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# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab smarttab:
# This file is part of DBIx-RoboQuery
# This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Randy Stauner.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
use strict;
use warnings;

package DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet;
  $DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet::VERSION = '0.031';
  $DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:RWSTAUNER';
# ABSTRACT: Configure the results to get what you want

use Carp qw(croak carp);
use Timer::Simple;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $query = shift;
  my %opts = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
  my $self = {
    row_count     => -1,
    times         => {},
    query => $query,
    default_slice => {},

    # Process the template in case it changes anything (like query.key_columns)
    # so that everything will get passed to the ResultSet.
    sql => $query->sql(),

  bless $self, $class;

  foreach my $var ( $self->_pass_through_args() ){
    # allow options to be specified directly
    if( exists($opts{$var}) ){
      $self->{$var} = $opts{$var};
    # or look for them on the query object
    elsif( exists($query->{$var}) ){
      $self->{$var} = $query->{$var};


  $self->{hash_key_name} ||=
    ($self->{dbh} && $self->{dbh}{FetchHashKeyName})
    || 'NAME_lc';

  return $self;

sub array {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  # default to an array of hashrefs if no arguments are given
  @args = $self->{default_slice}
    unless @args;

  $self->execute() if !$self->{executed};

  croak('Columns unknown.  Was this a SELECT?')
    unless $self->{all_columns};

  my @tr_args = ();
  if( @args ){
    # if the slice is empty, fill it with the non-drop_columns
    my $slice = $args[0];
    if( ref($slice) eq 'HASH' and !keys(%$slice) ){
      $slice->{$_} = 1 for $self->columns;
    elsif( ref($slice) eq 'ARRAY' and !@$slice ){
      my @col  = @{$self->{all_columns}};
      my %drop = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->{drop_columns} };
      # turn [] into a list of (possibly non-contiguous) indexes: [1,2,4,5]
      push(@$slice, grep { !$drop{ $col[$_] } } 0 .. $#col);
      # set the first (only) element to an arrayref of column names
      @tr_args = ( [@col[@$slice]] );

  my $t = Timer::Simple->new;

  my $rows = $self->{sth}->fetchall_arrayref(@args);
  $rows = [map { $self->{transformations}->call(@tr_args, $_) } @$rows]
    if $self->{transformations};

  # include transformations in the time for consistency with hash()
  $self->{times}{fetch} = $t->stop;
  $self->{row_count} = @$rows;

  return $rows;

# convenience method for subclasses

sub _arrayref_args {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{query}->_arrayref_args;

sub bound_params { $_[0]->query->bound_params }
sub bound_values { $_[0]->query->bound_values }

sub columns {
  my ($self) = @_;
  croak('Columns not known until after the statement has executed')
    unless $self->{executed};
  return @{ $self->{columns} };

sub drop_columns {
  return @{$_[0]->{drop_columns}};

sub execute {
  my ($self, @params) = @_;

  # the sql attribute is cached from $query->sql in the constructor
  my $sql = $self->{sql};

  my $t = Timer::Simple->new;
  my $sth = $self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($sql)
    or croak $self->{dbh}->errstr;
  $self->{times}{prepare} = $t->stop;

  # call bind_param() regardless of @params b/c bind_param can specify a type
  if( my $bind = $self->{bind_params} ){
    local $_;
    $sth->bind_param(@$_) for @$bind;

  $self->{executed} = $sth->execute(@params)
    or croak $sth->errstr;
  $self->{times}{execute} = $t->stop;

  if( my $columns = $sth->{ $self->{hash_key_name} } ){
    # save the full order for later (but break the reference)
    $self->{all_columns} = [@$columns];

    # cache groups of column names
    foreach my $set (
      # preserve the order of non-dropped columns
      [qw(         columns all_columns drop_columns )],
      # make the list of non-key columns available separately
      [qw( non_key_columns     columns  key_columns )],
      my ($make, $from, $minus) = @$set;
      my %other = map { ($_ => 1) } @{ $self->{ $minus } };
      $self->{ $make } = [ grep { !$other{$_} } @{ $self->{ $from } } ];

    if( my $transformations = $self->{transformations} ){
      foreach my $groups (
        [key => $self->{key_columns}],
        [non_key => $self->{non_key_columns}],
        # aliases
        [key_columns => {in => 'key'}],
        [non_key_columns => {in => 'non_key'}],
      # set all the columns so we can use group exclusions

  # FIXME: check $sth->errstr (or someting: see DBI)
  # to make sure we got all records without error

  return $self->{executed};

sub hash {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->execute() if !$self->{executed};
  # TODO: care if this is called more than once?
  my $sth = $self->{sth};

  my @key_columns  = @{ $self->{key_columns}  }
    or croak('Cannot use hash() with an empty key_columns attribute');

  # We could just return $sth->fetchall_hashref(\@key_columns) if there are
  # no preferences but we can't slice out the dropped columns that way.

