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package CPAN2RT;

=head1 NAME

CPAN2RT - CPAN to RT converter for service


An utility and module with functions to import and update metadata
about CPAN distributions into RT DB using files available from each
CPAN mirror.

Comes with `cpan2rt` script.


use v5.8.3;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.03';

use Email::Address;
use List::Compare;
use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

our $DEBUG = 0;
sub debug(&);

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Simple constructor that creates a hash based object and stores all
passed arguments inside it. Then L</init> is called.

=head3 options

=over 8

=item home - RT home dir, RTHOME is checked if empty and defaults to

=item debug - turn on ddebug output to STDERR.

=item mirror - CPAN mirror to fetch files from.



sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = bless { @_ }, ref($proto) || $proto;
    return $self;

=head2 init

Called right after constructor, changes @INC, loads RT and initilize it.

See options in description of L</new>.


sub init {
    my $self = shift;

    my $home = ($self->{'home'} ||= $ENV{'RTHOME'} || '/opt/rt3');
    unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( $home, 'lib' );
    unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( $home, 'local', 'lib' );

    require RT;

    $DEBUG = $self->{'debug'};

sub sync_files {
    my $self = shift;
    my $mirror = shift || $self->{'mirror'} || '';

    debug { "Syncing files from '$mirror'\n" };

    my @files = qw(

    require LWP::UserAgent;
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    $ua->timeout( 10 );

    foreach my $file ( @files ) {
        debug { "Fetching '$file'\n" };
        my $store = $self->file_path( $file );
        $self->backup_file( $store ) if -e $store;
        my $response = $ua->get( "$mirror/$file", ':content_file' => $store );
        unless ( $response->is_success ) {
            print STDERR $response->status_line, "\n";
        my $mtime = $response->header('Last-Modified');

        debug { "Fetched '$file' -> '$store'\n" };

        if ( $store =~ /(.*)\.gz$/ ) {
            $self->backup_file( $1 );
            `gunzip -f $store`;
            $store =~ s/\.gz$//;
            debug { "Unzipped '$store'\n" };

        if ( $mtime ) {
            require HTTP::Date;
            $mtime = HTTP::Date::str2time( $mtime );
            utime $mtime, $mtime, $store if $mtime;
            debug { "Last modified: $mtime\n" };

{ my $cache;
sub authors {
    my $self = shift;
    $cache = $self->_authors unless $cache;
    return $cache;
} }

sub _authors {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = '00whois.xml';
    debug { "Parsing $file...\n" };
    my $path = $self->file_path( $file );

    use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
    my $handler = CPAN2RT::UsersSAXParser->new();
    my $p = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $handler);

    open my $fh, "<:raw", $path or die "Couldn't open '$path': $!";
    my $res = $p->parse_file( $fh );
    close $fh;

    return $res;

{ my $cache;
sub permissions {
    my $self = shift;
    $cache = $self->_permissions unless $cache;
    return $cache;
} }

sub _permissions {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = '06perms.txt';
    debug { "Parsing $file...\n" };
    my $path = $self->file_path( $file );
    open my $fh, "<:utf8", $path or die "Couldn't open '$path': $!";

    $self->skip_header( $fh );

    my %res;
    while ( my $str = <$fh> ) {
        chomp $str;

        my ($module, $cpanid, $permission) = (split /\s*,\s*/, $str);
        unless ( $module && $cpanid ) {
            debug { "couldn't parse '$str' from '$file'\n" };
        $res{ $module } ||= [];
        push @{ $res{ $module } }, $cpanid;
    close $fh;

    return \%res;

{ my $cache;
sub module2file {
    my $self = shift;
    $cache = $self->_module2file() unless $cache;
    return $cache;
} }

sub _module2file {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = '02packages.details.txt';
    debug { "Parsing $file...\n" };
    my $path = $self->file_path( $file );
    open my $fh, "<:utf8", $path or die "Couldn't open '$path': $!";

