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package UR::DataSource::SQLite;
use strict;
use warnings;


=head1 NAME

UR::DataSource::SQLite - base class for datasources using the SQLite3 RDBMS


In the shell:

    ur define datasource sqlite

Or write the singleton to represent the source directly: 

    class Acme::DataSource::MyDB1 {
        is => 'UR::DataSource::SQLite',
        has_constant => [
            _database_file_path => '/var/lib/acme-app/mydb1.sqlitedb'


require UR;
our $VERSION = "0.39"; # UR $VERSION;

    class_name => 'UR::DataSource::SQLite',
    is => ['UR::DataSource::RDBMS'],
    is_abstract => 1,


sub driver { "SQLite" }

sub default_owner {
    return 'main';

sub owner { default_owner() }

sub login {

sub auth {

sub create_dbh {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object();

    return $self->SUPER::create_dbh(@_);

sub database_exists {
    my $self = shift;
    return 1 if -e $self->server;
    return 1 if -e $self->_data_dump_path; # exists virtually, and will dynamicaly instantiate

sub create_database {
    my $self = shift;
    die "Database exists!" if $self->database_exists;
    my $path = $self->server;
    return 1 if IO::File->new(">$path");

sub can_savepoint { 0;}  # Dosen't support savepoints

# SQLite API

sub _schema_path {
    return shift->_database_file_path() . '-schema';

sub _data_dump_path {
    return shift->_database_file_path() . '-dump';

# FIXME is there a way to make this an object parameter instead of a method
sub server {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object();
    my $path = $self->__meta__->module_path;
    my $ext = $self->_extension_for_db;
    $path =~ s/\.pm$/$ext/ or Carp::croak("Odd module path $path.  Expected something endining in '.pm'");

    my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($path);
    return $path; 
*_database_file_path = \&server;

sub _extension_for_db {

sub _journal_file_path {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object();
    return $self->server . "-journal";

sub _init_database {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object();

    my $db_file     = $self->server;
    my $dump_file   = $self->_data_dump_path;
    my $schema_file = $self->_schema_path;

    my $db_time     = (stat($db_file))[9];
    my $dump_time   = (stat($dump_file))[9];
    my $schema_time = (stat($schema_file))[9];

    if ($schema_time && ((-e $db_file and $schema_time > $db_time) or (-e $dump_file and $schema_time > $dump_time))) {
        $self->warning_message("Schema file is newer than the db file or the dump file.  Replacing db_file $db_file.");
        my $dbbak_file = $db_file . '-bak';
        my $dumpbak_file = $dump_file . '-bak';
        unlink $dbbak_file if -e $dbbak_file;
        unlink $dumpbak_file if -e $dumpbak_file;
        rename $db_file, $dbbak_file if -e $db_file;
        rename $dump_file, $dumpbak_file if -e $dump_file;
        if (-e $db_file) {
            Carp::croak "Failed to move out-of-date file $db_file out of the way for reconstruction! $!";
        if (-e $dump_file) {
            Carp::croak "Failed to move out-of-date file $dump_file out of the way for reconstruction! $!";
    if (-e $db_file) {
        if ($dump_time && ($db_time < $dump_time)) {
            my $bak_file = $db_file . '-bak';
            $self->warning_message("Dump file is newer than the db file.  Replacing db_file $db_file.");
            unlink $bak_file if -e $bak_file;
            rename $db_file, $bak_file;
            if (-e $db_file) {
                Carp::croak "Failed to move out-of-date file $db_file out of the way for reconstruction! $!";

    # NOTE: don't make this an "else", since we might go into both branches because we delete the file above.
    unless (-e $db_file) {
        # initialize a new database from the one in the base class
        # should this be moved to connect time?

        # TODO: auto re-create things as needed based on timestamp

        if (-e $dump_file) {
            # create from dump
            $self->warning_message("Re-creating $db_file from $dump_file.");
            unless (-e $db_file) {
                Carp::croak("Failed to import $dump_file into $db_file!");
        elsif ( (not -e $db_file) and (-e $schema_file) ) {
            # create from schema
            $self->warning_message("Re-creating $db_file from $schema_file.");
            unless (-e $db_file) {
                Carp::croak("Failed to import $dump_file into $db_file!");
        elsif ($self->class ne __PACKAGE__) {
            # copy from the parent class (disabled)
            Carp::croak("No schema or dump file found for $db_file.\n  Tried schema path $schema_file\n  and dump path $dump_file\nIf you still have *sqlite3n* SQLite database files please rename them to *sqlite3*, without the 'n'");

