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# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab smarttab:
# This file is part of Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-RWSTAUNER
# This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Randy Stauner.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
use strict;
use warnings;

package Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER;
# git description: v4.201-2-g731fb16
$Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER::VERSION = '4.202';
  $Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:RWSTAUNER';
# ABSTRACT: RWSTAUNER's Dist::Zilla config

use Moose;
use List::Util qw(first); # core

with qw(
# Dist::Zilla::Role::DynamicConfig is not necessary: payload is already dynamic

# don't require it in case it won't install somewhere
my $spelling_tests = eval 'require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::PodSpelling';

# available builders
my %builders = (
  eumm => 'MakeMaker',
  mb   => 'ModuleBuild',

# cannot use $self->name for class methods
sub _bundle_name {
  my $class = @_ ? ref $_[0] || $_[0] : __PACKAGE__;
  join('', '@', ($class =~ /^.+::PluginBundle::(.+)$/));

# TODO: consider an option for using ReportPhase
sub _default_attributes {
  use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints 1.01;
  return {
    auto_prereqs    => [Bool => 1],
    fake_release    => [Bool => $ENV{DZIL_FAKERELEASE}],
    # cpanm will choose the best place to install
    install_command => [Str  => 'cpanm -v -i .'],
    is_task         => [Bool => 0],
    open_source     => [Bool => 1],
    placeholder_comments => [Bool => 0],
    skip_plugins    => [Str  => ''],
    weaver_config   => [Str  => $_[0]->_bundle_name],
    use_git_bundle  => [Bool => 1],
    max_target_perl => [Str  => '5.008'],
    builder         => [enum( [ both => keys %builders ] ) => 'eumm'],

sub _generate_attribute {
  my ($self, $key) = @_;
  has $key => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => $self->_default_attributes->{$key}[0],
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub {
      # if it exists in the payload
      exists $_[0]->payload->{$key}
        # use it
        ?  $_[0]->payload->{$key}
        # else get it from the defaults (for subclasses)
        :  $_[0]->_default_attributes->{$key}[1];

has releaser => (
  is         => 'ro',
  isa        => 'Str',
  lazy       => 1,
  default    => sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
    exists $self->payload->{releaser}
      ?    $self->payload->{releaser}
      :    $self->open_source ? 'UploadToCPAN' : '';

  # generate attributes
    for keys %{ __PACKAGE__->_default_attributes };

around BUILDARGS => sub {
  my ($orig, $class, @args) = @_;
  my $attr = $class->$orig(@args);

  # removed attributes
  my %deprecated = (
    disable_tests => '-remove',
    skip_prereqs  => 'AutoPrereqs.skip',
  while( my ($old, $new) = each %deprecated ){
    if( exists $attr->{payload}{ $old } ){
      die "$class no longer supports '$old'.\n  Please use '$new' instead.\n";
  return $attr;

# main
after configure => sub {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # TODO: accept this from ENV
  my $skip = $self->skip_plugins;
  $skip &&= qr/$skip/;

  my $dynamic = $self->payload;
  # sneak this config in behind @TestingMania's back
  $dynamic->{'Test::Compile.fake_home'} = 1
    unless first { /Test::Compile\W+fake_home/ } keys %$dynamic;

  my $plugins = $self->plugins;

  my $i = -1;
  while( ++$i < @$plugins ){
    my $spec = $plugins->[$i] or next;
    # NOTE: $conf retains its reference (modifications alter $spec)
    my ($name, $class, $conf) = @$spec;

    # ignore the prefix (@Bundle/Name => Name) (DZP::Name => Name)
    my ($alias)   = ($name  =~ m#([^/]+)$#);
    my ($moniker) = ($class =~ m#^(?:Dist::Zilla::Plugin(?:Bundle)?::)?(.+)$#);

    # exclude any plugins that match 'skip_plugins'
    if( $skip ){
      # match on full name or plugin class (regexp should use \b not \A)
      if( $name =~ $skip || $class =~ $skip ){
        splice(@$plugins, $i, 1);
    eval {
      require YAML::Tiny; # dzil requires this
      $self->log( YAML::Tiny::Dump( $self->plugins ) );
    warn $@ if $@;

sub configure {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->log_fatal("you must not specify both weaver_config and is_task")
    if $self->is_task and $self->weaver_config ne $self->_bundle_name;


  # provide version

  # gather and prune
    # Devel::Cover db does not need to be packaged with distribution
    [ PruneFiles => 'PruneDevelCoverDatabase' => { match => '^(cover_db/.+)' } ],
    # Code::Stat report
    [ PruneFiles => 'PruneCodeStatCollection' => { match => '^codestat\.out' } ],
    # generated tags file... useful for development but noisy to commit
    [ PruneFiles => 'PruneTags' => { match => '^tags$' } ],