    $self->skip_header( $fh );

    my %res;
    while ( my $str = <$fh> ) {
        chomp $str;

        my ($module, $mver, $file) = split /\s+/, $str;
        unless ( $module && $file ) {
            debug { "couldn't parse '$str'\n" };
        $res{ $module } = $file;
    close $fh;

    return \%res;

{ my $cache;
sub all_distributions {
    my $self = shift;
    $cache = $self->_all_distributions() unless $cache;
    return $cache;
} }

sub _all_distributions {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = 'find-ls';
    debug { "Parsing $file...\n" };
    my $path = $self->file_path( $file );
    open my $fh, "<:utf8", $path or die "Couldn't open '$path': $!";

    my %res;
    while ( my $str = <$fh> ) {
        next if $str =~ /^\d+\s+0\s+l\s+1/; # skip symbolic links
        chomp $str;

        my ($mode, $file) = (split /\s+/, $str)[2, -1];
        next if index($mode, 'x') >= 0; # skip executables (dirs)
        # we're only interested in files in authors/id/ dir
        next unless index($file, "authors/id/") == 0;
        next unless $file =~ /\.(bz2|zip|tgz|tar\.gz)$/i;

        my $info = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new( $file );
        my $dist = $info->dist;
        unless ( $dist ) {
            debug { "Couldn't parse distribution name from '$file'\n" };
        push @{ $res{ $dist }{'versions'} ||= [] }, $info->version;
        push @{ $res{ $dist }{'uploaders'} ||= [] }, $info->cpanid;
    close $fh;

    return \%res;

sub sync_authors {
    my $self = shift;
    my $force = shift;
    if ( !$force && !$self->is_new_file( '01mailrc.txt' ) ) {
        debug { "Skip syncing, file's not changed\n" };
        return (1);

    my @errors;
    my $authors = $self->authors;
    while ( my ($cpanid, $meta) = each %$authors ) {
        my ($user, @msg) = $self->load_or_create_user( $cpanid, @{ $meta }{qw(fullname email)} );
        push @errors, @msg unless $user;
    return (undef, @errors) if @errors;
    return (1);

sub sync_distributions {
    my $self = shift;
    my $force = shift;
    if ( !$force && !$self->is_new_file( '02packages.details.txt' ) ) {
        debug { "Skip syncing, file's not changed\n" };
        return (1);

    my @files = uniq values %{ $self->module2file };
    my $all_dists = $self->all_distributions;

    my %tmp;
    foreach my $file ( @files ) {
        my $info = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new( "authors/id/$file" );
        my $dist = $info->dist;
        unless ( $dist ) {
            debug { "Couldn't parse distribution name from '$file'\n" };
        if ( $dist =~ /^(parrot|perl)$/i ) {
            debug { "Skipping $dist as it's hard coded to be skipped." };

        $tmp{ $dist } ||= [];
        if ( my $v = $info->version ) {
            push @{ $tmp{ $dist } }, $v;
        push @{ $tmp{ $dist } }, @{ $all_dists->{ $dist }{'versions'} || [] };

    my @errors;
    while ( my ($dist, $versions) = each %tmp ) {
        my ($queue, @msg) = $self->load_or_create_queue( $dist );
        unless ( $queue ) {
            push @errors, @msg;
        if ( $versions && @$versions ) {
            my ($status, @msg) = $self->add_versions( $queue, @$versions );
            push @errors, @msg unless $status;

