The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
%# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
%# Author - S.Rusakov <>
%# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
%# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
%# Parameters:
%#  msg_id - start of topic or any message inside the topic
%#  start - [] number of first reply to show (pages)
%#  days - get topics for <days> days on newer

<&, forum => $forum, message => $message &>

<% pick_lang(rus => "Òåìà îáñóæäåíèÿ", eng => "The subject") %>
<span style="color:green;"><% $message->Title |h %></span>

%# Ôîðìà ïîèñêà

<table width="100%" border="0">
<form name="topic" METHOD="GET">
<tr><td class="smallfont" align="right">
 <% CGI::hidden({-name => 'msg_id', -value => $message->id}) %>
 <% pick_lang(rus => 'Ïîêàçàòü ñîîáùåíèÿ çà ïîñëåäíèå', eng => 'Show messages for last') %>
 <% CGI::textfield({-name => "days", -value => $ARGS{days} || 30, -size => 3}) %>
 <% pick_lang(rus => 'äíåé', eng => 'days') %>
 <% CGI::submit({-value => '>>'}) %>

%# Ñîîáùåíèÿ

<Table border=0 width="99%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<% empty_tr( black=>1, height => 1, colspan => 2) %>

%# Èíèöèàòîð òîïèêà

<& SELF:message, topic => 1, message => $message, bgcolor => '#FDEEFF' &>

%# Åñëè íàäî, òî ïðåäûäóùèå ñîîáùåíèÿ

% if ($ARGS{start} > 0) {
  <& SELF:show_next_prev, prev => 1, start => $ARGS{start} - $messages_per_page &>
% }

%# Îòâåòû

% my $messages=0;
% while(++$messages <= $messages_per_page and $replies->restore_next) {
<& SELF:message, message => $replies &>
% }

%# Ñëåäóþùèå ñîîáùåíèÿ

% if ($replies->restore_next) {
  <& SELF:show_next_prev, next => 1, start => $ARGS{start} + $messages_per_page &>
% }


%# Ôîðìà îòâåòà
% if ( $forum->xacl_check('xacl_reply') ) {
  <& / &>
  <% $dlg->dialog_start( width => 500,
      title => pick_lang(
          rus => "Îòâåò íà ñîîáùåíèå", eng => "Reply to message")) %>

% foreach (qw/msg_id days start/) {
    <% CGI::hidden({-name => $_, -value => $ARGS{$_}}) %>
% }

  <% $dlg->field("forum_id", hidden => 1) %>
  <% $dlg->field("prev_id", hidden => 1) %>
  <% $dlg->field("title", RO => 1) %>

  <% $dlg->row(pick_lang({rus => 'Èêîíêà', eng => 'Icon'}),
      $m->scomp('compose.htm:icons', obj => $dlg->{obj})) %>
  <% $dlg->row('<hr>') %>

  <% $dlg->field("body", vertical => 1) %>
  <% $dlg->row($m->scomp('compose.htm:smiles')) %>

  <% $dlg->buttons(cancel_button => 0) %>
%    $dlg->{focus} = undef;
  <% $dlg->dialog_end %>
  <& compose.htm:javascript &>
% }

%#=== @metags init =========================================================
<%method onStartRequest><%perl>
  $ARGS{start} = 0 if $ARGS{start} <= 0;
  $msg_id  = $ARGS{msg_id};
  $forum   = new ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgForum;
	$message = new ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgItem;
  $replies = new ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgItem;
  $app     = $ePortal->Application('MsgForum');

  while(1) {
    if (!$message->restore($msg_id)) {   return "message_not_found.htm";  }
    if ( $message->prev_id) {    $msg_id = $message->prev_id;  next; }
  if (!$forum->restore( $message->forum_id )) {    return "forum_not_found.htm";  }

  # Dialog for new reply
  if ( $forum->xacl_check('xacl_reply') ) {
    my $newmessage = new ePortal::App::MsgForum::MsgItem;
    $newmessage->forum_id( $forum->id );
    $newmessage->prev_id( $message->id);
    $newmessage->Title( $message->Title );
    $dlg = new ePortal::HTML::Dialog( obj => $newmessage, method => 'GET' );
    my $location = try {
      $dlg->handle_request( );
    } catch ePortal::Exception::DataNotValid with {
      my $E = shift;
      $session{ErrorMessage} = $E->text;

  # Get new topics
  my $days_where;
  if ( $ARGS{days} > 0) {
    $ARGS{days} *= 1;
    $days_where = "(msgdate >= subdate(current_date, interval $ARGS{days} day))";

