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package Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable';
use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
use Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions 'throw';
use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT qw'_DOMCREATOR_ _DATATYPE_ /looks_like/';
    my $logger = __PACKAGE__->get_logger;
    my $fac    = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new();
    my @fields = \( my ( %lookup, %missing, %gap, %meta ) );

=head1 NAME

Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype - Validator of character state data


 # No direct usage


This is a superclass for objects that validate character data. Objects that
inherit from this class (typically those in the
Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::* namespace) can check strings and arrays of
character data for invalid symbols, and split and join strings and arrays
in a way appropriate for the type (on whitespace for continuous data,
on single characters for categorical data).
L<Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix> objects and L<Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum>
internally delegate validation of their contents to these datatype objects;
there is no normal usage in which you'd have to deal with datatype objects 

=head1 METHODS



=item new()

Datatype constructor.

 Type    : Constructor
 Title   : new
 Usage   : No direct usage, is called by TypeSafeData classes;
 Function: Instantiates a Datatype object
 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype child class
 Args    : $type (optional, one of continuous, custom, dna,
           mixed, protein, restriction, rna, standard)


    sub new : Constructor {
        my $class = shift;

        # constructor called with type string
        if ( $class eq __PACKAGE__ ) {
            my $type = ucfirst( lc(shift) );
            if ( not $type ) {
                throw 'BadArgs' => "No subtype specified!";
            if ( $type eq 'Nucleotide' ) {
                $logger->warn("'nucleotide' datatype requested, using 'dna'");
                $type = 'Dna';
            return looks_like_class( __PACKAGE__ . '::' . $type )

        # constructor called from type subclass
        else {
            my %args = looks_like_hash @_;
                no strict 'refs';
                $args{'-lookup'} = ${"${class}::LOOKUP"}
                  if ${"${class}::LOOKUP"};
                $args{'-missing'} = ${"${class}::MISSING"}
                  if ${"${class}::MISSING"};
                $args{'-gap'} = ${"${class}::GAP"} if ${"${class}::GAP"};
                use strict;
            return $class->SUPER::new(%args);


=item set_lookup()

Sets state lookup table.

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : set_lookup
 Usage   : $obj->set_lookup($hashref);
 Function: Sets the state lookup table.
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : Argument must be a hash
           reference that maps allowed
           single character symbols
           (including ambiguity symbols)
           onto the equivalent set of
           non-ambiguous symbols


    sub set_lookup : Clonable {
        my ( $self, $lookup ) = @_;
        my $id = $self->get_id;

        # we have a value
        if ( defined $lookup ) {
            if ( looks_like_instance $lookup, 'HASH' ) {
                $lookup{$id} = $lookup;
            else {
                throw 'BadArgs' => "lookup must be a hash reference";

        # no value, so must be a reset
        else {
            $lookup{$id} = $self->get_lookup;
        return $self;

=item set_missing()

Sets missing data symbol.

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : set_missing
 Usage   : $obj->set_missing('?');
 Function: Sets the symbol for missing data
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : Argument must be a single
           character, default is '?'


    sub set_missing : Clonable {
        my ( $self, $missing ) = @_;
        my $id = $self->get_id;
        if ( $missing ne $self->get_gap ) {
            $missing{$id} = $missing;
        else {
            throw 'BadArgs' =>
              "Missing character '$missing' already in use as gap character";
        return $self;

=item set_gap()

Sets gap symbol.

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : set_gap
 Usage   : $obj->set_gap('-');
 Function: Sets the symbol for gaps
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : Argument must be a single
           character, default is '-'


    sub set_gap : Clonable {
        my ( $self, $gap ) = @_;
        if ( not $gap eq $self->get_missing ) {
            $gap{ $self->get_id } = $gap;
        else {
            throw 'BadArgs' =>
              "Gap character '$gap' already in use as missing character";
        return $self;

=item set_metas_for_states()

Assigns all metadata annotations for all state symbols

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : set_metas_for_states
 Usage   : $obj->set_metas_for_states({ $state => [ $m1, $m2 ] });
 Function: Assigns all metadata annotations for all state symbols
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : A hash reference of state symbols with metadata arrays

    sub set_metas_for_states : Clonable {
        my ( $self, $metas ) = @_;
        $meta{$self->get_id} = $metas;
        return $self;
=item add_meta_for_state()

