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%# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
%# Author - S.Rusakov <>
%# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
%# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
%# View messages in a forum
%# Parameters:
%#  forum_id - view this forum (id or nickname)
<& /, number => 1 &>
    forum => $forum,

<table width="100%" border="0">
<form name="topic" METHOD="GET">
    <% plink( pick_lang(rus => "Ïîäïèñàòüñÿ íà ôîðóì", eng => "subscribe to forum"), -href => href('subscribe.htm', forum_id => $forum->id )) %>
<td class="smallfont" align="right">
 <% CGI::hidden({-name => 'forum_id', -value => $forum->id}) %>
 <% pick_lang(rus => 'Ïîêàçàòü òåìû çà ïîñëåäíèå', eng => 'Show topics for last') %>
 <% CGI::textfield({-name => "days", -value => $ARGS{days} || 30, -size => 3}) %>
 <% pick_lang(rus => 'äíåé', eng => 'days') %>
 <% CGI::submit({-value => '>>'}) %>

<% $list->draw_list %>

<& /, number => 2 &>

%#=== @metags onStartRequest ====================================================
<%method onStartRequest><%perl>
  $app = $ePortal->Application('MsgForum');
  $forum = new ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgForum;
  if ( ! $forum->restore($ARGS{forum_id} )) {
    return "forum_not_found.htm";

  my $guestname = pick_lang(rus=>'Ãîñòü',eng=>'Guest');
  $obj = $app->Topics;

  $list = new ePortal::HTML::List(
    obj => $obj,
    state => { forum_id => $forum->id },
		class => "smallfont" );

  $list->add_column_method( id => "message_image", width => '16' );
  $list->add_column( id => "title",
        title   => pick_lang(rus => "Òåìà", eng => "Topic"),
        url => "view_msg.htm?days=$ARGS{days}&msg_id=#id#",
        width => '40%',
        align   => "left");
  $list->add_column( id => "fullname",
				title 	=> pick_lang(rus => "Àâòîð", eng => "Author"),
        width => '25%',
        align   => "left");
  $list->add_column( id => "replies",
        title   => pick_lang(rus => "Îòâåòîâ", eng => "Replies"),
        width => '10%',
        align   => "center");
  $list->add_column( id => "last_message",
        title   => pick_lang(rus => "Ïîñëåäíèé îòâåò", eng => "Last reply"),
        width => '15%',
				align		=> "center");
  if ( $forum->xacl_check('xacl_delete') ) {
    $list->add_column_system( delete => 1, objtype => 'ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgItem');

  my $location = $list->handle_request;
  return $location if $location;

  # Get new topics
  my $days_where;
  if ( $ARGS{days} > 0) {
    $ARGS{days} *= 1;
    $days_where = "(MsgItem.msgdate >= subdate(current_date, interval $ARGS{days} day) OR
          mi.msgdate >= subdate(current_date, interval $ARGS{days} day))";

	# Get the messages
  $obj->restore_where( $list->restore_parameters,
      where => [$days_where],
      'MsgItem.forum_id' => $forum->id);


%#=== @METAGS Title ====================================================
<%method Title><%perl>
  return pick_lang(rus => "Äèñêóññèÿ: ", eng => "Discussion: ") . $forum->Title;

%#=== @metags message_image ====================================================
<%method message_image><%perl>
  my $list = $ARGS{list};
  my $obj = $list->{obj};

%  if ($obj->picture) {
    <% img(src=> '/images/MsgForum/msg/'. $obj->picture . '.gif') %>
%  } else {
    <% img(src=> "/images/MsgForum/msg.gif") %>
% }

%#=== @metags once =========================================================
my ($list, $obj, $app, $forum, $search_object);

%#=== @metags cleanup =========================================================
($list, $obj, $app, $forum, $search_object) = ();