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# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
# Author - S.Rusakov <>
# Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
# This program is open source software
# ACL (Access Control List) support for ThePersistent classes.
# For ACL to work the following attributes must exists:
#   owner varchar(64)
#   acl varchar(4000)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

=head1 NAME

ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL - Access Control Lists base
class for persistent objects.


B<ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL> implements Access Control Lists
(ACL functions) for ThePersistent classes.

=head1 METHODS


package ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL;
    use base qw/ePortal::ThePersistent::Support/;
    our $VERSION = '4.5';

    use ePortal::Global;
    use ePortal::Utils;     # import logline, pick_lang

    use Params::Validate qw/:types/;
    use Error qw/:try/;
    use ePortal::Exception;

=head2 initialize()

Overloaded method. Adds ACL specific attributes properties to
the object.

Additional parameters:

=over 4

=item * drop_admin_priv

By default Admin may SELECT everything from database. If this is not
desired then pass this parameter.

  drop_admin_priv => 1



sub initialize  {   #04/25/02 10:29
    my ($self, %p) = @_;

    # save for future some special field names
    foreach (qw/ drop_admin_priv /) {
        $self->{$_} = $p{$_};
        delete $p{$_};

    # Call SUPER initialization function. No additional parameters!

sub initialize_attribute    {   #05/27/2003 3:37
    my ($self, $att_name, $attr) = @_;

    if ($att_name =~ /^xacl_/o) {
        $attr->{dtype}     ||= 'VarChar';
        $attr->{maxlength} ||= 64;
        $attr->{fieldtype} ||= 'xacl';

        if ($att_name eq 'xacl_read') {
            $attr->{label} ||= {rus => 'Ïðîñìîòð', eng => 'Read access'};
        } elsif ($att_name eq 'xacl_write') {
            $attr->{label} ||= {rus => 'Èçìåíåíèå', eng => 'Write access'};
        } elsif ($att_name eq 'xacl_delete') {
            $attr->{label} ||= {rus => "Óäàëåíèå", eng => "Delete access"};
        } elsif ($att_name eq 'xacl_admin') {
            $attr->{label} ||= {rus => "Èçì.ïðàâ äîñòóïà", eng => "Admin access"};
    } elsif ($att_name eq 'uid') {
        $attr->{dtype}     ||= 'VarChar';
        $attr->{maxlength} ||= 64;
        $attr->{label}     ||= {rus => 'Âëàäåëåö', eng => 'Owner'};
        $attr->{default}   ||= $ePortal->username;

    $self->SUPER::initialize_attribute($att_name, $attr);

sub insert  {   #07/04/00 1:18
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->xacl_check_insert == 0) {
        throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(
            -operation => 'insert',
            -object => $self);

    # create default ACL set for new object. Maybe overloaded


sub delete  {   #09/19/00 4:00
    my $self = shift;

    throw ePortal::Exception::Fatal(
        -text => "ACL classes does not support delete(id)")
        if @_;

    if ( ! $self->xacl_check_delete() ) {
        throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(
            -operation => 'delete',
            -object => $self);


sub update  {   #10/27/00 8:28
    my ($self, @param) = @_;

    throw ePortal::Exception::ACL( -operation => 'update', -object => $self)
        if ! $self->xacl_check_update();


sub restore_next    {   #10/19/01 10:35
    my $self = shift;

    my $result = undef;
    while ($result = $self->SUPER::restore_next(@_)) {
        last if $self->xacl_check_read;
    return $result;

=head2 xacl_check()

Base ACL checking function. Omit using it in end packages, use
xacl_check_xxx() for specific ACL processing.


sub xacl_check  {   #11/05/02 4:31
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift;