  my @drop_columns = @{ $self->{drop_columns} };
  my @columns = (@key_columns, @{ $self->{non_key_columns} });

  # we have to save the dropped columns so we can send them to preference()
  my ($root, $dropped) = ({}, {});

  # NOTE: It seemed to me more powerful to transform the data upon fetch
  # rather than upon storage in the tree: it gives you the option of
  # pre-transforming the keys to adjust the way the tree is built
  # and lets you know what to expect in the preference rules.
  # Plus it was easier to implement.
  # I can't think of a reason to want transform the key columns in the record
  # but not the tree (ex: {A => {B => {k1 => 'a', k2 => 'b'}}})
  # If you want un-adultered data for preferences you can select the column
  # again with an alias and then drop it.

  my $tr = $self->{transformations};
  my $fetchrow = $tr
    # don't attempt to transform if the fetch returned undef
    ? sub { my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $r && $tr->call($r); }
    : sub {         $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); };

  # we only increase the row count for new (not overridden) hashes
  my $count = 0;
  my $t = Timer::Simple->new;

  # check for preferences once... if there are none, do the quick version
  if( !$self->{preferences} || !@{$self->{preferences}} ){
    # we can't honor drop_columns with fetchall_hashref(), so fake it
    while( my $row = $fetchrow->() ){
      my $hash = $root;
      $hash = ($hash->{ $row->{$_} } ||= {}) for @key_columns;
      ++$count unless keys %$hash;
      @$hash{@columns}  = @$row{@columns};
  else {
    while( my $row = $fetchrow->() ){
      my ($hash, $drop) = ($root, $dropped);
      # traverse hash tree to get to {key1 => {key2 => {record}}}
      foreach ( @key_columns ){
        $hash = ($hash->{ $row->{$_} } ||= {});
        $drop = ($drop->{ $row->{$_} } ||= {});
      # if there's already a record there (not an empty hash)
      # (a few benchmarks suggest keys() may be faster than exists())
      if( keys %$hash ){
        $row = $self->preference({%$drop, %$hash}, $row);
      else {
      @$drop{@drop_columns} = @$row{@drop_columns};
      @$hash{@columns}  = @$row{@columns};
  $self->{times}{fetch} = $t->stop;
  $self->{row_count} = $count;
  return $root;

sub key_columns {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return @{$self->{key_columns}};

sub non_key_columns {
  my ($self) = @_;
  croak('Columns not known until after the statement has executed')
    unless $self->{executed};
  # An empty array should mean that the rest are key or drop columns.
  # If not defined, there's a problem.
  croak('Columns unknown.  Was this a SELECT?')
    unless $self->{non_key_columns};
  return @{$self->{non_key_columns}};

# convenience method: args allowed in the constructor

sub _pass_through_args {

sub preference {
  my ($self, @records) = @_;
  my $rules = $self->{preferences};

  # return last record if there are no preferences
  return $records[-1]
    if !$rules || !@$rules;

  foreach my $rule ( @$rules ){
    my $template = "[% IF $rule %]1[% ELSE %]0[% END %]";
    # reverse records so that if any are equal the last one in wins
    foreach my $record ( reverse @records ){
      my $found = $self->{query}->_process_template(\$template, $record);
      return $record if $found;
  # last record is DBI compatibile plus it is often the newest record
  return $records[-1];

sub query {
  return $_[0]->{query};

sub row_count {
  return $_[0]->{row_count};

sub times {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my %times = %{ $self->{times} };
  $times{total} = $times{prepare} + $times{execute} + $times{fetch};
  return \%times;

# The DBI objects clean up after themselves, so DESTROY not currently warranted




=encoding utf-8

=for :stopwords Randy Stauner ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS dbh sql resultset DBI's hashrefs TODO

=head1 NAME

DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet - Configure the results to get what you want

=head1 VERSION

version 0.031


  my $resultset = DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet->new($query, {opt => 'val'});
  # or use $query->resultset

  my @columns = $resultset->columns;

  my $records = $resultset->hash; # like DBI/fetchall_hashref
  # or $resultset->array          # like DBI/fetchall_arrayref


This is the companion to L<DBIx::RoboQuery>.
Most things about the ResultSet can be configured on the query.
The ResultSet provides easy access to information about the query and results.

See L<DBIx::RoboQuery/SYNOPSIS> for a more thorough example.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet->new($query, opt => 'val');

  # Can also be instantiated from a query object:
  DBIx::RoboQuery->new(sql => $sql)->resultset(opt => 'val');

The first argument should be a L<DBIx::RoboQuery> instance.

The remaining arguments should be a hash or hashref of options.
These options will be checked in the passed hash[ref] first.
If they do not exist, they will be looked for on the query object.

  my $dbh = DBI->connect();
  $query = DBIx::RoboQuery->new(sql => $sql, dbh => $dbh);

  # These two invocations will produce the same result:
  # The 1st call sets 'dbh' explicitly.
  # The 2nd call will find the 'dbh' attribute on $query.