Adds a metadata annotation for a state symbol

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : add_meta_for_state
 Usage   : $obj->add_meta_for_state($meta,$state);
 Function: Adds a metadata annotation for a state symbol
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : A Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta object and a state symbol


    sub add_meta_for_state {
        my ( $self, $meta, $state ) = @_;
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            if ( exists $lookup->{$state} ) {
                my $id = $self->get_id;
                $meta{$id} = {} if not $meta{$id};
                $meta{$id}->{$state} = [] if not $meta{$id}->{$state};
                push @{ $meta{$id}->{$state} }, $meta;
            else {
                    "State '$state' is unknown, can't add annotation");
        else {
                "This data type has no categorical states to annotate");
        return $self;

=item remove_meta_for_state()

Removes a metadata annotation for a state symbol

 Type    : Mutator
 Title   : remove_meta_for_state
 Usage   : $obj->remove_meta_for_state($meta,$state);
 Function: Removes a metadata annotation for a state symbol
 Returns : Modified object.
 Args    : A Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta object and a state symbol


    sub remove_meta_for_state {
        my ( $self, $meta, $state ) = @_;
        my $id = $self->get_id;
        if ( $meta{$id} && $meta{$id}->{$state} ) {
            my $meta_array = $meta{$id}->{$state};
            my $meta_id    = $meta->get_id;
          DICT: for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$meta_array} ) {
                if ( $meta_array->[$i]->get_id == $meta_id ) {
                    splice @{$meta_array}, $i, 1;
                    last DICT;
        else {
                "There are no annotations to remove for state '$state'");
        return $self;




=item get_type()

Gets data type as string.

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_type
 Usage   : my $type = $obj->get_type;
 Function: Returns the object's datatype
 Returns : A string
 Args    : None


    sub get_type {
        my $type = ref shift;
        $type =~ s/.*:://;
        return $type;

=item get_ids_for_special_symbols()

Gets state-to-id mapping for missing and gap symbols

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_ids_for_special_symbols
 Usage   : my %ids = %{ $obj->get_ids_for_special_symbols };
 Function: Returns state-to-id mapping
 Returns : A hash reference, keyed on symbol, with UID values
 Args    : Optional, a boolean:
           true  => prefix state ids with 's'
           false => keep ids numerical


    sub get_ids_for_special_symbols {
        my $self           = shift;
        my $ids_for_states = $self->get_ids_for_states;
        my @indices        = sort { $a <=> $b } values %{$ids_for_states};
        my $max_id         = $indices[-1];
        my ( $missing, $gap ) = ( $self->get_missing, $self->get_gap );
        my $ids_for_special_symbols = {};
        if ( $_[0] ) {
            $ids_for_special_symbols->{$gap}     = 's' . ++$max_id;
            $ids_for_special_symbols->{$missing} = 's' . ++$max_id;
        else {
            $ids_for_special_symbols->{$gap}     = ++$max_id;
            $ids_for_special_symbols->{$missing} = ++$max_id;
        return $ids_for_special_symbols;

=item get_ids_for_states()

Gets state-to-id mapping

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_ids_for_states
 Usage   : my %ids = %{ $obj->get_ids_for_states };
 Function: Returns state-to-id mapping
 Returns : A hash reference, keyed on symbol, with UID values
 Args    : Optional, a boolean:
           true  => prefix state ids with 's'
           false => keep ids numerical
 Note    : This returns a mapping to alphanumeric states; special
           symbols (for missing data and gaps) are handled separately


    sub get_ids_for_states {
        my $self = shift;
        $logger->debug("getting ids for state set $self");
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            my $ids_for_states = {};
            my ( @symbols, %tmp_cats, $i );

            # build a list of state symbols: what properties will this
            # list have? Symbols will be present in order of the
            # size of the state set to which they belong; within
            # each of these ranks, the symbols will be in lexical
            # order.
            push( @{ $tmp_cats{ @{ $lookup->{$_} } } ||= [] }, $_ )
              for grep /^\d+|[a-zA-Z]/, keys %{$lookup};
            push( @symbols, sort { $a cmp $b } @{ $tmp_cats{$_} } )
              for sort { $a <=> $b } keys %tmp_cats;
            $ids_for_states->{$_} = ( $_[0] ? 's' : '' ) . ( ++$i )
              for (@symbols);
            return $ids_for_states;
        return {};