    # Check for existance of xacl_field
    throw ePortal::Exception::Fatal(
        -text => "xacl_check(" . ref($self) . "): attribyte $xacl_field not exists")
        if ! $self->attribute($xacl_field);
    throw ePortal::Exception::Fatal(
        -text => "xacl_check(" . ref($self) . "): attribyte uid not exists")
        if ! $self->attribute('uid');

    my $xacl_value = $self->value($xacl_field);
    my $username = $ePortal->username;

    # Easy checks
    return 1 if $ePortal->isAdmin; # Administrator
    return 1 if $xacl_value eq 'everyone';
    return 0 if ($username eq '');           # not registered user

    # User dependent checks
    # The user is registered
    if ($xacl_value eq '') {
        return 0;

    } elsif ($xacl_value eq 'admin') {
        return 0;   # admin check done before

    } elsif ($xacl_value eq 'registered') {
        return 1;

    } elsif ($xacl_value eq 'owner') {
        return $username eq $self->value('uid') ? 1 : 0;

    } elsif ($xacl_value =~ /^uid:(.*)/o) {
        return $username eq lc($1) ? 1 : 0;

    } elsif ($xacl_value =~ /^gid:(.*)/o) {
        my $gid = $1;
        my @groups = $ePortal->user->member_of;
        foreach (@groups) { return 1 if ($_ eq $gid); }
        return 0;

    throw ePortal::Exception::Fatal(-text => "xacl_check: unsupported value in $xacl_field: $xacl_value");

=head2 xacl_check_read()

C<read> access. This method is not used inside of C<ACL> but may be
used in overloaded packages.

Inside of C<ExtendedACL> read access is restricted with SQL WHERE clause.


sub xacl_check_read {   #04/16/03 3:20
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift || 'xacl_read';

    return $self->xacl_check($xacl_field);

=head2 xacl_check_delete()

C<delete> current object right.

Check C<xacl_delete> attribute if exists or C<xacl_check_update()>.

Owner of the object always may delete the object. This is addition to


sub xacl_check_delete   {   #11/11/02 3:48
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift || 'xacl_delete';

    if ($self->attribute($xacl_field)) {
        return 1 if $ePortal->username and
                    $self->attribute('uid') and
                    ($ePortal->username eq $self->uid);
        return $self->xacl_check($xacl_field);
    } else {
        return $self->xacl_check_update;

=head2 xacl_check_update()

C<update> or C<modify> current object right.

Check C<xacl_write> attribute.

Owner of the object always may modify the object. This is addition to


sub xacl_check_update   {   #11/11/02 3:48
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift || 'xacl_write';

    return 1 if $ePortal->username and
                $self->attribute('uid') and
                ($ePortal->username eq $self->uid);
    return $self->xacl_check($xacl_field);

=head2 xacl_check_admin()

C<change ACL> on current object right.

Check C<xacl_admin> attribute if exists or C<xacl_check_update()>.

Owner of the object always may change ACL if xacl field eq 'owner'. Author
of the object does not get xacl_admin rights automatically.


sub xacl_check_admin    {   #02/26/03 9:09
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift || 'xacl_admin';

    if ($self->attribute($xacl_field)) {
        # If the attribute xacl_admin exists then strictly follow it
        # do not allow every author to change access rights, derive them from parent
        #return 1 if $ePortal->username and ($ePortal->username eq $self->uid);
        return $self->xacl_check($xacl_field);
    } else {
        return $self->xacl_check_update;

=head2 xacl_check_insert()

Actually checks parent with C<xacl_check_children()>.

The object is obligatory to have a parent or overwrite this method.


sub xacl_check_insert    {   #01/03/01 3:20
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift;

    # check sysacl OR parent
    my $parent = $self->parent;

    throw ePortal::Exception::DataNotValid(-text => pick_lang(
            rus => "Ðîäèòåëüñêèé îá'åêò íå îïðåäåëåí",
            eng => "Unknown parent object"))
        if ! ref($parent);

    throw ePortal::Exception::Fatal(-text => "Object doesn't support xacl_check_children method",
            -object => $parent)
        if ! UNIVERSAL::can($parent, 'xacl_check_children');

    return $parent->xacl_check_children($xacl_field);

=head2 xacl_check_children()

ACL check for inserting children objects. Default to xacl_check_update().