  DBIx::RoboQuery::ResultSet->new($query, dbh => $dbh);

See L<DBIx::RoboQuery/new> for the list of options.

B<NOTE>: The constructor will call C<< $query->sql() >>
(and cache the result) to ensure that the query is fully
configured before copying some of its attributes
to the new resultset object.

=head2 array

  my $array_of_hashes = $resultset->array;
  # or an array of arrays if 'default_slice' is set to an arrayref

Calls L<fetchall_arrayref|DBI/fetchall_arrayref>(@_)
on the DBI statement handle (passing any supplied arguments).

Like C<fetchall_arrayref>,
this method will take a slice as the first argument.

B< * NOTE * > :
B<Unlike> C<fetchall_arrayref>,
B<< With no arguments, or if the first argument is undefined, >>
B<< the method will act as if passed an empty hash ref. >>

To send the maximum number of desired rows it must be passed
as the second argument.

  $resultset->array();        # default is an array of hashrefs
  $resultset->array({});      # same as above
  $resultset->array([]);      # array of arrays
  $resultset->array([0]);     # array of arrays with only first column
  $resultset->array({k=>1});  # array of hashes with only column 'k'

  $resultset->array({}, 5);   # array of hashrefs,  no more than 5
  $resultset->array([], 5);   # array of arrayrefs, no more than 5

B< To Reiterate >:
This method takes the same two possible arguments as
B<However>, if no arguments are supplied, an empty C<{}> will be sent
to C<fetchall_arrayref> to make it return an array of hash refs.

If this deviation is undesired,
you can set C<default_slice> to C<[]> to return to the DBI default.
Like many options this can be set on the query or the resultset.

  DBIx::RoboQuery->new(default_slice => [], %opts);

=head2 bound_params

See L<DBIx::RoboQuery/bound_params>.

=head2 bound_values

See L<DBIx::RoboQuery/bound_values>.

=head2 columns

  my @columns = $resultset->columns;

Return the columns of the result set.

This includes key and non-key columns
and excludes dropped columns.

This is only useful after the query has been executed
(and will C<croak> if it has not been).

=head2 drop_columns

  my @columns = $resultset->drop_columns;

Return a list of the column names being dropped
(ignored) from the result set.

=head2 execute


Execute the C<query> against the C<dbh>.

=head2 hash

  my $hash_of_hashes = $resultset->hash;

Returns a tree of hashrefs like

Records will be stored (and considered unique)
according to the C<key_columns> attribute.
If more than one record has the same values for C<key_columns>
the last record from the database will be returned.

The C<preferences> attribute can be used to determine which record
to select instead of simply the last one received.
See L</preference> for more information,
or L<DBIx::RoboQuery/prefer>
for how to write and store the preference rules.

An error is thrown if C<key_columns> is empty.
L<DBI/fetchall_hashref> doesn't check the length of C<key_columns>.
An empty array ends up returning a single hash (the last row)
instead of the hash tree which can be very confusing
and surely is not desired.
There are more efficient ways to get the last row
if that's really all you want.

=head2 key_columns

  my @keys = $resultset->key_columns;

Return a list of the primary key columns from the query.

The C<key_columns> attribute should be set on the query object.
This read-only accessor is provided here for convenience
and consistency with the other I<column> attributes.

=head2 non_key_columns

  my @other = $resultset->non_key_columns;

Return a list of the other columns from the query.

Excludes key columns and dropped columns.

=head2 preference

  $resultset->preference($record1, $record2);

This is used internally by the L</hash> method to determine which record
it should choose when multiple records have the same key value(s).

When L<DBI/fetchall_hashref>
encounters multiple records having the same key field(s),
the last encountered record is the one saved to the hash and returned.

This "last one in wins" logic is preserved in this method
for any records that cannot be determined by the specified preference rules.

See L<DBIx::RoboQuery/prefer> for details on specifying record preferences.

=head2 query

  my $query = $resultset->query;

Returns the query object (in case you lost it).

=head2 row_count

Returns the number of rows returned via L</array> or L</hash>.
It will return C<-1> until after one of those methods have been called.

For L</array> this is the same as C<< scalar @$rows >>.

For L</hash> it is the number of (non-duplicate) rows
(which would be harder to count manually from the hash tree).

=head2 times

Returns a hashref of timing info
(the length of time each operation took in fractional seconds).

Keys include:

=over 4

=item *

C<prepare> - Prepare the statement

=item *

C<execute> - Execute the statement

=item *

C<fetch> - Fetch (and transform) all the records

=item *

C<total> - Sum of all times


=for test_synopsis my $query;

=head1 CAVEATS

While there is I<some> error checking,
the module probably assumes you're setting L<DBI/RaiseError>
to true on your C<dbh>.

If you don't use L<DBI/RaiseError>, and you experience problems,
please let me know (submit a patch or a bug report).

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item *

Evaluate preference for L</array> if key_columns is set?


=head1 AUTHOR

Randy Stauner <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Randy Stauner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