=item get_states_for_symbol()

Gets set of fundamental states for an ambiguity symbol

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_states_for_symbol
 Usage   : my @states = @{ $obj->get_states_for_symbol('N') };
 Function: Returns the set of states for an ambiguity symbol
 Returns : An array ref of symbols
 Args    : An ambiguity symbol
 Comments: If supplied argument is a fundamental state, an array
           ref with just that state is returned, e.g. 'A' returns
           ['A'] for DNA and RNA


    sub get_states_for_symbol {
        my ( $self, $symbol ) = @_;
        my @states;
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            if ( my $map = $lookup->{uc $symbol} ) {
                @states = @{ $map };
        return \@states;

=item get_symbol_for_states()

Gets ambiguity symbol for a set of states

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_symbol_for_states
 Usage   : my $state = $obj->get_symbol_for_states('A','C');
 Function: Returns the ambiguity symbol for a set of states
 Returns : A symbol (SCALAR)
 Args    : A set of symbols
 Comments: If no symbol exists in the lookup
           table for the given set of states,
           a new - numerical - one is created


    sub get_symbol_for_states {
        my $self   = shift;
        my @syms   = @_;
        my $lookup = $self->get_lookup;
        if ($lookup) {
            my @lookup_syms = keys %{$lookup};
          SYM: for my $sym (@lookup_syms) {
                my @states = @{ $lookup->{$sym} };
                if ( scalar @syms == scalar @states ) {
                    my $seen_all = 0;
                    for my $i ( 0 .. $#syms ) {
                        my $seen = 0;
                        for my $j ( 0 .. $#states ) {
                            if ( $syms[$i] eq $states[$j] ) {
                        next SYM if not $seen;

                    # found existing symbol
                    return $sym if $seen_all == scalar @syms;

            # create new symbol
            my $sym;
            if ( $self->get_type !~ /standard/i ) {
                my $sym = 0;
                while ( exists $lookup->{$sym} ) {
            else {
              LETTER: for my $char ( 'A' .. 'Z' ) {
                    if ( not exists $lookup->{$char} ) {
                        $sym = $char;
                        last LETTER;
            $lookup->{$sym} = \@syms;
            return $sym;
        else {
            $logger->info("No lookup table!");

=item get_lookup()

Gets state lookup table.

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_lookup
 Usage   : my $lookup = $obj->get_lookup;
 Function: Returns the object's lookup hash
 Returns : A hash reference
 Args    : None


    sub get_lookup {
        my $self = shift;
        my $id   = $self->get_id;
        if ( exists $lookup{$id} ) {
            return $lookup{$id};
        else {
            my $class = __PACKAGE__;
            $class .= '::' . $self->get_type;
            $logger->debug("datatype class is $class");
            if ( looks_like_class $class ) {
                my $lookup;
                    no strict 'refs';
                    $lookup = ${ $class . '::LOOKUP' };
                    use strict;
                return $lookup;

=item get_missing()

Gets missing data symbol.

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_missing
 Usage   : my $missing = $obj->get_missing;
 Function: Returns the object's missing data symbol
 Returns : A string
 Args    : None


    sub get_missing {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $missing = $missing{ $self->get_id };
        return defined $missing ? $missing : '?';

=item get_gap()

Gets gap symbol.

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_gap
 Usage   : my $gap = $obj->get_gap;
 Function: Returns the object's gap symbol
 Returns : A string
 Args    : None


    sub get_gap {
        my $self = shift;
        my $gap  = $gap{ $self->get_id };
        return defined $gap ? $gap : '-';

=item get_meta_for_state()

Gets metadata annotations (if any) for the provided state symbol

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_meta_for_state
 Usage   : my @meta = @{ $obj->get_meta_for_state };
 Function: Gets metadata annotations for a state symbol
 Returns : An array reference of Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta objects
 Args    : A state symbol


    sub get_meta_for_state {
        my ( $self, $state ) = @_;
        my $id = $self->get_id;
        if ( $meta{$id} && $meta{$id}->{$state} ) {
            return $meta{$id}->{$state};
        return [];

