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package Genome::Model::Tools::Music::ClinicalCorrelation;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Genome;
use IO::File;

our $VERSION = $Genome::Model::Tools::Music::VERSION;

class Genome::Model::Tools::Music::ClinicalCorrelation {
  is => 'Genome::Model::Tools::Music::Base',
  has_input => [
    bam_list => { is => 'Text', doc => "Tab delimited list of BAM files [sample_name, normal_bam, tumor_bam] (See Description)" },
    maf_file => { is => 'Text', doc => "List of mutations in MAF format" },
    output_file => { is => 'Text', doc => "Results of clinical-correlation tool. Will have suffix added for data type." },
    genetic_data_type => { is => 'Text', doc => "Correlate clinical data to \"gene\" or \"variant\" level data", is_optional => 1, default => "gene" },
    numeric_clinical_data_file => { is => 'Text', doc => "Table of samples (y) vs. numeric clinical data category (x)", is_optional => 1 },
    categorical_clinical_data_file => { is => 'Text', doc => "Table of samples (y) vs. categorical clinical data category (x)", is_optional => 1 },
  doc => "Correlate phenotypic traits against mutated genes, or against individual variants.",

sub help_synopsis {
  return <<HELP
 ... music clinical-correlation \\
        --maf-file /path/myMAF.tsv \\
        --numeric-clinical-data-file /path/myNumericData.tsv \\
        --genetic-data-type 'gene' \\
        --output-file /path/output_file

 ... music clinical-correlation \\
        --maf-file /path/myMAF.tsv \\
        --numeric-clinical-data-file /path/myNumericData.tsv \\
        --categorical-clinical-data-file /path/myClassData.tsv \\
        --genetic-data-type 'gene' \\
        --output-file /path/output_file

sub help_detail {
  return <<HELP

This command identifies correlations between mutations recorded in a MAF and the particular
phenotypic traits recorded for the same samples in separate clinical data files.

The clinical data files must be separated between numeric and categoric data and must follow these

=over 4

=item * Headers are required

=item * Each file must include at least 1 sample_id column and 1 attribute column, with the format being [sample_id  clinical_data_attribute_1 clinical_data_attribute_2 ...]

=item * The sample ID must match the sample ID listed in the MAF under "Tumor_Sample_Barcode" for relating the mutations of this sample.


Note the importance of the headers: the header for each clinical_data_attribute will appear in the
output file to denote relationships with the mutation data from the MAF.

Internally, the input data is fed into an R script which calculates a P-value representing the
probability that the correlation seen between the mutations in each gene (or variant) and each
phenotype trait are random. Lower P-values indicate lower randomness, or likely true correlations.

The results are saved to the output filename given with a suffix appended; ".numeric" will be
appended for results derived from numeric clinical data, and ".categ" will be appended for results
derived from categorical clinical data.

sub _additional_help_sections {
  return (

=over 4

=item --bam-list

=over 8

=item Provide a file containing sample names and normal/tumor BAM locations for each. Use the tab-
  delimited format [sample_name normal_bam tumor_bam] per line. This tool only needs sample_name,
  so all other columns can be skipped. The sample_name must be the same as the tumor sample names
  used in the MAF file (16th column, with the header Tumor_Sample_Barcode).




sub _doc_authors {
    return <<EOS
 Nathan D. Dees, Ph.D.
 Qunyuan Zhang, Ph.D.
 William Schierding, M.S.

sub execute {

    #parse input arguments
    my $self = shift;
    my $bam_list = $self->bam_list;
    my $maf_file = $self->maf_file;
    my $output_file = $self->output_file;
    my $genetic_data_type = $self->genetic_data_type;
    my @all_sample_names; # names of all the samples, no matter if it's mutated or not
    my %clinical_data;
    if ($self->numeric_clinical_data_file) {
        $clinical_data{'numeric'} = $self->numeric_clinical_data_file;
    if ($self->categorical_clinical_data_file) {
        $clinical_data{'categ'} = $self->categorical_clinical_data_file;

    # Parse out the names of the samples which should match the names in the MAF file
    my $sampleFh = IO::File->new( $bam_list ) or die "Couldn't open $bam_list. $!\n";
    while( my $line = $sampleFh->getline )
      next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ );
      chomp( $line );
      my ( $sample ) = split( /\t/, $line );
      push( @all_sample_names, $sample );

    #loop through clinical data files
    for my $datatype (keys %clinical_data) {

        my $test_method;
        my $full_output_filename;

        if ($datatype =~ /numeric/i) {
            $full_output_filename = $output_file . ".numeric";
            if ($genetic_data_type =~ /^gene|variant$/i) {
                $test_method = "cor"; # cor instead of anova because we're assuming additive effect
                #$test_method = "wilcox"; # wilcoxon rank-sum is a better option here (for MuSiC v2)
            else {
                $self->error_message("Please enter either \"gene\" or \"variant\" for the --genetic-data-type parameter.");

        if ($datatype =~ /categ/i) {
            #$test_method = "chisq";
            $full_output_filename = $output_file . ".categorical";
            $test_method = "fisher";

