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package Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Nexml;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Abstract';
use Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions 'throw';
use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT qw'looks_like_instance _NEXML_VERSION_ :objecttypes';
use Bio::Phylo::Util::Dependency 'XML::Twig';
use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
use Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable;
use Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta::XMLLiteral;

=head1 NAME

Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Nexml - Parser used by Bio::Phylo::IO, no serviceable parts inside


This module parses nexml data. It is called by the L<Bio::Phylo::IO> facade,
don't call it directly. In addition to parsing from files, handles or strings (which
are specified by the -file, -handle and -string arguments) this parser can also parse
xml directly from a url (-url => $phylows_output), provided you have L<LWP> installed.


# podinherit_insert_token

=head1 SEE ALSO

There is a mailing list at L<!forum/bio-phylo> 
for any user or developer questions and discussions.


=item L<Bio::Phylo::IO>

The nexml parser is called by the L<Bio::Phylo::IO> object.
Look there to learn how to parse nexml (or any other data Bio::Phylo supports).

=item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>

Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<>.

=item L<>

For more information about the nexml data standard, visit L<>



If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:

B<Rutger A Vos>, B<Jason Caravas>, B<Klaas Hartmann>, B<Mark A Jensen>
and B<Chase Miller>, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl.
I<BMC Bioinformatics> B<12>:63.


# helper method to add parser reading position to log messages
sub _pos {
    my $self = shift;
    my $t    = $self->{'_twig'};
    join ':', ( $t->current_line, $t->current_column, $t->current_byte );

sub _process_attributes {
    my ( $self, $elt, $obj ) = @_;
    my $atts;
    eval { $atts = $elt->atts };
    if ($@) { throw API => $@ }
    my $id = $elt->att('id');
    if ($id) {
        delete $atts->{$id};
    my $label = $elt->att('label');
    if ($label) {
        delete $atts->{$label};
    for my $key ( keys %{$atts} ) {
        if ( $key =~ /^xmlns:(.+)$/ ) {
            my $ns  = $1;
            my $uri = $atts->{$key};
            $obj->set_namespaces( $ns => $uri );
        else {
            $obj->set_attributes( $key => $atts->{$key} );

# nice 'n' generic: we provide an element and a class,
# from the class we instantiate a new object, we set
# the element id in the generic slot of the object.
# If the element has a label, use that as name,
# otherwise use id. Additional constructor args can
# be specified using named arguments, e.g. -type => 'dna'
sub _obj_from_elt {
    my ( $self, $elt, $class, %args ) = @_;

    # factory object handles instantiation (and class loading)
    # see Bio::Phylo::Factory
    my $method = "create_$class";
    my $obj    = $self->_factory->$method(%args);

    # <dict/> elements are deprecated
    for my $dict_elt ( $elt->children('dict') ) {
        $self->_logger->warn( $self->_pos . " dict elements are deprecated!" );
    for my $meta_elt ( $elt->children('meta') ) {
        my $meta = $self->_process_meta($meta_elt);
    $self->_process_attributes( $elt, $obj );
    my $id  = $elt->att('id');
    my $tag = $elt->tag;
    if ( defined $id ) {
        $self->_logger->debug( $self->_pos . " processed <$tag id=\"$id\"/>" );
    else {
        $self->_logger->debug( $self->_pos . " processed <$tag/>" );
    return ( $obj, $id );

# this processes subsets of things
sub _process_set {
    my ( $self, $parent_elt, $container ) = @_;
    for my $elt ( $parent_elt->children('set') ) {
        my ( $set, $set_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $elt, 'set' );
        my %idrefs;
        for my $thing ( @{ $container->get_entities } ) {
            my $tag = $thing->get_tag;
            my $id = $thing->get_xml_id;
            if ( not exists $idrefs{$tag} ) {
                my @refs = grep { /\S/ } split /\s+/, $elt->att($tag);
                if ( @refs ) {
                    my %map = map { $_ => 1 } @refs;
                    $idrefs{$tag} = \%map;
            if ( $idrefs{$tag}->{$id} ) {

# this is the constructor that gets called by Bio::Phylo::IO,
# here we create the object instance that will process the file/string
sub _init {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $skipchars, $skiptrees ) = ( 0, 0 );
    if ( $self->_args && $self->_args->{'-skip'} ) {
        for my $skip ( @{ $self->_args->{'-skip'} } ) {
            if ( $skip == _MATRIX_ ) {
                $skipchars = 1;
                $self->_logger->warn("skipping all characters elements");
            if ( $skip == _FOREST_ ) {
                $skiptrees = 1;
                $self->_logger->warn("skipping all trees elements");
    $self->_logger->debug("initializing $self");
    $self->{'_blocks'}        = [];
    $self->{'_taxa'}          = {};
    $self->{'_taxon_in_taxa'} = {};