            my $template_database_file = $self->SUPER::server();
            unless (-e $template_database_file) {
                Carp::croak("Missing template database file: $db_file!  Cannot initialize database for " . $self->class);
            unless(File::Copy::copy($template_database_file,$db_file)) {
                Carp::croak("Error copying $db_file to $template_database_file to initialize database!");
            unless(-e $db_file) {
                Carp::croak("File $db_file not found after copy from $template_database_file. Cannot initialize database!");
        else {
            Carp::croak("No db file found, and no dump or schema file found from which to re-construct a db file!");
    return 1;

sub _init_created_dbh
    my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
    return unless defined $dbh;
    $dbh->{LongTruncOk} = 0;
    # wait one minute busy timeout
    return $dbh;

sub _ignore_table {
    my $self = shift;
    my $table_name = shift;
    return 1 if $table_name =~ /^(sqlite|\$|URMETA)/;

sub _get_sequence_name_for_table_and_column {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object;
    my ($table_name,$column_name) = @_;
    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();
    # See if the sequence generator "table" is already there
    my $seq_table = sprintf('URMETA_%s_%s_seq', $table_name, $column_name);
    unless ($self->{'_has_sequence_generator'}->{$seq_table} or
            grep {$_ eq $seq_table} $self->get_table_names() ) {
        unless ($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $seq_table (next_value integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)")) {
            die "Failed to create sequence generator $seq_table: ".$dbh->errstr();
    $self->{'_has_sequence_generator'}->{$seq_table} = 1;

    return $seq_table;

sub _get_next_value_from_sequence {
    my($self,$sequence_name) = @_;

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();

    # FIXME can we use a statement handle with a wildcard as the table name here?
    unless ($dbh->do("INSERT into $sequence_name values(null)")) {
        die "Failed to INSERT into $sequence_name during id autogeneration: " . $dbh->errstr;

    my $new_id = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$sequence_name,'next_value');
    unless (defined $new_id) {
        die "last_insert_id() returned undef during id autogeneration after insert into $sequence_name: " . $dbh->errstr;

    unless($dbh->do("DELETE from $sequence_name where next_value = $new_id")) {
        die "DELETE from $sequence_name for next_value $new_id failed during id autogeneration";

    return $new_id;

# Overriding this so we can force the schema to 'main' for older versions of SQLite
# NOTE: table_info (called by SUPER::get_table_details_from_data_dictionary) in older
# versions of DBD::SQLite does not return data for tables in other attached databases.
# This probably isn't an issue... Due to the limited number of people using older DBD::SQLite
# (of particular note is that OSX 10.5 and earlier use such an old version), interseted with
# the limited number of people using attached databases, it's probably not a problem.
# The commit_between_schemas test does do this.  If it turns out it is a problem, we could
# appropriate the code from recent DBD::SQLite::table_info
sub get_table_details_from_data_dictionary {
    my $self = shift;

    my $sth = $self->SUPER::get_table_details_from_data_dictionary(@_);
    if ($DBD::SQLite::VERSION >= 1.26_04 || !$sth) {
        return $sth;

    my($catalog,$schema,$table_name) = @_;

    my @tables;
    my @returned_names;
    while (my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
        #@returned_names ||= (keys %$info);
        unless (@returned_names) {
            @returned_names = keys(%$info);
        $info->{'TABLE_SCHEM'} ||= 'main';
        push @tables, $info;

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();
    my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
        or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");

    unless (@returned_names) {
    my $returned_sth = $sponge->prepare("table_info $table_name", {
        rows => [ map { [ @{$_}{@returned_names} ] } @tables ],
        NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @returned_names,
        NAME => \@returned_names,
    }) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr());

    return $returned_sth;

# DBD::SQLite doesn't implement column_info.  This is the UR::DataSource version of the same thing
sub get_column_details_from_data_dictionary {
    my($self,$catalog,$schema,$table,$column) = @_;

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();

    # Convert the SQL wildcards to regex wildcards
    $column = '' unless defined $column;
    $column =~ s/%/.*/;
    $column =~ s/_/./;
    my $column_regex = qr(^$column$);

    my $sth_tables = $dbh->table_info($catalog, $schema, $table, 'TABLE');
    my @table_names = map { $_->{'TABLE_NAME'} } @{ $sth_tables->fetchall_arrayref({}) };

    my $override_owner;
    if ($DBD::SQLite::VERSION < 1.26_04) {
        $override_owner = 'main';

    my @columns;
    foreach my $table_name ( @table_names ) {

        my $sth = $dbh->prepare("PRAGMA table_info($table_name)")
                          or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
        $sth->execute() or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");

        while (my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {

            next unless $info->{'name'} =~ m/$column_regex/;