=item get_metas_for_states()

Gets metadata annotations (if any) for all state symbols

 Type    : Accessor
 Title   : get_metas_for_states
 Usage   : my @meta = @{ $obj->get_metas_for_states };
 Function: Gets metadata annotations for state symbols
 Returns : An array reference of Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta objects
 Args    : None

    sub get_metas_for_states { $meta{shift->get_id} }


=head2 TESTS


=item is_ambiguous()

Tests whether the supplied state symbol represents an ambiguous (polymorphic
or uncertain) state. For example, for the most commonly-used alphabet for
DNA states, the symbol 'N' represents complete uncertainty, the actual state
could be any of 'A', 'C', 'G' or 'T', and so this method would return a true

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_ambiguous
 Usage   : if ( $obj->is_ambiguous('N') ) {
              # do something
 Function: Returns true if argument is an ambiguous state symbol
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : A state symbol


    sub is_ambiguous {
        my ( $self, $symbol ) = @_;
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            my $mapping = $lookup->{uc $symbol};
            if ( $mapping and ref $mapping eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                return scalar(@{$mapping}) > 1;
        return 0;

=item is_valid()

Validates argument.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_valid
 Usage   : if ( $obj->is_valid($datum) ) {
              # do something
 Function: Returns true if $datum only contains valid characters
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : A Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum object


    sub is_valid {
        my $self = shift;
        my @data;
        ARG: for my $arg (@_) {
            if ( ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                push @data, @{$arg};
            elsif ( UNIVERSAL::can( $arg, 'get_char' ) ) {
                push @data, $arg->get_char;
            else {
                if ( length($arg) > 1 ) {
                    push @data, @{ $self->split($arg) };
                else {
                    @data = @_;
                    last ARG;
        return 1 if not @data;
        my $lookup  = $self->get_lookup;
        my @symbols = ( $self->get_missing, $self->get_gap, keys %{$lookup} );
        my %symbols = map { $_ => 1 } grep { defined $_ } @symbols;
      CHAR_CHECK: for my $char (@data) {
            next CHAR_CHECK if not defined $char;
            next CHAR_CHECK if $symbols{ uc $char };
            return 0;
        return 1;

=item is_same()

Compares data type objects.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_same
 Usage   : if ( $obj->is_same($obj1) ) {
              # do something
 Function: Returns true if $obj1 contains the same validation rules
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : A Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype::* object


    sub is_same {
        my ( $self, $model ) = @_;
        $logger->info("Comparing datatype '$self' to '$model'");
        return 1 if $self->get_id == $model->get_id;
        return 0 if $self->get_type ne $model->get_type;

        # check strings
        for my $prop (qw(get_type get_missing get_gap)) {
            my ( $self_prop, $model_prop ) = ( $self->$prop, $model->$prop );
            return 0
              if defined $self_prop
                  && defined $model_prop
                  && $self_prop ne $model_prop;
        my ( $s_lookup, $m_lookup ) = ( $self->get_lookup, $model->get_lookup );

        # one has lookup, other hasn't
        if ( $s_lookup && !$m_lookup ) {
            return 0;

        # both don't have lookup -> are continuous
        if ( !$s_lookup && !$m_lookup ) {
            return 1;

        # get keys
        my @s_keys = keys %{$s_lookup};
        my @m_keys = keys %{$m_lookup};

        # different number of keys
        if ( scalar(@s_keys) != scalar(@m_keys) ) {
            return 0;

        # compare keys
        for my $key (@s_keys) {
            if ( not exists $m_lookup->{$key} ) {
                return 0;
            else {

                # compare values
                my ( %s_vals, %m_vals );
                my ( @s_vals, @m_vals );
                @s_vals = @{ $s_lookup->{$key} };
                @m_vals = @{ $m_lookup->{$key} };

                # different number of vals
                if ( scalar(@m_vals) != scalar(@s_vals) ) {
                    return 0;

                # make hashes to compare on vals
                %s_vals = map { $_ => 1 } @s_vals;
                %m_vals = map { $_ => 1 } @m_vals;
                for my $val ( keys %s_vals ) {
                    return 0 if not exists $m_vals{$val};
        return 1;




=item split()

Splits argument string of characters following appropriate rules.