    # here we put the two together, i.e. create the actual XML::Twig object
    # with its handlers, and create a reference to it in the parser object
    $self->{'_twig'} = XML::Twig->new(

        # These handlers are called when the subtree is fully loaded, which
        # means we can traverse it
        'TwigHandlers' => {
            'nex:nexml'  => sub { &_handle_nexml( @_,  $self ) },        
            'otus'       => sub { &_handle_otus( @_,   $self ) },
            'characters' => $skipchars ? sub {} : sub { &_handle_chars( @_,  $self ) },
            'trees'      => $skiptrees ? sub {} : sub { &_handle_forest( @_, $self ) },

        # These handlers are called when the element opens, that is the
        # subtree hasn't been loaded yet - but the attributes have been,
        # so we can read in the namespaces here.
        'StartTagHandlers' => {
            '_all_' => sub {
                my ( $twig, $elt ) = @_;
                for my $att_name ( $elt->att_names ) {
                    if ( $att_name =~ /^xmlns:(.+)$/ ) {
                        my $prefix = $1;
                        my $ns     = $elt->att($att_name);
                            $prefix => $ns );
    return $self;

# called by Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Abstract
sub _parse {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_logger->debug("going to parse xml");
    my %opt = @_;
    $self->{'_twig'}->parse( $self->_string );

    # we're done, now order the blocks
    my $ordered_blocks = $self->{'_blocks'};

    # prepare the requested return...
    my $temp_project = pop( @{$ordered_blocks} ); # nexml root tag is processed last!
    $self->{'_project_meta'} = $temp_project->get_meta;
    return @{$ordered_blocks};

sub _project_meta { shift->{'_project_meta'} }

# element handler
sub _handle_nexml {
    my ( $twig, $nexml_elt, $self ) = @_;
    my ( $project_obj, $project_id ) =
      $self->_obj_from_elt( $nexml_elt, 'project' );
    push @{ $self->{'_blocks'} }, $project_obj;
    $self->_logger->info( $self->_pos . " Processed nexml element" );
    my $version = _NEXML_VERSION_;
    if ( $nexml_elt->att('version') !~ /^\Q$version\E$/ ) {
        throw 'BadFormat' =>
          "Wrong version number, can only handle ${version}: "
          . $nexml_elt->att('version');

# element handler
sub _handle_otus {
    my ( $twig, $taxa_elt, $self ) = @_;

    # instantiate taxa object, push on stack of blocks to return to user
    my ( $taxa_obj, $taxa_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $taxa_elt, 'taxa' );
    push @{ $self->{'_blocks'} }, $taxa_obj;

    # create lookup to find taxa object for if other blocks refer to it
    $self->{'_taxa'}->{$taxa_id} = $taxa_obj;

   # create lookup to find contained taxon objects if other elements refer to it
    $self->{'_taxon_in_taxa'}->{$taxa_id} = {};

    # process contained otu elements
    for my $taxon_elt ( $taxa_elt->children('otu') ) {

        # instantiate taxon object, insert in taxa object
        my ( $taxon_obj, $taxon_id ) =
          $self->_obj_from_elt( $taxon_elt, 'taxon' );

        # add reference for later lookup
        $self->{'_taxon_in_taxa'}->{$taxa_id}->{$taxon_id} = $taxon_obj;
    # process taxon sets
    $self->_logger->info( $self->_pos . " Processed block id: $taxa_id" );

# again, nice 'n' generic: we provide an element, which must have an
# otu attribute; an object that is to be linked to a taxon; the otus
# attribute value of the containing element. Because $self->{_otus}
# collects a hash of hashes keyed on otus_idref => otu_idref we can
# then fetch the appropriate taxon
sub _set_otu_for_obj {
    my ( $self, $elt, $obj, $taxa_idref ) = @_;

    # some elements (tree nodes) only optionally refer to otu elements
    if ( my $taxon_idref = $elt->att('otu') ) {

      # referenced element must precede reference, hence $taxon_obj must be true
        if ( my $taxon_obj =
            $self->{'_taxon_in_taxa'}->{$taxa_idref}->{$taxon_idref} )

        # if not, throw exception - invalid data
        else {
                'API'  => "no OTU '$taxon_idref' in block '$taxa_idref'",
                'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line

