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%# ePortal - WEB Based daily organizer
%# Author - S.Rusakov <>
%# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Sergey Rusakov.  All rights reserved.
%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
%# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
%# Displays list of contacts

<table width="99%" border="0">
<tr><td width="30%">
  <& SELF:intro &>
</td><td  width="70%" align="right">
  <& SELF:search_dialog &>

<% $list->draw_list %>

<span class="memo">
<li><% pick_lang(rus => q{
   àäðåñíîé êíèãå âû ìîæåòå õðàíèòü ñâîè ëè÷íûå êîíòàêòû (ëþäè,
	ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ è ò.ä.).
	}, eng => q{
	This is place to save your contacts.
	} ) %>

%#=== @metags email ====================================================
<%method email><%perl>
	my $list = $ARGS{list};
	my $column = $ARGS{column};
	my $obj = $list->{obj};
	return if ! $obj->email;
<a href="mailto:<% $obj->email %>"><% $obj->email %></a>

%#=== @METAGS onStartRequest ====================================================
<%method onStartRequest>
  <& PARENT:onStartRequest, %ARGS &>

  my $obj = new ePortal::App::Organizer::Contact(
      DBISource => 'Organizer',
      Where => "CN.org_id=$session{_org_id}",
      SQL => 'SELECT CN.*, C.title as category_title
        FROM Contact CN
        LEFT JOIN Category C ON

  $list = new ePortal::HTML::List( obj => $obj, class => "smallfont",
      state => {org_id => $session{_org_id}}, after_row => 'row_detail' );
  $list->add_column( id => "title", url => "cont_edit.htm?objid=#id#",
      sorting => 1,
      title => pick_lang(rus => "Èìÿ", eng => "Name")  );
  $list->add_column(id => "category_title",
      sorting => 1,
      title => pick_lang(rus => "Êàòåãîðèÿ", eng => "Category") );
  $list->add_column(id => "company",
      sorting => 1,
      title => pick_lang(rus => "Ìåñòî ðàáîòû", eng => "Company") );
  $list->add_column_method( id => "phones",
      title => pick_lang(rus => "Òåëåôîíû", eng => "Phones"));
  $list->add_column_method( id => "email",
      sorting => 1,
      title => 'e-mail');
  if ( $session{_organizer}->xacl_check_delete ) {
    $list->add_column_system(delete => 1);

  my $location = $list->handle_request;
  return $location if $location;

  # search parameters
  my (@where, @bind);
  if ( $ARGS{text} ne '' ) {
    my $b = '%' . $ARGS{text} . '%';
    push @where, "(CN.title like ? OR like ? OR CN.memo like ?)";
    push @bind, $b;
    push @bind, $b;
    push @bind, $b;
  if ( $ARGS{category_id} > 0 ) {
    push @where, 'category_id=?';
    push @bind, $ARGS{category_id};

  $list->{obj}->restore_where( $list->restore_parameters, where => \@where, bind => \@bind);


%#=== @metags once =========================================================
my ($list, $obj);

%#=== @metags cleanup =========================================================
($list, $obj) = ();

%#=== @METAGS row_detail ====================================================
<%method row_detail><%perl>
  my $list = $ARGS{list};
  my $obj = $list->{obj};
  my $t = (split("\r?\n", $obj->Memo))[0];
<span class="memo"><% $t |h %></span>

%#=== @METAGS search_dialog ====================================================
<%method search_dialog><%perl>
  my %args = $m->request_args;
  my $dummy = new ePortal::App::Organizer::Contact;
  $dummy->add_attribute( text => {label => pick_lang(rus => "Òåêñò äëÿ ïîèñêà", eng => "Text to search")} );
  $dummy->org_id( $session{_org_id} );
  $dummy->category_id( $args{category_id} );
  $dummy->text( $args{text} );
  my $d = new ePortal::HTML::Dialog( obj => $dummy, width => "400", method => 'GET',
      align => 'right',
      title => pick_lang(rus => "Ïîèñê", eng => "Search") );

<%  $d->dialog_start() %>
    <% $d->field('org_id', hidden => 1) %>
    <% $d->field('text') %>
    <% $d->field('category_id') %>

    <tr><td align="center" colspan="2">
    <% plink({rus => 'Ïîêàçàòü âñåõ', eng => 'Show all'},
        href=>href($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}, org_id => $session{_org_id})) %>
<%  $d->buttons(cancel_button => 0, ok_label => pick_lang(rus => "Èñêàòü!", eng => "Search!")) %>
<%  $d->dialog_end() %>

%#=== @METAGS intro ====================================================
<%method intro>
% if ($session{_organizer}->xacl_check_update) {
  <li><a href="<% href('cont_edit.htm', org_id => $session{_org_id}, objid => 0) %>"><% img(src=>'/images/icons/memo.gif') %>&nbsp;<%
      pick_lang(rus => "Íîâûé êîíòàêò", eng => "New contact") %></a>
% }

%#=== @METAGS phones ====================================================
<%method phones><%perl>
  my $list = $ARGS{list};
  my $obj = $list->{obj};
  my @html;

  push @html, pick_lang(rus => "ð:", eng => "w:") . $obj->phone_w
    if $obj->phone_w;
  push @html, pick_lang(rus => "ä:", eng => "h:") . $obj->phone_h
    if $obj->phone_h;

<span class="memo"><% join('<br>', @html) %></span>