    # We could specify default binary files
    # but I can't think of any that are commonly included in dists.
    # I don't mind being explicit if the case is rare.
    #[ Encoding => 'DefaultBinaryFiles' =>
      #{ encoding => 'binary', match => '\.(?x: tar\.(gz|bz2) | sqlite | jpg )$' }],

  # munge files
      Authority => {
        ':version'     => '1.005', # accepts any non-whitespace + locate_comment
        do_munging     => 1,
        do_metadata    => 1,
        locate_comment => $self->placeholder_comments,
      NextRelease => {
        # w3cdtf
        time_zone => 'UTC',
        format => q[%-9V %{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'}d],
    ($self->placeholder_comments ? 'OurPkgVersion' : 'PkgVersion'),
      Prepender => {
        ':version' => '1.112280', # 'skip' attribute
        # don't prepend to tests
        skip => '^x?t/.+',
    ( $self->is_task
      ?  'TaskWeaver'
      # TODO: detect weaver.ini and skip 'config_plugin'?
      : [ 'PodWeaver' => { config_plugin => $self->weaver_config } ]

  # generated distribution files

      # generate README.pod in repo root for github
      ReadmeAnyFromPod => {
        ':version' => '0.120120',
        type       => 'markdown',
        location   => 'root',

  # metadata
    # won't find git if not in repository root (!-e ".git")
    [ Repository => { ':version' => '0.16' } ], # deprecates github_http
    # overrides [Repository] if repository is on github
    [ GithubMeta => { ':version' => '0.10' } ],
    [ ContributorsFromGit => { ':version' => '0.005' } ],
  ) if $self->open_source;

    if $self->auto_prereqs;

#   [ 'MetaData::BuiltWith' => { show_uname => 1 } ], # currently DZ::Util::EmulatePhase causes problems
      MetaNoIndex => {
        ':version' => 1.101130,
        # could use grep { -d $_ } but that will miss any generated files
        directory => [qw(corpus examples inc share t xt)],
        namespace => [qw(Local t::lib)],
        'package' => [qw(DB)],
    [   # AFTER MetaNoIndex
      'MetaProvides::Package' => {
        ':version'   => '1.14000001',
        meta_noindex => 1

    [ MinimumPerl => { ':version' => '1.003' } ],

# I prefer to be explicit about required versions when loading, but this is a handy example:
#    [
#      Prereqs => 'TestMoreWithSubtests' => {
#        -phase => 'test',
#        -type  => 'requires',
#        'Test::More' => '0.96'
#      }
#    ],

  # build system

    my @builders = $self->builder eq 'both'
      ? (values %builders, 'DualBuilders')
      : ($builders{ $self->builder });
    $self->log("Including builders: @builders\n");

  # generated t/ tests
    [ 'Test::ReportPrereqs' => { ':version' => '0.004' } ], # include/exclude

    [ 'Test::ChangesHasContent' => { ':version' => '0.006' } ], # version-TRIAL

  # generated xt/ tests
    # Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes ?
      #Test::Pod::No404s # removed since it's rarely useful
  ) if $self->open_source;

  if ( $spelling_tests ) {
  else {
    $self->log("Test::PodSpelling Plugin failed to load.  Pleese dunt mayke ani misteaks.\n");

  # TestingMania is primarily code/dist quality checks.
  if( $self->open_source ){
    # NOTE: A newer TestingMania might duplicate plugins if new tests are added
    $self->add_bundle('@TestingMania' => {
      ':version'      => '0.22', # max_target_perl, Test::NoTabs
      max_target_perl =>     $self->max_target_perl,
  # These are for your own protection.
  else {

  # manifest: must come after all generated files

  # before release

    [ CheckChangesHasContent => { ':version' => '0.006' } ], # version-TRIAL
  ) if $self->open_source;


  # defaults: { tag_format => '%v', push_to => [ qw(origin) ] }
  $self->add_bundle('@Git' => {
    ':version' => '2.004', # improved changelog parsing
    allow_dirty => [qw(Changes README.mkdn README.pod)],
    commit_msg  => 'v%v%t%n%n%c'
    if $self->use_git_bundle;


  # release
  my $releaser = $self->fake_release ? 'FakeRelease' : $self->releaser;
  # ignore releaser if it's set to empty string
    if $releaser;

    [ InstallRelease => { ':version' => '0.006', install_command => $self->install_command } ]
    if $self->install_command;


