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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use File::Basename;
use lib File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__)."/../../../lib";
use lib File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__).'/../..';

# Test getting some objects that includes -hints, and then that later get()s
# don't re-query the DB

use URT;

my $dbh = URT::DataSource::SomeSQLite->get_default_handle;

ok($dbh, 'Got a database handle');

ok($dbh->do('create table PERSON
            ( person_id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, is_cool integer, age integer )'),
   'created person table');
ok($dbh->do('create table CAR
            ( car_id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, color varchar, is_primary int, owner_id integer references PERSON(person_id))'),
   'created car table');

    class_name => 'URT::Person',
    table_name => 'PERSON',
    id_by => [
        person_id => { is => 'NUMBER' },
    has => [
        name              => { is => 'String' },
        is_cool           => { is => 'Boolean' },
        age               => { is => 'Integer' },
        cars              => { is => 'URT::Car', reverse_as => 'owner', is_many => 1, is_optional => 1 },
        car_count         => { via => 'car_set', to => 'count' },
        primary_car       => { is => 'URT::Car', via => 'cars', to => '__self__', where => ['is_primary true' => 1] },
        car_colors        => { via => 'cars', to => 'color', is_many => 1 },
        primary_car_color => { via => 'primary_car', to => 'color' },
        primary_car_uc_color => { via => 'primary_car', to => 'uc_color' },
    data_source => 'URT::DataSource::SomeSQLite',
'Created class for people');

        class_name => 'URT::Car',
        table_name => 'CAR',
        id_by => [
            car_id =>           { is => 'NUMBER' },
        has => [
            color   => { is => 'String' },
            uc_color => { calculate_from => ['color'],
                             calculate => q( return uc($color) ) },
            is_primary => { is => 'Boolean' },
            owner   => { is => 'URT::Person', id_by => 'owner_id' },
        data_source => 'URT::DataSource::SomeSQLite',
    "Created class for Car");

# Insert some data
# Bob and Mike have red cars, Fred and Joe have blue cars.  Frank has no car.  Bob, Joe and Frank are cool
# Bob also has a yellow car that's his primary car
my $insert = $dbh->prepare('insert into person values (?,?,?,?)');
foreach my $row ( [ 11, 'Bob',1, 25 ], [12, 'Fred',0, 30], [13, 'Mike',0, 35],[14,'Joe',1, 40], [15,'Frank', 1, 45] ) {

$insert = $dbh->prepare('insert into car values (?,?,?,?)');
foreach my $row ( [ 1,'red',0,  11], [ 2,'blue',1, 12], [3,'red',1,13],[4,'blue',1,14],[5,'yellow',1,11] ) {

my $query_count = 0;
my $query_text = '';
                    method => 'query',
                    callback => sub {$query_text = $_[0]; $query_count++}),
    'Created a subscription for query');

my @c = URT::Car->get(owner_id => 13, "is_primary true" => 1);

$query_count = 0;
my $set = URT::Person->define_set('age <' => 20);
ok($set, 'Defined set of people younger than 20');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');

$query_count = 0;
my $count = $set->count();
is($count, 0, 'Set count is 0');
is($query_count, 1, 'Made 1 query');

$query_count = 0;
my @members = $set->members();
is(scalar(@members), 0, 'Set has no members');
is($query_count, 1, 'Made 1 query');  # the above query for count didn't actually retrieve the members

$query_count = 0;
$set = URT::Person->define_set(is_cool => 1);
ok($set, 'Defined set of cool people');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');

$query_count = 0;
$count = $set->count();
is($count, 3, '3 people are cool');
is($query_count, 1, 'Made 1 query');

$query_count = 0;
@members = $set->members();
is_deeply([ map { $_->name } @members], ['Bob','Joe','Frank'], 'Got the right members');
is($query_count, 1, 'Made one query');  # again, getting the count didn't load the members

$query_count = 0;
$set = URT::Person->define_set();
ok($set, 'Defined set of all people');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');

$query_count = 0;
my @subsets = $set->group_by('car_colors');
is(scalar(@subsets), 4, 'Partitioning all people by car_colors yields 4 subsets');
is($query_count, 4, 'Made 4 queries');  # 3 to index the car_color for the 3 owners already loaded, 1 more for the group_by car_color

# Bob and Mike have red cars, Fred and Joe have blue cars.  Frank has no car.  Bob, Joe and Frank are cool
# Bob also has a yellow car that's his primary car
my %people_by_car_color = ( 'red'    => ['Bob', 'Mike'],
                            'blue'   => ['Fred', 'Joe'],
                            'yellow' => ['Bob'],
                            ''       => ['Frank'],
foreach my $subset ( @subsets ) {
    my $query_count = 0;
    my @colors = $subset->car_colors;
    is($#colors, 0, "one color returned") or diag "@colors";
    my $color = shift @colors;
    is($query_count, 0, 'Getting car_colors from subset made no queries');

    $query_count = 0;
    @members = $subset->members();
    is($query_count, 0, 'Getting members from subset made no queries');

    my $expected_members = $people_by_car_color{$color || ''};
    is(scalar(@members), scalar(@$expected_members), 'Got the expected number of subset members');
    is_deeply([ map { $_->name } @members], $expected_members, 'Their names were correct');

