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package Math::Vector::Real::kdTree;

our $VERSION = '0.11';

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use Math::Vector::Real;
use Sort::Key::Top qw(nkeypartref nhead ntail nkeyhead);

our $max_per_pole = 12;
our $recommended_per_pole = 6;

use constant _n    => 0; # elements on subtree
use constant _c0   => 1; # corner 0
use constant _c1   => 2; # corner 1
use constant _sum  => 3; # centroid * n
use constant _s0   => 4; # subtree 0
use constant _s1   => 5; # subtree 1
use constant _axis => 6; # cut axis
use constant _cut  => 7; # cut point (mediam)

# on leaf nodes:
use constant _ixs   => 4;
use constant _leaf_size => _ixs + 1;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my @v = map V(@$_), @_;
    my $self = { vs   => \@v,
                 tree => (@v ? _build(\@v, [0..$#v]) : undef) };
    bless $self, $class;

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    require Storable;
    my $clone = { vs   => [@{$self->{vs}}],
                  tree => Storable::dclone($self->{tree}) };
    $clone->{hidden} = { %{$self->{hidden}} } if $self->{hidden};
    bless $clone, ref $self;

sub _build {
    my ($v, $ixs) = @_;
    if (@$ixs > $recommended_per_pole) {
        my ($b, $t) = Math::Vector::Real->box(@$v[@$ixs]);
        my $axis = ($t - $b)->max_component_index;
        my $bstart = @$ixs >> 1;
        my ($p0, $p1) = nkeypartref { $v->[$_][$axis] } $bstart => @$ixs;
        my $s0 = _build($v, $p0);
        my $s1 = _build($v, $p1);
        my ($c0, $c1) = Math::Vector::Real->box(@{$s0}[_c0, _c1], @{$s1}[_c0, _c1]);
        my $cut = 0.5 * ($s0->[_c1][$axis] + $s1->[_c0][$axis]);
        # [n sum s0 s1 axis cut]
        [scalar(@$ixs), $c0, $c1, $s0->[_sum] + $s1->[_sum], $s0, $s1, $axis, $cut];
    else {
        # [n, sum, ixs]
        my @vs = @{$v}[@$ixs];
        my ($c0, $c1) = Math::Vector::Real->box(@vs);
        [scalar(@$ixs), $c0, $c1, Math::Vector::Real->sum(@vs), $ixs];

sub size { scalar @{shift->{vs}} }

sub at {
    my ($self, $ix) = @_;

sub insert {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    my $ix = @$vs;
    if (my $tree = $self->{tree}) {
        for (@_) {
            my $v = V(@$_);
            push @$vs, $v;
            _insert($vs, $self->{tree}, $#$vs)
    else {
        @$vs = map V(@$_), @_;
        $self->{tree} = _build($vs, [0..$#$vs]);
    return $ix;

# _insert does not return anything but modifies its $t argument in
# place. This is really ugly but done to improve performance.

sub _insert {
    my ($vs, $t, $ix) = @_;
    my $v = $vs->[$ix];

    # update aggregated values
    my $n = $t->[_n]++;
    @{$t}[_c0, _c1] = Math::Vector::Real->box($v, @{$t}[_c0, _c1]);
    $t->[_sum] += $v;

    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my $cut = $t->[_cut];
        my $c = $v->[$axis];

        my $n0 = $t->[_s0][_n];
        my $n1 = $t->[_s1][_n];

        if ($c <= $cut) {
            if (2 * $n1 + $max_per_pole >= $n0) {
                _insert($vs, $t->[_s0], $ix);
        else {
            if (2 * $n0 + $max_per_pole >= $n1) {
                _insert($vs, $t->[_s1], $ix);

        # tree needs rebalancing
        my @store;
        $#store = $n; # preallocate space
        @store = ($ix);
        _push_all($t, \@store);
        $_[1] = _build($vs, \@store);
    else {
        my $ixs = $t->[_ixs];
        push @$ixs, $ix;
        if ($n > $max_per_pole) {
            $_[1] = _build($vs, $ixs);

sub move {
    my ($self, $ix, $v) = @_;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    ($ix >= 0 and $ix < @$vs) or croak "index out of range";
    _delete($vs, $self->{tree}, $ix);
    $vs->[$ix] = Math::Vector::Real::clone($v);
    _insert($vs, $self->{tree}, $ix);