  # restore replies
      where => $days_where,
      limit_rows => $messages_per_page +1,
      limit_offset => $ARGS{start}*1,
      prev_id => $message->id,
      order_by => "msgdate desc");


%#=== @METAGS Title ====================================================
<%method Title><%perl>
  return $message->Title;

%#=== @metags once =========================================================
my $messages_per_page = 20;
my ($app, $list, $obj, $search_object, $dlg);
my ($forum, $message, $replies, $msg_id);

%#=== @metags cleanup =========================================================
($app, $list, $obj, $search_object, $dlg) = ();
($forum, $message, $replies, $msg_id)=();

%#=== @METAGS message ====================================================
<%method message><%perl>
  my $msg = $ARGS{message};
  my $topic = $ARGS{topic};
  my $bgcolor = $ARGS{bgcolor} || $topic ? '#FDEEFF' : '#FDFFDD';

  <td class="smallfont" width="20%">
%  if ($msg->picture) {
    <% img(src=> '/images/MsgForum/msg/'. $msg->picture . '.gif') %>
%  } else {
    <% img(src=> "/images/MsgForum/msg.gif") %>
% }
  <b><% $msg->htmlValue('FromUser') %></b><br>
  <span style="color:green;"><% $msg->msgdate %><br></span>
% if ( $ePortal->isAdmin ) {
    <span style="color:#CCCCCC;">[<% $msg->useraddress %>]</span><br>
% }
<td width="80%">
  <Table border=0 width="99%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
  <tr><td class="smallfont" bgcolor="<% $bgcolor %>">
      <& /, content => $msg->Body, 
            highlightreply => 1,
            allowsmiles => 1, allowphtml => 1, class=> 'smallfont' &>
% if ($topic and $msg->TitleURL) {
  <tr><td class="smallfont" bgcolor="<% $bgcolor %>" align="right">
      <% plink({rus => "Ññûëêà ïî òåìå", eng => "Link"}, -href => $msg->titleurl) %>
% }

  <tr><td align="right" class="smallfont" bgcolor="#D3FEFA">
    my $att = $msg->Attachment;
    if ( $att ) {
      <% plink(pick_lang(rus => "Çàãðóçèòü ", eng => "Download ").$att->filename,
        -href => $att->download_href(download => 1)) %>
% if ($forum->xacl_check('xacl_reply')) {
    <% plink(pick_lang(rus => "Îòâåòèòü", eng => "Reply"),
      -href => href("compose.htm", prev_id => $message->id, reply_to=> $msg->id)) %>
% }
% if ($forum->xacl_check('xacl_edit')) {
    <% plink(pick_lang(rus => "Ïðàâêà", eng => "Edit"),
      -href => href("compose.htm", objid => $msg->id)) %>
% }
% if ($forum->xacl_check('xacl_delete')) {
    <% plink(pick_lang(rus => "Óäàëèòü", eng => "Delete"),
        -href => href("/delete.htm",
              objid => $msg->id,
              objtype => ref($msg),
              done => $msg->prev_id? undef : href("/forum/topics.htm", forum_id => $forum->id))) %>
% }

% if ($topic) {
  <tr><td class="smallfont" bgcolor="<% $bgcolor %>" align="center" colspan="2">
      <% pick_lang(rus => "Îòâåòû íà äàííóþ òåìó (áîëåå ñâåæèå îòâåòû èäóò ïåðâûìè):",
        eng => "Replies to this topic (newest are going first):") %>
% }

<% empty_tr( black=>1, height => 1, colspan => 2) %>


%#=== @metags show_next_prev ====================================================
<%method show_next_prev>
<tr><td colspan="2" class="g1" align="center">
% $ARGS{start} = 0 if $ARGS{start} <= 0;
% if ($ARGS{prev}) {
  <% '<<<' |h %>
  <a href="<% href("view_msg.htm", msg_id => $message->id, start => $ARGS{start}) %>">
  <% pick_lang(rus => 'Ïîêàçàòü ïðåäûäóùèå ñîîáùåíèÿ', eng => 'Show prev messages') %>
  <% '<<<' |h %>
% }

% if ($ARGS{next}) {
  <% '>>>' |h %>
  <a href="<% href("view_msg.htm", msg_id => $message->id, start => $ARGS{start}) %>">
  <% pick_lang(rus => 'Ïîêàçàòü ñëåäóþùèå ñîîáùåíèÿ', eng => 'Show next messages') %>
  <% '>>>' |h %>
% }