 Type    : Utility method
 Title   : split
 Usage   : $obj->split($string)
 Function: Splits $string into characters
 Returns : An array reference of characters
 Args    : A string


    sub split {
        my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
        my @array = CORE::split( /\s*/, $string );
        return \@array;

=item join()

Joins argument array ref of characters following appropriate rules.

 Type    : Utility method
 Title   : join
 Usage   : $obj->join($arrayref)
 Function: Joins $arrayref into a string
 Returns : A string
 Args    : An array reference


    sub join {
        my ( $self, $array ) = @_;
        return CORE::join( '', @{$array} );

    sub _cleanup : Destructor {
        my $self = shift;
        $logger->debug("cleaning up '$self'");
        my $id = $self->get_id;
        for my $field (@fields) {
            delete $field->{$id};




=item to_xml()

Writes data type definitions to xml

 Type    : Serializer
 Title   : to_xml
 Usage   : my $xml = $obj->to_xml
 Function: Writes data type definitions to xml
 Returns : An xml string representation of data type definition
 Args    : None


    sub to_xml {
        my $self = shift;
        $logger->debug("writing $self to xml");
        my $xml          = '';
        my $normalized   = $_[0] || {};
        my $polymorphism = $_[1];
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            $xml .= "\n" . $self->get_xml_tag;
            my $id_for_state = $self->get_ids_for_states(1);
            my @states       = sort {
                my ( $m, $n );
                ($m) = $id_for_state->{$a} =~ /([0-9]+)/;
                ($n) = $id_for_state->{$b} =~ /([0-9]+)/;
                $m <=> $n
            } keys %{$id_for_state};
            for my $state (@states) {
                $xml .=
                  $self->_state_to_xml( $state, $id_for_state, $lookup,
                    $normalized, $polymorphism );
            my ( $missing, $gap ) = ( $self->get_missing, $self->get_gap );
            my $special = $self->get_ids_for_special_symbols;
            if ( %{$special} ) {
                my $uss =
                  $fac->create_xmlwritable( '-tag' => 'uncertain_state_set' );
                my $mbr = $fac->create_xmlwritable(
                    '-tag'          => 'member',
                    '-identifiable' => 0
                    'id'     => "s" . $special->{$gap},
                    'symbol' => '-'
                $xml .= "\n" . $uss->get_xml_tag(1);
                    'id'     => "s" . $special->{$missing},
                    'symbol' => '?'
                $xml .= "\n" . $uss->get_xml_tag();
                for (@states) {
                    $mbr->set_attributes( 'state' => $id_for_state->{$_} );
                    $xml .= "\n" . $mbr->get_xml_tag(1);
                $mbr->set_attributes( 'state' => "s" . $special->{$gap} );
                $xml .= "\n" . $mbr->get_xml_tag(1);
                $xml .= "\n</" . $uss->get_tag . ">";
            $xml .= "\n</" . $self->get_tag . ">";
        return $xml;

    sub _state_to_xml {
        my ( $self, $state, $id_for_state, $lookup, $normalized, $polymorphism )
          = @_;
        my $state_id = $id_for_state->{$state};
        my @mapping  = @{ $lookup->{$state} };
        my $symbol =
          exists $normalized->{$state} ? $normalized->{$state} : $state;
        my $xml         = '';
        my $unambiguous = scalar @mapping <= 1;
        my $tag =
            $unambiguous  ? 'state'
          : $polymorphism ? 'polymorphic_state_set'
          :                 'uncertain_state_set';
        my $elt = $fac->create_xmlwritable(
            '-tag'        => $tag,
            '-xml_id'     => $state_id,
            '-attributes' => { 'symbol' => $symbol }
        $elt->add_meta($_) for @{ $self->get_meta_for_state($state) };

        if ($unambiguous) {
            $xml .= "\n" . $elt->get_xml_tag(1);
        else {
            $xml .= "\n" . $elt->get_xml_tag();
            for (@mapping) {
                $xml .= $fac->create_xmlwritable(
                    '-tag'          => 'member',
                    '-identifiable' => 0,
                    '-attributes'   => { 'state' => $id_for_state->{$_} }
            $xml .= "\n</" . $elt->get_tag . ">";
        return $xml;

=item to_dom()

Analog to to_xml.