            # SQLite doesn't parse our that type varchar(255) actually means type varchar size 255
            my $data_type = $info->{'type'};
            my $column_size;
            if ($data_type =~ m/(\S+)\s*\((\S+)\)/) {
                $data_type = $1;
                $column_size = $2;

            my $node = {};
            $node->{'TABLE_CAT'} = $catalog;
            $node->{'TABLE_SCHEM'} = $schema || $override_owner;
            $node->{'TABLE_NAME'} = $table_name;
            $node->{'COLUMN_NAME'} = $info->{'name'};
            $node->{'DATA_TYPE'} = $data_type;
            $node->{'TYPE_NAME'} = $data_type;
            $node->{'COLUMN_SIZE'} = $column_size;
            $node->{'NULLABLE'} = ! $info->{'notnull'};
            $node->{'IS_NULLABLE'} = ($node->{'NULLABLE'} ? 'YES' : 'NO');
            $node->{'REMARKS'} = "";
            $node->{'SQL_DATA_TYPE'} = "";  # FIXME shouldn't this be something related to DATA_TYPE
            $node->{'SQL_DATETIME_SUB'} = "";
            $node->{'CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH'} = undef;  # FIXME this should be the same as column_size, right?
            $node->{'ORDINAL_POSITION'} = $info->{'cid'};
            $node->{'COLUMN_DEF'} = $info->{'dflt_value'};
            # Remove starting and ending 's that appear erroneously with string default values
            $node->{'COLUMN_DEF'} =~ s/^'|'$//g if defined ( $node->{'COLUMN_DEF'});

            push @columns, $node;

    my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
        or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");

    my $returned_sth = $sponge->prepare("column_info $table", {
        rows => [ map { [ @{$_}{@returned_names} ] } @columns ],
        NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @returned_names,
        NAME => \@returned_names,
    }) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr());

    return $returned_sth;

# SQLite doesn't store the name of a foreign key constraint in its metadata directly.
# We can guess at it from the SQL used in the table creation.  These regexes are probably
# sloppy. We could replace them if there were a good SQL parser.
sub _resolve_fk_name {
    my($self, $table_name, $column_list, $r_table_name, $r_column_list) = @_;

    if (@$column_list != @$r_column_list) {
        Carp::confess('There are '.scalar(@$column_list).' pk columns and '.scalar(@$r_column_list).' fk columns');

    my($table_info) = $self->_get_info_from_sqlite_master($table_name, 'table');
    return unless $table_info;

    my $col_str = $table_info->{'sql'};
    $col_str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;  # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
    $col_str =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;    # Remove multiple spaces
    if ($col_str =~ m/^CREATE TABLE (\w+)\s*?\((.*?)\)$/is) {
        unless ($1 eq $table_name) {
            Carp::croak("Table creation SQL for $table_name is inconsistent.  Didn't find table name '$table_name' in string '$col_str'.  Found $1 instead.");
        $col_str = $2;
    } else {
        Carp::croak("Couldn't parse SQL for $table_name");

    my $fk_name;
    if (@$column_list > 1) {
        # Multiple column FKs must be specified as a table-wide constraint, and has a well-known format
        my $fk_list = '\s*' . join('\s*,\s*', @$column_list) . '\s*';
        my $uk_list = '\s*' . join('\s*,\s*', @$r_column_list) . '\s*';
        my $expected_to_find = sprintf('FOREIGN KEY\s*\(%s\) REFERENCES %s\s*\(%s\)',
        my $regex = qr($expected_to_find)i;

        if ($col_str =~ m/$regex/) {
            ($fk_name) = ($col_str =~ m/CONSTRAINT (\w+) FOREIGN KEY\s*\($fk_list\)/i);
        } else {
            # Didn't find anything...