sub _delete {
    my ($vs, $t, $ix) = @_;
    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my $v = $vs->[$ix];
        my $c = $v->[$axis];
        my ($s0, $s1, $cut) = @{$t}[_s0, _s1, _cut];
        if ($c <= $cut and _delete($vs, $s0, $ix)) {
            if ($s0->[_n]) {
                $t->[_sum] -= $v;
            else {
                # when one subnode becomes empty, the other gets promoted up:
                @$t = @$s1;
            return 1;
        elsif ($c >= $cut and _delete($vs, $s1, $ix)) {
            if ($s1->[_n]) {
                $t->[_sum] -= $v;
            else {
                @$t = @$s0;
            return 1;
    else {
        my $ixs = $t->[_ixs];
        for (0..$#$ixs) {
            if ($ixs->[$_] == $ix) {
                splice(@$ixs, $_, 1);
                $t->[_sum] -= $vs->[$ix];
                return 1;
    return 0;

sub hide {
    my ($self, $ix) = @_;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    ($ix >= 0 and $ix < @$vs) or croak "index out of range";
    _delete($vs, $self->{tree}, $ix);
    ($self->{hidden} //= {})->{$ix} = 1;

sub _push_all {
    my ($t, $store) = @_;
    my @q;
    while ($t) {
        if (defined $t->[_axis]) {
            push @q, $t->[_s1];
            $t = $t->[_s0];
        else {
            push @$store, @{$t->[_ixs]};
            $t = pop @q;

sub path {
    my ($self, $ix) = @_;
    my $p = _path($self->{vs}, $self->{tree}, $ix);
    my $l = 1;
    $l = (($l << 1) | $_) for @$p;

sub _path {
    my ($vs, $t, $ix) = @_;
    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my $v = $vs->[$ix];
        my $c = $v->[$axis];
        my $cut = $t->[_cut];
        my $p;
        if ($c <= $cut) {
            if ($p = _path($vs, $t->[_s0], $ix)) {
                unshift @$p, 0;
                return $p;
        if ($c >= $cut) {
            if ($p = _path($vs, $t->[_s1], $ix)) {
                unshift @$p, 1;
                return $p;
    else {
        return [] if grep $_ == $ix, @{$t->[_ixs]}

sub find {
    my ($self, $v) = @_;
    _find($self->{vs}, $self->{tree}, $v);

sub _find {
    my ($vs, $t, $v) = @_;
    while (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my $cut = $t->[_cut];
        my $c = $v->[$axis];
        if ($c < $cut) {
            $t = $t->[_s0];
        else {
            if ($c == $cut) {
                my $ix = _find($vs, $t->[_s0], $v);
                return $ix if defined $ix;
            $t = $t->[_s1];

    for (@{$t->[_ixs]}) {
        return $_ if $vs->[$_] == $v;

sub find_nearest_vector {
    my ($self, $v, $d, @but) = @_;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    my $d2 = (defined $d ? $d * $d : 'inf');

    my $but;
    if (@but) {
        if (@but == 1 and ref $but[0] eq 'HASH') {
            $but = $but[0];
        else {
            my %but = map { $_ => 1 } @but;
            $but = \%but;

    my ($rix, $rd2) = _find_nearest_vector($vs, $t, $v, $d2, undef, $but);
    $rix // return;
    wantarray ? ($rix, sqrt($rd2)) : $rix;

*find_nearest_neighbor = \&find_nearest_vector; # for backwards compatibility

sub find_nearest_vector_internal {
    my ($self, $ix, $d) = @_;
    $ix >= 0 or croak "index out of range";
    $self->find_nearest_vector($self->{vs}[$ix], $d, $ix);

*find_nearest_neighbor_internal = \&find_nearest_vector_internal; # for backwards compatibility

sub _find_nearest_vector {
    my ($vs, $t, $v, $best_d2, $best_ix, $but) = @_;

    my @queue;
    my @queue_d2;

    while (1) {
        if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
            # substitute the current one by the best subtree and queue
            # the worst for later
            ($t, my ($q)) = @{$t}[($v->[$axis] <= $t->[_cut]) ? (_s0, _s1) : (_s1, _s0)];
            my $q_d2 = $v->dist2_to_box(@{$q}[_c0, _c1]);
            if ($q_d2 <= $best_d2) {
                my $j;
                for ($j = $#queue_d2; $j >= 0; $j--) {
                    last if $queue_d2[$j] >= $q_d2;
                splice @queue, ++$j, 0, $q;
                splice @queue_d2, $j, 0, $q_d2;
        else {
            for (@{$t->[_ixs]}) {
                next if $but and $but->{$_};
                my $d21 = $vs->[$_]->dist2($v);
                if ($d21 <= $best_d2) {
                    $best_d2 = $d21;
                    $best_ix = $_;