This method is called from C<xacl_check_insert()> of a children object.


sub xacl_check_children {   #04/16/03 3:40
    my $self = shift;
    my $xacl_field = shift;
    return $self->xacl_check_update($xacl_field);

=head2 set_acl_default()

Installs default ACL values for the object during insert(). The default
behavior is to take most of ACL attributes from parent object. Other ACL
attributes initialized to 'owner'

This method updates C<uid> if not defined.

This method does not updates the object. C<insert()> does it.


sub set_acl_default {   #10/01/01 11:17
    my ($self, $sysacl_name) = Params::Validate::validate_pos(@_,
            { type => OBJECT, isa => 'ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL' },
            { type => SCALAR, optional => 1});

    my $parent = $self->parent;

    # save it to preserve overwriting. Install it last
    my $uid = $self->attribute('uid')
        ? $self->value('uid') || $ePortal->username
        : undef;

    # Get default ACL from Parent object
    if ($parent and UNIVERSAL::can($parent, 'set_acl_from_obj')) {
        foreach ($self->attributes) {
            if (/^xacl_/o and $parent->attribute($_)) {
                $self->value($_, $parent->value($_)) if ! $self->value($_);

    # Install uid and default xacl
    $self->uid( $uid ) if $self->attribute('uid') and defined $uid;
    foreach my $i ($self->attributes) {
        next unless $i =~ /^xacl_/o;
        $self->value($i, 'owner') unless $self->value($i);

=head2 set_acl_from_obj()

Copy all ACL attributes from C<$source> object.

This method does not updates the object. Call C<update()> manually!


sub set_acl_from_obj    {   #08/12/02 3:59
    my ($self, $source) = Params::Validate::validate_pos(@_,
        { type => OBJECT, isa => 'ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL' },
        { type => OBJECT, isa => 'ePortal::ThePersistent::ACL' });

    foreach ($self->attributes) {
        if (/^xacl_/o and $source->attribute($_)) {
            $self->value($_, $source->value($_)) if $source->value($_);

sub htmlSave    {   #02/26/03 9:57
    my $self = shift;
    my %ARGS = @_;

    if ($self->check_id) {  # object restored. UPDATing it
        if (! $self->xacl_check_update) {
            throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(
                -operation => 'update',
                -object => $self);
        if (! $self->xacl_check_admin) {
            if (exists $ARGS{uid} or grep(m/^xacl_/, keys %ARGS)) {
                throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(
                    -operation => 'admin',
                    -object => $self);
    } else {    # ID not valid, INSERTing object
                # xacl_check_insert() will turn during insert()

    return $self->SUPER::htmlSave(%ARGS);

sub value_from_req  {   #09/08/2003 9:45
    my ($self, $att, $value) = @_;
    if ($self->check_id) {  # object restored. UPDATing it
        throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(-operation => 'update',-object => $self)
            if ! $self->xacl_check_update;

        if (! $self->xacl_check_admin) {
            throw ePortal::Exception::ACL(-operation => 'admin',-object => $self)
                if (lc($att) eq 'uid') or ($att =~ m/^xacl_/io);
    } else {    # ID not valid, INSERTing object
                # xacl_check_insert() will turn during insert()

    return $self->SUPER::value_from_req($att, $value);

=head2 xacl_set_r()

Recursively copy ACL attributes from this object to all childrens


sub xacl_set_r  {   #04/01/03 3:47
    my $self = shift;

    my $C = $self->children;
    return if ! ref $C;
    while($C->restore_next) {
        if (UNIVERSAL::can($C, 'set_acl_from_obj')) {


=head1 AUTHOR

Sergey Rusakov, E<lt>rusakov_sa@users.sourceforge.netE<gt>