    # notify user
    else {
        $self->_logger->info( $self->_pos . " no taxon idref" );

# same thing, but for taxa objects
sub _set_otus_for_obj {
    my ( $self, $elt, $obj ) = @_;

    # linking to otus elements is not optional!
    if ( my $taxa_idref = $elt->att('otus') ) {

        # referenced element must precede reference
        if ( my $taxa_obj = $self->{'_taxa'}->{$taxa_idref} ) {
            $obj->set_taxa( $self->{'_taxa'}->{$taxa_idref} );
            return $taxa_idref;

        # throw if $taxa_obj hasn't been created yet: invalid data
        else {
                'API'  => "no taxa object '$taxa_idref'",
                'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line

    # throw if there is no reference
    else {
            'API'  => "no taxa reference",
            'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line

sub _handle_chars {
    my ( $twig, $characters_elt, $self ) = @_;
    $self->_logger->debug( $self->_pos . " going to parse characters element" );

    # create matrix object, send extra constructor args
    my $type = $characters_elt->att('xsi:type');
    my $compact = $type =~ /Seqs$/;
    $type =~ s/^(?:.+:)?(.*?)(?:Cells|Seqs)/$1/;
    my %args = ( '-type' => $type );
    my ( $matrix_obj, $matrix_id ) =
      $self->_obj_from_elt( $characters_elt, 'matrix', %args );
    my $taxa_idref = $self->_set_otus_for_obj( $characters_elt, $matrix_obj );

    # create character definitions, if any
    my ( $def_hash, $def_array ) = ( {}, [] );
    my ( $lookup );
    my $definitions_elt = $characters_elt->first_child('format');
    ( $def_hash, $def_array, $lookup ) = $self->_process_definitions($definitions_elt);
    delete $args{'-type'};
    $args{'-type_object'} = $matrix_obj->get_type_object;

    # create row objects
    # rows are actually stored inside the <matrix/> element
    my $matrix_elt = $characters_elt->first_child('matrix');
    my ( $row_obj, $chars_hash );
    for my $row_elt ( $matrix_elt->children('row') ) {
        ( $row_obj, $chars_hash ) =
          $self->_process_row( $row_elt, $def_hash, $def_array, %args );
        my @chars;
        if ( not $compact ) {
            my $missing = $row_obj->get_missing;
            my $i       = 0;
            for my $def_id ( @{$def_array} ) {
                if ( exists $chars_hash->{$def_id} ) {
                    push @chars, $chars_hash->{$def_id};
                else {
                    push @chars, $missing;
        else {
            my $highest_pos_for_this_row =
              ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chars_hash} )[-1];
            my $missing = $row_obj->get_missing;
            for my $i ( 0 .. $highest_pos_for_this_row ) {
                if ( exists $chars_hash->{$i} ) {
                    push @chars, $chars_hash->{$i};
                else {
                    push @chars, $missing;
        $self->_logger->debug( $self->_pos . " set char: '@chars'" );
        $row_obj->set_char( \@chars );
        $self->_set_otu_for_obj( $row_elt, $row_obj, $taxa_idref );
    my $characters = $matrix_obj->get_characters;
    # assign original xml ids to character objects
    my @char_elts = $definitions_elt->children('char');
    for my $i ( 0 .. $#char_elts ) {
        my ($char) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $char_elts[$i], 'character' );
    # now process character sets
    push @{ $self->{'_blocks'} }, $matrix_obj;
    $self->_logger->info( $self->_pos . " Processed block id: $matrix_id" );

# here we create a hash keyed on column ids => state ids => state symbols
sub _process_definitions {
    my ( $self, $format_elt ) = @_;
    my ( $states_hash, $chars_hash, $states_array ) = ( {}, {}, [] );
    my $lookup = {};

    # here we iterate over state set definitions, i.e. each
    # $states_elt <states/> describes a set of mappings
    for my $states_elt ( $format_elt->children('states') ) {
        my $states_id = $states_elt->att('id');
        $states_hash->{$states_id} = {};
        my $process_state = sub {
            my $elt = shift;
            my ( $id, $sym ) = ( $elt->att('id'), $elt->att('symbol') );
            $states_hash->{$states_id}->{$id} = $sym;
            my @children = $elt->children('member');
            if (@children) {
                $lookup->{$sym} = [];
                for my $child (@children) {
                    my $child_id  = $child->att('state');
                    my $child_sym = $states_hash->{$states_id}->{$child_id};
                    if ( not defined $child_id ) {
                            'API' =>
"Need reference to fundamental state by set '$id'",
                            'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
                    if ( not exists $states_hash->{$states_id}->{$child_id} ) {
                            'API' =>
                              "Couldn't find fundamental state '$child_id'",
                            'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
                    push @{ $lookup->{$sym} }, $child_sym;
            else {
                $lookup->{$sym} = [$sym];