            if ($t = pop @queue) {
                if ($best_d2 >= pop @queue_d2) {

            return ($best_ix, $best_d2);

sub find_nearest_vector_all_internal {
    my ($self, $d) = @_;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    return unless @$vs > 1;
    my $d2 = (defined $d ? $d * $d : 'inf');

    my @best = ((undef) x @$vs);
    my @d2   = (($d2)   x @$vs);
    _find_nearest_vector_all_internal($vs, $self->{tree}, \@best, \@d2);
    return @best;

*find_nearest_neighbor_all_internal = \&find_nearest_vector_all_internal; # for backwards compatibility

sub _find_nearest_vector_all_internal {
    my ($vs, $t, $bests, $d2s) = @_;
    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my @all_leafs;
        for my $side (0, 1) {
            my @leafs = _find_nearest_vector_all_internal($vs, $t->[_s0 + $side], $bests, $d2s);
            my $other = $t->[_s1 - $side];
            my ($c0, $c1) = @{$other}[_c0, _c1];
            for my $leaf (@leafs) {
                for my $ix (@{$leaf->[_ixs]}) {
                    my $v = $vs->[$ix];
                    if ($v->dist2_to_box($c0, $c1) < $d2s->[$ix]) {
                        ($bests->[$ix], $d2s->[$ix]) =
                            _find_nearest_vector($vs, $other, $v, $d2s->[$ix], $bests->[$ix]);
            push @all_leafs, @leafs;
        return @all_leafs;
    else {
        my $ixs = $t->[_ixs];
        for my $i (1 .. $#$ixs) {
            my $ix_i = $ixs->[$i];
            my $v_i = $vs->[$ix_i];
            for my $ix_j (@{$ixs}[0 .. $i - 1]) {
                my $d2 = $v_i->dist2($vs->[$ix_j]);
                if ($d2 < $d2s->[$ix_i]) {
                    $d2s->[$ix_i] = $d2;
                    $bests->[$ix_i] = $ix_j;
                if ($d2 < $d2s->[$ix_j]) {
                    $d2s->[$ix_j] = $d2;
                    $bests->[$ix_j] = $ix_i;
        return $t;

sub find_in_ball {
    my ($self, $z, $d, $but) = @_;
    _find_in_ball($self->{vs}, $self->{tree}, $z, $d * $d, $but);

sub _find_in_ball {
    my ($vs, $t, $z, $d2, $but) = @_;
    my @queue;
    my (@r, $r);

    while (1) {
        if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
            my $c = $z->[$axis];
            my $cut = $t->[_cut];
            ($t, my ($q)) = @{$t}[$c <= $cut ? (_s0, _s1) : (_s1, _s0)];
            push @queue, $q if $z->dist2_to_box(@{$q}[_c0, _c1]) <= $d2;
        else {
            my $ixs = $t->[_ixs];
            if (wantarray) {
                push @r, grep { $vs->[$_]->dist2($z) <= $d2 } @$ixs;
            else {
                $r += ( $but
                        ? grep { !$but->{$_} and $vs->[$_]->dist2($z) <= $d2 } @$ixs
                        : grep { $vs->[$_]->dist2($z) <= $d2 } @$ixs );

        $t = pop @queue or last;

    if (wantarray) {
        return ($but ? grep !$but->{$_}, @r : @r);
    return $r;

sub find_farthest_vector {
    my ($self, $v, $d, @but) = @_;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    my $d2 = ($d ? $d * $d : -1);
    my $but;
    if (@but) {
        if (@but == 1 and ref $but[0] eq 'HASH') {
            $but = $but[0];
        else {
            my %but = map { $_ => 1 } @but;
            $but = \%but;

    my ($rix, $rd2) = _find_farthest_vector($vs, $t, $v, $d2, undef, $but);
    $rix // return;
    wantarray ? ($rix, sqrt($d2)) : $rix;

sub find_farthest_vector_internal {
    my ($self, $ix, $d) = @_;
    $ix >= 0 or croak "index out of range";
    $self->find_farthest_vector($self->{vs}[$ix], $d, $ix);