    } else {
        # single-column FK constraints can be specified a couple of ways...
        # First, try as a table-wide constraint
        my $col = $column_list->[0];
        my $r_col = $r_column_list->[0];
        if ($col_str =~ m/FOREIGN KEY\s*\($col\)\s*REFERENCES $r_table_name\s*\($r_col\)/i) {
            ($fk_name) = ($col_str =~ m/CONSTRAINT\s+(\w+)\s+FOREIGN KEY\s*\($col\)/i);
        } else {
            while ($col_str) {
                # Try parsing each of the column definitions
                # commas can't appear in here except to separate each column, right?
                my $this_col;
                if ($col_str =~ m/^(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
                    $this_col = $1;
                    $col_str = $2;
                } else {
                    $this_col = $col_str;
                    $col_str = '';
                my($col_name, $col_type) = ($this_col =~ m/^(\w+) (\w+)/);
                next unless ($col_name and
                             $col_name eq $col);

                if ($this_col =~ m/REFERENCES $r_table_name\s*\($r_col\)/i) {
                    # It's the right column, and there's a FK constraint on it
                    # Did the FK get a name?
                    ($fk_name) = ($this_col =~ m/CONSTRAINT (\w+) REFERENCES/i);
                } else {   
                    # It's the right column, but there's no FK

    # The constraint didn't have a name.  Make up something that'll likely be unique
    $fk_name ||= join('_', $table_name, @$column_list, $r_table_name, @$r_column_list, 'fk');
    return $fk_name;

# We'll only support specifying $fk_table or $pk_table but not both
# $fk_table refers to the table where the fk is attached
# $pk_table refers to the table the pk points to - where the primary key exists
sub get_foreign_key_details_from_data_dictionary {
my($self,$fk_catalog,$fk_schema,$fk_table,$pk_catalog,$pk_schema,$pk_table) = @_;

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();

    # first, build a data structure to collect columns of the same foreign key together
    my %fk_info;
    if ($fk_table) {
        my $fksth = $dbh->prepare_cached("PRAGMA foreign_key_list($fk_table)")
                      or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
        unless ($fksth->execute()) {
            $self->error_message("foreign_key_list execute failed: $DBI::errstr");

        #my($id, $seq, $to_table, $from, $to);
        # This will generate an error message when there are no result rows
        #$fksth->bind_columns(\$id, \$seq, \$to_table, \$from, \$to);

        while (my $row = $fksth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
            my($id, $seq, $to_table, $from, $to) = @$row;
            $fk_info{$id} ||= [];
            $fk_info{$id}->[$seq] = { from_table => $fk_table, to_table => $to_table, from => $from, to => $to };

    } elsif ($pk_table) {
        # We'll have to loop through each table in the DB and find FKs that reference
        # the named table

        my @tables = $self->_get_info_from_sqlite_master(undef,'table');
        my $id = 0;
        foreach my $table_data ( @tables ) {
            my $from_table = $table_data->{'table_name'};
            my $fksth = $dbh->prepare_cached("PRAGMA foreign_key_list($from_table)")
                      or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
            unless ($fksth->execute()) {
                $self->error_message("foreign_key_list execute failed: $DBI::errstr");
            #my($id, $seq, $to_table, $from, $to);
            #$fksth->bind_columns(\$id, \$seq, \$to_table, \$from, \$to);

            while (my $row = $fksth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
                my(undef, $seq, $to_table, $from, $to) = @$row;
                next unless $to_table eq $pk_table;  # Only interested in fks pointing to $pk_table
                $fk_info{$id} ||= [];
                $fk_info{$id}->[$seq] = { from_table => $from_table, to_table => $to_table, from => $from, to => $to };
    } else {
        Carp::croak("Can't get_foreign_key_details_from_data_dictionary(): either pk_table ($pk_table) or fk_table ($fk_table) are required");

    # next, format it to get returned as a sth
    my @ret_data;
    foreach my $fk_info ( values %fk_info ) {
        my @column_list = map { $_->{'from'} } @$fk_info;
        my @r_column_list = map { $_->{'to'} } @$fk_info;
        my $fk_name = $self->_resolve_fk_name($fk_info->[0]->{'from_table'},
                                              $fk_info->[0]->{'to_table'},  # They'll all have the same table, right?
        foreach my $fk_info_col (@$fk_info) {
            my $node;
            $node->{'FK_NAME'}        = $fk_name;
            $node->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'}  = $fk_info_col->{'from_table'};
            $node->{'FK_COLUMN_NAME'} = $fk_info_col->{'from'};
            $node->{'UK_TABLE_NAME'}  = $fk_info_col->{'to_table'};
            $node->{'UK_COLUMN_NAME'} = $fk_info_col->{'to'};
            push @ret_data, $node;
    my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
        or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");

    my $table = $pk_table || $fk_table;
    my $returned_sth = $sponge->prepare("foreign_key_info $table", {
        rows => [ map { [ @{$_}{@returned_names} ] } @ret_data ],
        NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @returned_names,
        NAME => \@returned_names,
    }) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr());

    return $returned_sth;

sub get_bitmap_index_details_from_data_dictionary {
    # SQLite dosen't support bitmap indicies, so there aren't any
    return [];

sub get_unique_index_details_from_data_dictionary {
my($self,$table_name) = @_;

