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package Net::SFTP::Server::FS;

use strict;
use warnings;
# use Carp;

use Fcntl;
use File::Spec;
use File::Strmode;
use Cwd qw(realpath);

use Net::SFTP::Server::Constants qw(:all);

use Net::SFTP::Server;
our @ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Server);

    *_debug = \&Net::SFTP::Server::_debug;
    *_debugf = \&Net::SFTP::Server::_debugf;
    *_hexdump = \&Net::SFTP::Server::_hexdump;
    *debug = \$Net::SFTP::Server::debug;

our $debug;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
    $self->{next_handler_id} = 'A';
    $self->{handlers} = {};

sub save_handler {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->{next_handler_id}++;
    $self->{handlers}{$id} = [@_];

sub save_file_handler { shift->save_handler(file => @_) }
sub save_dir_handler { shift->save_handler(dir => @_) }

sub get_handler {
    my ($self, $id) = @_;
    my $h = $self->{handlers}{$id}
	or return;
    wantarray ? @$h : $h->[1];

sub get_file_handler {
    my @h = shift->get_handler(@_) or return;
    shift @h eq 'file' or return;
    wantarray ? @h : $h[0];

sub get_dir_handler {
    my @h = shift->get_handler(@_) or return;
    shift @h eq 'dir' or return;
    wantarray ? @h : $h[0];

sub remove_handler {
    my ($self, $id) = @_;
    my $h = delete $self->{handlers}{$id};
    wantarray ? (defined $h ? @$h : ()) : $h;

my @errno2status;
$errno2status[Errno::ENOENT] = SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE;
$errno2status[Errno::EBADF] = SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE;
$errno2status[Errno::ELOOP] = SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE;
$errno2status[Errno::EPERM] = SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED;
$errno2status[Errno::EACCES] = SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED;
$errno2status[Errno::EFAULT] = SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED;
$errno2status[Errno::ENAMETOOLONG] = SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE;
$errno2status[Errno::EINVAL] = SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE;
$errno2status[Errno::ENOSYS] = SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED;

sub errno_to_status {
    my ($self, $errno) = @_;
    $errno2status[$errno] // SSH_FX_FAILURE;

sub push_status_errno_response {
    my ($self, $id) = @_;
    $self->push_status_response($id, $self->errno_to_status($!), $!);

sub sftp_open_flags_to_sysopen {
    my ($self, $flags) = @_;
    my $posix = 0;
    if ($flags & SSH_FXF_READ) {
	if ($flags & SSH_FXF_WRITE) {
	    $posix = O_RDWR;
	else {
	    $posix = O_RDONLY;
    elsif ($flags & SSH_FXF_WRITE) {
	$posix = O_WRONLY;
    if ($flags & SSH_FXF_CREAT) {
	$posix |= O_CREAT;
    if ($flags & SSH_FXF_TRUNC) {
	$posix |= O_TRUNC;
    if ($flags & SSH_FXF_EXCL) {
	$posix |= O_EXCL;
    $debug and $debug & 128 and _debug "flags $flags to posix $posix";

sub _set_attrs {
    my ($obj, $attrs) = @_;
    local $@;
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    eval {
	if ($attrs) {
	    if (defined $attrs->{size}) {
		truncate $obj, $attrs->{size} or return;
	    if (defined $attrs->{permissions}) {
		chmod $attrs->{permissions}, $obj or return;
	    if (defined $attrs->{gid}) {
		chown $attrs->{uid}, $attrs->{gid}, $obj or return;
	    if (defined $attrs->{atime}) {
		utime $attrs->{atime}, $attrs->{mtime}, $obj or return;

sub handle_command_open_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path, $flags, $attrs) = @_;
    my $writable = $flags & SSH_FXF_WRITE;
    my $pflags = $self->sftp_open_flags_to_sysopen($flags);
    my $perms = $attrs->{mode};
    my $old_umask;
    if (defined $perms) {
	$old_umask = umask $perms;
    else {
	$perms = 0666;
    my $fh;
    unless (sysopen $fh, $path, $pflags, $perms) {
	umask $old_umask if defined $old_umask;
    umask $old_umask if defined $old_umask;
    if ($writable) {
	_set_attrs($path, $attrs)
	    or $self->send_status_errno_response($id);
    my $hid = $self->save_file_handler($fh, $flags, $perms);
    $debug and $debug & 2 and _debug "file $path open as $hid (pkt id: $id)";
    $self->push_handle_response($id, $hid);

sub handle_command_read_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid, $off, $len) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->get_file_handler($hid) //
	return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE,
					   "Bad handler");
    $len = 65536 if $len > 65536;

    sysseek($fh, $off, 0) // return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    my $bytes = sysread($fh, my($data), $len) //
	return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    $bytes == 0 and
	return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_EOF);
    # TODO: build packet on buffer_out to reduce data copying
    $self->push_packet(uint8 => SSH_FXP_DATA,
		       uint32 => $id,
		       str => $data);

sub handle_command_write_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid, $off) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->get_file_handler($hid) //
	return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE,
					   "Bad handler");
    sysseek($fh, $off, 0) // return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    my $len = length $_[4];
    while ($len) {
	my $bytes = syswrite($fh, $_[4], $len, -$len)
	    or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
	$len -= $bytes;