$query_count = 0;
$set = URT::Person->define_set(is_cool => 0);
ok($set, 'Defined set of poeple that are not cool');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');

my %color_subsets;
my %colors = ( 'pink' => [],
               'red'  => ['Mike'],
               'blue' => ['Fred','Joe'] );
foreach my $color (keys %colors) {
    $query_count = 0;
    my $subset = $set->subset(primary_car_color => $color);
    ok($subset, "Defined a subset where primary_car_color is $color");
    is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');
    $color_subsets{$color} = $subset;

my $first_time = 1;
foreach my $color ( keys %colors ) {
    my $subset = $color_subsets{$color};
    $query_count = 0;
    my @names = $subset->name;
    my $expected_names = $colors{$color};
    is(scalar(@names), scalar(@$expected_names), "Calling 'name' on the $color subset has the right number of names");
    is_deeply(\@names, $expected_names, 'The names are correct');
    is($query_count, 1, 'query count is correct');
    $first_time = 0;

# Make a set that includes a filtered calculated property
$query_count = 0;
$set = URT::Car->define_set(uc_color => 'nomatches');
ok($set, 'Defined set of cars filtered by uc color that will not match anything');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');
is($set->count, 0, 'That set is empty');
ok($query_count, 'Made a query');

$query_count = 0;
$set = URT::Person->define_set(primary_car_uc_color => 'wontmatch');
ok($set, 'Defined set of people filtered by uc color that will not match anything');
is($query_count, 0, 'Made no queries');
is($set->count, 0, 'That set is empty');
ok($query_count, 'Made a query');

# Test having an -order_by in addition to -group_by.  It should throw an exception if
# all the order_by columns don't appear in -group_by.

# To mix it up a bit, we'll unload the peole with yellow cars.
# This will require that it not do the sets entirely from cached objects.
for my $person (URT::Person->is_loaded(car_colors => 'yellow')) {

# Now we'll delete the people with blue cars.  This means we should not get a set
# back even though the set is in the database.  This will require that changes
# check for intersecting sets and remove cached aggregate values.  Because 
# we already track loaded object queries in a 2-tier hash (all_params_loaded),
# we probably need a symmetrical structure for loaded sets to make this efficient.
# This will ensure that, while creation and deletion must test all sets for membership,
# updates will only need to look at sets with templates which involve the changed properties.
#for my $person (URT::Person->is_loaded(car_colors => 'blue')) {
#    $person->delete;

$query_count = 0;
@subsets = URT::Person->get(-group_by => ['car_colors'], -order_by => ['car_colors']);
is(scalar(@subsets), 4, 'Partitioning all people by car_colors yields 4 subsets, this time with order_by');
foreach (@subsets) {
    isa_ok($_, 'URT::Person::Set');
is_deeply([ map { $_->car_colors } @subsets ],
          [undef, 'blue', 'red', 'yellow'],
          'The color subsets were returned in the correct order');
is($query_count, 1, 'query count is correct');

@subsets = eval { URT::Person->get(-group_by => ['is_cool'], -order_by => ['car_colors'])};
is(scalar(@subsets), 0, 'Partitioning all people by is_cool, order_by car_colors returned no subsets');
   qr(^Property 'car_colors' in the -order_by list must appear in the -group_by list),
   'It threw the correct exception');

my $bob = URT::Person->get(name => 'Bob');
is($bob->car_count, 2, 'Bob has 2 cars using the set');

my $fred = URT::Person->get(name =>'Fred');
is($fred->car_count, 1, 'Fred has 1 car using the set');

my $frank = URT::Person->get(name => 'Frank');
is($frank->car_count, 0, 'Frank has 0 cars using the set');

do {
    # Class methods that are not implemented on the Set should be delegated
    # to the member class and should not be handled by the (immutable)
    # instance accesors.

    my $_some_member_method = '';
    local *URT::Person::_some_member_method = sub { $_some_member_method = [@_] };

    my $_some_member_method_can = URT::Person::Set->can('_some_member_method');
    $@ = '';
    eval { $_some_member_method_can->('URT::Person::Set', 42) };
    my $error = $@;
    is($error, '', 'no error when calling _some_member_method on set class');

        ['URT::Person', 42],
        '_some_member_method was delegated to member class'

do {
    # Class methods that are implemented on the Set should be called as
    # normal and should not be handled by the (immutable) instance accesors.

    my $_some_set_method = 0;
    local *URT::Person::Set::_some_set_method = sub { $_some_set_method = [@_] };

    my $_some_set_method_can = URT::Person::Set->can('_some_set_method');
    $@ = '';
    eval { $_some_set_method_can->('URT::Person::Set', 42) };
    my $error = $@;
    is($error, '', 'no error when calling _some_set_method on set class');

        ['URT::Person::Set', 42],
        '_some_set_method was not delegated to member class'

do {
    # Instance methods should still be handled by the (immutable) member class
    # accessors.
    my $_some_member_method = '';
    local *URT::Person::_some_member_method = sub { $_some_member_method = [@_] };

    my $set = URT::Person->define_set();

    my $_some_member_method_can = $set->can('_some_member_method');
    $@ = '';
    eval { $_some_member_method_can->($set, 42) };
    my $error = $@;
    like($error, qr/_some_member_method/, 'got error when calling _some_member_method as a mutator on a set object');