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();
    return undef unless $dbh;

    # First, do a pass looking for unique indexes
    my $idx_sth = $dbh->prepare(qq(PRAGMA index_list($table_name)));
    return undef unless $idx_sth;


    my $ret = {};
    while(my $data = $idx_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
        next unless ($data->{'unique'});

        my $idx_name = $data->{'name'};
        my $idx_item_sth = $dbh->prepare(qq(PRAGMA index_info($idx_name)));
        while(my $index_item = $idx_item_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
            $ret->{$idx_name} ||= [];
            push( @{$ret->{$idx_name}}, $index_item->{'name'});

    return $ret;

# By default, make a text dump of the database at commit time.
# This should really be a datasource property
sub dump_on_commit {

# We're overriding commit from UR::DS::commit() to add the behavior that after
# the actual commit happens, we also make a dump of the database in text format
# so that can be version controlled
sub commit {
    my $self = shift;

    my $has_no_pending_trans = (!-f $self->_journal_file_path());   

    my $worked = $self->SUPER::commit(@_);
    return unless $worked;

    my $db_filename = $self->server();
    my $dump_filename = $self->_data_dump_path();

    return 1 if ($has_no_pending_trans);
    return 1 unless $self->dump_on_commit or -e $dump_filename;
    return $self->_dump_db_to_file_internal();

# Get info out of the sqlite_master table.  Returns a hashref keyed by 'name'
# columns are:
#     type - 'table' or 'index'
#     name - Name of the object
#     table_name - name of the table this object references.  For tables, it's the same as name, 
#            for indexes, it's the name of the table it's indexing
#     rootpage - Used internally by sqlite
#     sql - The sql used to create the thing
sub _get_info_from_sqlite_master {
    my($self, $name,$type) = @_;

    my(@where, @exec_values);
    if ($name) {
        push @where, 'name = ?';
        push @exec_values, $name;
    if ($type) {
        push @where, 'type = ?';
        push @exec_values, $type;
    my $sql = 'select * from sqlite_master';
    if (@where) {
        $sql .= ' where '.join(' and ', @where);

    my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle();
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    unless ($sth) {
        no warnings;
        $self->error_message("Can't get table details for name $name and type $type: ".$dbh->errstr);

    unless ($sth->execute(@exec_values)) {
        no warnings;
        $self->error_message("Can't get table details for name $name and type $type: ".$dbh->errstr);

    my @rows;
    while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
        my $item;
        @$item{'type','name','table_name','rootpage','sql'} = @$row;
        # Force all names to lower case so we can find them later
        push @rows, $item;

    return @rows;

# This is used if, for whatever reason, we can't sue the sqlite3 command-line
# program to load up the database.  We'll make a good-faith effort to parse
# the SQL text, but it won't be fancy.  This is intended to be used to initialize
# meta DB dumps, so we should have to worry about escaping quotes, multi-line
# statements, etc.
# The real DB file should be moved out of the way before this is called.  The existing
# DB file will be removed.
sub _load_db_from_dump_internal {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file_name = shift;

    my $fh = IO::File->new($file_name);
    unless ($fh) {
        Carp::croak("Can't open DB dump file $file_name: $!");

    my $db_file = $self->server;
    if (-f $db_file) {
        unless(unlink($db_file)) {
            Carp::croak("Can't remove DB file $db_file: $!");

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file",'','',{ AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0 });
    unless($dbh) {
        Carp::croak("Can't create DB handle for file $db_file: $DBI::errstr");

    my $dump_file_contents = do { local( $/ ) ; <$fh> };
    my @sql = split(';',$dump_file_contents);

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @sql; $i++) {
        my $sql = $sql[$i];
        next unless ($sql =~ m/\S/);  # Skip blank lines
        next if ($sql =~ m/BEGIN TRANSACTION|COMMIT/i);  # We're probably already in a transaction