    %tmp = ();

    return (undef, @errors) if @errors;
    return (1);

sub sync_maintainers {
    my $self = shift;
    my $force = shift;
    if ( !$force && !$self->is_new_file( '06perms.txt' ) ) {
        debug { "Skip syncing, file's not changed\n" };
        return (1);

    my $m2f = $self->module2file;
    my $perm = $self->permissions;

    my %res;
    while ( my ($module, $maint) = each %$perm ) {
        my $file = $m2f->{ $module };
        next unless $file;

        my $dist = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new( "authors/id/$file" )->dist;
        unless ( $dist ) {
            debug { "Couldn't parse distribution name from '$file'\n" };
        push @{ $res{ $dist } ||= [] }, @$maint;

    my @errors = ();
    while ( my ($dist, $maint) = each %res ) {
        my ($queue, @msg) = $self->load_or_create_queue( $dist );
        unless ( $queue ) {
            push @errors, @msg;

        my $status;
        ($status, @msg) = $self->set_maintainers( $queue, @$maint );
        push @errors, @msg unless $status;
    %res = ();
    return (undef, @errors) if @errors;
    return (1);

sub current_maintainers {
    my $self = shift;
    my $queue = shift;

    my $users = $queue->AdminCc->UserMembersObj;
    return map uc $_->Name, @{ $users->ItemsArrayRef };

sub filter_maintainers {
    my $self = shift;
    my $authors = $self->authors;
    return grep { ($authors->{$_}{'type'}||'') eq 'author' } @_;

sub set_maintainers {
    my $self = shift;
    my $queue   = shift;

    my @maints  = $self->filter_maintainers( @_ );
    my @current = $self->current_maintainers( $queue );

    my @errors;

    my $set = List::Compare->new( '--unsorted', \@current, \@maints );
    foreach ( $set->get_unique ) {
        debug { "Going to delete $_ from maintainers of ". $queue->Name };
        my ($status, @msg) = $self->del_maintainer( $queue, $_, 'force' );
        push @errors, @msg unless $status;
    foreach ( $set->get_complement ) {
        debug { "Going to add $_ as maintainer of ". $queue->Name };
        my ($status, @msg) = $self->add_maintainer( $queue, $_, 'force' );
        push @errors, @msg unless $status;

    return (undef, @errors) if @errors;
    return (1);

sub add_maintainer {
    my $self = shift;
    my $queue = shift;
    my $user  = shift;
    my $force = shift || 0;

    unless ( ref $user ) {
        my $tmp = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
        $tmp->LoadByCols( Name => $user );
        return (undef, "Couldn't load user '$user'")
            unless $tmp->id;

        $user = $tmp;
    unless ( $user->id ) {
        return (undef, "Empty user object");

    if ( !$force && $queue->IsAdminCc( $user->PrincipalId ) ) {
        debug {  $user->Name ." is already maintainer of '". $queue->Name ."'\n"  };
        return (1);

    my ($status, $msg) = $queue->AddWatcher(
        Type        => 'AdminCc',
        PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId,
    unless ( $status ) {
        $msg = "Couldn't add ". $user->Name ." as AdminCc for ". $queue->Name .": $msg\n";
        return (undef, $msg);
    } else {
        debug { "Added ". $user->Name ." as maintainer of '". $queue->Name ."'\n" };
    return (1);

sub del_maintainer {
    my $self = shift;
    my $queue = shift;
    my $user  = shift;
    my $force = shift;

    unless ( ref $user ) {
        my $tmp = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
        $tmp->LoadByCols( Name => $user );
        return (undef, "Couldn't load user '$user'")
            unless $tmp->id;

        $user = $tmp;
    unless ( $user->id ) {
        return (undef, "Empty user object");

    if ( !$force && !$queue->IsAdminCc( $user->PrincipalId ) ) {
        debug {  $user->Name ." is not maintainer of '". $queue->Name ."'. Skipping...\n"  };
        return (1);

    my ($status, $msg) = $queue->DeleteWatcher(
        Type        => 'AdminCc',
        PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId,
    unless ( $status ) {
        $msg = "Couldn't delete ". $user->Name
            ." from AdminCc list of '". $queue->Name ."': $msg\n";
        return (undef, $msg);
    } else {
        debug { "Deleted ". $user->Name ." from maintainers of '". $queue->Name ."'\n" };
    return (1);

sub add_versions {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($queue, @versions) = @_;
    @versions = uniq @versions;

    my @errors;
    foreach my $name ( "Broken in", "Fixed in" ) {
        my ($cf, $msg) = $self->load_or_create_version_cf( $queue, $name );
        unless ( $cf ) {
            push @errors, $msg;