 Type    : Serializer
 Title   : to_dom
 Usage   : $type->to_dom
 Function: Generates a DOM subtree from the invocant
           and its contained objects
 Returns : an <XML Package>::Element object
 Args    : none


    sub to_dom {
        my $self = shift;
        my $dom  = $_[0];
        my @args = @_;

        # handle dom factory object...
        if ( looks_like_instance( $dom, 'SCALAR' )
            && $dom->_type == _DOMCREATOR_ )
            splice( @args, 0, 1 );
        else {
            $dom = $Bio::Phylo::NeXML::DOM::DOM;
            unless ($dom) {
                throw 'BadArgs' => 'DOM factory object not provided';
        my $elt;
        my $normalized = $args[0] || {};
        my $polymorphism = $args[1];
        if ( my $lookup = $self->get_lookup ) {
            $elt = $self->get_dom_elt($dom);
            my $id_for_state = $self->get_ids_for_states;
            my @states       = sort {
                my ( $m, $n );
                ($m) = $id_for_state->{$a} =~ /([0-9]+)/;
                ($n) = $id_for_state->{$b} =~ /([0-9]+)/;
                $m <=> $n
            } keys %{$id_for_state};
            keys %{$id_for_state};
            my $max_id = 0;
            for my $state (@states) {
                my $state_id = $id_for_state->{$state};
                $id_for_state->{$state} = 's' . $state_id;
                $max_id = $state_id;
            for my $state (@states) {
                        $dom,    $state,      $id_for_state,
                        $lookup, $normalized, $polymorphism
            my ( $missing, $gap ) = ( $self->get_missing, $self->get_gap );
            my $special = $self->get_ids_for_special_symbols;
            if ( %{$special} ) {
                my $uss;
                $uss = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'uncertain_state_set' );
                $uss->set_attributes( 'id'     => 's' . $special->{$gap} );
                $uss->set_attributes( 'symbol' => '-' );
                $uss = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'uncertain_state_set' );
                $uss->set_attributes( 'id'     => 's' . $special->{$missing} );
                $uss->set_attributes( 'symbol' => '?' );
                my $mbr;

                for (@states) {
                    $mbr = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'member' );
                    $mbr->set_attributes( 'state' => $id_for_state->{$_} );
                $mbr = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'member' );
                $mbr->set_attributes( 'state' => 's' . $special->{$gap} );
        return $elt;

    sub _state_to_dom {
        my ( $self, $dom, $state, $id_for_state, $lookup, $normalized,
            $polymorphism )
          = @_;
        my $state_id = $id_for_state->{$state};
        my @mapping  = @{ $lookup->{$state} };
        my $symbol =
          exists $normalized->{$state} ? $normalized->{$state} : $state;
        my $elt;

        # has ambiguity mappings
        if ( scalar @mapping > 1 ) {
            my $tag =
              $polymorphism ? 'polymorphic_state_set' : 'uncertain_state_set';
            $elt = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => $tag );
            $elt->set_attributes( 'id'     => $state_id );
            $elt->set_attributes( 'symbol' => $symbol );
            for my $map (@mapping) {
                my $mbr = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'member' );
                $mbr->set_attributes( 'state' => $id_for_state->{$map} );

        # no ambiguity
        else {
            $elt = $dom->create_element( '-tag' => 'state' );
            $elt->set_attributes( 'id'     => $state_id );
            $elt->set_attributes( 'symbol' => $symbol );
        return $elt;
    sub _tag { 'states' }
    sub _type { _DATATYPE_ }



    # podinherit_insert_token

=head1 SEE ALSO

There is a mailing list at L<!forum/bio-phylo> 
for any user or developer questions and discussions.


=item L<Bio::Phylo>

This object inherits from L<Bio::Phylo>, so the methods defined
therein are also applicable to L<Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype> objects.

=item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>

Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<>.



If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:

B<Rutger A Vos>, B<Jason Caravas>, B<Klaas Hartmann>, B<Mark A Jensen>
and B<Chase Miller>, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl.
I<BMC Bioinformatics> B<12>:63.