sub _find_farthest_vector {
    my ($vs, $t, $v, $best_d2, $best_ix, $but) = @_;

    my @queue;
    my @queue_d2;

    while (1) {
        if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
            # substitute the current one by the best subtree and queue
            # the worst for later
            ($t, my ($q)) = @{$t}[($v->[$axis] >= $t->[_cut]) ? (_s0, _s1) : (_s1, _s0)];
            my $q_d2 = $v->max_dist2_to_box(@{$q}[_c0, _c1]);
            if ($q_d2 >= $best_d2) {
                my $j;
                for ($j = $#queue_d2; $j >= 0; $j--) {
                    last if $queue_d2[$j] <= $q_d2;
                splice @queue, ++$j, 0, $q;
                splice @queue_d2, $j, 0, $q_d2;
        else {
            for (@{$t->[_ixs]}) {
                next if $but and $but->{$_};
                my $d21 = $vs->[$_]->dist2($v);
                if ($d21 >= $best_d2) {
                    $best_d2 = $d21;
                    $best_ix = $_;

            if ($t = pop @queue) {
                if ($best_d2 <= pop @queue_d2) {
            return ($best_ix, $best_d2);

sub k_means_start {
    my ($self, $n_req) = @_;
    $n_req = int($n_req) or return;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    _k_means_start($vs, $t, $n_req);

sub _k_means_start {
    my ($vs, $t, $n_req) = @_;
    if ($n_req <= 1) {
        return if $n_req < 1;
        # print STDERR "returning centroid\n";
        return $t->[_sum] / $t->[_n];
    else {
        my $n = $t->[_n];
        if (defined $t->[_axis]) {
            my ($s0, $s1) = @{$t}[_s0, _s1];
            my $n0 = $s0->[_n];
            my $n1 = $s1->[_n];
            my $n0_req = int(0.5 + $n_req * ($n0 / $n));
            $n0_req = $n0 if $n0_req > $n0;
            return (_k_means_start($vs, $s0, $n0_req),
                    _k_means_start($vs, $s1, $n_req - $n0_req));
        else {
            my $ixs = $t->[_ixs];
            my @out;
            for (0..$#$ixs) {
                push @out, $vs->[$ixs->[$_]]
                    if rand($n - $_) < ($n_req - @out);
            # print STDERR "asked for $n_req elements, returning ".scalar(@out)."\n";

            return @out;

sub k_means_loop {
    my ($self, @k) = @_;
    @k or next;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or next;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    while (1) {
        my $diffs;
        my @n = ((0) x @k);
        my @sum = ((undef) x @k);

        _k_means_step($vs, $t, \@k, [0..$#k], \@n, \@sum);

        for (0..$#k) {
            if (my $n = $n[$_]) {
                my $k = $sum[$_] / $n;
                $diffs++ if $k != $k[$_];
                $k[$_] = $k;
        unless ($diffs) {
            return (wantarray ? @k : $k[0]);

sub k_means_step {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ or return;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};

    my @n = ((0) x @_);
    my @sum = ((undef) x @_);

   _k_means_step($vs, $t, \@_, [0..$#_], \@n, \@sum);

    for (0..$#n) {
        if (my $n = $n[$_]) {
            $sum[$_] /= $n;
        else {
            # otherwise let the original value stay
            $sum[$_] = $_[$_];
    wantarray ? @sum : $sum[0];

sub _k_means_step {
    my ($vs, $t, $centers, $cixs, $ns, $sums) = @_;
    my ($n, $sum, $c0, $c1) = @{$t}[_n, _sum, _c0, _c1];
    if ($n) {
        my $centroid = $sum/$n;
        my $best = nkeyhead { $centroid->dist2($centers->[$_]) } @$cixs;
        my $max_d2 = Math::Vector::Real::max_dist2_to_box($centers->[$best], $c0, $c1);
        my @down = grep { Math::Vector::Real::dist2_to_box($centers->[$_], $c0, $c1) <= $max_d2 } @$cixs;
        if (@down <= 1) {
            $ns->[$best] += $n;
            # FIXME: M::V::R objects should support this undef + vector logic natively!
            if (defined $sums->[$best]) {
                $sums->[$best] += $sum;
            else {
                $sums->[$best] = V(@$sum);
        else {
            if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
                my ($s0, $s1) = @{$t}[_s0, _s1];
                _k_means_step($vs, $t->[_s0], $centers, \@down, $ns, $sums);
                _k_means_step($vs, $t->[_s1], $centers, \@down, $ns, $sums);
            else {
                for my $ix (@{$t->[_ixs]}) {
                    my $v = $vs->[$ix];
                    my $best = nkeyhead { $v->dist2($centers->[$_]) } @down;
                    if (defined $sums->[$best]) {
                        $sums->[$best] += $v;
                    else {
                        $sums->[$best] = V(@$v);