        # Is it restoring the foreign_keys setting?
        if ($sql =~ m/PRAGMA foreign_keys\s*=\s*(\w+)/) {
            my $value = $1;
            my $fk_setting = $self->_get_foreign_key_setting();
            if (! defined($fk_setting)) {
                # This version of SQLite cannot enforce foreign keys.
                # Print a warning message if they're trying to turn it on.
                # also, remember the setting so we can preserve its value
                # in _dump_db_to_file_internal()
                if ($value ne 'OFF') {
                    $self->warning_message("Data source ".$self->id." does not support foreign key enforcement, but the dump file $db_file attempts to turn it on");

        unless ($dbh->do($sql)) {
            Carp::croak("Error processing SQL statement $i from DB dump file:\n$sql\nDBI error was: $DBI::errstr\n");


    return 1;

sub _cache_foreign_key_setting_from_file {
    my $self = shift;

    our %foreign_key_setting_from_file;
    my $id = $self->id;

    if (@_) {
        $foreign_key_setting_from_file{$id} = shift;
    return $foreign_key_setting_from_file{$id};

# Is foreign key enforcement on or off?
# returns undef if this version of SQLite cannot enforce foreign keys
sub _get_foreign_key_setting {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->id;

    our %foreign_key_setting;
    unless (exists $foreign_key_setting{$id}) {
        my $dbh = $self->get_default_handle;
        my @row = $dbh->selectrow_array('PRAGMA foreign_keys');
        $foreign_key_setting{$id} = $row[0];
    return $foreign_key_setting{$id};

sub resolve_order_by_clause {
    my($self,$order_by_columns,$order_by_column_data) = @_;

    my @cols = @$order_by_columns;
    foreach my $col ( @cols) {
        my $is_descending;
        if ($col =~ m/^(-|\+)(.*)$/) {
            $col = $2;
            if ($1 eq '-') {
                $is_descending = 1;

        my $property_meta = $order_by_column_data->{$col} ? $order_by_column_data->{$col}->[1] : undef;
        my $is_optional; $is_optional = $property_meta->is_optional if $property_meta;

        if ($is_optional) {
            if ($is_descending) {
                $col = "CASE WHEN $col ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, $col DESC";
            } else {
                $col = "CASE WHEN $col ISNULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, $col";
        } elsif ($is_descending) {
            $col = $col . ' DESC';
    return  'order by ' . join(', ',@cols);

sub _dump_db_to_file_internal {
    my $self = shift;

    my $fk_setting = $self->_get_foreign_key_setting();

    my $file_name = $self->_data_dump_path();
    unless (-w $file_name) {
        # dump file isn't writable...
        return 1;

    my $fh = IO::File->new($file_name, '>');
    unless ($fh) {
        Carp::croak("Can't open DB dump file $file_name for writing: $!");

    my $db_file = $self->server;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file",'','',{ AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0 });
    unless ($dbh) {
        Carp::croak("Can't create DB handle for file $db_file: $DBI::errstr");

    if (defined $fk_setting) {
        # Save the value of the foreign_keys setting, if it's supported
        $fh->print('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ' . ( $fk_setting ? 'ON' : 'OFF' ) .";\n");
    } else {
        # If not supported, but if _load_db_from_dump_internal came across the value, preserve it
        $fk_setting = $self->_cache_foreign_key_setting_from_file;
        if (defined $fk_setting) {
            $fh->print("PRAGMA foreign_keys = $fk_setting;\n");

    $fh->print("BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n");

    my @tables = $self->_get_table_names_from_data_dictionary();
    foreach my $table ( @tables ) {
        my($item_info) = $self->_get_info_from_sqlite_master($table);
        my $creation_sql = $item_info->{'sql'};
        $creation_sql .= ";" unless(substr($creation_sql, -1, 1) eq ";");
        $creation_sql .= "\n" unless(substr($creation_sql, -1, 1) eq "\n");


        if ($item_info->{'type'} eq 'table') {
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table");
            unless ($sth) {
                Carp::croak("Can't retrieve data from table $table: $DBI::errstr");
            unless($sth->execute()) {
                Carp::croak("execute() failed while retrieving data for table $table: $DBI::errstr");

            while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
                foreach my $col ( @row ) {
                    if (! defined $col) {
                        $col = 'null';
                    } elsif ($col =~ m/\D/) {
                        $col = "'" . $col . "'";  # Put quotes around non-numeric stuff
                $fh->printf("INSERT INTO \"%s\" VALUES(%s);\n",
                            join(',', @row));


    return 1;