        # Unless it's a new value, don't add it
        my %old = map { $_->Name => 1 } @{ $cf->Values->ItemsArrayRef };
        foreach my $version ( grep defined && length, @versions ) {
            if ( exists $old{$version} ) {
                debug { "Version '$version' exists (not adding)\n" };

            my ($val, $msg) = $cf->AddValue(
                Name          => $version,
                Description   => "Version $version",
                SortOrder     => 0,
            unless ( $val ) {
                $msg = "Failed to add value '$version' to CF $name"
                    ." for queue ". $queue->Name .": $msg";
                debug {  $msg  };
                push @errors, $msg;
            else {
                debug { "Added version '$version' into '$name' list for queue '". $queue->Name ."'\n" };
    return (undef, @errors) if @errors;
    return (1);

sub load_or_create_user {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($cpanid, $realname, $email) = @_;

    my $bycpanid = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
    $bycpanid->LoadByCol( Name => $cpanid );

    # WARNING: when MergeUser extension is used then the same user records
    # will be loaded even when there are multiple records in the DB
    $email = $self->parse_email_address( $email ) || "$cpanid\";
    my $byemail = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    $byemail->LoadByEmail( $email );

    if ( $bycpanid->id && (($byemail->id && $bycpanid->id == $byemail->id) || !$byemail->id) ) {
        # the same users, both cpanid and email...
        # or email change, so no user with new email...
        # XXX: as we have no way to detect email changes on PAUSE
        # then we set email to the public version from PAUSE only when
        # user in RT has no email. The same applies to name.
        $bycpanid->SetEmailAddress( $email )
            unless $bycpanid->EmailAddress;
        $bycpanid->SetRealName( $realname )
            unless $bycpanid->RealName;
        return $bycpanid;
    elsif ( $bycpanid->id && $byemail->id ) {
        # both exist, but different
        # XXX: merge them
        debug { "WARNING: Two different users\n" };
        return $bycpanid;
    elsif ( $byemail->id ) {
        # there is already user with that address, but different CPANID
        my ($new, $msg) = $self->create_user( $cpanid, $realname );
        return ($new, $msg) unless $new;

        if ( $new->can('MergeInto') ) {
            debug { "Merging user @{[$new->Name]} into @{[$byemail->Name]}...\n" };
            $new->MergeInto( $byemail );
        } else {
            debug {
                "WARNING: Couldn't merge user @{[$new->Name]} into @{[$byemail->Name]}."
                ." Extension is not installed.\n" };
        return ($new);

    return $self->create_user($cpanid, $realname, $email);

sub create_user {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($username, $realname, $email) = @_;

    my $user = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    my ($val, $msg) = $user->Create(
        Name          => $username,
        RealName      => $realname,
        EmailAddress  => $email,
        Privileged    => 1

    unless ( $val ) {
        $msg = "Failed to create user $username: $msg";
        debug { "FAILED! $msg\n" };
        return (undef, $msg);
    else {
        debug { "Created user $username... " };

    return ($user)

sub load_or_create_queue {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dist = shift;

    my $queue = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    # Try to load up the current queue by name.  Avoids duplication.
    $queue->Load( $dist );
    unless ( $queue->id ) {
        my ($status, $msg) = $queue->Create(
            Name               => $dist,
            Description        => "Bugs in $dist",
            CorrespondAddress  => "bug-$dist\",
            CommentAddress     => "comment-$dist\",
        unless ( $status ) {
            return (undef, "Couldn't create queue '$dist': $msg\n");
		debug { "Created queue #". $queue->id ." for dist ". $queue->Name ."\n" };
    } else {
		debug { "Found queue #". $queue->id ." for dist ". $queue->Name ."\n" };
    return $queue;