        #read through clinical data file to see which samples are represented and create input matrix for R
        my %samples;
        my $matrix_file;
        my $samples = \%samples;
        my $clin_fh = new IO::File $clinical_data{$datatype},"r";
        unless ($clin_fh) {
            die "failed to open $clinical_data{$datatype} for reading: $!";
        my $header = $clin_fh->getline;
        while (my $line = $clin_fh->getline) {
            my ($sample) = split /\t/,$line;
        #create correlation matrix
        if ($genetic_data_type =~ /^gene$/i) {
            $matrix_file = create_sample_gene_matrix_gene($samples,$clinical_data{$datatype},$maf_file,@all_sample_names);
        elsif ($genetic_data_type =~ /^variant$/i) {
            $matrix_file = create_sample_gene_matrix_variant($samples,$clinical_data{$datatype},$maf_file,@all_sample_names);
        else {
            $self->error_message("Please enter either \"gene\" or \"variant\" for the --genetic-data-type parameter.");

        my $R_cmd = "R --slave --args < " . __FILE__ . ".R " . $clinical_data{$datatype} . " $matrix_file $full_output_filename $test_method";
        print "R_cmd:\n$R_cmd\n";
        WIFEXITED(system $R_cmd) or croak "Couldn't run: $R_cmd ($?)";


sub create_sample_gene_matrix_gene {

    my ($samples,$clinical_data_file,$maf_file,@all_sample_names) = @_;

    #create hash of mutations from the MAF file
    my %mutations;
    my %all_genes;
    my @all_genes;

    #open the MAF file
    my $maf_fh = new IO::File $maf_file,"r";

    #parse MAF header
    my $maf_header = $maf_fh->getline;
    while ($maf_header =~ /^#/) {
        $maf_header = $maf_fh->getline;
    my %maf_columns;
    if ($maf_header =~ /Chromosome/) {
        #header exists. determine columns containing gene name and sample name.
        my @header_fields = split /\t/,$maf_header;
        for (my $col_counter = 0; $col_counter <= $#header_fields; $col_counter++) {
            $maf_columns{$header_fields[$col_counter]} = $col_counter;
    else {
        die "MAF does not seem to contain a header!\n";

    #load mutations hash by parsing MAF
    while (my $line = $maf_fh->getline) {
        chomp $line;
        my @fields = split /\t/,$line;
        my $gene = $fields[$maf_columns{'Hugo_Symbol'}];
        my $sample = $fields[$maf_columns{'Tumor_Sample_Barcode'}];
        unless (exists $samples->{$sample}) {
            warn "Sample Name: $sample from MAF file does not exist in Clinical Data File";

    #sort @all_genes for consistency
    @all_genes = sort keys %all_genes;

    #write the input matrix for R code to a file #FIXME HARD CODE FILE NAME, OR INPUT OPTION
    #my $matrix_file = $clinical_data_file . ".correlation_matrix";
    my $matrix_file = Genome::Sys->create_temp_file_path();
    my $matrix_fh = new IO::File $matrix_file,"w";
    unless ($matrix_fh) {
        die "Failed to create matrix file $matrix_file!: $!";
    #print input matrix file header
    my $header = join("\t","Sample",@all_genes);

    #print mutation relation input matrix
    for my $sample (sort @all_sample_names) {
        for my $gene (@all_genes) {
            if (exists $mutations{$sample}{$gene}) {
            else {

    return $matrix_file;

sub create_sample_gene_matrix_variant {

    my ($samples,$clinical_data_file,$maf_file,@all_sample_names) = @_;

    #create hash of mutations from the MAF file
    my %variants_hash;
    my %all_variants;

    #open the MAF file
    my $maf_fh = new IO::File $maf_file,"r";

    #parse MAF header
    my $maf_header = $maf_fh->getline;
    while ($maf_header =~ /^#/) {
        $maf_header = $maf_fh->getline;
    my %maf_columns;
    if ($maf_header =~ /Chromosome/) {
        #header exists. determine columns containing gene name and sample name.
        my @header_fields = split /\t/,$maf_header;
        for (my $col_counter = 0; $col_counter <= $#header_fields; $col_counter++) {
            $maf_columns{$header_fields[$col_counter]} = $col_counter;
    else {
        die "MAF does not seem to contain a header!\n";

    #load mutations hash by parsing MAF
    while (my $line = $maf_fh->getline) {
        chomp $line;
        my @fields = split /\t/,$line;
        my $sample = $fields[$maf_columns{'Tumor_Sample_Barcode'}];
        unless (exists $samples->{$sample}) {
            warn "Sample Name: $sample from MAF file does not exist in Clinical Data File";
        my $gene = $fields[$maf_columns{'Hugo_Symbol'}];
        my $chr = $fields[$maf_columns{'Chromosome'}];
        my $start = $fields[$maf_columns{'Start_position'}];
        my $stop = $fields[$maf_columns{'End_position'}];
        my $ref = $fields[$maf_columns{'Reference_Allele'}];
        my $var1 = $fields[$maf_columns{'Tumor_Seq_Allele1'}];
        my $var2 = $fields[$maf_columns{'Tumor_Seq_Allele2'}];

        my $var;
        my $variant_name;
        if ($ref eq $var1) {
            $var = $var2;
            $variant_name = $gene."_".$chr."_".$start."_".$stop."_".$ref."_".$var;
        elsif ($ref eq $var2) {
            $var = $var1;
            $variant_name = $gene."_".$chr."_".$start."_".$stop."_".$ref."_".$var;
        elsif ($ref ne $var1 && $ref ne $var2) {
            $var = $var1;
            $variant_name = $gene."_".$chr."_".$start."_".$stop."_".$ref."_".$var;
            $var = $var2;
            $variant_name = $gene."_".$chr."_".$start."_".$stop."_".$ref."_".$var;

    #sort variants for consistency
    my @variant_names = sort keys %all_variants;

    #write the input matrix for R code to a file #FIXME HARD CODE FILE NAME, OR INPUT OPTION
    my $matrix_file = $clinical_data_file . ".clinical_correlation_matrix";
    my $matrix_fh = new IO::File $matrix_file,"w";

    #print input matrix file header
    my $header = join("\t","Sample",@variant_names);

    #print mutation relation input matrix
    for my $sample (sort @all_sample_names) {
        for my $variant (@variant_names) {
            if (exists $variants_hash{$sample}{$variant}) {
            else {

    return $matrix_file;
