI;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -text -  Error description
    # -object dbh

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    my $self = Error::new($class, %p);


    return $self;

package ePortal::Exception::FileNotFound;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -file - file that not exists

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    $p{'-text'} = "File " . $p{'-file'} . " not found or not exists";

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    return $class->SUPER::new(%p);

package ePortal::Exception::ApplicationNotInstalled;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -app - application name

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    $p{'-text'} = ePortal::Utils::pick_lang( {
        rus => "Ïðèëîæåíèå " . $p{'-app'} . " íå óñòàíîâëåíî",
        eng => "Application " . $p{'-app'} . " is not installed"});

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    return $class->SUPER::new(%p);

package ePortal::Exception::Fatal;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -text - text of fatal exception

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%p);

    return $self;

package ePortal::Exception::ACL;
    our @ISA = qw/ePortal::Exception/;
    # -operation
    # -object

sub new {   #02/26/03 9:22
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    my %causes = (
       read => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => 'Ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà ïðîñìîòð äàííîãî îáúåêòà',
                 eng => 'Cannot read object. Access denied.'),
       insert => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => 'Ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà ñîçäàíèå îáúåêòà äàííîãî òèïà',
                 eng => 'Cannot create object. Access denied.'),
       update => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => 'Ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà èçìåíåíèå îáúåêòà äàííîãî òèïà',
                 eng => 'Cannot update object. Access denied.'),
       delete => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => 'Ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà óäàëåíèå îáúåêòà äàííîãî òèïà',
                 eng => 'Cannot delete object. Access denied.'),
       admin => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => 'Ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà èçìåíåíèå ïðàâ äîñòóïà ê ýòîìó îáúåêòó',
                 eng => "You don't have right to modify access rights of this object"),
       require_registered => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => "Âû íå çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû â ñèñòåìå",
                 eng => "You are not logged in"),
       require_user => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => "Àäìèíèñòðàòîð íå ðàçðåøàë Âàì äîñòóï ê ýòîìó ðåñóðñó",
                 eng => "Administrator has denied your access to this resource"),
       require_group => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => "Âû íå âõîäèòå â ãðóïïó òåõ, êîìó ðàçðåøåí äîñòóï ê ðåñóðñó",
                 eng => "Your are not member of group of users who has access to this resource"),
       require_admin => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => "Äîñòóï ðàçðåøåí òîëüêî àäìèíèñòðàòîðó ñèñòåìû",
                 eng => "Only admin may do it"),
       require_sysacl => ePortal::Utils::pick_lang(
                 rus => "Àäìèíèñòðàòîð íå ðàçðåøàë Âàì äîñòóï ê ýòîìó ðåñóðñó",
                 eng => "Administrator has denied your access to this resource"),
    $p{'-text'} ||= $causes{ $p{'-operation'} };

    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
    return $class->SUPER::new(%p);
