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# SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription
# Author: Ben Vandervalk (ben [dot] vvalk [at] gmail [dot] com)
#         Edward Kawas (edward [dot] kawas [at] gmail [dot] com)
# For copyright and disclaimer see below.

package SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription;
  $SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription::VERSION = '0.008';

use strict;
use warnings;

use SADI::Simple::Utils;
use Template;

use base ("SADI::Simple::Base");

	my %_allowed = (
		ServiceName            => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		ServiceType            => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		InputClass             => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		OutputClass            => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		ParameterClass         => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		DefaultParameterFile   => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING }, 
		DefaultParameterRDFXML => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING }, 
		DefaultParameterN3     => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING }, 
		Description            => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		UniqueIdentifier       => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		Authority              => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		Provider               => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		ServiceURI             => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		URL        => {
			type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING,
			post => sub {
				my $i = shift;

				# set the signature url to be the URL address unless defined
				$i->SignatureURL( $i->URL ) unless $i->SignatureURL;
				# set the service uri to be the URL address unless defined
                $i->ServiceURI( $i->URL ) unless $i->ServiceURI;
                # set the unique id to be the URL address unless defined
                $i->UniqueIdentifier( $i->URL ) unless $i->UniqueIdentifier;
		Authoritative        => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->BOOLEAN },
		Format               => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		SignatureURL         => { type => SADI::Simple::Base->STRING },
		UnitTest             => { type => 'SADI::Simple::UnitTest', is_array => 1 },

	sub _accessible {
		my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
		exists $_allowed{$attr} or $self->SUPER::_accessible($attr);

	sub _attr_prop {
		my ( $self, $attr_name, $prop_name ) = @_;
		my $attr = $_allowed{$attr_name};
		return ref($attr) ? $attr->{$prop_name} : $attr if $attr;
		return $self->SUPER::_attr_prop( $attr_name, $prop_name );

[%# A template for a sadi service signature

    Expected/recognized parameters:
      name - the name of the SADI service
      uri  - the service uri
      type - the service type
      input - the input class URI
      output - the output class URI
      desc - a description for this service
      id - a unique identifier (LSID, etc)
      email - the providers email address
      format - the category of service (sadi)
      url - the service url
      authoritative - whether or not the service is authoritative
      authority - the service authority URI
      sigURL - the url to the service signature
      tests - an array SADI::Service::UnitTest
[% SET COUNTER = 0 %]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% uri %]">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <b:format>[% format %]</b:format>
    <b:identifier>[% id %]</b:identifier>
    <a:locationURI>[% url %]</a:locationURI>
    <a:hasServiceDescriptionText>[% FILTER xml %][% desc %][% END %]</a:hasServiceDescriptionText>
    [%- IF sigURL == '' %]
    <a:hasServiceDescriptionLocation/>[% ELSE %]
    <a:hasServiceDescriptionLocation>[% sigURL %]</a:hasServiceDescriptionLocation>[%END%]
    <a:hasServiceNameText>[% name %]</a:hasServiceNameText>
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_[% GET COUNTER %]">[% SET COUNTER = COUNTER+1 %]
            <a:authoritative rdf:datatype="">[% authoritative %]</a:authoritative>
            <b:creator>[% email %]</b:creator>
            <b:publisher>[% authority %]</b:publisher>
            <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_[% GET COUNTER %]">[% SET COUNTER = COUNTER+1 %]
            <a:hasOperationNameText>[% name %]</a:hasOperationNameText>
            <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_[% GET COUNTER %]">[% SET COUNTER = COUNTER+1 %]
                    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                    <rdf:type rdf:resource="[% type %]"/>
[% IF parameter && default_parameter_uri %] 
                <mygrid:hasDefaultValue rdf:about="[% default_parameter_uri %]"/>
                <mygrid:objectType rdf:resource="[% parameter %]"/>
[% END %] 
                <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_[% GET COUNTER %]">[% SET COUNTER = COUNTER+1 %]
                    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% input %]"/>
                <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_[% GET COUNTER %]">[% SET COUNTER = COUNTER+1 %]
                    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% output %]"/>
            </a:outputParameter>[% FOREACH test IN tests %]
                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="[% name %]_[% authority %]_TEST_[% GET TEST_COUNTER %]">[% SET TEST_COUNTER = TEST_COUNTER + 1 %]
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
[%- IF test.regex != '' %]
                        <a:validREGEX>[% FILTER xml %][%- test.regex -%][% END %]</a:validREGEX>[% END %]
[%- IF test.xpath != '' %]
                        <a:validXPath>[% FILTER xml %][%- test.xpath -%][% END %]</a:validXPath>[% END %]
[%- IF test.input != '' %]
    [%- SET file = test.input %]
                        <a:exampleInput>[%- FILTER xml -%][%- TRY -%][%- INSERT \$file -%]
    [%- CATCH -%][%-  test.input  -%][%- END -%][%- END -%]</a:exampleInput>[% END %]
[%- IF test.output != '' %]
    [%- SET file = test.output %]
                        <a:validOutputXML>[%- FILTER xml -%][%- TRY -%][%- INSERT \$file -%]
    [%- CATCH -%][%-  test.output  -%][% END %][%- END -%]</a:validOutputXML>[% END %]
            </a:hasUnitTest>[% END %]