sub load_or_create_version_cf {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($queue, $name) = @_;

    my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => $name );
    $cfs->LimitToQueue( $queue->id );
    $cfs->{'find_disabled_rows'} = 0;   # This is why we don't simply do a LoadByName
    $cfs->OrderByCols; # don't sort things
    $cfs->RowsPerPage( 1 );

    my $cf = $cfs->First;
    unless ( $cf && $cf->id ) {
        return $self->create_version_cf( $queue, $name );

    return ($cf);

sub create_version_cf {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($queue, $name) = @_;

    my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    debug { "creating custom field $name..." };
    my ($val, $msg) = $cf->Create(
        Name            => $name,
        TypeComposite   => 'Select-0',    
        # This is a much clearer way of associating a CF
        # with a queue, except that it's not as efficient
        # as the method below...
        #Queue           => $queue->Id,
        # So instead we're going to set the lookup type here...
        LookupType   => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
    unless ( $val ) {
        debug { "FAILED!  $msg\n" };
        return (undef, "Failed to create CF $name for queue "
                        . $queue->Name
                        . ": $msg");
    else {
        debug { "ok\n" };

    # ... and associate with the queue down here.
    # This is the other way of associating a CF with a queue.  Unlike
    # the much more clear method above, it doesn't have to fetch the
    # queue object again.  And since this is an import, we do kinda
    # care about that stuff...
    ($val, $msg) = $cf->AddToObject( $queue );
    unless ( $val ) {
        $msg = "Failed to link CF $name with queue " . $queue->Name . ": $msg";
        debug { $msg };
        return (undef, $msg);
    return ($cf);

sub parse_email_address {
    my $self = shift;
    my $string = shift;
    return undef unless defined $string && length $string;
    return undef if uc($string) eq 'CENSORED';

    my $address = (grep defined, Email::Address->parse( $string || '' ))[0];
    return undef unless defined $address;
    return $address->address;

sub file_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my $res = $file;
    $res =~ s/.*\///; # strip leading dirs
    if ( my $dir = $self->{'datadir'} ) {
        require File::Spec;
        $res = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $res );
    return $res;

sub is_new_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new = $self->file_path( shift );
    my $old = $new .'.old';
    return 1 unless -e $old; 
    return (stat $new)[9] > (stat $old)[9]? 1 : 0;

sub backup_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my $old = shift;
    my $new = $old .'.old';
    rename $old, $new;

sub skip_header {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = shift;
    while ( my $str = <$fh> ) {
        return if $str =~ /^\s*$/;

sub debug(&) {
    return unless $DEBUG;
    print STDERR map { /\n$/? $_ : $_."\n" } $_[0]->();


package CPAN2RT::UsersSAXParser;
use base qw(XML::SAX::Base);

sub start_document {
    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
    $self->{'res'} = {};

sub start_element {
    my ($self, $el) = @_;
    my $name = $el->{LocalName};
    return if $name ne 'cpanid' && !$self->{inside};

    if ( $name eq 'cpanid' ) {
        $self->{inside} = 1;
        $self->{tmp} = [];
    } else {
        $self->{inside_prop} = 1;

    push @{ $self->{'tmp'} }, $name, '';

sub characters {
    my ($self, $el) = @_;
    $self->{'tmp'}[-1] .= $el->{Data} if $self->{inside_prop};

sub end_element {
    my ($self, $el) = @_;
    $self->{inside_prop} = 0;

    my $name = $el->{LocalName};

    if ( $name eq 'cpanid' ) {
        $self->{inside} = 0;
        my %rec = map Encode::decode_utf8($_), @{ delete $self->{'tmp'} };
        $self->{'res'}{ delete $rec{'id'} } = \%rec;

sub end_document {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{'res'};