sub k_means_assign {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ or return;
    my $t = $self->{tree} or return;
    my $vs = $self->{vs};

    my @out = ((undef) x @$vs);
   _k_means_assign($vs, $t, \@_, [0..$#_], \@out);

sub _k_means_assign {
    my ($vs, $t, $centers, $cixs, $outs) = @_;
    my ($n, $sum, $c0, $c1) = @{$t}[_n, _sum, _c0, _c1];
        if ($n) {
        my $centroid = $sum/$n;
        my $best = nkeyhead { $centroid->dist2($centers->[$_]) } @$cixs;
        my $max_d2 = Math::Vector::Real::max_dist2_to_box($centers->[$best], $c0, $c1);
        my @down = grep { Math::Vector::Real::dist2_to_box($centers->[$_], $c0, $c1) <= $max_d2 } @$cixs;
        if (@down <= 1) {
            _k_means_assign_1($t, $best, $outs);
        else {
            if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
                my ($s0, $s1) = @{$t}[_s0, _s1];
                _k_means_assign($vs, $t->[_s0], $centers, \@down, $outs);
                _k_means_assign($vs, $t->[_s1], $centers, \@down, $outs);
            else {
                for my $ix (@{$t->[_ixs]}) {
                    my $v = $vs->[$ix];
                    my $best = nkeyhead { $v->dist2($centers->[$_]) } @down;
                    $outs->[$ix] = $best;

sub _k_means_assign_1 {
    my ($t, $best, $outs) = @_;
    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        _k_means_assign_1($t->[_s0], $best, $outs);
        _k_means_assign_1($t->[_s1], $best, $outs);
    else {
        $outs->[$_] = $best for @{$t->[_ixs]};

sub ordered_by_proximity {
    my $self = shift;
    my @r;
    $#r = $#{$self->{vs}}; $#r = -1; # preallocate
    _ordered_by_proximity($self->{tree}, \@r);
    return @r;

sub _ordered_by_proximity {
    my $t = shift;
    my $r = shift;
    if (defined $t->[_axis]) {
        _ordered_by_proximity($t->[_s0], $r);
        _ordered_by_proximity($t->[_s1], $r);
    else {
        push @$r, @{$t->[_ixs]}

sub _dump_to_string {
    my ($vs, $t, $indent, $opts) = @_;
    my ($n, $c0, $c1, $sum) = @{$t}[_n, _c0, _c1, _sum];
    if (defined (my $axis = $t->[_axis])) {
        my ($s0, $s1, $cut) = @{$t}[_s0, _s1, _cut];
        return ( "${indent}n: $n, c0: $c0, c1: $c1, sum: $sum, axis: $axis, cut: $cut\n" .
                 _dump_to_string($vs, $s0, "$indent$opts->{tab}", $opts) .
                 _dump_to_string($vs, $s1, "$indent$opts->{tab}", $opts) );
    else {
        my $o = ( "${indent}n: $n, c0: $c0, c1: $c1, sum: $sum\n" .
                  "${indent}$opts->{tab}ixs: [" );
        if ($opts->{dump_vectors} // 1) {
            $o .= join(", ", map "$_ $vs->[$_]", @{$t->[_ixs]});
        else {
            $o .= join(", ", @{$t->[_ixs]});
        return $o . "]\n";

sub dump_to_string {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    my $tab = $opts{tab} //= '    ';
    my $vs = $self->{vs};
    my $nvs = @$vs;
    my $hidden = join ", ", keys %{$self->{hidden} || {}};
    my $o = "tree: n: $nvs, hidden: {$hidden}\n";
    if (my $t = $self->{tree}) {
        return $o . _dump_to_string($vs, $t, $tab, \%opts);
    else {
        return "$o${tab}(empty)\n";

sub dump {
    my $self = shift;
    print $self->dump_to_string(@_);


=head1 NAME

Math::Vector::Real::kdTree - kd-Tree implementation on top of Math::Vector::Real


  use Math::Vector::Real::kdTree;

  use Math::Vector::Real;
  use Math::Vector::Real::Random;

  my @v = map Math::Vector::Real->random_normal(4), 1..1000;

  my $tree = Math::Vector::Real::kdTree->new(@v);

  my $ix = $tree->find_nearest_vector(V(0, 0, 0, 0));

  say "nearest vector is $ix, $v[$ix]";


This module implements a kd-Tree data structure in Perl and common
algorithms on top of it.