# init
sub init {
	my ($self) = shift;

	# set the default format for this signature

sub getServiceInterface {

	my ($self, $content_type) = @_;

    my $LOG = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__);

    $content_type ||= 'application/rdf+xml';

	# generate from template

	my $tt = Template->new(ABSOLUTE => 1, TRIM => 1);

	my $sadi_interface_signature;


					 name          => $self->ServiceName,
					 uri           => $self->ServiceURI,
					 type          => $self->ServiceType,
					 input         => $self->InputClass,
					 output        => $self->OutputClass,
					 parameter     => $self->ParameterClass,
					 desc          => $self->Description,
					 id            => $self->UniqueIdentifier || $self->ServiceURI,
					 email         => $self->Provider,
					 format        => $self->Format,
					 url           => $self->URL,
					 authoritative => $self->Authoritative,
					 authority     => $self->Authority,
					 sigURL        => $self->SignatureURL,
					 tests         => $self->UnitTest || undef,

	) || $LOG->logdie( $tt->error() );

    if ($content_type eq 'text/rdf+n3') {
        return SADI::Simple::Utils->rdfxml_to_n3($sadi_interface_signature);

	return $sadi_interface_signature;



=head1 NAME

SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription - A module that describes a SADI web service.


 use SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription;

 # create a new blank SADI service instance object
 my $data = SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription->new ();

 # create a new primed SADI service instance object
 $data = SADI::Simple::ServiceDescription->new (
     ServiceName => "helloworld",
     ServiceType => "",
     InputClass => "",
     OutputClass => "",
     Description => "the usual hello world service",
     UniqueIdentifier => "urn:lsid:myservices:helloworld",
     Authority => "",
     Authoritative => 1,
     Provider => '',
     ServiceURI => "",
     URL => "",
     SignatureURL =>"",

 # get an RDF representation of the service description
 my $rdf = $data->getServiceInterface;

 # get the service name
 my $name = $data->ServiceName;
 # set the service name

 # get the service type
 my $type = $data->ServiceType;
 # set the service type

 # get the input class URI
 my $input_class = $data->InputClass;
 # set the input class URI

 # get the output class URI
 my $output_class = $data->OutputClass;
 # set the output class URI

 # get the description
 my $desc = $data->Description;
 # set the description

 # get the unique id
 my $id = $data->UniqueIdentifier;
 # set the unique id

 # get the authority
 my $auth = $data->Authority;
 # set the authority

 # get the service provider URI
 my $uri = $data->Provider;
 # set the service provider URI

 # get the service URI
 my $uri = $data->ServiceURI;
 # set the service URI

 # get the service URL
 my $url = $data->URL;
 # set the service URL

 # get the signature url
 my $sig = $data->SignatureURL;
 # set the signature url

An object representing a SADI service signature.

=head1 AUTHORS

 Ben Vandevalk (ben [dot] vvalk [at] gmail [dot] com)
 Edward Kawas (edward [dot] kawas [at] gmail [dot] com)


Details are in L<SADI::Base>. Here just a list of them (additionally
to the attributes from the parent classes)


=item B<ServiceName>

A name for the service.

=item B<ServiceType>

Our SADI service type.

=item B<InputClass>

The URI to the input class for our SADI service.

=item B<OutputClass>

The URI to the output class for our SADI service.

=item B<Description>

A description for our SADI service.

=item B<UniqueIdentifier>

A unique identifier (like an LSID, etc) for our SADI service.

=item B<Authority>

The service provider URI for our SADI service.

=item B<ServiceURI>

The service URI for our SADI service.

=item B<URL>

The URL to our SADI service.

=item B<Provider>

The email address of the service provider. 
B<Note: This method throws an exception if the address is syntactically invalid!>.

=item B<Authoritative>

Whether or not the provider of the SADI service is an authority over the data. 
This value must be a boolean value. True values match =~ /true|\+|1|yes|ano/. 
All other values are false.

Defaults to 1;

=item B<Format>

The format of the service. More than likely, it will be 'sadi' if it is a SADI web service.

=item B<SignatureURL>

A url to the SADI service signature.
