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package Genome::Model::Tools::Music::Play;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Genome;

our $VERSION = $Genome::Model::Tools::Music::VERSION;

class Genome::Model::Tools::Music::Play {
    is => 'Command::V2',
    has_input => [
        bam_list => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Tab delimited list of BAM files [sample_name normal_bam tumor_bam]'
        roi_file => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Tab delimited list of ROIs [chr start stop gene_name]'
        reference_sequence => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Path to reference sequence in FASTA format'
        output_dir => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Directory where output files and subdirectories will be written',
            is_output => 1,
        maf_file => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'List of mutations using TCGA MAF specifications v2.2'
        genetic_data_type => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Data in matrix file must be either "gene" or "variant" type data',
        pathway_file => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Tab-delimited file of pathway information',
    has_optional_input => [
        numeric_clinical_data_file => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Table of samples (y) vs. numeric clinical data category (x)',
        categorical_clinical_data_file => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Table of samples (y) vs. categorical clinical data category (x)',
        omimaa_dir => {
            is => 'Path',
            doc => 'omim amino acid mutation database folder',
        cosmic_dir => {
            is => 'Path',
            doc => 'cosmic amino acid mutation database folder',
        verbose => {
            is => 'Boolean',
            doc => 'turn on to display larger working output',
            default => 1,
        permutations => {
            is => 'Number',
            doc => 'Number of permutations used to determine P-values',
        normal_min_depth => {
            is => 'Integer',
            doc => "The minimum read depth to consider a Normal BAM base as covered",
        tumor_min_depth => {
            is => 'Integer',
            doc => "The minimum read depth to consider a Tumor BAM base as covered",
        min_mapq => {
            is => 'Integer',
            doc => "The minimum mapping quality of reads to consider towards read depth counts",
        show_skipped => {
            is => 'Boolean',
            doc => "Report each skipped mutation, not just how many",
            default => 0,
        genes_to_ignore => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Comma-delimited list of genes to ignore for background mutation rates',
        bmr => {
            is => 'Number',
            doc => 'Background mutation rate in the targeted regions',
        max_proximity => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => 'Maximum AA distance between 2 mutations',
        max_fdr => {
            is => 'Number',
            doc => 'The maximum allowed false discovery rate for a gene to be considered an SMG',
        wu_annotation_headers => {
            is => 'Boolean',
            doc => 'Use this to default to wustl annotation format headers',
        skip_non_coding => {
            is => 'Boolean',
            doc => 'Skip non-coding mutations from the provided MAF file',
            default_value => 1,
        skip_silent => {
            is => 'Boolean',
            doc => 'Skip silent mutations from the provided MAF file',
            default_value => 1,
        min_mut_genes_per_path => {
            is => 'Number',
            doc => 'Pathways with fewer mutated genes than this will be ignored',
    has_calculated_optional => [
        gene_covg_dir => {
            calculate_from => ['output_dir'],
            calculate => q{ $output_dir . '/gene_covgs'; },
        gene_mr_file => {
            calculate_from => ['output_dir'],
            calculate => q{ $output_dir . '/gene_mrs'; },
        gene_list => {
            is => 'Text',
            doc => "List of genes to test in B<genome-music-mutation-relation>(1), typically SMGs. (Uses output from running B<genome-music-smg>(1).)",
            calculate_from => ['output_dir'],
            calculate => q{ $output_dir . '/smg'; },
    has_constant => [
        cmd_list_file => { #If a workflow version of this tool is written, these parameters might be more useful
            is => 'Text',
            default_value => undef,
            is_optional => 1,
        cmd_prefix => {
            is => 'Text',
            default_value => undef,
            is_optional => 1,
    doc => 'Run the full suite of MuSiC tools sequentially.',

sub help_synopsis {
    return <<EOS
This tool takes as parameters all the information required to run the individual tools. An example usage is:

 ... music play \\
        --bam-list input/bams_to_analyze.txt \\
        --numeric-clinical-data-file input/numeric_clinical_data.csv \\
        --maf-file input/myMAF.tsv \\
        --output-dir play_output_dir \\
        --pathway-file input/pathway_db \\
        --reference-sequence input/refseq/all_sequences.fa \\
        --roi-file input/all_coding_regions.bed \\
        --genetic-data-type gene

sub help_detail {
    return <<EOS
This command can be used to run all of the MuSiC analysis tools on a set of data. Please see the individual tools for further description of the parameters.

sub _doc_credits {
    return "Please see the credits for B<genome-music>(1).";

sub _doc_authors {
    return " Thomas B. Mooney, M.S.";

sub _doc_see_also {
    return <<EOS

sub execute {
    my $self = shift;

    my @no_dependencies = ('Proximity', 'ClinicalCorrelation', 'CosmicOmim', 'Pfam');
    my @bmr = ('Bmr::CalcCovg', 'Bmr::CalcBmr');
    my @depend_on_bmr = ('PathScan', 'Smg');
    my @depend_on_smg = ('MutationRelation');
    for my $command_name (@no_dependencies, @bmr, @depend_on_bmr, @depend_on_smg) {
        my $command = $self->_create_command($command_name)
            or return;

            or return;

    return 1;

sub _create_command {
    my $self = shift;
    my $command_name = shift;

    my $command_module = join('::', 'Genome::Model::Tools::Music', $command_name);
    my $command_meta = $command_module->__meta__;

    my %params;
    for my $property ($command_meta->_legacy_properties()) {
        next unless exists $property->{is_input} and $property->{is_input};
        my $property_name = $property->property_name;
        if($property_name eq 'output_file') {
            $params{$property_name} = $self->output_dir . '/' . $command_module->command_name_brief;
        } elsif(!$property->is_optional or defined $self->$property_name) {
            $params{$property_name} = $self->$property_name;

    my $command = $command_module->create(%params);
    unless($command) {
        $self->error_message('Failed to create command for ' . $command_name);

    return $command;

sub _run_command {
    my $self = shift;
    my $command = shift;

    my $command_name = $command->command_name;
    $self->status_message('Running ' . $command_name . '...');
    my $rv = eval { $command->execute() };
    if($@) {
        my $error = $@;
        $self->error_message('Error running ' . $command_name . ': ' . $error);
    } elsif(not $rv) {
        $self->error_message('Command ' . $command_name . ' did not return a true value.');
    } else {
        $self->status_message('Completed ' . $command_name . '.');
        return 1;