sub handle_command_close_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid) = @_;
    my ($type, $fh) = $self->remove_handler($hid)
	or return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE, "Bad file handler");
    if ($type eq 'dir') {
	$debug and $debug & 2 and _debug "closing dir handle $hid (id: $id)";
	closedir($fh) or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    elsif ($type eq 'file') {
	$debug and $debug & 2 and _debug "closing file handle $hid (id: $id)";
	close($fh) or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    else {
	die "Internal error: unknown handler type $type";

sub handle_command_opendir_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    opendir my $dh, $path or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    my $hid = $self->save_dir_handler($dh, $path);
    $debug and $debug & 2 and _debug "dir $path open as $hid (pkt id: $id)";
    $self->push_handle_response($id, $hid);

our @month2name = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);

sub resolve_uid {
    my ($self, $uid) = @_;
    my $name = getpwuid $uid;
    defined $name ? $name : $uid;

sub resolve_gid {
    my ($self, $gid) = @_;
    my $name = getgrgid $gid;
    defined $name ? $name : $gid;

sub readdir_name {
    my ($self, $dir, $entry, $lstat) = @_;
    my $fn = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $entry);
    my (undef, undef, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, undef, $size, $atime, $mtime) =
	($lstat ? lstat $fn : stat $fn) or return { filename => $entry };
    my (undef, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime $mtime;
    my $current_year = (localtime)[5];
    my $longname = sprintf("%10s %3d %-9s %-9s % 8d %-3s %2d % 5s %s",
			   ($year == $current_year
			    ? sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $min)
			    : $year + 1900),

    $debug and $debug & 2 and _debug "longname: $longname (entry: $entry)";

    return {
	filename => $entry,
	longname => $longname,
	attrs => {
	    size => $size,
	    uid => $uid,
	    gid => $gid,
	    permissions => $mode,
	    atime => $atime,
	    mtime => $mtime

sub handle_command_readdir_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid) = @_;
    my ($dh, $path) = $self->get_dir_handler($hid)
	or $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE, "Bad directory handler");
    my @entry;
    while (defined (my $entry = readdir $dh)) {
	push @entry, $entry;
	last if @entry > 200;
    @entry or return $self->push_status_eof_response($id);
    $self->push_name_response($id, map $self->readdir_name($path, $_), @entry);

sub stat_to_attrs {
    my ($self, undef, undef, $mode, undef, $uid, $gid, undef, $size, $atime, $mtime) = @_;
    return {
	size => $size,
	uid => $uid,
	gid => $gid,
	permissions => $mode,
	atime => $atime,
	mtime => $mtime

sub handle_command_lstat_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    my @stat = lstat $path
	or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    $self->push_attrs_response($id, $self->stat_to_attrs(@stat));

sub handle_command_stat_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    my @stat = stat $path
	or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    $self->push_attrs_response($id, $self->stat_to_attrs(@stat));

sub handle_command_fstat_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->get_handler($hid)
	// return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE,
					      "Bad file handler");
    my @stat = stat $fh
	or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    $self->push_attrs_response($id, $self->stat_to_attrs(@stat));

sub _set_attrs_and_push_status_response {
    my ($self, $id, $obj, $attrs) = @_;
    _set_attrs($obj, $attrs)
	? $self->push_status_ok_response($id)
	: $self->push_status_errno_response($id);

sub handle_command_setstat_v3 {

sub handle_command_fsetstat_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $hid, $attrs) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->get_file_handler($hid)
	// return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE,
					      "Bad file handler");
    _set_attrs_and_push_status_response($self, $id, $fh, $attrs);

sub handle_command_remove_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    unlink $path
	or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);

sub handle_command_mkdir_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path, $attrs) = @_;
    my $old_umask;

    $old_umask = umask $attrs->{permissions}
	if defined $attrs->{permissions};

    unless (mkdir $path) {
	umask $old_umask if defined $old_umask;
    umask $old_umask if defined $old_umask;
    _set_attrs_and_push_status_response($self, $id, $path, $attrs);

sub handle_command_rmdir_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    rmdir $path
	or return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);

sub handle_command_realpath_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    local $@;
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    my $realpath = eval { realpath($path) }
	// return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);
    $self->push_name_response($id, { filename => $realpath });

sub handle_command_rename_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $old, $new) = @_;
    -e $new and
	return $self->push_status_response($id, SSH_FX_FAILURE, "File exists");
    rename $old, $new or
	return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);

sub handle_command_readlink_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $path) = @_;
    local $@;
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    my $readlink = eval { readlink($path) }
	// return $self->push_status_errno_response($id);

    $self->push_name_response($id, { filename => $readlink });

sub handle_command_symlink_v3 {
    my ($self, $id, $target, $link) = @_;
    eval { symlink $target, $link }
	or $self->push_status_errno_message($id);



=head1 NAME

Net::SFTP::Server::FS - SFTP server that uses the file system for storage


  use Net::SFTP::Server::FS;

  my $server = Net::SFTP::Server::FS->new(timeout => 15);


This module implements an standard SFTP server that uses the file
system for storage.

All the operations described on the protocol draft version 3 are

Also, this module serves as an example of how to develop an SFTP
server on top of L<Net::SFTP::Server>, just read its source code!


This is an early release that may contain lots of bugs... report them,

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::SFTP::Server> and the companion script L<sftp-server-fs-perl(8)>.


Copyright (C) 2009 by Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o (

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
