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# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
# Author - S.Rusakov <>
# Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
# This program is open source software

=head1 NAME

ePortal::HTML::Calendar - Calendar dialog box.


This module is used to make a dialog with a monthly calendar.

 % $Calendar = new ePortal::HTML::Calendar( m => $m );
 % $Calendar->url_all('self');
 <% $Calendar->draw %>

=head1 METHODS


package ePortal::HTML::Calendar;
    our $VERSION = '4.5';

    use ePortal::Global;
    use ePortal::Utils;     # import logline, pick_lang, CGI
    use Carp;
    use Date::Calc();
    use Params::Validate qw/:types/;

=head2 new(date)

Object contructor. B<date> is passed to C<set_date>. Calendar's date may be
initialized from URL. The actual date source may be checked with 
C<date_source()> member function.


sub new { #09/07/01 2:04
  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my %p = Params::Validate::validate(@_, {
    self_url => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1},
    date => {type => SCALAR | ARRAYREF, optional => 1},
    bold => {type => SCALAR, optional => 1},
    m => { type => OBJECT, optional => 1},

  my $self = {
    date        => [0,0,0],
    url         => [],                   # Array of URLs by day number
    bold        => [],                  # Make a day number BOLD
    date_source => 'self',
    self_url    => $p{self_url},
    m           => $p{m},
  bless $self, $class;

  # Initialize date
  if ( $p{date} ) {
    $self->set_date( $p{date} );
  } else {
    $self->set_date( 'now');
    $self->{date_source} = 'self';

  # Initialize BOLD attribute
  $p{bold} = 1 if ! exists $p{bold};  # default
  for (1..31) {
    $self->{bold}->[$_] = $p{bold};

  # Adjust my date from URL
  my %args;
  %args = $self->{m}->request_args if $self->{m};
  if ($args{cal_date}) {
    $self->set_date( $args{cal_date} );
    $self->{date_source} = 'url';

  } elsif ($args{cal_pmon}) {
    $self->{date_source} = 'url';

  } elsif ($args{cal_nmon}) {
    $self->{date_source} = 'url';

  } elsif ($args{cal_day}) {
    $self->{date}->[2] = $args{cal_day};
    $self->{date_source} = 'url';

  # validate
  my $date_valid = eval { Date::Calc::check_date( @{$self->{date}}) };
  if (! $date_valid or $@) {
    $self->{date_source} = 'self';

  return $self;

=head2 self_url(cal_param, value)

Constructs self referencing URL removing all myself specific parameters.
New parameters should be passed to this function to make them added to URL.

Returns URL with parameters.


sub self_url  { #02/14/02 4:52
  my ($self, %opt_args) = (@_);

  if ( $self->{self_url} ) {
    return href($self->{self_url}, %opt_args);

  } else {
    die "HTML::Mason::Request object \$m is not defined" if ! $self->{m};
    my %args = $self->{m}->request_args;
    delete $args{$_} foreach (qw/cal_pmon cal_nmon cal_day cal_date/);
    return href($self->{m}->apache_req->uri, %args, %opt_args);

=head2 url($day_number,$url)

Sets an URL for particular day in the current month view. If $url eq
B<'self'> than self-refence URL will be contructed without parameters loss.


sub url { #01/31/02 1:35
  my ($self, $day, $url) = (@_);

  return if $day <=0 or $day > 31;

  my $adate = sprintf "%02d.%02d.%04d", $day, $self->{date}->[1], $self->{date}->[0];
  if ($url eq 'self') {
    $url = $self->self_url(cal_date => $adate);
  $url =~ s/\%date\%/$adate/g;

  $self->{url}->[$day] = $url;

=head2 url_all($url)

Sets an url for each day in calendar. $url parameter is passed to C<url()>
method. See it for details


sub url_all { #01/31/02 1:37
    my ($self, $url) = (@_);

  for (1..31) {
    $self->url( $_, $url );

sub bold { #01/31/02 1:35
  my ($self, $day, $bold) = (@_);

  return if $day <=0 or $day > 31;

  $self->{bold}->[$day] = $bold;

sub bold_all { #01/31/02 1:37
  my ($self, $bold) = (@_);

  for (1..31) {
    $self->{bold}->[$_] = $bold

=head2 date_source()

Returns a sting which points to a source of the date

B<self> - self initialized date (today)

B<set_date> - set_date() was called

B<url> - adjusted from URL


sub date_source { #02/01/02 9:42
    my ($self, @p) = (@_);
  return $self->{date_source};

=head2 draw()

Draws the calendar. Returns an HTML in array context and outputs HTML via
$m in scalar context.


sub draw  { #12/17/01 3:15
  my ($self, @p) = (@_);

  my @out;
  my @date = @{ $self->{date} };
  my $days = Date::Calc::Days_in_Month(@date[0,1]);

  # Counter, which counts days of month
  my $counter = 2 - Date::Calc::Day_of_Week(@date[0,1],1);
  $counter = 1 if ($counter <= -6);

    my @month_array = @{ pick_lang(
                rus => [ qw/none ÿíâàðü ôåâðàëü ìàðò àïðåëü
                            ìàé èþíü èþëü àâãóñò
                            ñåíòÿáðü îêòÿáðü íîÿáðü äåêàáðü/],
                eng => [ qw/none january february march april may
                            june july august september oktober november december/] ) };

