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# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab smarttab:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use lib 't/lib';
use TVC_Test;

# TODO: possibly skip these if vim !~ +multi_byte
  eval 'use Encode qw(encode decode); 1' # core in 5.7.3
    or plan skip_all => ' is required for these tests';

sub env_compare {
  my ($env_names, $desc, $get, $exp) = @_;
  $env_names = [$env_names] unless ref $env_names;

  local  %ENV = %ENV;
  delete $ENV{ $_ } for grep { /^(LANG|LC_)/ } keys %ENV;

  my %envs = (
    utf8 => { LANG   => 'en_US.UTF-8' },
    c    => { LC_ALL => 'C' },

  foreach my $env_name ( @$env_names ){
    my $env = $envs{ $env_name };
    local @ENV{ keys %$env } = values %$env;
    my $edesc = sprintf "%s (%s=%s)", $desc, %$env;
    my $got = $get->();
    is $got, $exp, $edesc;

sub tvc_html {
  qq!<span class="synSpecial">(</span>! .
  qq!<span class="synComment"> $_[0] </span>! .
  qq!<span class="synSpecial">)</span>\n!,

my $filetype = 'tvctestsyn';

# use high latin1 chars (for portability)
my $native = qq[( \x{fe}\x{ea}rl + vim )\n];
my $utf8 = decode latin1 => $native;
my $input = $utf8;

ok Encode::is_utf8($utf8), 'input has wide characters';

my $html = decode utf8 =>
  qq[<span class="synSpecial">(</span>] .
  qq[<span class="synComment"> \x{c3}\x{be}\x{c3}\x{aa}rl + </span>] .
  qq[<span class="synTodo">vim</span>] .
  qq[<span class="synComment"> </span>] .
  qq[<span class="synSpecial">)</span>\n];

ok Encode::is_utf8($html), 'expected output has wide characters';

# some of these use cases were taken from actual code in other CPAN modules.
# we'll test their usage here to ensure we don't break anything

env_compare [qw(utf8 c)] => 'ascii is fine',
  sub { string("( hi )\n") }, tvc_html('hi');

# FIXME: These don't work on a lot of smokers (particularly FreeBSD),
# (even ones with vim 7.2 +multi_byte).
# We could do a simple check to see if BOM recognition works as we expect it
# and only then perform this test, because really we only want to test that
# we haven't broken this functionality in environments where it already worked.
# Aside from lots of failing reports, see also rt-92601.


  local $TODO = 'Do simpler pre-tests to determine if these tests should pass in this evironment.';

env_compare utf8 => 'use BOM to get vim to honor encoded text',
  sub { prepend_bom($filetype, $input) }, $html;

env_compare utf8 => 'specify encoding by adding "+set fenc=..." to vim_options',
  sub { pass_vim_options(undef, $input, {filetype => $filetype}) }, $html;


env_compare [qw(utf8 c)] => 'detect utf8 string and use utf-8 automatically',
  sub { string($utf8) }, $html;

# TODO: ->new(encoding => "cp1252", string => $octets)
# TODO: ->new(encoding => "cp1252", file => $path)
# TODO: any other combinations?


sub string {
  my ($str, %extra) = @_;
  my $vim = Text::VimColor->new(
    filetype => $filetype,
    string   => $str,
  my $html = $vim->html;
  return $html;
# code from other modules copied verbatim

sub prepend_bom {
  my ($lang, $str) = @_;
  # MORITZ/App-Mowyw-v0.7.1/lib/App/
    # any encoding will do if vim automatically detects it
    my $vim_encoding = 'utf-8';
    my $BOM = "\x{feff}";
    my $syn = Text::VimColor->new(
            filetype    => $lang,
            string      => encode($vim_encoding, $BOM . $str),
    $str = decode($vim_encoding, $syn->html);
    $str =~ s/^$BOM//;
    return $str;

sub pass_vim_options {
  # RJBS/Pod-Elemental-Transfomer-VimHTML-0.093581/lib/Pod/Elemental/Transformer/
    my ($self, $str, $param) = @_;

    my $octets = Encode::encode('utf-8', $str, Encode::FB_CROAK);

    my $vim = Text::VimColor->new(
      string   => $octets,
      filetype => $param->{filetype},

      vim_options => [
        qw( -RXZ -i NONE -u NONE -N -n ), "+set nomodeline", '+set fenc=utf-8',

    my $html_bytes = $vim->html;
    my $html = Encode::decode('utf-8', $html_bytes);

    return $html;