        # here we iterate of state definitions, i.e. each
        # $state_elt <state/> describes what symbol that state has
        for my $state_elt ( $states_elt->children('state') ) {
        for my $polymorphic_state_set_elt (
            $states_elt->children('polymorphic_state_set') )
        for my $uncertain_state_set_elt (
            $states_elt->children('uncertain_state_set') )

    # finally, we iterate over column definitions which may
    # reuse state sets.
    for my $char_elt ( $format_elt->children('char') ) {
        my $char_id      = $char_elt->att('id');
        my $states_idref = $char_elt->att('states');

        # $states_idref can be false (which in this case is always
        # the same as undefined, because xml id's cannot be integers,
        # so an id of "0" is impossible). This would be the case if
        # the characters element is for continuous characters, which
        # can have column definitions, but not state sets (which would
        # have to be of infinite size).
        if ($states_idref) {
            $chars_hash->{$char_id} = $states_hash->{$states_idref};

        # in order to keep characters ordered (including in sparse
        # matrices) we can't just use a hash, need an array as
        # well
        push @$states_array, $char_id;
    return ( $chars_hash, $states_array, $lookup );

sub _process_row {
    my ( $self, $row_elt, $def_hash, $def_array, %args ) = @_;

    # create datum object
    my ( $row_obj, $row_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $row_elt, 'datum', %args );

    # check granularity, process accordingly
    if ( $row_elt->children('cell') ) {
        return ( $row_obj,
            $self->_process_cells( $row_elt, $def_hash, $def_array ) );
    else {
        my $type;
        if ( $args{'-type'} ) {
            $type = $args{'-type'};
        elsif ( $args{'-type_object'} ) {
            $type = $args{'-type_object'}->get_type;
        else {
            $type = 'Standard';
        return ( $row_obj, $self->_process_seqs( $row_elt, $def_hash, $type ) );

sub _process_cells {
    my ( $self, $row_elt, $def_hash, $def_array ) = @_;
    my $chars_hash = {};

    # loop over <cell/> elements
    my $i = 0;
    for my $cell_elt ( $row_elt->children('cell') ) {
        my $char_idref  = $cell_elt->att('char');
        my $state_idref = $cell_elt->att('state');
        if ( not defined $char_idref ) {
            $char_idref = $i++;
        my $state;

        # may not exist for types without format block
        if ( exists $def_hash->{$char_idref} ) {
            my $lookup = $def_hash->{$char_idref};

            # may not be a hash for continuous states
            if ( looks_like_instance( $lookup, 'HASH' )
                and defined $lookup->{$state_idref} )
                $state = $lookup->{$state_idref};
            else {
                $state = $state_idref;
        else {
            $state = $state_idref;
        $chars_hash->{$char_idref} = $state;
    return $chars_hash;

sub _process_seqs {
    my ( $self, $row_elt, $def_hash, $type ) = @_;
    my $chars_hash = {};
    my @seq_list;
    if ( my $seq_string = $row_elt->first_child_text('seq') ) {
        if ( $type =~ m/^(DNA|RNA|PROTEIN|RESTRICTION)/i ) {
            $seq_string =~ s/\s//g;
            @seq_list = split //, $seq_string;
        else {
            @seq_list = split /\s+/, $seq_string;
        for my $i ( 0 .. $#seq_list ) {
            $chars_hash->{$i} = $seq_list[$i];
    return $chars_hash;

sub _handle_forest {
    my ( $twig, $trees_elt, $self ) = @_;

    # instantiate forest object, set id, taxa and name
    my @args = ( $trees_elt, 'forest' );
    my ( $forest_obj, $forest_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt(@args);
    my $taxa_idref = $self->_set_otus_for_obj( $trees_elt, $forest_obj );

    # loop over tree elements
    for my $tree_elt ( $trees_elt->children('tree') ) {

        # for now we can only process true trees, not networks,
        # which would require extensions to the Bio::Phylo API
        my $type = $tree_elt->att('xsi:type');
        if ( $type =~ qr/Tree$/ ) {

            # instantiate the tree object, set name and id
            @args = ( $tree_elt, 'tree' );
            my ( $tree_obj, $tree_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt(@args);