  # outer table
  push @out, '<table border=1 cellspacing=1 CELLPADDING=0 bgcolor=green bordercolor="green">';
  push @out, '<tr><td>';

  # inner table
  push @out, '<table width=150 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=white>';

  # month name and month navigator
    my $next_month_date = join('.', reverse(Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YMD( @{$self->{date}}, 0,1,0)));
    my $prev_month_date = join('.', reverse(Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YMD( @{$self->{date}}, 0,-1,0)));

    push @out, CGI::Tr({},
        CGI::td({-align => "center", -class => "calendar"},
           CGI::a({-href => $self->self_url(cal_date => $prev_month_date)}, '<b>&lt;&lt;&lt;</b>' )),
        CGI::td({-align => "center", -class => "calendar", -colspan => 5, -nowrap => 1},
           <b> . $month_array[$date[1]] . ' ' . $date[0] . '</b>'),
        CGI::td({-align => "center", -class => "calendar"},
            CGI::a({-href => $self->self_url(cal_date => $next_month_date)}, '<b>&gt;&gt;&gt;</b>' ))

  # day of week name
  push @out, CGI::Tr( {-bgcolor => "#9CFF9C"},
      { CGI::td({-align => "center", -width => 20, -class => "calendar"}, CGI::b($_))}
      ( @{
        pick_lang( rus => [qw/Ï Â Ñ × Ï Ñ Â/], eng => [qw/M T W T F S S/])

  # day of month rows

  for my $row(1..6) {
    last if ($counter > $days);
    my $row_content;

    for my $col (1..7) {
      my $cell_content;
      my $bgcolor;
      if ($counter == $date[2]) { $bgcolor = '#aaFFaa' }
      elsif ($col >= 6) { $bgcolor = '#FFeeFF' }
      elsif ($self->{url}->[$counter]) { $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF' }
      else { $bgcolor = '#eeeeee' }

      # bold or not?
      my $day_html = $self->{bold}->[$counter] ? "<b>$counter</b>" : $counter;

      if (($counter <=0) or ($counter > $days)) {
        $cell_content = '&nbsp;';
      } elsif ($self->{url}->[$counter]) {
        $cell_content = CGI::a({ -href => $self->{url}->[$counter]}, $day_html);
      } else {
        $cell_content = $counter;
      $row_content .= CGI::td({-bgcolor => $bgcolor}, $cell_content);
    }   # for columns
    push @out, CGI::Tr({ -align => "center"}, $row_content);
  }     # for rows

  # calendar footer
  push @out, CGI::Tr({}, CGI::td({ -colspan => 7, -class => "calendar", -align=>"center"},
    CGI::b(pick_lang( rus => 'Ñåãîäíÿ:', eng => 'Today:')),
    CGI::a({-href => $self->self_url(cal_date => 'now')}, sprintf "%02d.%02d.%04d", reverse Date::Calc::Today())
  push @out, '</table></td></tr></table>';

  # Return resulting HTML or output it directly to client
  if ($self->{m}) {
    return defined wantarray ? join("\n", @out) : $self->{m}->out( join("\n", @out) );
  } else {
    return join("\n", @out);

=head2 date()

Returns a date selected. It returns an array (YYYY,MM,DD) in array context
and nicely formatted date 'DD.MM.YYYY' in scalar context.


sub date  { #01/30/02 4:24
    my ($self, @p) = (@_);

  return wantarray
    ? @{$self->{date}}
    : sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d", reverse @{$self->{date}});

=head2 set_date(date)

Adjust the calendar to the date. Parameter may be:

B<'now'> or B<'today'> - set the date to today

B<'cal_nmon'>,B<'next'> or B<'cal_pmon'>,B<'prev'> - adjust to next or prev month

B<[YYYY,MM,DD]> - array ref to (YYYY,MM,DD)

B<(YYYY,MM,DD)> - array of (YYYY,MM,DD)

B<'DD.MM.YYYY'> - date as string


sub set_date  { #01/30/02 4:27
  my ($self, @p) = (@_);

  if (lc($p[0]) eq 'now' or lc($p[0]) eq 'today') {
    $self->{date} = [Date::Calc::Today()];

  } elsif (ref($p[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
    my @dummy = @{$p[0]}; # recreate an array
    $self->{date} = [@dummy];

  } elsif (scalar(@p) > 1) {
    $self->{date} = [@p];

  } elsif ($p[0] eq 'cal_nmon' or $p[0] eq 'next') {
    $self->{date} = [ Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YMD( @{$self->{date}}, 0,1,0)];

  } elsif ($p[0] eq 'cal_pmon' or $p[0] eq 'prev') {
    $self->{date} = [ Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YMD( @{$self->{date}}, 0,-1,0)];

  } elsif ($p[0] =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
    $self->{date} = [$3, $2, $1];

  $self->{date_source} = 'set_date';




=head1 AUTHOR

Sergey Rusakov, E<lt>rusakov_sa@users.sourceforge.netE<gt>