# As of Dist::Zilla 4.102345 pluginbundles don't have log and log_fatal methods
foreach my $method ( qw(log log_fatal) ){
  unless( __PACKAGE__->can($method) ){
    no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (NoStrict)
    *$method = $method =~ /fatal/
      ? sub { die($_[1]) }
      : sub { warn("[${\$_[0]->_bundle_name}] $_[1]") };

sub _generate_manifest_skip {
  # include a default MANIFEST.SKIP for the tests and/or historical reasons
  return [
    GenerateFile => 'GenerateManifestSkip' => {
      filename => 'MANIFEST.SKIP',
      is_template => 1,
      content => <<'EOF_MANIFEST_SKIP',



no Moose;



=encoding UTF-8

=for :stopwords Randy Stauner ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS RWSTAUNER's PluginBundle Sergey Romanov
<> cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt
cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER - RWSTAUNER's Dist::Zilla config

=head1 VERSION

version 4.202


  # dist.ini



This is an Author
that I use for building my distributions.

=for Pod::Coverage configure
log log_fatal


Possible options and their default values:

  auto_prereqs   = 1  ; enable AutoPrereqs
  builder        = eumm ; or 'mb' or 'both'
  fake_release   = 0  ; if true will use FakeRelease instead of 'releaser'
  install_command = cpanm -v -i . (passed to InstallRelease)
  is_task        = 0  ; set to true to use TaskWeaver instead of PodWeaver
  open_source    = 1  ; include plugins for cpan/meta/repo/xt/change log, etc
  placeholder_comments = 0 ; use '# VERSION' and '# AUTHORITY' comments
  releaser       = UploadToCPAN
  skip_plugins   =    ; default empty; a regexp of plugin names to exclude
  weaver_config  = @Author::RWSTAUNER

The C<fake_release> option also respects C<$ENV{DZIL_FAKERELEASE}>.

This bundle consumes L<Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer>
so you can also specify attributes for any of the bundled plugins.
The option should be the plugin name and the attribute separated by a dot:

  AutoPrereqs.skip = Bad::Module

B<Note> that this is different than

  skip = Bad::Module

which will load the plugin a second time.
The first example actually alters the plugin configuration
as it is included by the Bundle.

See L<Config::MVP::Slicer/CONFIGURATION SYNTAX> for more information.

If your situation is more complicated you can use the C<-remove> attribute
(courtesy of L<Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover>)
to have the Bundle ignore that plugin
and then you can add it yourself:

  directory = one-dir
  directory = another-dir
  -remove = MetaNoIndex

C<-remove> can be specified multiple times.

Alternatively you can use the C<skip_plugins> attribute (only once)
which is a regular expression that matches plugin name or package.

  skip_plugins = MetaNoIndex|SomethingElse


This bundle is roughly equivalent to the following (generated) F<dist.ini>:


  [GenerateFile / GenerateManifestSkip]
  content     = \B\.git\b
  content     = \B\.gitignore$
  content     = ^[\._]build
  content     = ^blib/
  content     = ^(Build|Makefile)$
  content     = \bpm_to_blib$
  content     = ^MYMETA\.
  filename    = MANIFEST.SKIP
  is_template = 1


  [PruneFiles / PruneDevelCoverDatabase]
  match = ^(cover_db/.+)

  [PruneFiles / PruneCodeStatCollection]
  match = ^codestat\.out

  [PruneFiles / PruneTags]
  match = ^tags$

  :version       = 1.005
  do_metadata    = 1
  do_munging     = 1
  locate_comment = 0

  format    = %-9V %{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'}d
  time_zone = UTC


  :version = 1.112280
  skip     = ^x?t/.+

  config_plugin = @Author::RWSTAUNER


  :version = 0.120120
  location = root
  type     = markdown


  :version = 0.16

  :version = 0.10

  :version = 0.005


  :version  = 1.10113
  directory = corpus
  directory = examples
  directory = inc
  directory = share
  directory = t
  directory = xt
  namespace = Local
  namespace = t::lib
  package   = DB

  :version     = 1.14000001
  meta_noindex = 1

  :version = 1.003


  :version = 0.004

  :version = 0.006


  :version        = 0.22
  max_target_perl = 5.008


  :version = 0.006


  :version    = 2.004
  allow_dirty = Changes
  allow_dirty = README.mkdn
  allow_dirty = README.pod
  commit_msg  = v%v%t%n%n%c


  :version        = 0.006
  install_command = cpanm -v -i .

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Perldoc

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

  perldoc Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER

=head2 Websites

The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always,
in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

=over 4

=item *


A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.



=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to C<bug-dist-zilla-pluginbundle-author-rwstauner at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. You will be automatically notified of any
progress on the request by the system.

=head2 Source Code


  git clone

=head1 AUTHOR

Randy Stauner <>


Sergey Romanov <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Randy Stauner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