=head2 Methods

The following methods are provided:

=over 4

=item $t = Math::Vector::Real::kdTree->new(@points)

Creates a new kd-Tree containing the given points.

=item $t2 = $t->clone

Creates a duplicate of the tree. The two trees will share internal
read only data so this method is more efficient in terms of memory
usage than others performing a deep copy.

=item my $ix = $t->insert($p0, $p1, ...)

Inserts the given points into the kd-Tree.

Returns the index assigned to the first point inserted.

=item $s = $t->size

Returns the number of points inside the tree.

=item $p = $t->at($ix)

Returns the point at the given index inside the tree.

=item $t->move($ix, $p)

Moves the point at index C<$ix> to the new given position readjusting
the tree structure accordingly.

=item ($ix, $d) = $t->find_nearest_vector($p, $max_d, @but_ix)

=item ($ix, $d) = $t->find_nearest_vector($p, $max_d, \%but_ix)

Find the nearest vector for the given point C<$p> and returns its
index and the distance between the two points (in scalar context the
index is returned).

If C<$max_d> is defined, the search is limited to the points within that distance

Optionally, a list of point indexes to be excluded from the search can be
passed or, alternatively, a reference to a hash containing the indexes
of the points to be excluded.

=item @ix = $t->find_nearest_vector_all_internal

Returns the index of the nearest vector from the tree.

It is equivalent to the following code (though, it uses a better

  @ix = map {
            scalar $t->nearest_vector($t->at($_), undef, $_)
        } 0..($t->size - 1);

=item $ix = $t->find_farthest_vector($p, $min_d, @but_ix)

Find the point from the tree farthest from the given C<$p>.

The optional argument C<$min_d> specifies a minimal distance. Undef is
returned when not point farthest that it is found.

C<@but_ix> specifies points that should not be considered when looking
for the farthest point.

=item $ix = $t->find_farthest_vector_internal($ix, $min_d, @but_ix)

Given the index of a point on the tree this method returns the index
of the farthest vector also from the tree.

=item @k = $t->k_means_start($n)

This method uses the internal tree structure to generate a set of
point that can be used as seeds for other C<k_means> methods.

There isn't any guarantee on the quality of the generated seeds, but
the used algorithm seems to perform well in practice.

=item @k = $t->k_means_step(@k)

Performs a step of the L<Lloyd's
algorithm|> for
k-means calculation.

=item @k = $t->k_means_loop(@k)

Iterates until the Lloyd's algorithm converges and returns the final

=item @ix = $t->k_means_assign(@k)

Returns for every point in the three the index of the cluster it
belongs to.

=item @ix = $t->find_in_ball($z, $d, $but)

=item $n = $t->find_in_ball($z, $d, $but)

Finds the points inside the tree contained in the hypersphere with
center C<$z> and radius C<$d>.

In scalar context returns the number of points found. In list context
returns the indexes of the points.

If the extra argument C<$but> is provided. The point with that index
is ignored.

=item @ix = $t->ordered_by_proximity

Returns the indexes of the points in an ordered where is likely that
the indexes of near vectors are also in near positions in the list.


=head2 k-means

The module can be used to calculate the k-means of a set of vectors as follows:

  # inputs
  my @v = ...; my $k = ...;
  # k-mean calculation
  my $t = Math::Vector::Real::kdTree->new(@v);
  my @means = $t->k_means_start($k);
  @means = $t->k_means_loop(@means);
  @assign = $t->k_means_assign(@means);
  my @cluster = map [], 1..$k;
  for (0..$#assign) {
    my $cluster_ix = $assign[$_];
    my $cluster = $cluster[$cluster_ix];
    push @$cluster, $t->at($_);
  use Data::Dumper;
  print Dumper \@cluster;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Wikipedia k-d Tree entry|>.

L<K-means filtering algorithm|>.



Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o E<lt>sfandino@yahoo.comE<gt>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