            # things to pass to process methods
            @args = ( $tree_elt, $tree_obj, $taxa_idref );
            $forest_obj->insert( $self->_process_listtree(@args) );

        # TODO fixme
        else {
            $self->_logger->warn( $self->_pos . " Can't process networks yet" );
    # process tree sets

    push @{ $self->{'_blocks'} }, $forest_obj;

sub _process_listtree {
    my ( $self, $tree_elt, $tree_obj, $taxa_idref ) = @_;
    my $tree_id = $tree_elt->att('id');

    # this is going to be our lookup to get things back by id
    my ( %node_by_id, %parent_of );

    # loop over nodes
    for my $node_elt ( $tree_elt->children('node') ) {
        my ( $node_obj, $node_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $node_elt, 'node' );
        $node_by_id{$node_id} = $node_obj;
        $self->_set_otu_for_obj( $node_elt, $node_obj, $taxa_idref );

    # loop over branches
    for my $edge_elt ( $tree_elt->children('edge') ) {
        my $node_id   = $edge_elt->att('target');
        my $parent_id = $edge_elt->att('source');
        my $edge_id   = $edge_elt->att('id');

        # referential integrity check for target
        if ( not exists $node_by_id{$node_id} ) {
                'API' =>
                  "no target '$node_id' for edge '$edge_id' in tree '$tree_id'",
                'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line

        # referential integrity check for source
        if ( not exists $node_by_id{$parent_id} ) {
                'API' =>
"no source '$parent_id' for edge '$edge_id' in tree '$tree_id'",
                'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
        if ( not $node_by_id{$node_id}->get_parent ) {
            $node_by_id{$node_id}->set_parent( $node_by_id{$parent_id} );
        else {
                'API' => sprintf(
                    "node '%s' already has parent '%s' in tree '%s'",
                    $node_id, $parent_id, $tree_id
                'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
        if ( defined( my $length = $edge_elt->att('length') ) ) {

    # tree structure integrity check
    my $orphan_count = 0;
    for my $node_id ( keys %node_by_id ) {
        $orphan_count++ if not $node_by_id{$node_id}->get_parent;
    if ( $orphan_count == 0 ) {
            'API'  => "tree '$tree_id' has reticulations",
            'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
    if ( $orphan_count > 1 ) {
            'API'  => "tree '$tree_id' has too many orphans",
            'line' => $self->{'_twig'}->parser->current_line
    # process node sets
    return $tree_obj;

sub _process_listnode {
    my ( $self, $node_elt, $taxa_idref ) = @_;

    # instantiate internal node, set id and label
    my ( $node_obj, $node_id ) = $self->_obj_from_elt( $node_elt, 'node' );
    my $parent_id = $node_elt->att('parent');

    # link to taxon
    if ( $node_elt->tag eq 'terminal' ) {
        $self->_set_otu_for_obj( $node_elt, $node_obj, $taxa_idref );

    # always test for defined-ness on branch lengths! could be 0
    my $branch_length;
    if ( defined $node_elt->att('float') ) {
        $branch_length = $node_elt->att('float');

    # TODO should really be mutually exclusive in schema, but isn't
    elsif ( defined $node_elt->att('integer') ) {
        $branch_length = $node_elt->att('integer');
    if ( defined $branch_length ) {
    return $node_obj, $node_id, $parent_id;

# this method is called from within _obj_from_elt
# to process RDFa metadata attachments embedded
# in an element that maps onto a Bio::Phylo object
sub _process_meta {
    my ( $self, $meta_elt ) = @_;
    my $predicate = $meta_elt->att('property') || $meta_elt->att('rel');
    my $object    = defined $meta_elt->att('content') # content can be 0
                        ? $meta_elt->att('content')
                        : $meta_elt->att('href');

    if ( $meta_elt->att('href') && $meta_elt->att('href') !~ m|http://|i ) {
        $object = $self->_get_base_uri($meta_elt) . $object;
    my $meta =
      $self->_factory->create_meta( '-triple' => { $predicate => $object } );
    for my $child_meta_elt ( $meta_elt->children() ) {
        if ( $child_meta_elt->gi eq 'meta' ) {
            $meta->add_meta( $self->_process_meta($child_meta_elt) );
        else {
            my $lit = Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta::XMLLiteral->new($child_meta_elt);
            $meta->set_triple( $predicate => $lit );
    return $meta;

sub _get_base_uri {
    my ( $self, $elt ) = @_;
    while ( not $elt->att('xml:base') ) {
        if ( $elt->parent ) {
            $elt = $elt->parent;
        else {
    return $elt->att('xml:base');